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March 26, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-26

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ce are

$1,000,000 CAMP iGN ASSURES EX.
From a thing which, in 1903, was
only an idea, a somewhat vague con-

Non-commissioned officers in the
second battalion of the Second regi-
ment will report this afternoon for
preliminary gallery range training at
Waterman gymnasium, according to a
statement issued by Lieut. Losey . J.
Williams last night.



Early Spring Showing
Society Brand and
Hickey-Freeman Suits
Also just received a line of Spring Hats and C

Ie destiny of
nd the gual-
>f youth, the
-ment of ex-
C value-best


FEL & C.





PHONE 1101

Giovanni Martinelli, the leading ten-
or with the Metropolitan opera house,
who appears in the Saturday eve-
ning concert of the May festival, will
take the part of Don Jose in Bizet's
Ten years ago Martinelli was a clar-
inet player in a local band at Padua.
His bandmaster heard his unusual
voice and persuaded him to study.
Since his operatic debut at the Dal
Verme theater in Milan, his successes
have been continuous, and he has
been hailed as "the coming great Ital-
- " ian tenor."
iiton The New York Tribune says ofI
thletic Martinelli: "There is breadth and
judgment in his phrasing; intelligent
en be- accent and color in his nuancing, and
lmast- a general warmth in his style. He has.
after- an uncommonly beautiful voice and he
re the has ambition."
from Ask Residents to Garden Unused Land
Letters .owere sent out yesterday by
, new the Ann Arbor Civic association ap-
Baryl pealing to the property owners
t ser- throughout the city to give out their
arissa vacant or unused land for garden pur-
l Mar- poses. This in turn is to be allotted
s, and to people who will cultivate and plant
it for the raising of vegetables for the
obtain 1 coming spring and summer. Last
Alice summer this plan proved unusually
. Bar- successful, and it is hoped that this
year will find an even greater in-
H. C. Wood, '17, Made First Lieutenant
rs ex- M. C. Wood, '17, has been given a first
y the lieutenant's commission in the in-
of the fantry, according to a report received
t Buf- yesterday. Wood was well known on
on re- the campus as a star of the Union
eering opera, president of the Mimes, and a
I send leader in other activities. He is a
heads member of Delta Chi fraternity.
mpany -
Use the Daily classified columns,

ception, the Michigan Union has de-
veloped until it now is a living organ-
ism, a vital part of the University.
In December, 1903, a call was isseud
for a meeting of representatives of all
University organizations, to consider
ways and means of filling a great
want-the development of the social
side of education at Michigan, the cre-
ation of a place where the students
might obtain wholesome and beneficial
recreation and amusement, the cul-
tivation of a real Michigan spirit, and
establishing of a place where alumni
might meet on their visits to Ann Ar-
Incorporated in 1904.
In 1904, the Univrsity of Michigan
Union was- incorporated, with Presi-
dent Angell, other members of the fac-
ulties, alumni, and students as incor-
porators. In December, 1906, th.ree
years after the organization was form-
ed, the Union purchased the old Cool-
ey homestead, which formerly occu-
pied the site of the clubhouse. The
Cooley home was opened for use in
November, 1917, and continued to
serve as a culb until it was torn
down to make way for the new struc-
ture. The Union then moved into the
quarters occupied by it at the present
$1,000,000 Campaign
When the campaign for raising $1,-
000,000 for the new building opened
in October, 1915, the movement at-
tracted editorial comment from such
publications as Collier's Weekly, the
Metropolitan Magazine, the Outlook,
the Chicago Tribune, and the Chicago
Herald. The stupendous task of col-
lecting, by popular subscription, so
large a sum aroused the interest of the
whole country.
Actual Work Begun
The money raised during the cam
paign, together with the fees accru-
ing from life membership dnes, guar-
anteed the existence of the proposed
Union clubhouse, and the actual work
on the building commenc'ed in June,
1916, when Presidnt Harry B. Hutch-
ins turned the first shoveful of dirt for
the foundation.
Activities Badened
As the Union's quarters have been
enlarged, so have its various activities
taken on a broader scope. It is now
active in war work, and to it is part-
ially due the success of many patriotic
movements on the campus: The Lib-
erty Loan, and the War Savings and
Thrift stamnp campaigns have been and
are being conducted on the campus
largely through the efforts of the Un-
ion. It also maintaiW the Michigan
branch of the intercollegiate intellig-
ence bureau. Officials of the Union
have taken prominent parts in num-
erous other activities of both local
and national importance.
New York, March 25.-Bradstreet's
of last welk has this to say of trade
conditions throughout the country:
"Trade continues to expand, with re-
tail business joining the procession as
favoring weather and Easter spur de-
mand. Industry is speeding up, mild
weather is awakening farm activities
and the agricultural season is open-
ing with fairly good conditions for
early crops.
"The two great salient features of
the week just past are the large num-
ber of reports of insufficient stocks in
hands of jobbers, final manufacturers,
and distributors, and the advices re-
ceived that, the country's rail-
roads ' and railroad terminals are
still congested. The opening
of the water routes is longed for
to lift some of the burdens of super-'
abundant traffic.

"Employment of women workers at
big wages is stimulating the demand;
for clothing and millinery. It is signi-
ficant, however, that jewelers, dealers
in automobiles, brewers and manu-
facturers of toilet . preparations are,
complaining of business. Thus it is
evident that the buying is being con-
fined to essentials."

The requisition for gallery range sup-
plies was returned from the Rock Is-
land Arsenalsyesterday morning. The
requisitipn has been forwarded to the
department. headquarters.
"Our plans will undoubtedly be ap-
proved,", stated Lieutenant Williams
last night. "Plans for equipping the
gallery range are now in the hands of
the buildings and grounds depart-
ment." The equipment will probably
be installegd before the arrival of the
A second group of men will leave
on the 8 o'clock interurban for De-
troit Thursday morning to take the
physical examinations for the United
States naval reserves. The men will
be accompanied by Charles F. Lam-
bert, '19. No results of the examina-
tions taken by 22 students last Friday
morning have as yet been received
from the authorities in Detroit. Un-
official reports show that a large per-
centage of the men passed the tests
Kenneth K. Koch, ex-'20, died from
diphtheria on shipboard, March 14,
according to information received
here. Koch obtained "A" in every
subject last year. He left the Univer-
sity at spring vacation to join the
Naval Auxiliary.
General Orders No. 6
1. On and after March 27, 1918, all
cadets to whom uniforms have been
issued will appear at all drills and
formations of their respective organi-
zations in proper uniform.
2. In case a cadet's uniform is un-
dergoing alteration or repair, such
fact will be reported to the cadet's
first sergeant at the first formation
at which the cadet appeas not in uni-
Blanks for these statements will be
furnished by the sergeant-majors at
the Adjutant's office..
1st Lt. P. S., retired, Adjutant.
Members of the Second regiment
will be given the following athletic
and gymnastic contests at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon under the direction of
Dr. George A. May in Waterman gym-
Second regiment-Companies A and
B, cross-country run, 'wrestling; com-
panies C and D, two-mile run on out-
door track (if weather permits), hori-
zontal bars, rope climbing, sprinting.
Private Edmund Brown, ex-'18E, vis-
ited friends In Ann Arbor during his
furlough from Camp Custer last week.
Brown is now in the officers' training
First Lieut. Arthur H. Lee, '17L, of
the United States field artillery at
Camp Custer, and his wife, left Mon-
day night after .visiting friends in this
city during the week-end. Lieutenant
Lee married Miss Inez Gose, '17, last
The regular class for women taking
military marching will be held at 3
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium.
County 'to Have 20 Ford Tractors
Washtenaw county is to have 20
Ford tractors -out of a consignment of
1,000 being purchased by the state
for distribution among the farmers.
The tractors are being secured by
county agent Osler, and will be sold
to farmers of the county for $750.00
cash. These machines are of the ker-
osene burning type adopted by. the
Ford company after trials with 70
different types, and are being largely
bought by the Canadian and British

We specialize in full sole work. 0.
G. Andres Shoe Shop, 222 S. State.-7
A want ac in the Daily will sel?
your property.-Adv.

'D. E. Grennan

The Custom Tailor

606 E. Li

Between the Theatres
A pretty plant, a box of choice cut flowers or a dainty
would be the most lovely gift for Easter.
Leave your order with us and receive the best.
Cousins & Hall UNIV
embers of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Associ
Buy Your Spring Suit No

Fire of supposed incendiary origin
was -discovered by the firemen of the
local department Saturday night, at
115 East Ann street, and was extin-
guished without much trouble. The
fire was discovered in five different
rooms on the second floor, and two on
the third floor. Upon entering the
house with their fire fighting appar-
atus, the firemen found various bot-
tles and other utensils lying about the
room, in which kerosene had been
brought to the place.
According to the fire department,
the only conclusion is that the fires
were incendiary. There was scarcely
a room in the building which was oc-
cupied, and some had apparently been
vacated in a hurry.
The building is owned by Henry
Vogel and has been rented to a man
for a restaurant on the: first floor, and
lodging on the second and third floors.
These places are said to have been
relet to other parties.
James 0. Fagan, famous lecturer
and author, and representative of the
National Industrial Conservation move-
ment of New York, will be the princi-
pal speaker at the annual banquet of
the Ann Arbor Civic association, to be
held Friday evening,' April 12. He will
discuss the industrial situation and
its relation to the war. Mr. Fagan is
famous as the originator of the "Safe-
ty First" movement.
Mrs. Fred T. McOmber has been ap-
pointed chairman of the Washtenaw
County War Preparedness committee.
She' will have charge particularly of
the work by Ann Arbor women. It
was under the direction of the young
ladies that thrift stamp order cards
were distributed following the address
of "Gunner" Depew Saturday even-
ing in the Hill auditorium, followed by
the sale of thrift stamps. Thrift
stamps amounting to $75 were sold
after the meeting in the lobby.


You Know the Reason


90 u c" r





Copyrigbht irt SchaLIner & Macr
Hart Schaffner &
spring suits and top c
more snappy than ev
spring; the kind of clot
blooded young men
wearing. They have inc
ed in them all the style
cies that will be popula
We have bought freely
a consequence offer yo
of a stock unequalled
ness of choice and va:
style, anywhere but
shops. You will fin
clothes as good as you
in any city, and the


Supply Store

At a meeting of the Washtenaw mor
County Horticultural society Satur- Ne
day, three principal addresses were Kno
made and discussed by the men and
women present. Prof. J. B. Steere
spoke on the subject of "Flowers for
Farm Houses," C. C. Freeman of the G
Washtenaw county conservation com- Th
mittee spoke on food conservation, and ner
the topic "Pruning for Profit" was dis- .es
cussed by W. F. Bird. This last topic ton
was discussed by a number of fruit
growers present, and one man brought
samples of two small peach trees in most?
order, to illustrate questions asked. sold to
to have
Word was received Saturday by farm u
Henry W. Douglas, of the Washtenaw have pt
County aWr PerrpendasudS gusE D for a :
County War Preparedhess committee, board.
from Governor Sleeper notifying the

e reasonable.
Hw neckwear, Ste,
)t H-ats.

ile, Conlin,
he Big Home
and Marx Cl
t Corner Mai.

-Piano. Excellent tone. A
Phone 1074-R. 1350 Ged-

We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor

20 'of t





Main St.

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