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March 30, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-30

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.,;Marl ,29,-Great
re; being made un Ger-
the r aiticipated crisis
th'e alw~hen the United
Y'3 toput forth its real
iat, branch of the war.


t in, this direction.
aniing1 to forestall the
rved here indicate that
are undergoing instruc-
rman aviation centers
uction of airplanes is
a pace hitherto un-
student aviators have
rom the infantry and

passei i

ery into 1
til a few
ors were

the air service.
i Lower Ranks
months ago German
recruited almost exclu-
he ranks of the officers.
e aviators are accepted
er ranks also. Still the
officers remains almost
many having trans-
cavalry regiments with
being 'employed in a
service in which activity
stead of remaining with
:roops, whose sphere of
s been very restricted
r days of the war.

/ I(Coltinued from Page One)
checked at all but one sector of the
front, and there it has been merely
creeping for the last two days, this
fact even admitted by the German war
office, which usually concedes noth-
British Line Holds
From Arleux north of Arras, to Al-
bert on the Somme, the British line
has been holding stubbornly and has
thrust back the Germans at a num-
ber of points. From Albert south
to Montdidier there has been a slow
movement to the west, but the hill
west of Montdidier is still being held
by the French. No ground has been
made against the French along the
southern side of the salient driven
into the allied lines, while it is as-
serted that the French counter attack
from Lassigny to Noyon is still going
on. The extreme depth of the Ger-
man wedge now is about 37 miles.
Wait for Allies to Strike
Meanwhile the allied world is wait-
ing for the . entente forces to strike
back at the Germans. The German
advance now is converging on Amiens,
the railroad center of northern France,
whibh is known to be the nerve center
from which run the main communica-
tions of the British army in northern
The German thrust in front of Ar-
ras, which, according to Berlin, net-
ted thousands of prisoners, apparent-
ly has come to a stop before Orange
Hill, Telegraph Hill and the Laby-
rinth, strongholds held by the Brit-
ish in this sector,
No Italian Developments
While it has been officially report-
ed from Rome that Austrian divisions
from Russia and Galicia numbering
approximately 480,000 men have ar-
rived on the Italian front, there have
been no developments indicating
where the expected blow from the
Teutons will fall.

tutes. But-these


tutes do not serve as does all
There is no reason why you
have to depend upon inferior
substitutes-you can still

Right now the World is
short of wool, and the mark-
ets are flooded with substi-


March 31st

have All

Wool clothes,

Hand-Tailored to your indi-
vidual measure-for that is
the only kind WE tailor.
Hand-Tailored Clothes rep-
resent Maximum Values at
Minimum Prices.


Increased Pay
he increased pay and allowances
rded to flying men have also at-
ted many infantry officers from
ordinary line regiments, while
others see in aviation greater
.ces of being decorated than is
lot of officers employed in other,


uction camps are
rermany, some of
rganizations and
lane construction
the preliminary
lots have to pass
ations which be-
difficult as the
The entire pe-
about six months,



12 o'clock-Alumnae banquet in
Barbour gymnasium.
7 o'clock--Upper Room Bible class
meets at 444 South State street.
8 o'clock-Samuel N. ' Harper lec-
tures in Sarah Caswell Angell hall on
"The Russian Revolution."
9 o'clock-Membership dance at the
Michigan Union.




become ob-
a special
s artillery
ireless tele-
-reading and
01 observers

a Nu Banquet
Alpha Nu de-
the 65th an-
anization held

are army officers, those for the artil-; TOMORROW
Jery, spotting being chosen from ar' 12 o'clock-Prof. T. E. Rankin
tillery batteries, while for reconnais- speaks at the Methodist church.
sance work they are selected from any 3 o'clock-Mixer at the Michigan
other branch of the service. Union.
Bombing Aviators 4 o'clock-Bible class meets at 444
Bombing aviators form a special South State street.
class by themselves' and go through 6 o'clock-Young Peoples' society
a thorough training in calculating meets at the Presbyterian churcf.
height and distance. They practice i 7:30 o'clock-Mr. 0. E. Macilwain
e the dropping of missiles while seat- speaks at the Methodist church on
1 ed on an elevated airplane frame- "War and Labor."
i work, beneath which is stretched a- Rehearsals for "9Ilss Hobbs" will
- 'endless leather belt running at .vary- be held at 9 o'clock today in Univer-
s ing speeds. On this belt is painted sity hall, and at 7 o'clock Monday
a landscape. The pupils are equippe( night in the Alpha Nu rooms.
d with steel arrows and directed to
, drop them upon certain objects in the ENGLAND CALLS TEUTONS' HAND
THIRD LIBERTY LOAN BILL London, March 29.- At the royal
t SANCTIONS LOAN TO ALLIES colonial institute, Lord Denbigh re-
lated the other day a piece of diplom-
Washington, March 29.- The new atic secret history.
Liberty Loan bill authorizing an addi- At Madeira, the Germans took an
t tional $4,500,000,000 in bonds, the is- hotel, then wanted a convalescent
suing up to $8,000,000,000 in treasury home, and finally wanted to establish
certificates, and providing for an ad- certain vested. interests. They de-
ditional loan to the Allies of $1,500,- manded certain concessions from Por-
000,000 was completed tonight by the tugal, and the German ambassador,
house ways and, means committee. It calling on the Portuguese government
was introduced in the house by Chair- early in 1916, said that if the conces-
man Kitchin. Efforts will be made to sions asked for were not granted the
pass the measure tomorrow so that it German emperor would send his navy
will be ready for senate action Mon- up the Tagus river to Lisbon.
day. The bill as introduced by Mr. The Portugese government sent a
Kitchin authorizes the issue of the telegram to England and that night
third Liberty Loan to begin next the British admiralty was on the point
month, and fixes the interest rate of of mobilizing the whole resources of
the bonds at four and one-quarter the British fleet. They thought of an-
per cent. other way of meeting the situation,
however, and sent the Atlantic fleet,
QUEBEC CALLS OUT MILITIA instead, close up against the Portu-
They let the emperor know what
Quebec, March 29.-The militia has had happened through an undiplom-
been called out to quell a mob which atic channel, with the result that the
is terrorizing the business ,s'ection of next day the German ambassador had
the city. The office of the Chronicle, to call again on the Portguese govern-
lowned by Sir David Watson, com- ment and explain that he had exceed-
mander of the 5th division of the Can- ed his instructions..,
adian expeditionary forces, has been -
wrecked and the Auditorium theater University of Wisconsin to Have Camp
is reported to be on fire. It is now assured that a' military
Rioting occurred last night when camp for vocational training will bel
provincial officers attempted a round located at the University of Wiscon-
'up of evaders of the Canadian military sin. The first 400 men will arriv , ol
service law. April 8, to be stationed at. Madion
for two months. At the end of that E
- fleI1Y .Aa(1mtrs cpam t~ f~r61v nri ta'nMh~r zro of400 w~ill ar- Ia


Buy Yo



re given by Prof. R. E.
R. D. Kilborn, and War-
send, '18. Registrar Ar-
[1 acted as toastmaster.
Frayer -and Mr. Ray V,
scheduled to speak, but
to be present because of
strar Hall and Professor
both former members of
Iownsend, president of
was presented with an
by the organization.

The Custom Tailor

Martin Gui

Prices: $1

Schaeberle & S(
110 So.

I. - - -


Pedestrians on South State' street
iereafter will miss one of the most
amiliar landmarks of the street, the
ancent dwelling which formerly erac-


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