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March 12, 1918 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-12

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"Scientific boxing as taught to the
cadets in the R. o. T. C. is of utmost
importance when the men take up bay-.
onet practice," said Dr. George A.
May, director of Waterman gymnas-
ium, in an interview yesterday after-
noon. "The different thrusts, the
quickness to take the offensive and de-
fensive, and the various spars in bay-
onet fighting is merely an outgrowth
of the sound principles of boxing.
"The 'guard' position makes the
man prepared for the attack; the
long front' or body thrust, enables the
soldier to get his man; the shifting
by the boxer to a left or right for his
opponent't head is similar to the
stroke made by the soldierdwhen he
brings the butt of his gun down in a
smashing stroke aimed at the same
spot; and the blocking or brushing his
opponent's blow to one side with a
motion like that with which the sol-
dier parries his enemy's thrust for the
body constitutes the principle move-
ments. The men haven't been taught
the right or left uppercut, which is
not unlike the movement made by the
soldier in dropping the butt of his gun
and thrusting the bayonet up at his
enemy's throat.
Train 200 Men at One Time
"More than 200 cadets are given in-
structions in boxing every afternoon,"
continued Dr. May. "But the value of
boxing does not stop with its close re-
lationship to the science of bayonet
fighting. It goes a great deal further
than that, for one of its chief claims to
consideration is the fact that it teaches
the recruit to face hand-to-hand com-
bat without shrinking.
"The talent developed has been re-
markable, and while this is commend-
able, it is not the end sought. We
are attempting to produce a whole
army of men who can go into a bruis-
ing, hand-to-hand fight, keep their
eyes open and their brain alert for
the instant when they see the opening
for the finishing thrust.
Amateur Vs. Professional
"The main difference between an
amateur and a professional is that
the professional has the ability to use
what he knows on the spur of the
moment. The amateur has to let some
time elapse before he realizes the op-
portunity that presents itself. That is
the kind of a thing we are trying to
teach the R. . T. C. men.
"A man either kills the enemy or
he kills him. If a man attempts to
cover ap, his enemy will certainly ac-
complish his purpose. The only way
to prevent him from doing it is to get
him first to go into him with every
ounce of force, intent on making the
first thrust a fatal one, and failing in
that, following it up determined to
make the next one count."
The women's athletic exhibition will
take place before the Michigan State
Schoolmasters' club at 4:10 o'clock on
March 26 in Barbour gymnasium.
The exhibition is an annual con-
test between the freshman, and sopho-
more gymnasium classes. A new fea-
ture this year will be military march-
ing. The military marching classes,
which have been directed by military
officials, has met one hour a week
0ince last fall. Gymnastic drill, ap-
paratus work, aesthetic dancing, odd-
even games, ag4 basketball will also
be on the program.
Admittance to the exhibition will be
either by tickets orschoolrnaters
badges. 'Every one may obtain tickets

free of charge at the office of the phy-
sical director or of the dean of wo-
men. Tickets will not be sent out by
mail this year as formerly.

Floyd Dennis, shortstop; and "King"
Dippold, outfielder.
Iowa Plays Michigan May 18
Iowa City, Ia., March 11.-Fourteen
games, six of them with Western Con-
ference nines, are on the University
of Iowa's baseball schedule. The list,
which includes games with Indiana,
Chicago, Illinois, Michigan, an Notre
Dame follows:
April 6-Coe at Cedar Rapids; April
8-Dubuque college at Iowa City;
April 10-Cornell at Iowa City; April
13-Cornell at Mt. Vernon; April 15-
Indiana at Bloomington; April 20-
Illinois at Urbana; April 27-Chicago
at Iowa City; May 4-Illinois at Iowa
City; May 11-Ames at Iowa iCty;
May 14-- Ames at Ames; May 17 -
Notre Dame at South Bend; May 18-
Michigan at Ann Arbor; May 27-
Michigan at Iowa City.
Drake Relay Bids Sent Out
Des Moines, Ia., March 11.-Invita-
tions for the 1918 Drake university
relay carnival, which will be held
here April 20, have ben sent out by
Capt. John L. Griffith, the university's
athletic director, who is also acting in
that capacity at Camp Dodge.
ThefirstDrake relay carnival was
held in 1910 when participants were
confined to Des Moines colleges, but
the next year Griffith induced other
state colleges to compete and after
that the entry list was extended to
institutions outside the state.
A collection of water colors by
John J. Dull is now on exhibition at
the Alumni Memorial hall. There are
30 pictures of landscape snd marine
Mr. Dull is an architect by profes-
sion, who devotes his spare time to
painting, and is a prominent member
of the Philadelphia Water Color so-
ciety and has been a member of its
exhibition jury.
The water colors are brought here
-through the efforts of the Architectur-
al society of the University and are
exhibited under the joint auspices of
the Ann Arbor Art association and
the Architectural society.
The pencil drawings by .Seaford will
remain on exhibition with the water
colors. The exhibition opens Tuesday
afternoon and will continue through
the balance of this and next week from
2 to 4:30 o'clock afternoons.
Vocal and instrumental music and
an informaltalk constituted the pro-
gram of the combination All-campus
sing and mixer held Sunday afternoon
at the Union.
Mr. C. C. Freeman spoke on "Food
Conservation," which, he said, the stu-
dents had acepted in a good spirit.
The singing was led by Mr. N. C.
Fetters sertary of the Utivrsity Y.
M. C. A. "Jazz" was furnished by pn
orchestra composed of ktuart L.
Sonne, '19, Uri A. Carpenter, '2,
Stephen G, Pratt, '18E, and Jack
Gardner, '21.
With approximately 50 men still
awaiting equipment in supply depots,
the army stores course started yes-
terday, over two weeks late. It is
not known when the remaining men
will be able to get here.
The next course scheduled to start

April 13, will be either one week or{
two weeks late. The one week vaca-
tion customarily given between cours-
es may be forgone because of the de-
J. A. Mosenfelder, instructor in
journalism, is included in the number
held at the depot at Columbus, Ohio.

12:35 o'clock-Lenten
444 South State street.

I j es1tI
services at

12:40 o'clock-Harry Meyer lec-
tures at the Bible Chair house on "The
Supremacy of Love."
4 o'clock-Botanical Journal club
meets in Room 173, Natural Science
4:15 o'clock-Rev. L. C. Douglas
speaks in Barbour gymnasium on the
religious phase of "The World Today."
7:30 o'clock-Canadian club meets
at the Michigan Union.
12:35 o'clock-Lenten services at
444. South State street.
5 o'clock-Il Circulo Dante meets in
Room 204, University hall.
7:30 o'clock-Adelphi debating so-
ciety meets In Adelphi rooms, Univer-
sity hall.
Rehearsals for the Cercle Francais
plays announced for tonight have been
Aet 1, of "Phormio" will be rehears-
ed at 8 o'clock tonight in Room 203,
University haiL
All members of the Cosopolitan
club who have ordered or desire one
of the group pictures which were tak-
en for the Michiganensian, may secure
themnow at the White studio.
Senior lit elections to Student coun-
cil wil be held from 2 to 4 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in University
A committee has been appointed by
the Engineering society for the pur-
pose of corresponding with all Michi-
gan Engineers in service. This com-
mittee is known as the War Corre-
pondece committee and, with the co-
operation of the secretary of the Col-
lege of Engineering, plans to establish
a link between the present 14ichiga
engineering students and those who
have left school since the start of the
The War Correspondence committee
will furnish any available information,
at the request of any Michigan engin-
eer in the service, concerning any oth-
er Michigan engineer. Any letter re-
ceived by the coamitte containing
anything of interest to the present
students will be posted on the bulle-
tin board in the Engineering society
rooms. Selected letters will be pub-
lished in the Michigan Technic.
Pastor To Speak at Lenten Service
Mr. Harry Meyer, student pastor of
the Congregational church, will de-
liver the second of a series of lec-
tures on "Christian Fundamentals," at
12:40 o'clock today at the Bible Chair
The subject of his speech is "The
Supremacy of Love," and is being glv-
e under fhe auspce of the Christian
Students' gssopiaqon. This is a part
Of the progam of the Untyorsity Len-
ten services.
Carranza Refuses Increase in Salargy
Mexico City, March 1.-resldent
Carranza ha declined to apcept, on
the grounds of unconstitutionlity, the
recent increase in salary granted by
the legislature and which is incrp-
orated in the budget for the cqmig
fiscal year, He now receives 12 pe-
sos a day. It was proposed to allow
him 176 pesos a day,
The official R, 0. T. C. and U. M.
Insignia have arrived at Henry & o.
715 N. Unversity.-Adv.
There I always an oportunty to
Increase your business through- Daily
advertising. Try It.-Adv.



MVIMJU IIJ A 122ZAA3. *J . .A1
Lieutenant-Colonel Neal M. Woo
'08M, for several years an assistantt
Prof. Reuben E. Peterson of the med
cal school, is in large part responsib
for the excellent condition of the bae
hospital at Camp Custer of which 1
is the head.
This hospital has been held up as
model for all base hospitals to follor
and the efforts of its highly capab
medical staff have succeeded in cheel
.lng the prevalent meningitis epidem
with a mortality list of only 13 p(
cent and has prevented any disea,
from gaining serious headway into tl
Major R. Bishop Canfield, profess(
of otolaryngology in the medic
school and medical director of tb
University hospital, also frequent
visits the base hospital at Camp Cu
ter as advisory medical officer fi
Governor Albert E. Sleeper.
Lieutenant-Colonel Wood has bee
in the army six years, coming to Ba
tle Creek as a captain and rising ral
idly to the position of major and fi
ally to his present office. The pe:
sonnel of his assisting staff includ
some of the best medical reserve ta
ent in the middle west,
Senior Lits to Elect Councilmep
Elections for vacancies in the seni
;literary student council represent;
tives will be held tomorrow afternoo
in University hall.
Men nominated and eligible for tl
three vacancies are: Gerald GabriE
Robert Patterson, Bernard Kraus
and Robert Monroe.


S, Refreshing,


ks and Supplies

with the College Spirit'

.~ ~DOetroitI


M memorable event, when a cablegram
received from General Pershing, con-
gratulated Yale on her splendid work
in preparing men for the service ar-
rived. An endowment of $3,000,000
was announced. Flags were also pre-
sented. About 500 alumni attended.

Smartness in costuming
begins uth the Corse.
If the foundation-the cor-
set -is properly designed
and carefully fitted with a
fullkinowledge of the figure-
need, the result is all that
one may hope for from the
view.-point of appearance,
comfort and health.
For even a last year's
frock will fall with grace
ov r a Redfern Corset
that is correctly fited.
are quite as pretty to look
at as they are gmfortable
to wear. Their satisfaction
is assured.
$3.50 up


Bold sophomores at the University
of Texas abducted the class president
more of the freshman as he was participat-
e pay ing in the freshman reception, and
veling the compliment was returned when
tumis- the frosh carried off the sophomore
lager, president just as he was about to lead
lelden the grand march at a class function.'
"No Junior prom" is the conelusion
which has been reached in Ohio state

university this year. The reason for
abandoning this elaborate social func-
tion are the high rent for halls, and
the numerous other social functions
such as subscription dances whichI
take all the spare money of the stu-


1- Wr. D. Goddard to Speak Today
;h Dr. Dwight Goddard will lecture on
"Supremacy of Love" today at 12:45
a in the Bible Chair House.

our films for finishing? Per-
dropped in the nearest place


Only Three Btl Teams in Missonri
Columbia, Mo., March 11.-Basebal
will be played by only three univer-
sities in the Missouri Valley Confer-
ence this season, the other institu-
tions having given up the sport be-
cause of the war. Kansas and Iowa
State, the sole competitors of Miss-
ouri, have scheduled 12 games, each
with the local nine.
Outdoor practice is under way here.
Of the 16 men who played on the
varsity, and freshman teams last year.
only five are back. Judson I. Urie is
the only fresmman player who has
returned. Coach Miller hopes to
make Urie the mainstay of. the pitch-
ing staff. The varsity men who re-
turned are: Capt. Clyde Slusher, first

M~ay Festival Tickets
Mail Orders for Ilock ' B" and "C" now being re-
ceived. They Will be fileI in order of receipt.
Public Sale of Block "" $5,50 each ($2.50 if
"cover coupon" is exchanged) Hill Auditor-
ium 8:00 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Time)

as always lead all
e of this difference.
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G:1:'rR;MEt4T _






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