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March 15, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-15

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think one was atI

)me, in order to be real Americans,
eople who do Red Cross work in
erance to going to a dance, who
Thrift stamps before excellent
Is, and who sacrifice out time and
first desires-ourselves-to our
he old path is the easier, and the
r, to follow. The easier way will
er make us worthy to live under
flag we love, within the nation we
e chosen to call our own. The
e difficult way is before us. But
path lies open to him who would
ttrue Amercian and a world citi-
Our country demands our efforts

,the Follies, one would.

By the way, have you had the
measles yet?


That first robin should have been
a duck.

f A
Roses are red,
And violets blue;
Little chorus-maiden,
Who sent them to you?

erman diplomacy and ruthlessness
e scored another of the most an-
ant victories of the war. Odessa,
port commanding the grain com-
ce of the Black sea, has been
ured. . With 4he alliance of the
ks, the .Huns. have now two ports
the Black sea, one commanding
outlet, the other giving control to
nistan, Persia, and if they wish

a nem

ult of such a victory on the
mind can have only one re-
will spur a faltering people
interest in the war, and may
other drive on Paris, design-
ided by the terrible instru-
Mars, Prussian generals, and

Add Military Notables-Major Tired
and Major Mad.
"I understand Mab-elle tried out for
the chorus but didn't make it," said
the second from the end to his danc-
ing partner.
"Yes, she has too large feet!" came
the ready response from the d.p.
"Well, e-r-r," with corrugated brow,
"how many did they expect her to
Visions of Hell-Trying to avoid dis-
cussing the opera.
Well, did you go last night?
When are you going to laugh?
"The young women," said the Daily
Grouch yesterday as he draped his feet'
sociably across the corner of our desk,
"have a hard time."
"More opera stuff," we groaned.
"Nope,," he soothed. "But in N ew
York, a costumethasebeen designedwfor
the farmerettes which does not jibe
at all with the Chicago idea of how
the fair sex should be clothed for the
return to Nature line. The New York-
ers favor a strictly military cut wh le
the Chicago sub-debs would like to be
clad in flowing lines, a la Lady Duff-
Gordon's idea of a bathing suit. If
they are really going to till the soil,
why not fit the ladies out in Sweet-
Orr overalls, with pockets for mow-
ing-machine, shovel, hoe, and lip-
"It's great stuff," we agreed. "Only
stop trying to ignite that pile of copy

with your ship-of-the-desert; we may
need it for Cary tomorrow."
A Chicagoan observes that with the
advent of Billy Sunday, the windy city
now possesses two types of vulgar
English, vernacular and tabernacular. !
Over the phone-"Yes, it was a ser-
ions accident; several people +hurt-."
The man at the desk--"H'm, why;
wasn't someone killed? It would make
a better story."
The Trib says that the Yankees
have killed "many enemy." We shall
hear next about a capture of lots of
foe. E
The imp who deals out March
weather during opera week has cer-
tainly had his palm crossed with sil-
ver by the taxi men. The "make-her-
walk" idea died from infantile paral-
Registration of college women will
be held at Barbour gymnasium next
week from 9 to 12 o'clock every
morning and from 3 to 5 o'clock every
afternoon. Women who have been
trained to be registrars are asked to
sign the schedules posted at the gym-
nasium and in U-hall at once. Every
registrar is requested to give three
hours to the work, and more if pos-


We Sell

Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp

Gives a white light.

Just the thing to study by

Stationery Sale*
1 'Pound Writing Paper and
2 Packages Envelope
The Slater Book Sho


Best New Books
First Call-Arthur Guy Empey ................. . ...........
A Yankee in the Trenches-Holmes " ........... ...........
How to Live at the Front-MacQuarrie. ....... .......
In Our First Year of War-Woodrow Wilson..............
On the Field of Honor-Hughes Le Roux........................
The Bolsheviki and World Peace--Trotzky.................
Liberty Writings of Dr. Hermann Kiefer. edited by Wfr. W. Florer.
My War Diary-Waddington ..... ... . .. .................
Food in War Time-Graham Lusk........... .............
% Wahrs Bookstores

K. Frances !andibo The one thing which the fall of
Ldgar L. Rice Odessa should bring to the minds 'of
Rilla A. Nelson
Vincent H. Riordan Americans is danger. This fact should
STAFF rush our shipbuilding interests, should
Harry D. Hause make the recruiting officer work over-
ace ine Maatcn time, should throw disputes in con-
Agnes Abele gress in the discard. Now the tine has
L. A Storrer
Case come for the Amercian people to save
the war. The sole method of prevent-
ing the Germans from going to the
East and placing there the founda-
H 15, 1918. tions of their militaristic program,'
will be a big drive on the west front,
ces M. Broene a drive on the Siberian front by the
Japanese, and the rushing of supplies
R WAY and ,men to our Allies in France. The
time has come for sleeping Amercians
s tuta nother of to .wake up. Odessa should be enough.
enemy has won
is on the morale ON COlMUNICATIONS
expected to be The Editor yesterday received an
interesting communication which he
enemy victory will be unable to pit uls h
at home to the prin -unlss ch
at h evicwriterechoosbetodisclse hnes ident-
he war situation. ity to him t
sews as the an- It will not be necessary that the
i of Odessa, and name of the writer appear in print.
ing up of vast but it is necessary that the Editor
enemy, appeared know who all writers of communica-
1 Arbor is $1,200 tions are for reasons of faith. The
r savings quota. line must be drawn somewhere.
y of today, and If persons will but look about the
American of to- editorial column they will notice that
untry, and in a it will be necessary that all communi-
cations be signed, though it is not
njoy. A certain necessary that the name of the writ-
this regard may er appear in print, to receive, any con-
Le interested In -
sideration. This rule, we may add.
stence, even at will be rigidly adhered to in all cases.
the lives of

A party for Women's league and
athletic association members will be
held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at
Barbo4, r gymnasium. The champion-
ship basketball game will be played
and there will be dancing and re-

Act 1 of
from 4 to 6
Grival, and

"Amazons" will rehearse
o'clock this afternoon in
hall. Tweenwayes, De
Litterly should report.

Alpha Nu Debates on Japanese Policy
Resolved, that the Unrited States
should sanction the policy of Japan
to maintain a Monroe doctrine in the;
Orient, will be the question for de-
bate at a meeting of Alpha Nu liter-'
ary society to be held at 7 o'clock to-
night in the Alpha Nu rooms, Univer-
sity hall.
All visitors will be welcome.
There is opportunity in Daily want

and see
Army Cigareti{

Nominations for officers of the Wo-
men's league will be made public
next Tuesday.
Always-Daily Serlice--Always.




When You Can Buy
11.A pring C.oat
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Exactly Like Cut
ou lze WhyB. Siegel Co.'s
Values Are Supreme
Coat is of men's wear Serge; pearl, grey, tan,
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two buckles In back. Two fancy side pockets
silk stitched and button trimmed ; deep turned
back cuffs. Coat is unlined. Exceptional value.
ccaa oowa a tbCDMn*%NA r
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Cor. State and N. i
Phone 308

ands of Democracy's sons.
higan men are thinking but lit-
>out the war situation. They are
buying War stamps as they
d. They are not giving them-
s first to their country, and sec-
to their .University and their
is. The time for trivialities has
Each day we see a great amount
luable time, even more valuable
than to our enemy, wasted over
mall nothings of existence.
.11 American people have learned1
,rifice as the French and Englishi
sacrificed one thing after anoth-
te war can never be won with
dispatch. A German peace of
would mean the ascendency of
un to the leading post among the
rful nations of the world. His
would remain powerful, and his
would subject France, Serbia,
nia, Russia, and the other Allied
ns, except England, to be mere
iling blocks which could never
to trip the Prussian in his for-
path to absolute world domina-
His navy would be a continual
ce to Amercia, and could knock
ind's navy into th.e proverbial

When Mrs. Clapsaddle sang that
song in the last act there were some
doubts as to whether the gallery was
shouting with her or at her.
The pastor who stated that Univer-
sity students would not tolerate Theda
Bara in "Cleopatra" is in our mind
extremely optimistic.
The shipping board does not ap-
prove of unsinkable ships. Perhaps
it's because "there aint no sech thing."
From the number of opera glasses

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jaci
' ($ffective M~ay 22, :9t7)
Detroit Limited and ixpreas cars--7
n.. 8:in a. I . and .houdy to 7:11 p. m.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8 :48 a. )n
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Courteous and satisfactol
TREATMENT to every custor
er, whether the account be lar
or small.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bar
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707 North University Ave.
Realize for yourself th
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Food. Prices Reasonabb
Service Paramount.



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Dancing 9 to



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