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March 15, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-15

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After a delay of several weeks
Prosecuting Attorney Carl A. Lehman
appeared before Judge Doty yesterday
morning, pleaded guilty to the charge
of being a spectator at a cock fight
conducted in this city on Feb. 2, and
paid a fine of $13.45. He appeared on
ISH that charge with a number of local
men the day following the raid and
pleaded not guilty on the grounds
that he was a spectator only in the
interests of the law and intended to
HT instruct the police to raid the place.
City Attorney F. B. DeVine was pre-
pared to try the case in behalf of the
Re- city under the appointment of Mayor
es E. M. Wurster. Mr. Lehman paid his
fine before any arguments presented
by the special prosecutor.
The judicial procedure this morn-
set's ing was the last of a case that arous-
ight ed considerable interest in local po-
the litical circles.

Michigan Central Trains Blocked By
Washouts at Shanghai Pit


Builders To Begin Construction
4 Similar Ships; Ready With-
in 18 Months

and Other Points
Lower Part of City Submerged;
ple Rescued in Boats Dur-



tng a tternoon
Damage done in Ann Arbor by
the rain storm yesterday is estimated
at about $6,000. From 3 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon until 8 o'clock
Thursday morning, there were 5.55
inch es of rainfall, and according to
Prof. W. J1 Hussey, director of the
Obesrvatory, this was one of the most
violent storms in the history )1f the
Owing to two washouts no trains


ovelty(Summary of the war developments)
elmak- Germans and Austro-Hungarians
continue to hold the territory from
Finland to Odessa, on the Black Sea.
e ~ It is not certain whether the Rus-
1fther sians will take up arms against them.
I not 'The Bolshevik foreign minister has
n tear asserted that he will oppose the rati-
have fication of the peace treaty with Ger-
v, it many and advocate the reorganization
r one iof the army for the defense of Russia.
one Meanwhile influencing newspapers
ae am- in Germany are already beginning to
paren- see the loss of Germany's prestige in
parent he far east because of her machina-
by its tions in Russia, and to point out that
is atGermany's Russian policy has "play-
sgram ed the game brilliantly" for Great
le g , 'Britain, the United States and Japan.

Fishpole Filterer
re Will Clear Water

ent oper
on. The

hie blame for this should not
on the author. The director
lly at fault. In a well direct-
, the stage is never empty for
nt. There is always something
Last evening's performance
ach better in this respect than
the preceding night. But there
room for improvement.
music, while not, of the whistl-
d, with the exception of two or
ongs, is pleasing though rem-,
t. "The plue Book Blues"
ae most applause again, not be-
t was the most melodious, al-
it is the "snappiest" song of
>w, but because of the accom-
nt. They, the accompaniment,
ip to all expectations aroused
t was first announced that wo-
>uld take part in, the opera.
Four 'Songs Stana Out
e are four songs that stand out
all the others. "Teach Me How
Good-Bye," the finale of the
t, is the most pretentious num-
t is very well done, and lone
and Robert Dieterle deserve
dit for its success. Their rend-
>f the duet is the best thing,
in the show.
ve Him Just the Same," a song
. at the last minute, and there-
ot on the program, is another
I is also well done by Miss Wil-
'Drop a Stitch," the opening
will be another favorite. The
le was at its best in this num-
Zepplins of Love," another song
,s Wilbur, did not go so well
ght as on the night preceding.
1 probably go better tonight
the following performances, as
good song, and will be one of

Prof. W. L. Schurz of the history
department, by the Rediscovery of an
ancient Chinese method, has solvedl
the water question which has 'troubled1
the people of Ann Arbor during the
past month.1
Prof. Schurz encountered the solu-;
'tion in the record of the British em-
jbassy of Lord Macartney to China ina
1793. There he found how the Chin-
ese cleared up the question of the
filtration of muddy streams. The
Chinese along the Pei-ho river, which
iseems to have been as opaque as the,
Huron, devised the following way of
making its water drinkable.
This Is the Way
A' small lump of alum is put into the
hollow joint of a bamboo, which is
perforated with several holes. The
water taken from the river is stirred
about with this bamboo for three. or
'.four minutes, during which the earthy
particles, uniting with the alum, are
precipitated to the bottom, leaving the
water above them clear and pure.
Thus instead of a new water works
system which would necessitate a
large bond issue, each citizen with
the expenditure of a few cents for
alum and by utilizing a section of an
old fishing pole, can have his own
private filtration plant and drink
water as pure as a mountain brook.
As the Huron river is now rapidly
clearing Professor Schurz is waiting
for another rise before he tests this
purification scheme.
Build Fishpole Dam
Professor Schurz has proposed that
a large number of bamboo fishing

went through this city yesterd'ay until
11 o'clock in the morning. Four ort
five feet of water is reported to have
accumulated on the tracks a mile and z
a half west of Ann Arbor, and the
ground was washed away. At Shang-
hai pit, a distance of four miles froml
here, there was a complete washout.
Men were immediately rushed to
place the tracks in working order, but
were unable to repair the damage un-
til late last evening.
Train Service Interrupted 3
.All trains, going both east and west,
traveled on the westbound tracks, and
as a consequence ran on very irregu-
lar time. Freight was held up in the
city until last night, but the men in1
charge of the Michigan Central sta-
tion believe that traffic will continue
in the normal order today unless an-
other storm appears.,
More than 60 people notified theI
street commissioner, A. J. Paul, yes-
terday that water had come in their
cellars, and all pumps available in thes
city were sent out for relief. 'Many
families on Wall street, across from
the Michigan Central station, found
their homes surrounded with water in
the morning, and were unable to
leave until boats were brought
into use. A few were forced
to remain on the second floor of their
homes because awter had come into
the first floor. Although several at-
tempts were made to rescue them, the
current was possessed of such force
that the boats were unable to make
any headway. It was in the afternoon
that the river receded, and many were
rescued from their danger.
Cellars Are Flooded
As a result of the water in the
cellars of many homes, furnaces were
put in disorder, and vast quantities of
canned goods and potatoes were des-
troyed. The total of damage done in
this way is thought to be almost
$3,000. The Michigan Central had
water up to the level of the first floor
because of the fact that the building
superintendent forgot to close the
openings the night before. The water
was immediately draind, and fire
was resumed early in the afternoon.
Streets were placed in bad condition
throughout the city, and an approxi-
mation of the damage done is placed
at more than $3,000 by the street com-
missioner. Work formerly done on
the construction of many streets was
undone by the storm, and the work to
be done over again alone amounts to
$5600. However, it was said that all
the immediate work would be com-
pleted within a few days.
Threatens University
Mr. E. C. Pardon of the buildings
and grounds department, said that the
University was threatened with a com-
plete shutdown due to the fact that
the water from the flood poured from.
all sides on the Washington street
power house. All night men were
stationed to draw away the water, and
unless this had been done, Mr. Pard-
on said that the power house would
have been flooded completely. The
danger was imminent because all the
water from 80 acres of land drains
down upon this place.

Boat Completed Six Months After
Material Poured; To Make
Trip to Orient
A Pacific Port, March 14.-So suc-
cessful was the launching here today
of the world's largest re-inforced con-
crete ship that her builders announc-
ed that they would immediately be-
gin construction of 54 similar ships
of larger size and expect that all
would be completed within 18 months.
Six weeks after the concrete was
poured into the forms, the 7,900 ton
ship, christened "Faith" took the
water. No hitch marred the opera-
tion. Engines will be installed at
once and the "Faith" put into com-
mission as rapidly as she can be fitted
Every step of the construction has{
been watched by the government. The1
vessel is 320 feet between perpendicu-
lars, 44.6 feet wide and 30 feet deep,
and when loaded will draw 24 feet of
water. Her displacement will be
7,900 tons and she will have a carry-
ing capacity of 5,000 tons and make
10 knots an hour with triple expan-
sion engines furnishing 1,750 horse-
power. She is 10 times larger thand
any concrete boat now on record in
this country.
Plenty of Concrete -
Advantages claimed for the new
vessel are that concrete construction
does not interfere with steel construc-
tion, plenty of concrete can be had.
Concrete vessels can be built for the
present cost of wooden vessels. Ves-
sels of 7.500 tons can be launched
within 90 days after work starts,
while the cost of the "plant" is "as
$25,000 to $500,000" compared with a
steel shipyard.
A watertight wood flooring resting
on the bottom beams constitutes the
double bottom of the vessel. No pro-
vision is made for water ballast, the'
theory being that the vessel will trav-
el without ballast, riding safely with
her heavy bottom. Six concrete bulk-
heads divide the vessel. The main
deck is wood laid on concrete string-
ers; the shelter deck is concrete. The
dead weight is put at 600 tons more
than that of a steel vessel of like
capacity. The vessel will .burn oil,
using 160 barrels a day and her rein-
forced concrete tank will carry thirty
days' supply.
Test Voyage 'to Orient
"This boat will have to stand her
tests, like any other vessel," said the
builder today. "I expect we will send
her to the Orient, and when she gets
back we will know all about her. At
present, there are no insurance quo-
tations covering concrete vessels; it's
all as new to everyone else as it was
to us, as we had to design our steel
and have it rolled as we needed it."

Amercian and Allied officials have
no fear that the move, will force Hol-
land into the war.
War Woo ksLittleC
Rad by Students
Students are not interested in the
war, if popularity of books on mili-
tary subjects is any guide.
Although there are a large number
of works on the war listed in the
catalogue of the general library, very
few students have asked for such
books. The list comprises practi-
cally all of the important works on
subjects relating to the European
war.-. Histories dealing with the ev-
ents leading up to the struggle are
very rarely taken out, while books
dealing with the conditions in Europe
are left almost untouched, according
to library authorities.
Enipey's "Over the Top," and others
,of his work, are the most popular
while "Private Peat," and other wide-
1y advertised books are also being
read by the students. Records of the
library show that members of the
faculty form a large portion of the
readers of the more serious war
With the coming of the 200 selected
men to be sent here about April 1, by
the government, the engineering stu-

Automobile accessories amounting
to approximately $200, were discover-
ed by the police in a concealed posi-
tion in the local junk yard owned by
M. Kreizman and H. Zeidman, both TOUL
of Ann Arbor, while seeking for cop-
per wire missing from the telephone
The automobile supplies were found FOUR GROUPS 0
in cartons and include 5 tires, 18 JECTORS
boots, 4 repair kits, and 2 cans of
repair gum. -It is estimated that the RETREATING C
copper amounted to almost $70. CAUGHT BY I
Both men are under $50 bond, and
the case has been postponed from
Thursday to a week from that day, Siipers Engage Back of
owing to the lack of sufficient evi- Toi Sector; Yans
dence. The men are charged with shooter Bags
buying and receiving stolen goods.
(By Associated
With the American ar
IBUT H SIPS March 12.- (Delayed.) -
INTENED DUTH SIPS of German gas projector
to the group of 200
TO USED BY ALLIES ready destroyed, have I
by the American artill
plans for gas attacks o
ACQUISITION OF 1,000,000- TONS tive large scale on Amei
WILL IMPROVE SHIP north of Toul thus have
SITUATION U. S. Artillery .
The American artiller:
Washington, March 14.--A million has been more active th
tons of Dutch ships, now held in ports past 15 hours and its shE
the world over, through Holland's fear marks in a number o
of Germany's threat to sink them if dumps which were bloc
the venture out, will be brought into extensive explosions are
the service of the United States and During a preparatory
Great Britian on March 18. an enemy bombardmen
Unless the Dutch government brav- number of gas shells fe
es the menace of Germany's pressure tery positions, the Amei
and voluntarily accepts an agreement enced certain German
under which the ships would be put pouring in a fast and.
in trade, the United States and Great curate fire.
Britian will take them over under in- The Amercian 'artille:
ternational law, availing themselves great gaps in the enen
of a sovereign right which Germany leveled various portion
herself has hitherto exercised under and second line trenche
the same, authority. enemy virtually to abax
Formal notice has been presented Barrage Kills T
to the Hague by the Amercian and Details of the recent
British diplomatic representatives of have just developed shoe
the Allied governments' intention. number of Germans w
Coming at a time when the dire shell fire, by box barr,
need of the Allied cause is for ships, by the creeping barrag
this acquisition of a million tons is also .a few of them .sla
of tremendous importance. time our men were in I
Every arrangement has been made Artillery fire of quite
for" the compensation of the Nether- acter is continuing in t
lands for the ships. of Luneville. So far as


Back of the Luneville a
tors snipers were actively
day as well as last night.
er sector one sniper was
a tree after a short period
had done effective work.
American sharp-shootex
cautiously to a vantage
Man's Land and opened
The second shot hit the
dropped to the enemy's
he hung for the rest of I
The Germans are doing
behind their lines. Addit
fiage construction' is goin
exceedingly heavy traffic
ence at many, places,

of the s

At a meetingc

poles each
,of alum be

containing several lumps
driven into the river bot-

While traffic on State street is at
its height this afternoon, several re-
porters and newsboys, all wearing the
rusty derby characteristic of the re-
porter of the late '50's, hunting news
and crying old editions, will stop all
passersby in an attempt to qualify as
masters of their calling. One by one
'they will make a hasty departure to
report to their chiefs and become ac-
quainted with the mysteries of the.
materials of their calling. The men
are initiates of the Michigan chapter
of Pi Delta Epsilon,' upperclass hon-
orary Journalism fraternity.
Three $500 fellowships are offered
each year to college graduates for re-
seaich work in social-economics by
.the gWomen's Educational and Indus-
trial Union of Boston. The work for
1918-19 will dbnsist of emergency in,
vestigations dealing with war activ-
ities. Appointments will be made
about the first of May. Application
blanks may be obtained at the re-
search department, 246 Boylston

Good Comie Songs
ic songs, "Who Stole the
Jother Hubbard's Cup-
best, although there are
s that run it a close sec-
nusical features that are
he accordion playing of
and the singing of "O'

yesterday afternoon
nominated as candida1
of class historian, an
serve on the Alumni
'election will take p1
meeting. Neil D. Ireb
been elected as class
'will leave with the
.next Sunday. Beside
other members of the
ing with this unit.
Cohan, Lester S. He
'Fox, all members'of
;staff. When these m
'class will be reduced

tom at close intervals directly above
the source of the city supply.
By the adhesion to these poles of
the mud suspended in the current the
water would be' purified on passing
,through. The central system would
save much trouble for the individual
citizen. However, the accumulation
of so much mud about the poles would
soon create a darm across the river
which would interfere with the plant
of the Michigan Edison Co.
Professor Schurz has offered this
fAature to the consideration of hy-

dents will be forced to change the
hours for shop work.
Plans which have been made for I
mechanics and gunsmiths who will
here, provide that they be given ,1
use of the shops all day. A lar
number of students work there da
from one to four o'clock, and all
these men will have to give way
the soldiers.
Nothing' definite has been deck
as to the tim'e that students will
given for their work. Professor
L. Miggett, superintendent of the e
gineering shops, stated yesterday tb
he is considering a plan to allow t




star of

Spanish Club Plans Presentation
Plans for the comedy "Zar Agueta,"
were discussed at the meeting of El
Ateneo Cervantes, the Spanish stu-
dents' club, at its meeting in Univer-
sity hall last night. The play, which
has a cast of 12, will be given late
in the semester, the exact date not

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