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March 29, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-29

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guished events or tne past year lead us to be-
o read lieve it won't be in this war.
'er the
t many More, horrors of the campus are
under- soon to come. The seniors expect
3 about their canes shortly.-1
or the
'ogram. Student enlistments are expected to
vry side boom again right after the mid-sem-
the pa- esters.

erson may oft-
or pool room

that put
aesar, an
$r scale.

merica to wake up and
i coming from the Al-
during th$ past week.
ated people neglect the
make themselves ac-
the situation, now can
zwhole' be expected to
history has been made
ree years than in, the
le. Every extra carries
the exploits of Napol-
I Alexander on a much
Yet we study these
.1, and not the moment-
ih we are living.
ty is doing its part to
rough war education.
. explain present hap-
tattered audience, and
for the morrow to a
neres. Many iew Uni-
for credit have been

s asing that we carry our-
yond' the Jack Horner atti-
join ourselves body -and soul
ause. For centuries man has
extend the throwing range
a. We have had slings, cat-
ude cannon, and now a 74-
Thing of the wonder of it.
s upon us to identify our-
h more of the day's inno-
The world's wave is higher
It is crying to us to place
on top.
h with a cap hung on the
is head drove down Univer-
ae yesterday afternoon on a
.eton of a Ford. The Ford
dy and seat. The boy sat
isoline tank and drove. If
ipped, he. would have fallen
ugh the place where the bot-
he car should have .been.
it all he was enjpying him-
nsely. He drove the puffing
merrily. One could not help
his cheerful ignoring of con-
here on the campus conven-
nerciless despot. One neverC
dent in any but strictly con-
and socially acceptable
Or if he does wear 'any-
he makes it plain the thing
at" or some dare. For in-
ne sees on such occasions.
trick's day a daring youth
ith a green and an orange
what boy here on the cam-
I wear a pair of socks his
her knit for, him if knitted
re not the style? Or what
d appear in a pair of heavy
kings if 'they were not "le

The Garglers are having a little
fence built around their erstwhile
brazenly exposed den of iniquity. It's
rumored that they are going to charge
admission to the sanctum so that they
can pay for the roulette wheel and
the faro table.
Zince it seems to be the thing to
compose new verses to.old songs, we'll
have to try one ourselves. How's this:
When the Men Have All Gone to War-
Careful, girls,
In your whirls,
Don't lose your curls,
Play the game quite prettily
For Michigan and the Maize and Blue.
Oh, Varsity,
Each colleen
Is awf'ly keen
To beat Saline,
Hang on to your Dorine,
Oh, Varsity.
Mr. Lloyd-George, director of The
Passing Shows of 1916 and 1917, is
said to be preparing a'production for
the theater of war which after a suc-
cessful season in northern France is
expected to go on the Prussian circuit
and make a mighty hit in Berlin. The
new offering is to be called "Yanks
-and Tanks."
The Office Grouch can sob no more
Of meatless meals and days galore.
For since the soldiers need more bread
We're going to live on "Hawgs, cawn-
And speaking of our porcine breth-
ren, for whom we have conceived a
remarkable fellow-feeling since the
era of mud-bathing began in Ann Ar-
bor,, we read that Virginia farmers
have asked the government for in-
terned Germans to care for their raz-
orbacks, which causes another throb
of sympathy for the poor brutes to
agitate our jeans.
A Cat Can Always Show Fur-
"Cat Starts Electric Coupe and
Takes Ride"-Headline in Detroit
News. Here's a splendid chance for
the automobile advertiser to advance
the slogan, "So Simple That a Cat Can
Run It."
The kaiser has decorated von Hin-
denburg. Ourselves, we'd like to
crown him.
March Technic' Makes Appearance
The- Michigan Technic for March
made its appearance yesterday, and
will be on sale again today at the
tables in the Engineering building..
'Copies are free to members of the En-
gineering society, if membership cards
are shown. Non-members will receive
'copies upon payment of 40 cents.

The Michigan w~omen's luncheon
will take place at 12 o'clock tomorrow
and will be followed dby the Junior
Girls' play. Alumnae tickets may be
obtained at the office of the dean of
women in Barbour gymnasium.
Plants may be ordered from Elsie Er-
ley, '2, at 627.
There will be a rehearsal of "Am-
azons" from 4 to 6 o'clock this aft-
ernoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Tweenwayes, De Grival, Litterly, and
Fitton will report at 4 o'clock and
Billy, Tommy, and Noeline at 5
Tickets for tomorrow's performance
of the Junior Girls' play will be on
sale from 10 to 12 o'clock this morn-
ing in University hall and all day to-
day and tomorrow in Barbour gym-
Board of representatives of the Wo-
men's league. will meet at 9 o'clock to-
morrow morning in Barbour gymnas-
ium. It is important that all repre-
sentatives be present.
There will be a baseball game be-
tween the Alpha Phis' and the Delta
Gammas' on the field across from
Barbour gymnasium at 4 o'clock this
A preliminary apparatus meet will
be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon
for freshmen and sophomores wish-
ing to try out for the indoor meet on
April 3
All those taking required work in
gymnasium must hand in their class.
schedules and sign up for spring
sports before today noon.
Examinations in gymnasium work
will be held in Barbour gymnasium on
Monday and Tuesday at the regular
class hours.
An important meeting of the Girls'
Glee club will be held at 11 o'clock to-
morrow morning in Barbour gymnas-
All unexcused absences for gymnas-
ium work mut be explained before
April 1.
Election for officers of womens or-
ganizations will be held Tuesday.
Smith Reconstruction Workers Safe
Smith college girls who were doing
reconstruction work in the war zone
at the time of the German drive, have
been moved to complete safety, ac-
cording to word received by the
friends and families of these college
women. Even the cows that supplied
them with fresh milk were saved.
These women are now doing relief
work near the French front.
Iota Sigma Pi Initiates Six Women
Iota Sigma Pi, honorary chemical
sorority, initated the following girls
last night: Lucile Crissy, '18, Sylvia
Eaton, '20P, Sue Hamilton, '18, Ida
D. Hale, '19, Dorothy Johnston, '18,
and Pauline Tessmer, '18P.


Consisting of

"We Sell
Come in and see the 75 watt Bli


Gives a white light.

Just the




Special Price of
Wahr's. University Bo



The Slter


Lists of the students who signified
their desire to attend the proposed
summer session of 12 weeks to be
held this summer, are being comdpiled
in the office of the secretary of the
engineering college.
Since many of the blanks, which
were distributed to the engineers
Wednesday and Thursday, have not
been turned in to the office, it was
impossible last night to determine the
'result of the,canvass. The estiiate,
'when completed, will be presented to
the Board of Regents at their next
meeting, at which time permission .to
make the change will be asked.


Cor. State and.


is his ad-
into cor-
t h.im at
ce at the

No Summer Drills Planned for Medics
Members of the medical reserve
corps are apparently not to be called
out this summer for the 15 days' mili-
tary drill which the government mnay
require of them under the term of
their enlistment. According to a let-
ter received yesterday from the war
department by Prof. Charles W. Ed-
munds, secretary of 'the medical
school, there are as yet no plans for
military training this summer.
Men From Army for Shipyards
London, March 28.-Twenty thou-
sand skilled shipyard men are to be
released from the British army for
work in the new government ship-
yards, according to an announcement
made at Newcastle.


Detroit Limited and Expre
m., 8:xo a. in., and hourly to
8:48 P. m.
A packs n Express Cars CIoc
A. Arbor)-9 :48 a. in. and
to V:48 s .,.
Local Cars East Bounde--
a. ., :05ak.in. and4 evrrytw
p. n.. 8:05 P. in.. g:05 p.
To Ypsilanti only, 9:~2o a.
2:035 --in.,6:05 P. m, ~9:45 P-
2 zo aa. i.. rx:io a. min :2oa
chanage at Ypsilanti..
Local Cars West Bound-i-
a. m., re:ao P. m.. za:2o a. i
Courteous' and s,
er, whether the accou
or small.

The slavish observation of conven-
tion is not a fault of campus folk alone
mes ,personally -twentieth century people are all too
viser. afraid to be natural. They feel con-
tor's advice, the stantly the eyes of the world upon
void the many them. A bold front is put on and con-
is arrival at the ventions are worshipped at any cost.
Oman is able to As one professor observed, "We tend
'tant problems too much to ritualize life."
ning and board- It is helpful to remember that Em-
e to escape the erson regarded as a rare experience
rich often make the privilege of riding through a New
England town with an old fish monger
e life one of as he sold his wares. Honestly, now,
te plan of how many of us university students
more naturally would welcome the invitation to ride
through the city with a junkman?
gs MWould we not be afraid of what "peo-
s at Mich ple would say?" And if this is true,
hman, serve to there is something wrong with us, for
ying embers of university students are those who have
enior, the only had especial opportunity to learn to'
live. After this, do not ape-be your-
te the[new- self!-Minnesota Daily.
real opportun-
rn of Michigan The' kaiser may be right in saying,
God is on his side. Hasn't He taken
'400,000 Germans out of Bill's hands
9n the past few days?



Extraordinary Sale of
Rich Silk Dresses'
at 15 _.
AR Fresh, New Arrivals
With the evening gown temporarily discarded, de-
signers have put forth more than ordinary efforts to
make the little afternoon dresses attractive. One ofI
these new models is pictured. Styles in straightline,
tunic and pleated effects; braid and embroidery
trimmed; often combined with Georgette Crepe
or Crepe de Chine. All the favored colorings.
'' D Ry 'Ceb T on.eL
RA CWW"T" WnV AMY 0W 21f


Capital and Surpl
Resources ......

113 East Un


The kaiser never gets close enough
the front to have .even the shells
,om a 74-mile range allied gun come

Fraternity a
0. 1
322 Sot
Class dancinj
7:30 to 9:30.
emy Monday a
pointment. Pb

w some of his soldiers
.y, says a news story.
a parade in Berlin.
may fight again, but

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