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March 23, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-23

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IN .l111


Me piate on tne varsity.
The rest of the squad spent the aft-
ernoon in batting and fielding fly and
ground balls. Mitchell knocked high
ones to the outfield candidates for half
an hour, while every man on the list
had a chance with the bat while the
rest of the team chased the batted
balls. Most of the aspirants showed
familiarity with the ash and were
slugging the ball to all corners of the
lot. The pitchers took turns in dish-
ing up the fast ones and hooks.
Diamond Will Soon Be Ready
It was not expected that Lundgren
would start working a first infield so
early in the season, but since the
coach has started this way, it is most
likely that a practice game will be
on the schedule in a few days. Ground
Keeper Thomas has been busy on the
diamond and said Friday morning that
the Varsity could take the regular field
the first of next week. This is earlier
than it has ever been used before.
Practice will continue this afternoon
at 3 o'clock on South Ferry Field.

Sixteenth Anniversary, Opening

irsity basket-
easoa cast a
n for captain
e vote result-
election will
ble to decide
chigan's next

Narch 23--28

We are now ready with our full line of Spring Clothing and Furnishings
and extend you an invitation to come in and look over our line of
which we think is the highest class line of clothing on the market.
The line embodies all the latest models in single and double breasted
suits and the tailoring is equal to the highest class custom made goods.

Step in and we will be glad to show you.



and Bornstein
hile Cress and
'R's" for their
; their numer-
arling five the
named yester-
are: Captain
son, Nonack,
1. alid ting-

some insignia to
the' chances for
season are ex-
nless war service
ceptin. Boyd will
ess next year and
ht to be able to
tet from the ex-
he will have on

to such
rt of the
ison and

With the stage all set for the Con-
fer'ence indoor meet tonight at North-
western, the campus is pulling for
Coach Farrell's squad to come
through with another victory.
The chances for the first honors
are good, as all the athletes are in
fine condition and determined to bring
home the bacon. All Big Ten colleges
will be represented except Ohio State
and Iowa, and reports from the dif-
ferent schools give the Michigan ath-
letes the edge on the dope.
Johnson Sure to Win Hurdles
Johnson is practically sure to take
first place in the high hurdles unless
some new phenom has been developed
since the Illinois relay carnival.
Beardsley who has made a great im-
provement is likely to place and there.
is a possibility of Zoellin breaking In
the point column in this event. Beard-
sley has developed a lot this year, es-
pecially in his -sprinting ability and
in his form in clearing the obstacles.
Andrews of Wisconsin is the only man
who may give the Maize, and Blue
hurdlers any trouble.
In the 50 yard dash Zoellin, John-
son, and Cook ought to make it hot
for the other entries. In the meet
with Chicago last week, Johnson
equaled the Waterman gym record in
the dash event and Zoellin was a close
second. These two men with Carroll
of Illinois, and Malecker of VWiscon-
sin should make the winner hard to
pick, when the sprinters breast the
tape. Cook, Holt of Minnesota, and
F'euerstein of Chicago are other pos-
sible scorers.
Forbes May Take 440
Of the Michigan entries in the 440


Clohin Store


. ..



rst inkling
ity infield
e workout,
Adams at
ett at sec-
the plate,

s for half yard run, Forbes is the only one likely
replaced to give battle for first place. The
md of the Michigan runner ran the distance in
53 1-5 seconds several weeks ago at
nd Knode Notre Dame and with the additional
o early in training he has had since then he
to the fol- ought to be able to better that mark.-
e playing Curtis and Feuerstein of the Maroons
altogether have finished in 52 seconds, and it is
en classed probable that the time in this event
yed in the will be within a fraction of their ree-
He has al- ord. Kruger and Messner, McNally
ound balls of Minnesota, and Kreidler of Illin-
to be cap- ois all have a chance of placing.
e first line The battle in the half mile will rest
between Stoll, McCosh, and Greene of
ell Chicago, with Hauser of the Gophers
many first and Nash of the Badgers in position
esh initial to push the leaders.
unded into Donnelly Will Give Otis Battle
i has been Captain Donnelly will take the
shape and Michigan burden in the mile and if
ed a most Red is in good condition he ought to
cond base. give Otis, the Maroon star and favor-
and Ohl- ite for first place the battle of his life.
h. as first Other good men in this event are
artin has Golden of Wisconsin and Faus of

same distance. Hauser, the Gopher
football captain, is a good man in this
The mile relay should furnish one
of the fastest races of the evening
with the odds favoring Michigan, Chi-
cago and Wisconsin. The Maroons
defeated to field in the mile relay at
the Illinois relay carnival but at the
Michigan-Chicago meet last Saturday,
the Wolverine runners turned the
tables and defeated the star Windy
City team by a ten yard margin.
Sisler Flay Soon
De Cobb 's equal
Former Iltichigan Player is Making
Wonderful Record in
Before the end of the 1918 baseball
season, diamond critics believe that
George Sisler, a former Michigan
mound artist, will equal or better Ty
Cobb's highest batting average.
Last summer Sisler held first place
for a week, but Cobb managed to gain
his former pace, forcing his danger-
ous rival to second place. During the
three years that Sisler has been in
the major league, his batting average
is .319, just seven points below Cobb's
average from 1908 to 1910.
Sisler Lauded by Press
When the former Varsity marvel
signed up with the Browns he came
into the league with the most inflated.
press notices which ever greeted a
major deague player. Such press no-
tices have usually served as a handi-
sap in the case of other baseball stars,
such as Rube Marquard, Marty O'Toole
and Bennie Kauff. Contrary to all ex-
pectations, Sisler lived up to his ad-
vance press notices from the begin-
He entered the major league without
previous minor league experience. He
failed also to have the opportunity of
acquiring major league insight into
baseball from the preparatory seaso
of sitting on the bench.
Held Two Ball Positions
At the time of his entrance to the
major league, his position was a mat-1
ter of profound uncertainty. He first
began as a pitcher. Since then he
has alternated more or less between
two such dissimilar positions as first1
base and the pitching mound. Base-
ball critics claim that such unsettled
conditions affect a player's batting
average and his all round showing.
In spite of all such depressing influ-'
ences, Sisler's average has flourished.
His record last year for stolen bases
shows that he outranks such stars as
Hal Chase, Baker, Jake Daubert, Tris
Speaker, Crawford, Stuffy McInnis,
and Lajoie. He has an average of .22,
of a base per game since he has been
in the major league. On the otheri
hand, Cobb's average, after three
years' service, was .26.1
Associated with Losing Club
Sisler has been somewhat handi-
capped by his associations with a los-
ing club. His batting average, how-
ever, has failed to decline, but his run
scori-ng has suffered, because he has

Will be Welcomed

In Trench or Camp

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Call 960 and Phone in
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. , ,,





Shows W
e of then


- If Otis runs in the two mile, Sedg-
e wick will have his work cut out for
. him, but from past performances Sedg
n should be equal to the occasion.
1 Haigh and Johnson should have
s things their own way in the high jump
s and should have no difficulty in tak-
ing first and second places. Both Wol-
s verine jumpers are capable of clear-
e ing the bar close to 6 feet. Later,
- a new man, is a possibility for third
- place.
Cross Picked to Cop Second
Cross has been vaulting well in
- practice this week and should take
y second honors easily but he probably
o is not good enough to defeat Lang,
t the Illinois all around star for first.
g There ought to be a close struggle be-
t tween Baker and Weiss of Illinois for
. sanrmac In the shnt nut as hoth ni

felt the need of a slugger behind him
to drive him home.
Cobb's success at base running was
due to one of the hardest sluggers on
the diamond, Sam Crawford. At the'
present time, Bob Veach is acting as
the substitute. E
Sisler Has Good Qualities
In batting ability, Sisler is at least
the equal of Cobb at the same stage
of experience. The present season, or
perhaps' the one afterward, will help
to prove Sisler's chances of holding
the title. He is a ten-second man with
a speed of foot as great as Cobb's
ever was.
His fielding ability is high. He has
a keen, quick acting, well trained
mind, together with the ambition to,
succeed. Sisler is free from the tem-
peramental traits which have impair-
ed the records of certain other stars
He has none of those dissipated tend-
encies which made Rube Waddell, most
gifted of left-handers, a doubtful suc-
cess. Surmounting all these good qual-
ities, Sisler's record has improved rap-
idly ever since he began his major
league career.
There is always an opportunity to
Increase your business through Daily
sdvertising. Try it-Adv.
Use the Daily classified columns.

Seven matches in the all-campus
wrestling tournament will be held this
afternoon at 2 o'clock in Waterman
gym. There will be two contests in
each of the classes except the heavy-
weight, in which division there will be
only one.
In the lightweight class, J. C. Mc-
Clure, company I, First regiment, will
meet R. L. Stuart; '21, and F. E. Ross,
Headquarters, will grapple with H. G.
Cook, company B, Second regiment.
W. Schmidt, '21E, and R. H. Jones,
company A, Second regiment, will en-
gage in a welterweight match, as will
also J. E. Whitlow, '21M, and A. D.
Scholl, company I, Second regiment.
The middleweight contests will con-
sist of a match between M. H. Ayers,
company I, Second regiment, and F. C.
Carl, Headquarters, and one between
J. E. Whitlow, '21M, and W. J. Dav-
ies, '19. E. F. Lewis, '19M, and F. J.
Anderson, '19E, will be the principals
in the only heavyweight contest of the
The officials will be: F. D. Reider,
referee; J. W. Planck, and O. P. Lam-,

matches are urged to atti
port their candidates.
Western Reserve Contin
Western Reserve unive.
suspend athletics this spr
been rumored.
Numerous reports had
cause of military training
to be dropped until next
were denied when the
track schedules were isi
A special call has been
track candidates, and the
working hard in prepara
coming season. The R
ball schedule includes 10
of which will be played w
at Ann Arbor, April 20.
70 Per Cent Register a


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