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May 09, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-09

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Iul &.tILEi" 'l"l'"LEI.u
(By Prof. Aubrey Tealdi)
The University of Michigan was the
first institution inthe West to recog-
nize a regular department of land-
scape design. In establishing these
courses in 1909 the University was
answering a call which had become
general all over the United States for
men trained in the profession of land-
scape design, or as it is also call-
ed, landscape architecture or land-
scape gardening. Today the need is
clearly felt for men able to lay out
to the best. advantage home grounds,'
country estates, public parks, land-
scape cemeteries, etc., and moreover,
all progressive communities realize
the vast economic importance of hav-
ing city additions laid out, not by the
civil engineer alone, but by the man
who has been trained to combine with
the useful both the healthful and the
Designer's Training
A lan'dscape, designer's training in-
eludes in addition to landscape de-
sign work proper, work in civil engin-







Early Spring

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eering, drawing, architecture, botany,
etc., and these are all provided for
in the curriculum at the University.
In glancing through the curriculum it
will be seen that much of the work
is not of a technical nature. It is quite
evident that there are many other
qualifications besides technical train-
ing that contribute to success in the
profession. High standards of hon-
esty and professional ethics are indis-
pensible. A landscape designer must
be able to impress his clients as a
man who can enter intotheir feelings
and appreciate their aims. He must
realize that the opinion of even the
best trained man will fail to com-
mand respect unless it is presented
with judgment and good taste. It will
be seen readily then that he must be
a man of culture himself and that a
liberal education therefore is for him
a necessity.
Profession Being Pushed
The training of professional de-
signers is only part of the work of the
department: It is considered of equal
importance to educate as many of the
general students as possible in the
principles of the art-to teach them to
appreciate what landscape design
stands for. Educated people gener-
erally are no longer content to be
ignorant of the first principles of land-
scape work.
Field is Great
The number of letters received each
year by the department proves the in-
terest that prospective students take
in this profession. The doubt is often
expressed whether employment will be
found on leaving college. Up to the
present there have been more posi-
tions open as assistants in landscape
offices alone than it has been possi-
ble to fill. In addition to engaging
in private practice, graduates may of-
fer their services as park superintend-
ents, cemetery superintendents, city
foresters, and managers of country es-
tates. The great Mleld of city plan-
ning is also open to landscape design
students. The day when American
cities used to grow up in a haphazard
way is over: It is the province of
the landscape designer to supply plans
for them which shall embody the most
up-to-date principles from both the
economic and artistic standpoint.
The profession of landscape design
is one of the most healthful of all
professions and to the man or woman
properly fitted it should prove not only
a profitable but a most enjoyable oc-

An educational film, "The Training
of the Soldier," will be shown at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. A
lecture, together with films released
from the war department, by Dr. A. S.
Warthin on the topic of "Fit to Fight,"
will be given at 8 o'clock tomorrow
night in Hill auditorium. The latter
lecture is open to all the cadets, the
enlisted medical students, the enlisted
'mechanics, members of the faculty,
physicians, clergymen, and teachers.;
Carl K. Wirth, '13E, Ypsilanti, a
graduate of the third officers' training
camp at Leon Springs, Tex., will be
commissioned as second lieutenant in
the national army as soon as vac-
ancies occur, according to information
received here yesterday.
Dr. George A. May will give the fol-
lowing program to the cadets of the
second battalion, First regiment, at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry
Company E, grenade throwing; com-
pany F, broad jump; company G, fence
vaulting; company H, soft ball.
A grenade throwing team, to com-
pete with the Varsity, will be picked
during the present week. Dr. George
A. May, director of Waterman gymnas-
ium, has issued a call for prospective
grenade throwers to appear at 11
o'clock Saturday morning on Ferry
field. The best men will be placed
on the Varsity team. Balknop has al-
ready been placed on the Varsity
The general qualification for gren-.
ade throwers is set at 5'feet 9 to 10
inches in height, and 175 pounds or
over, in weight,
Uniform regulations published yes-
terday should be interpreted to. mean
that the service hat and olive drab
wool shirt ma3y be worn at tegular
drills,. but not at ceremnles, such as
parades, etc.
Black four-in-hand ties only will be
worn with the olive drab shirt.
F. J, Zoellin, '19, Maywood, Ill., and
E. F. Perkins, '21, Alpena, both of
whom left the University on April 26
to, enlist in the Canadian corps, have
notified Dean J. R. Effinger that they
have enlisted in Company C, Motor
Division No. 1, Section, First Can-
adian Tank battalion. They are locat-
ed at the present time at Ottawa,
Lieut. George C. Mullen examined
some of the applicants for the fourth
officers' training corps last night in
his office in Waterman gymnasium.
The list of men recommended to the
camp, and the awarding of th schol-'
arship to the Junior Plattsburg camp
will be .issued as soon as the decision
is made by Lieutenant Mullen.
New York, May 8.-Warning that
the Russo-German peace treaty nego-
tiated at Brest-Litovsk will cause per-
manent antagonism between Germany
and Russia and that it will become the
"germ of fierce wars in the future"
was given by Dr. Ludwig Haas-Karl-
sruhe, a member of the Reichstag,
in a letter to the Berlin Tageblatt,
It would be better for Germany
if the Russian border states were
not "segregated" he asserted. Ow-
ing to the uncertainty of the future
of Russia, he declared, Germany
should not be now committed to a
fixed .policy.. For that - reason, he

pointed out, it would be "more than
dangerous for the German Emperor
to become Duke of Courtland or of
any Baltic country, since "once the
Empeior yas connected with the Bal-
tic future, there would be no turning
back. The new 'borber states (of
Russia) should remain free and we
desire to remain free," he concluded.
Patronize a Daily advertiser once
and you will patronize him again.-
Our Merchant advertisers represent
the progressive business men of Ann

Also just received a line of


will be







Give us your order early.


es Introduced
.-iWhat is con-
to be the most
yet by a state
become effec-
the use of the
pulpits and in
iools. German
ordered out of
libraries. Other
een placed un-



Montana who is phy-
find work. He must
ast five days a week,
her he is a millionaire
Persons who refuse to
arrested and charged


ers represent
men of Ann




Engineering building.
e Rule. Finder please
Reward. R. H. Stein-
h side of Huron river
hat with curled quill.
skull with letters A. S.
ward. 523 Packard St.
ega Sorority pin with
rd. Phone 1325.
'al and Turkish baths,
idance. Rheumatism,
erve diseases cured.
28 North Huron St.,

30,000 War Nurses Needed
"Thirty thousand trained nurses
one half the number now engaged in
civilian work, are going to be required
by the government for the army and1
navy," said Dr. C. S. Chase of thet
state university of Iowa, who is start-
ing a lecture tour to fill the depleted
ranks of the nurses. "If the health of
our civilian population is to be main-
tained, the trained nurses who enter
war service must also be replaced. A
great opportunity lies before the
yo.ung women of universities to meet
this great emergency."

Declaring that the Liberty moto
gram had been held up by a i
enough chemical engineers to
intend the treatment of the m
the different factories, Prof.
L. Badger yesterday told the
man engineers of the great ne
trained men in this field.
Chemical engineering, exp
Professor Badger, involves mo
the problems of the mechanic
gineer, as well as the knowle
chemistry required by the pure
ist. Most mechanical enginee
explained, do not know enought
istry to design the specialize
chinery required in modern ch
processes, and it falls to the
cally trained man tb design hi
chinery as well as to super
the operation of it
"One of the greatest needs
Professor Radger, "is for men
ed in the analysis and heat-tre
of steel. The great advance
Germans in France during the
part of the war was due inp
the fact that the French shell
made of poorly treated steel a
quently exploded while being
The guns always burst whenev
happens and the crew is usually
so that the failure of the amm
caused great demoralization
the artillery."
"If you are looking for qui
turns in the way of money, do :
ter this profession," conclude
fessor Badger. "It's a man-siz

k g


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