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April 30, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-30

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g Pumps and Oxfords

vonderful assort-
styles and- pat-

ap shown in the
one of our many
:ine styles and car-
e popular military
:ng thin vamp and
narrow silk bow,
e a smart tailored effect.

Unusual value at $5.50.

-Over Boot Shop.
R. J. Hoffstetter, Prop.
115 S. Main St.

S -

tudents of the University of Michigan
ld inspect our new line of very smart models in
Young Men's Top-coats
Young Men's Gabardines
Young Men's Suits

tailored garments every one of them.
deas. We advise early inspection.



, Plate of Ice Cream every Day




Delicious, Refreshing,


John Barleycorn
Kicks The Bucket
(Continued from Page One)
after May 1. There will be no half-
way procedure. If Michigan is to go
dry, it must go dry entirely. Every
effort will be made to enforce the regu-
lations, and all violations of the or-
ders will meet with severe punish-
Prominent Places Close
Among the most prominent places
that will be forced to close against
the sale of liquor, are Larry Damm's
Freddy Haas', Joe Parker's, the Orient,
the Barrel House, the St. James house,
and the Midway House. Every one of
these places have carried with
them joy, troubles, friendships, feuds,
plots, hates, and love and tears and
laughter are both loosed at the com-
ing departure of all these things.
The stone building at Fourth and
Ann streets, commonly known as
Joe Parker's, has for almost ten years
been a famous retreat for many a joy
seeker, and the initial carved table
tops that adorn the four walls have
long been regarded as a work of art.
Owing to the shortage of "drink,"
business was discontinued here Satur-
day night, but is expected that this
will be transformed into a self serve
lunch room. In place of the former
drink served here, it is announced
that they will sell milk and forms of
soft drinks.
Larry Damn's Experiences
"Many congressmen and judges
have I waited on," said Larry Damm
in commenting on the approach of
May 1. From 1890 to 1895 he was
located on Main street where Reule,
Conlin, Fiegel's clothing store is
now in its place. In discussing the
15 years at his establishment on
Washington street, "Larry" said that
he "was the first one in Ann Arbor to
sell imported liquor." He has ex-
perienced no trouble in the last few
days, and says that "things have been
much quieter than he had expected
them to be."
"Everything went fine," said one of
the bartenders at the Orient on Main
street. "We ran out of beer Saturday
night, but have been selling the other
in its place." It is thought that the
bar will be closed before night, be-
cause they are almost "out of the
St. James to Close
The Barrel House, at Ashley and
Washington, is to be transformed into
a farmer's restaurant. It is announc-
ed that the change will take place
immediately. The St. James House
on West Huron and Ashley streets
will close tonight for "good." No
plans have as yet been made for re-1
opening the storeroom. Both places
have reported that everything has
been very "quiet."
"Many have quenched their thirst
here, and others have more than done
it," said Freddy Haas. He has been
in the same place of business for 14
years. The bar was closed Saturday
night, because the place is "clean
dry." "Freddy" said that a soft drink
parlor will be opened here on May
Soft Drink Parlors Planned
Among the remaining saloons in
the city, many expect to open soft
drink parlors, and the others plan to
close up altogether. None will, how-
ever, be so affected as the two hotels,
for according to the men in charge,
they will inevitably suffer the great-
est decrease in patronage.
"Stocking up" has been going on
extensively for the past month, ac-

cording to local dealers. There have
been large quantities of beer and
whiskey stored in cellars in order to
avoid the coming "dry spell." One of
the leading dealers said that, "Every
person that had money has piled up a
supply." Many of the men have been
heard to say that it was impossible for
them to get along without a few drinks
a day.
Eight candidates from this year's
graduating class have applied for ad-
mission to the Vassar training camp
for nurses. The course extends from
June 24 to September 13, to be con-
ducted at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
The extension of eligibility rules,
opening the course to college women
who have graduated within the last
ten years, is expected to swell the list
of Michigan representatives at the fin-
al registration.
Since physical requirements, college
training, and personal adaptabilities
are given detailed consideration before
acceptance, all further applications
should be sent as soon as possible.
Our Merchant advertisers represent
the progressive business men of Ann

Arrangements have been made for
the release of men passing the draft
physical examinations, provided they
enlist in the navy, according to a
statement issued yesterday by the
Washtenaw county naval recruiting
office. Additional information can be
obtained from Philip Pack, '18, pub-
licity chairman, or at the Y. M. C. A.
Herman John Weigand, instructor
in German in the University, leaves
today for Bath, Me., where he will
enter the government ship building
Cadets of the first battalion in the
Second regiment will be given the
following program at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon on Ferry field by Dr.
George A. May, provided the weather
does not interfere:
Second regiment-Company A, fence
vaulting; company B, soft ball; com-
pany D, grenade throwing; company
D, broad -jump and 50-yard dash.
The baseball teams of these companies
will practice during the athletic per-
iod, but will ptrticipate in the setting
up exercises at the close of the hour.
Priv. Edmund M. Brown, ex-'18E,
returned to Camp Custer after spend-
ing the week-end in the city.
Sergeant Lloyd E, Battles, '17L, of
the United States marine corps, has
been seriously wounded in action in
France, states an official report.
Sergeant Battles was a member of
Phi Alpha Delta fraternity.

That Ann Arbor will have the strong
indorsement of the government in
making the expenditure for a new
water works system in the city, is
indicated by an investigation last Fri-
day by Lieutenant-Colonel Austin, of
the United States sanitary depart-
ment. The purpose of the investiga-
tion was to provide the government
with an expert opinion upon the ques-
tion whether the city should be per-
mitted to spend $200,000 this year to
bring the Steere farm water into the
After the investigation of the water
situation, Colonel Austin had a confer-
ence with the city clerk, city treas-
urer, maor, city attorney, health offi-
cer, and the water officials of the
city, and conveyed the impression
that his report would strongly uphold
the proposed change.-
ColonelAustin is an alumnus of
the University, and is considered an1
authority in the matter because of
his medical training, and his years of
residence in the city. He practically
admitted that he was in favor of the
project, and that he was opposed to
the proposed filtration plant.
Actual farm experiences with the
Womens' land army of America are
to be presented to University women
by two young farmerettes who served
with the Mt. Kisco unit last year.
Miss Delia Marble and Miss Geer will
speak at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon,
May G, accompanying their talk with
interesting slides. The place will be
announced later.
Announcement is also made by Miss
Alice Evans, physical director, that
350 womlen have been called for to
pick cherries in the northern part of
the southern peninsula. How many of
these the university is to furnish
will be 1nown in a short time. The
demand came through the state bu-
reau of commerce. Miss Evans asks
that women who have registered as
interested in the project should decide
definitely as soon as possible, and re-
port to her.
Patronize our advertisers.-Adv.



'xt Books and Suppi es
From the "Store with the College Spirit"

4 o'clock-Prof. W. A. Frayer lec-
tures in Barbour gymasium on "Am-
6:30 o'clock- Meeting of Liberty
Loan workers at the Michigan Union.
7:30 o'clock-Adelphi debating so-
ciety meets in Adelphi rooms, Univer-
sity hall.
7:30 o'clock--Spanish society meets
in Lane hall.
8 o'clock-Serg.-Maj. H. V. Fox of
the British recruiting mission, lec-
tures in high school auditorium.
5 o'clock-Il Circolo Dante meets iw -
room 301, University hall
"The Germans, have an abscess of
the brain," said M. Jean Picard, a
French veteran, Sunday evening at
the Methodist church, who substitu-
ted on the Wesleyan guild program be-
cause of the unexpected illness of Mrs.
J. V. Strauss. "They have been to the
wrong kind of school, the wrong kind
of churches. Churches and school
rooms have had ministers, teachers,
and professors who were slaves of
the government. They became crazy."
Frequent applause marked the de-
scription of the difficulties met by the
French in September, 1914, particu-
larly at the remark, "We stopped
them." TVfention was made of General
Foch, to the extent that victory was
the only aim in view.
"We never question how long the
war is going to last," he said. "We
know how it is going to end, but we
don't know when. The question you
should put tosyourselves at the end
of each day is, 'Did I do today all I
should have done to bring victory
Marriage of Grads Announced
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Irene Russel, '17, of
Ann Arbor, to J. Speed Rogers, '15,
of Petersburg, Ind., last Monday.
Since graduation Rogers has been a
member of the faculty of Guifford
college, N. C., until entering the ser-

Members of the First regiment will1
have battalion drill at 4:15 o'clock
Mondays and Thursdays at Ferry field.
The Second regiment will have bat-
talion drill at 4:15 o'clock on Tues-1
days and Fridays. The first battalion
of each regiment will be drilled byt
Lieut. Losey J. Williams, while the
second battalion of each regiment willt
be under the direction of Lieut.
George C. Mullen.
Both battalions will form north of
the stadium, immediately upon reach-1
ing Ferry field.
More than 60 applications have
been received for admittance to the
fourth officers' training corps. Of
this number,-40 men will be sent. The
applications will be acted upon with-
in the next few days, and the men
chosen will be announced later. To-
day is the last date for filling appli-
Shrubs Sold by Civic Association
Ann Arbor has not yet made any
preparation for observing Arbor and
Garden day, which has been designa-
ted for Friday, May 3, by Governor
Sleeper. This is the last week of a
campaign for the selling of shrubs to
the homes of the city, which has been
carried on by the Beautifying com-
mitte of the Civic association. The
shrubs are purchased and delivered
to the homes by the committee at
wholesale prices.
Our Merchant advertisers represent
the progressive business men of Ann



to learn about the superiority of our
and the
Efficiency of our Fully Equipped Optical Shop
With Arnold and Co.. Jewelers
220 S. Main. Street




e Ray, the famous Illinois A.C. dis.
runner, will try for a new world
d in the mile run on the Har-
stadium track on June 8. The
nt record of 4 minutes 12 3-5
ds, held by Norman Taber of
-n, was made on the same track
ane 1916.
y is confident that he can smash
record, and many followers of
rack are of the same opinion. It
be hoped, however, that he will
do as Taber did and have men
him for each quarter. Many
le think that records made in this
should not be allowed, for it
s an injustice on those who
good marks in regular competi-
It is admitted that it is much
er to make fast time when there
large field running than as if the+
were just running with a pacer.
u will always find bargains In
advertisements. Read them.

Cleveland, 0., April 29-Paul Cobb,
brother of Ty Cobb, the sensational
Detroit outfielder, and at one time a
big league ball player himself, has en-
listed in the United States marine
corps here and is now on his way to
the marine training camp at Paris
Island, S. C.
Young Cobb was given a trial with
the Detroit club several years ago,
but was turned over to Cleveland,
which club finally turned him over
to the Topeka club of the western
league. His light batting was respon-
sible for his exit from the big tent.
Cobb makes the third ball player of
note to join the marines, Dots Miller,
captain of the St. Louis Cardinals
and Nig Clarke, Cleveland catcher,
being already at Paris Island.
(. Hagen, '18, Announces Engagement
Announcement has been made at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house of the
engagement of Grace K. Hagen, '18, of
Alpena, to Lieut. Lloyd Leavitt of
Officers' Raincoats made to order, G.
H. Wild, Tailors, State St.-Adv.

i __

5 ot=-Cake
Maynard Street


Kodaks at Attractive Prices
am constantly taking Used Kodaks in exchange toward New
s, and, although we have use for all of them in our Rental De-
mt, we offer many of them at much less than their real value,
w is the time to get your Kodak out and have it put in order for
tamer. Bring it to me for adjustment and cleaning.

'19 No. University Ave.

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