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April 23, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-23

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Hamer and Egbert will go against
) Dr. Lee and Chris Mack this afternoon
-should the winds, scheduled for last
March, and which have been deliver-
ed during the past four or five days,
allow, for several sets of doubles.
h This is the part of the final practice
y schedule preceding the Chicago match
y Saturday.
e Bornstein and Sullivan are two men
e who are evidencing interest in the
Varsity squad. The former has al-
ready been out, and the latter has
promised to appear in a day or two.
a Both of these men are valuable ad-
s ditions to the tennis squad.
Several juniors and freshmen have
g reported to Manager Hamer during the
t past two days that they were inter-
ested in an inter-class tournament,
e and many have indicated that they were
willing to sign up for matches. Hamer
e can be secured by phone at 691 and
e wishes that anyone thinking of en-
tering the tournament would get in-
touch with him. Whether or not such
a series of matches will be put on
depends on the number of entries
e m'ade during the next few days. There
is plenty of talent on the campus that,
would make such an affair interesting
e and insure some good matches.

hit games are already on record. May
for the Red Sox against Athletics al-
lowed one hit, as did also Schneider
for Cincinnati against Pittsburg.
Coach Farrell was greeted yester-
day by the largest turnout of track
athletes that he has had so far this
season. The increased number of men
was due to the recent orders of the
R. O. T. C. authorities which allows
members taking military training to
be excused from drill. The new men
were mostly freshmen, however, so
are not likely to strengthen this year':
The athletes returned from Drake
relays in good condition. The meet
was held in a snow storm, and to-
ward the close of the contest, there
was several inches on the ground.
The snow and the cold weather prob-
ably was the cause of the slow time
made in the different events. The
special 100 yard dash event was the
only one in which the time was up
to the mark.
Johnson is Second
Johnson took second place in the{
century struggle, crossing the line a
yard or two behind Scholz of Miss-j
ouri, who negotiated the distance in
9 4-5 seconds which is a second slow-
er than the world's record of 9 3-5
seconds. Howard Drew who did not
place among the first four men is one
of the holders of this record.eCarroll
of Illinois, was third, and Sol Butler
of Dubuque college, was the fourth
place winner. Zoellin was Michigan's;
other entry, but he failed to bef among
the first four.t
Steve said yesterday that the Miss-
ouri star was one of the best run-
ners that he had seen in many a day.
Coach Farrell said that Scholz had a
splendid build for a sprinter, and that
if he made the distance in 9 4-5 sec-
onds under the unfavorable weather
conditions of Saturday he ought, run-
ning on a fast track to'lower the time
to 9 2-5. The Missouri track mentor
gave out that his man had equalled
the world's record during the week's
Illinois Bests Relay Team
The half mile relay team placed sec-
ond place in their event, being breast-
ed to the tape by the Illinlon runners.
Zoellin started for Michigan, and took,
the lead, when Beardsley, running-

second, took. up the burden, he was
several yards to the good, but before
he had finished, Illinois was in the
lead. Cook, the Wolverine's third man
however, overtook his opponent dur-
ing his 220 yards, and conditions look-
ed excellent, when Johnson, Michigan
anchor man, was off with a good lead.
Carroll, running last for Illinois, came
i fack strong and secured revenge for
his defeat earlier in the afternoon in
the 100'°yard dash event by beating his
rival at the finish.
The next track event on the pro-
gram of Coach Farrell's proteges is
the Penn relay classics. It is practic-
ally certain that no relay teams will
be sent to the meet as they have not
shown enough ability to be taken
along. Steve said last night that John-
son wvas the only man who is sure of
going, and that it was entirely possible
that he would be the only one too.
None of the other athletes have enough
ability to compete with the high class.
competition which will be offered by
the eastern meet.
According to Miss Alice Evans, -Ii-
rector of physical training for wo-
men, a snappy series of women's base-
ball games are promised for the 1918
The sophomores have shown the
most1ability to date,with the junior
aggregation running them a close sec-
ond. There is a woeful dearth of
seniors, who are no doubt becoming
either too dignified or too enfeebled
to indulge in the nation 11 pastime.
If, however, there are any bf the class
of 1918 left who feel that they can
bear up under the strain, they are
implored toshoulder the bat, and
don the canary cage for the sake of
the class.
Practice hours are as follows: Sen-
iors, Monday and Thursday at 4
o'clock; juniors, 3 o'clock Wednesday
and 4 o'clock Thursday; sophomores,
4 o'clock Monday; freshmen, 4 o'clock







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R. O. T.C.



turday atter- CLUBS
tiff left ankle.'___
y to get lim- New York and Boston finished the
leg did not first week -of the 1918 baseball season
with clean records" in their respective
be taken to leagues, the former with four wins,
means that and the latter with six.
g besides the Much rain and some cold weather
r equipment, interfered greatly with the starting
games of the present big league cam-
It num'paigns But 27 games were played,
greater num- 16 having to be postponed during the
.e grandstand' past seven days. Last year's chain-
practice this pions in the old circuit got away to
that would a good start taking Brooklyn into
r either foul camp for the entire three games of
field. Long the series. Then on Saturday they
, the fielders tamed the Boston Braves for their
y to the base fourth win, on the Polo grounds.
the fly balls. Phillies ,Seoond in National
was out for Philadelphia is running second hay-
iound second ing won three and lost one. The
s energy and Braves came out on the short end of
.ble to make their series two to one with the Phil-
in in order lies, while the Dodgers on Saturday
dropped their fourth straight to the
tin ordef pto Quaker City team.
r i order t Chicago with Alexander is third,
Gilmarten's having divided two games with St.
irst baseman Louis and then beaten Cincinnati.
ys. There is Alexander in the first game with the
>e9 and Ohl- Cardeiils was hit hard, being touch-
d around the ed for nine bingles, for a total of 17
to hold down bases, and came out on the short end
t choice for of the score.
ay Saturday. Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Pittsburg,
the other three western clubs, are
du ces fourth, fifth, and sixth, respectively.
K BS The first two have broken even on
d wins and losses, while the latter has
V i+ lost two out of three.
Braves Hold Last
is second cut Seventh places is held down by
1 squad yes Boston, who has been up against the
nine men go. two leaders, in their first two trips,
it in an en while Brooklyn who has lost four, and
e first game won none is in the cellar.
eld sometime In the American league the Red
week. The Sox, last year's runners up have got-
.em through ten away to a flying start with six
practice, us- victories. Cleveland is in second place
stick work- along with the world's champions,
each having won two and lost one.
mp tossed up Cicotte and Faber, world series hero-
considerable es, both tried against the Browns in
all. Kimbell the first game, were hit hard and far,
and with his St. Louis romping off with the battle.
le plate, eat- Washington is tied for fourth place
one of those with St. Louis. The Senators lost their
. Kemp was series with the Yanks two to one, but
evening, and beat the Athletics. They stand on a
howed much 500 percentage, The Browns have won
the tossers two and lost two.
y the south- Yanks Best Hitters
handers that The New York Yanks stand third
, none show- from the bottom, with two wins and
ractice. four losses. They took the series with
>eared to ad- the Senators, but the Red Sox then
of the other beat them three straight. The Yanks
at ragged. have been doing the hardest hitting
flies to the of any team in either league. They
working for have batted out 59 hits which scored
29 runs. This total of runs makes
picked with- them lead also in run scoring, but
It will be the ten errors that are against them
d team in a resulted in their four defeats.
yearlings in Neither Detroit nor Philadelphia
Yarsgty go. have won a game. The former has lost
t is possible two and the latter four._
e stacked up The first week has brough forth the
ven as early fact that the war has done little to
able work is deplete the playing ranks of the teams.
days. The class of ball put up this .year
can be compared favorably with the
>portunty to kind of game put up at the beginning
irough Daily of former seasons. The pitchers are

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American League
Detroit, 7; Chicago, 3.
Philadelphia, 5; Washington,
St. Louis, 1; Cleveland, 8.
New York, 11; Boston, 4.
National League
Brooklyn, 0; Philadelphia,3
Chicago, 2; Cincinnati, 3.
Boston, 2; New York, 4.
Pittsburg, 5; St. Louis, 1.


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Daily advertisements. Read them.


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