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May 09, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-09

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ere are the very
ous and stylishly
y Heel
and white cloth.

at Shop.

ity of Michigan
very smart models in

Many of the larger engineerin
firms throughout the country have ex-
perienced much difficulty recently in
finding a sufficient number of drafts-
men to carry on their work.
As a result of this recently arisen
need, the engineering college of the
University has considered establish-
ing a course in structural drafting for
women which will fit them for many
positions now vacant in this line of
work. The question now arises as to
whether or not women would be capa-
ble and prove efficient in drafting.
Women Would Be Competent
In a letter to Professor H. E. Riggs
of the engineering college, Mr. C. F.
Loweth, chief engineer of the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul railway,
states, "I see no reason why women
should not do some of the work in
that line just as well as men, and for
the work which they would be compe-
tent to do they should have the same
compensation and doubtless would be
able to earn it."
Mr. J. F. Demling, chief engineer for
the Michigan Central railroad in a
similar letter states, "I believe that
any woman at all interested in this
line of work, who would devote her at-
tention to it, would have no difficulty
in obtaining a position."
Some Doubt Women's Ability
Others, however, disfavor the idea
of women entering the profession,
while Mr. M. J. Riggs, a prominent
engineer of Toledo, questions the ab-
solute need for women's becoming en-
gineers.,: Mr. I. M. Wolverton, a well-
known engineer and builder of Mt.
Vernon, O., says, "As a general pro-
position .I doubt if it is wise to en-
courage' women to study engineering.
While the few who would study it
would undoubtedly have high grades
in college, women as a class are not
capable of the exact reasoning re-
quired of engineers to the extent men

'Michigan women are showing a
most satisfactory amount of interest
in farm units which are being organ-
ized for work during the summer.
Over 120 girls have registered
to date. Girls will be sent to
farms throughout the state and the
period of work will extend over three
weeks or more. The units will be or-
ganized some time this month and all
girls are asked to arrange for- their
physical examinations by May 10.
Twenty-eight out of 30 "farmeret-
tes" have already passed their physi-
cal examinations at the health service
this week, prior to undertaking the
work. It was found last year, that
no woman who could pass the preli-
minary tests for strength and general
hiealtly was harmed by the farm work.
The examinations should be taken im-
Blanks may be obtained at the office
of Miss Alice Evans in Barbour gym-
nasium. Those who have signed for
membership in a unit, but find it im-
possible to go, are also asked to see
Miss Evans and notify her of the

I r:


r ,t

them. Fashiofs

every Day

Results of the first successful at-
tempt at collecting Jewish folk songs
will be presented to the students Sun-
day night at the , enorah society's
concert to be held at Sarah Caswell
Angell hall.
Miss Elizabeth Gutman, the soprano
who is making a tour of the Western'
colleges in the interest of the Inter-
collegiate Menorah movement, will ap-
pear at that time, and will sing a
variety of Yiddish and Russian songs
that have until recently been unknown
to the American public.
Miss Gutman has won the recogni-
tion of the Eastern cities as a singer
of note. The New York Evening Mail
said of her: "Miss Gutman gives
something of the spirit of Russia-that
Russia which for centuries has been
able to find expression only in music."
The Menorah singer also has a mas-
tery of folk and art songs of Eng-
land, France, Germany, Italy, and
Sweden. Admission to this event will
be free
Harvard Loses Track Meet
Cambridge, Mass., May 8.-Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
track team today defeated Harvard
varsity and freshmen athletes, 67 to
50. Tech won eight firsts to four for

12:15 o'clock-Dental faculty lunch-!
eon at the Union.
7:30 o'clock-Christian Science soc-
iety holds business meeting; in New-
berry hall.
8 o'clock-"Training of the Sold-
ier" movies in Hill auditorium for
members of the R. 0. T. C.
6 o'clock-- Congregational banquet
in church parlors.
7 o'clock-Alpha Nu meets in Alpha
Nu rooms, University hall.
8 o'clock-Annual state champion-
ship high school debate in University
8 o'clock-Dr. A. S. Warthin lectures
to cadets in Hill auditorium.
There will be a meeting of the Var-
sity Glee club at 7 o'clock tonight at
the School of Music to consider the
Flint trip and the spring serenade.
The Varsity Miandolin club will re-
hearse at 7 o'clock tonight in room
205, Mason hall.
Choral union will rehearse at 7
o'clock tonight at the School of Music.
Dr. A. S. Warthin will deliver a
lecture to R. 0. T. C. men at 8 o'clock
tomorrow evening in Hill auditorium.
His subject will deal with diseases;
and sanitation, and their relation to
military efficiency. He will also show
the government moving picture film
on these conditions, together with the
drama "Fit to Fight."
These films have been made by the
government research laboratory at
Washington, and the material in them
in said to be known to every commis-
sioned officer, who must be able to
tell it to his men. This education
is now compulsory in the army .
All members of the R. 0. T. C. are
required to be present as well as the
enlisted medical students and the en-
listed mechanics. Members of the
faculty, physicians, Y. M. C. A. men,
clergymen, and teachers are invited,
but the general public will not be
There will also be a lecture for R.
0. T. C. men this evening in the audi-
torium, the subject being "The Train-
ing of the Soldier."
Reliable Dealers Advertise in The
Michigan Daily.-Adv.


Urbana, 111., May 8.-So much
able comment has come from
Western Conference universitie
garding mass athletics, the p
of Coaches Robert C. Zuppke
Harry Gill of the University o
nois, that May 25 has been selec
the date of the first meet.
The plan is to have 300 men
each college perform on their
athletic field, and to telegrap
results to their rivals. There 'v
four events; bomb throwing, hig
broad jumping, andethe 100-yard
All classes will be eligible to cos
the only bar being membership
varsity squad. It is planned to
a large scoreboard in the cen
each field on which will be re(
the marks which the other cc
are making.
Every one of the contestant
complete in all four events. Eacl
throw a thirty ounce hand gr
seventy-five feet into a fenced of
six feet wide and twelve feet in]I
This area will be divided into
sections, "bull's eye" which
five points; middle ring, co
three, and outer circle, scoring
In the high jump each man is
a trial, and he must speci:
height for which he wishes to tr
total number of feet jumped wil:
up the team total. In the sam
the total number of feet juml
the broad jump will be the team
The hundred yard dash will b
against time, the team with th
est time for the whole 30,000

Dr. William H. Gorc
Findlay, O., has been rep
in action in France. Pr
listment he was house
the University hospital
corresponded regularly
of the present staff sin
ture. In a recent letter
his participation in the
drive, and stated that
transferred to headquari
for hospital service.
Dr. Gordon is listed fr
in the casualty list, tl
home of his people. He
ber of the Phi Chi frate





ing, Nourishing


and Suples
ith the College Spirit"


of Three women and three men will
Fe participate in the first annual state
cal high school championship debate to be
e held tomorrow evening in University
e- hall between Gaylord and Dundee
nt. high schools.
ee Members of the Dundee debating
team are Gertrude Hicks, Ruth Jan-
ith ney, and Hazel Arnold. The Gaylord
team is composed of one girl and two
boys, whose names have not yet been
The Gaylord team will arrive in Ann
high- Arbor early Friday morning, accom-
their panied by the debating coach at Gay-
the lord. The. Dundee team will arrive
s he later in the day with a special carload
r old of rooters.
you. Two cups have been donated by the
your oratorical association of the Univer-
buy sity, for the winner and runner-up In
11 be the state contest, in which approxi-
parel mately 65 high schools in the state
t 210 1 participated.
Our Merchant advertisers represent
the progressive business men' of Ann
rated Arbor.-Adv.
ay at
-Adv. Use the Daily classified columns.

Some Prove Efficient
There is, at the present time, one
woman engaged as draftsman in the
office of the city engineer of Detroit,
and in the office of the chief engineer
of the Michigan Central railroad in
Detroit there are several women now
acting as draftsmen, who so far seem
to be proving themselves efficient.
Wide Range in Salaries
Draftsmen are paid $5.00 per day,
which is equivalent to $1,560.00 per
year, by most engineering firms.
Some of these firms state their will-
ingness to pay women the equivalent
of the salary which was formerly paid
the man holding the position, provid-
ing they prove themselves as capable.
Other firms believe women should be
paid from $40 to $100 per month, ac-
cording upon their efficiency.
Stamp Sale Increases in City
Although Michigan ranks as the
46th state in the Union in the sale of
war savings and thrift stamps, Ann
Arbor's sales are constantly increas-
ing. While the month 'of February
showed a total of $10,015.15, and March
$12,911.29, the sales for April took a
jump'to $17,994.45.
Thrift cards to the number of 723
were turned in for war savings stamps
,at the end of April, a number larger
than previously exchanged during any
month since the opening of the cam-
For the first six days in May, 300
war saving stamps, and 4,853 thrift
stamps were sold, making the total
amount realized for the first week of
the month $2,461.25.

The mission
of our ads

The main object of our advertis-
ing is to get you into the store.
Then it's the business of us and
our stocks to turn you into a cus-
Generally we succeed il doing
that because we have here a lot of
pretty conclusive clothes argu-
Be induced to call.
Never mind if you only intend
to look.



Lawton, 01
ing practice
lery at Fort
Six were inji

Never mind if
anything just now.
# Call anyway.

you don't need


Late Shipment Delays Michiganensian
The sale of Michiganensians was
stopped early yesterday afternoon ow-
ing to the fact that the supply on hand
was exhausted and the expected ship-
ment did not arrive.
Difficulty in transportation is the
cause of this shortage, for the books,
which are published in Kalamazoo,
have been delayed in Jackson where
a railroad change is necessary.
Another partial shipment was re-
ceived last night, and the books will
be on sale today in the corridor of
University hall as long as the supply
Books may also be obtained Friday
when a complete shipment is expected.
Fisher Will Play for Mixer
'An All-campus mixer will be held
Saturday afternoon in Barbour gym-
nasium under the auspices of the
Women's league.
Ike Fisher will furnish the music

Albert Gansle
217 S. Main Street




axs in exchange toward New
all of them in our Rental De-
ch less than their real value.
rat and have it put in order for

y ~

Betsy Rc
in the Nickc

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