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March 27, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-27

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Observers Say German Losses Number 10 to
In Offensive Officially Reported 70 Te
In Great Push Against
London, March 26.-The battle continues
the Somme river, Field Marshall Haig report
tonight. The Germans have also launched it
Berlin, via London, March 26.-The nigh
quarters announces the capture of Lihons, R
that the German forces have crossed the old
"A new phase has been developed in th
sides of the Somme" the statement reads. "I
wide front."

on the




he completion of the finishingI
last night, everything is in
for the production of
>," the Latin play to be pre-
English at 8 o'clock tonight
sity hall.
effort has been put forth to
play tonight of real value to
nts of drama as a sympathe-
iretation of one of the mast-
>f Roman comedy, and of pop-
rest to those who enjoy a



The version of the comedy to be
sed consid- used, a translation by Prof. J. Raleigh
> be an op- Nelsoii of the English department,
be compul- of the engineering college, has been
['he council employed. previously before the Chi-
action un- cago public, where it met with suc-
thoroughly cess. It realizes fully the abundant
mprised of action and stage business which are
Krause, '18, suggested by the situation of the plot.
ppointed by Members of the cast, many of whom
, to confer are already known to the campus for
ger and do their work in productions of previous
at members years, are well fitted to their parts,
Link neces- and have shown considerable ability
in rehearsal. Ralph M. Carson, grad.,
res plays the title role of "Phormio," be-
of the an- ing ably assisted by George D. Wil-
ld last eve- ner of the oratory department, who
g a suitable appears as Geta, the scheming slave,
all contest and Albert C. Jacobs, '21, as Demipho,
did not a gentleman of Athens. Antipho and
Although Phaedria are portrayed by Lewis P.
till quite a Waldo, '18, and Lionel G. Crocker, '18.
s felt that The costumes to be worn tonight
Atlon of the were designed by Dr. Orma F. Butler,
anyone on of the Latin department, who is an
for games authority on ancient costumes. While'
o the coun- both harmonious and effective, they
are also of value for their historical
seemed to accuracy.
vould make Professor Nelson has directed the
systematic making of the scenery for the pro-j
campus is duction. It is simple in detail, butI
e conducted meets adequately all the requirements
1 meet the of the play.
.el has ad_ -_
h ball con- Few Seniors Place Gown Orders
fl-I~ - 9 ----x ,.con in 1 . k nbtA , n i1lf l ---'~

"Meddling with Mars," the mystery-
shrouded Junior Girls' play, was vot-
ed as good if not better than its pre-
decessors by the jury of senior girls
in whose honor it was given last night.
The plot was consistent and rife
with amusing situations; the acting in
several cases approached professional
poise; there were quantities of hits
in the dialogue, and the music was
melodious and catchy. The chorus
singing was not very strong and the
most conspicuous fault of the produc-
tion was the lack of good solo voices.
Winifred Parsons Stars
Kennetha Berry as Jerry, the hero,
who submits himself to Prof. Killjoy
Pickering's gravitation experiment in
order to win the hand of his niece,
Betty, was a strikingly handsome and
self-assured young gentleman with a
bass voice which was remarkably life-
like. Eva Herzberg as the object of
his affections was very pretty in the
distress which her lover's vagaries
caused her and was easily worth a
trip to Mars. The best acting in the
play was done by Winifred Parsons,
who took the conventional part of
the crabbed, conceited professor, and
made of it a memorable personality
rather than a type. With their men-
talities exchanged by the Martian mes-
merizer, the change in character ef-
fected by both the professor and Jerry
was exceedingly well done.
The part of Judicia, queen of Mars,
was superbly taken by Hazel Hoff-
man who has a stage presence well
adapted to the pageantry of court
scenes. Marcus, the Martian scien-
tist portrayed by Helen Davis, wash
properly erudite and cold-blooded. In
the group of college people who sing
and dance about the professorial man-
sion during the first and third acts,
the bright particular star was Hannah
Champlin, as Horace Bell, the plump
student with a horror of eight-o'clocks
and a firm conviction of his deadliness
with the ladies. His asides to the


Washington, March 26.-An
among American and other milit
developments of the battle in F
ing point in the terrific struggle
For the people of the United
thorities that the Anerican troe
and British defenders brings the
ials had no word from General
Ing at any moment reports sho'e
If anything, American office
previous time of the outcome of


London, March 26.-The war' office tonight
mans took Roye at 10:30 o'clock this morning.
checked west of Roye and Noyon. In the Roye
American troops are fighting shoulder to shoul
French reinforcements are rapidly coming up.

Oise, above Noyon, where
office announcement tonig



With the
March 26

Fourteen students passed the phy- by th
sical examinations last Friday morn- 4teries
ing for the United States naval re-
serves at Detroit. Eleven additional recipr
men will be accompanied by Charles
F. Lambert, '19, on the 8 o'clock in- cans ]
terurban for Detroit tomorrow morn- have
ing to take the physical examinations court,
for the same branch of service. ;cans
Twenty men will be selected out of Amer
the two groups. ed ne
The students who passed the ex-
aminations last Friday were, C. H.
Lyons, '19, P. G. McDuffie, '19, J. E.
Foley, '20E, H. Keidanz, '18E, L. B.
Larson, '17, O. Antonio, '20, G. M. Mai
Robertson, '21, C. G. Paterson, '20, T. fic fig
M. Bigelow, '21, L. H. Truettner, '21, Franc
F. M. Broock, '21, C. E. Windiate, '20, losing
F. Henkel,-'21, and C. W. Newmann, the e
'18L. and t
Twenty men who passed the physi- allied
cal examinations will be taken into to re
Detroit on April 1 to be enlisted in salien
the naval reserve. Charles F. Lam- forwa
bert has received orders to have all which
the men measured for uniforms, which
will be issued by the naval authorities At'-
in Detroit. yond
The men leaving tomorrow morn- to the
ing for the physical examinations are as it
T. F. Lyons, '20, L. S. Crane, '18E, P. denbu
J. Power, '20, H. P. Dodge, '20E, L. From
Schoenfeldt, '20, C. R. Cummings, '18E,lnorth
Howard Weeks, '21, Hal Smith, '19, F. line t
B. Abelman, '21, R. C. Dunkelberg, it rea
'21E, and W. Hagaman, assistant to In
Dr. Max Peet. and '

e Ge:



Only a row senior sitsn ave come in footlights invariably brought gales of
to be measured for their caps and'laughter and there was a naturalness
gowns, according to George Moe and about the acting which is not often
George Kyer, the agents. seen in comedy parts of this kind.
The cap and gown committee urges The Pickering servants, played by
all senior lits to place their orders Irma Robinson and Alice Hoelzle, al-
before spring vacation in order that so added to the fun.
last minute copfusion may be avoided. Songs Will Linger
The payments are one dollar at time "The Sond Wl Lier
of leaving order, and $2.50 upon the Maid From Paree," and "Off for
receipt of the cap and gown. One Mars" are good songs which will soon
dollar of this will be refunded when be learned and remembered. The
the caps and gowns are returned after Mother Goose rhymes, in which Mr.
comfnencement. in camptoth +1'.wr

n granted the
ersity mail ser-
ication system
on instigating.
ed to be plac-
boxes through-
gs on the cam-
f the week the



e box-
to au-



* *

Men in Naval Auxiliary Fare Well!
Word received from University me{
who left school a short time ago with
the naval auxiliary, state that the
entire representation from this school
is in training at Cleveland and is far-
ing well. The Michigan men are]
quartered in an armory which serves
as a temporary "ship." Upon enter-
ing their quarters they "go aboard"I
and "shore leave" is necessary when
they wish to leave. Although as yetl
none of' the men have acquired their
sea legs due to their 'dry land environ-
ment, they are rapidly learning theI
fnnAlnmntao ruiments f seaman-

g ..VaflUU.. wLMe*10 e, were A
responsible for merriment, -as was the
"The Way to Woo a Woman," sung ma
by the girl-wise Horace-ad a chorus Sta
of be-caned young men. "A Song to ran
Michigan" won the approval which its gro
words and catchy tune deserved and lea,
"Love is Love Where'er You Go" will Sta
be a favorite. ' eas
Many of the dances were pretty,
although not' always perfect in finish. Chf
The stage is small for good work in C
this line and' the furniture sometimes ed
got in the way, to the discomfiture of Le
the dancers and the glee of the audi- foi
ence. The chorus singing should im- sei
prove in later performances. The

he intert
at the
streets al


ed of pne

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