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March 12, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-12

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rhtin g

the destiny of
find the qual-
of youth, the
iement of ex-
of value --best

Washington, March 1.-Beginning
today, a small army of public speak-
ers-the "Four Minute Men" of the
last Liberty Loan-will invade thea-
ters, moving picture .houses, churches
and other meeting places, to make'
brief addresses urging prompt filing:
of income tax returns, which will be
received by tax collectors up to April

The board of directors of the local
Red Cross organization will holds its
regular monthly meeting in the School
of Music Annex at 8 o'clock this eve-
A service flag in-memory of Richard
N. Hall, who gave his life to the ser-
vice of the United States was present-
ed to the St. Andrews Episcopal church
by his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Louis P.
Hall at the church services Sunday
morning. Richard Hall was killed in
the American ambulance corps in
France. His death was represented on
the flag with a golden star. The

Early Spring Showing
,Society Brand and
Hickey-Freeman Suits
Also just received a line of Spring Hats and


,f 2
*.' .1

: l::: - C

Will Explain Income Taxes names of
To demonstrate that this is not a resentedo
rich man's war-that millionaires are services.
taxed proportionately more than men
of small means, is the special effort The loc
of the Four Minute Men. Acting on enlistmen
the supposition that German sym- skill in m
pathisers have circulated reports that A large ni
the United States was forced into war call and n
by big money interests for the profit for Kelly
they would make, the speakers will where th
explain that big incomes are taxed for servic
much more heavily than small earn- the army.
ings, and that Amercian income tax
rates are light as compared with Brit-
ish rates. The city
Samuel Gompers, president of the nounceme
American Federation of Labor, will elections
be quoted as follows: "This is not a April 1, a
capitalist war, not a profiteering war. the custom
No previous war in history has been dermen,s
so truly a war of the people, for the the city el
people, by the people." question.
Speakers Supplies with Information the salary
The seakers also have been sup- lowing the
plied with information showing that an allowa
stocks, bonds, and securities declined 'proposed.
in market value when the United l

the other men who are rep-
on the flag were read at the
al draft board is urging the
t of men who have expert
motor driving and repairing.
umber has responded to the
nine left yesterday afternoon
field, San Antonio, Texas,
ey will prepare themselves
ces in the motor division of

Between the Theatres
Come and see our choice selection of cut flowers and
Cousins & Hall UNF
Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Assoc

"Let's Go"

from us.

pecialty. Violets,
in abundance.

y clerk has made official an-
nt of the fact that the spring =
will take place Monday,
nd that on that day, besides =
mary election of the city al- s
supervisors, and constables,
lectors will vote on the water
The advisability of raising
. of tie chief of,police and al-
e city clerk and city treasurer
ance for clerk hire will be





Phone 294


49c per doz.


g to Mr. Preston, is the cause
general falling off, of business
ssia. Transportation of money
ne city to another is forbidden,
sting business.
result of Mr. Preston's trip,'
had as its purpose the easier,
eats of hides and skins to this
y, was not very satisfactory, He
that farmers were not allowed"
1 calves for a period of three
and that only small quantities
er hides and skins were being
ed by the raisers. He believes
fter the war conditions will once
become normal, and predicts a
business in the future.
t'c(rs E 1nPlete Plans for Smoker



CATOR Plans aye bing compl-ted ifor the
All-Engineering smoker to be given
by the Engineering society Thursday
stricted night, March 21, at the Union.
I' is intenr'f. to make this smoker
a nig get-togthier for a.ll- tudents in
tht college engineering
e Rus- Althougn ' ii- exact program of en-
on the tertainment has not b.s:i ilecided up-
oduce," on, Phil Beath, '19E, who has that end
prom- of it i charge, promises to spring
leather some original "stunts" in addition to
,a thr short talks by members of the fac-

States entered the war, and have been
instructed to cite these facts as proof
that big industries did not welcome
the war for profiteering reasons.
A pamphlet of instructions to the
speakers was prepared by the commit-
tee on public information, division of
Four Minute Men, of which William
McCormickx Blair is director.
This pamphlet shows that the Am-
erican tax on a married man's in-
come of $2,500 is $10, while the British
tax is $225, Great Britian's levy is
about one-third more than this if the
income is interest on investments-
so-called "unearned."
X18 OPera-P ost'er
Appears In City
After a delay occasioned by the non-
arrival of the color plates, the 1918
Union opera poster, designed by Reed'
E. Bachman, '20, has made its ap-
pearance in the streets of Ann Arbor.
The picture represents a young wa-
man, distinctively Parisienne in mien
and manner with an officer-seemingly
a direct descendant of the genus
"lounge lizard." The latter's left eye
alone is visible, the other possibly
having been destroyed by shell fire,
although he apparently has never
heard the boom of the busy Berthas.
In striking contrast to the back-
ground of lavender are the olive green
of the military uniform and the yellow,
vermilion, green, and blue of the lady'Is
garb, which in itself covers much, of
the picture. Her apron and cap of
white relieve the startling effects
brought about by the elaborate color
The lettering "Let's Go!l" is unique
and wholly in keeping with the tone.
of the poster.
Conference to Discuss Food Problem
"The community co-operation nec-
essary to win the war" will be the key-
note of the third annual better coin-
munity conference to be held at the
University of' Illinois on April 4, 5, 6,
and 7. The problem of food conser-
vation will be one of the importan't
items for discussion as well as the
social, business, political, and religious
war roles to be undertaken at the
College Courtship Ends in Marriage
Announcement has been made of the
marriage of Alice J. Christman, of
Monroe; Mich., to Robert M. Allan,
'18L, last Friday at Detroit.
The courtship began at Ann Arbor
when both were students at the Uni-
versity. Allan is a member of the1
Delta Chi fraternity.J

Officer Emmett Sodt expects to as-
sume his duties as the traffic officer
again this summer and is putting his
motor cycle in shape to use it within
the next week. He expects to rigidly
enforce the city traffic ordinances and
to curb the speeding that has been so
common in Ann Arbor in the past. He
says that there are a number of street
corners near the campus that are par-
ticularly dangerous and warns drivers
to use extraordinary precautions to
prevent accidents.
Leo J. Martin, the local secretary of
the cigar makers' union, appeared be-
fore Judge Thomas' court yesterday
morning on the charge of embezzle-
ment and pleaded guilty to the charge.
The shortage on the books was detect-
ed several months ago but he was un-
able to make good his deficiency.
The case of Charles Long, charged
with a statutory offense, is being tried
in the Washtenaw county circuit court.
The case will probably go to the jury
tomorrow. Long was arrested several
weeks ago and just before the. officers
arrived at his home to arrest him he
attempted suicide but failed. 'Phe case
has aroused considerable local inter-
New York, 1March 11-- \ further up-
lift in trade. i'rprovecnent in winter
wheat crop prospects, extensive prep-
ara'lions for ro d planting in the south,.
freer movements in industrial chan-
?els, and ; . geessive betterment in
transprirtation f'acilitiea and fuel sup-
ples, signahzes the weelr'- develop-
ments, says adstrea3s of last Sat-
Ordinary operations are overshadow-
ed. by governrlental w ,rk,= with~ read-
jnstments of outputs in divers Indus-
tries still being made in conformitS,
wth the exigencies of wa. However,
tte general o Cer of things is forward,
the northwest, southwest, Pacific west,
dAd south heing conspicuous in this:
In staple lines, jobbing trade over
tlhe country is showing more life, and
wholesale trade, especially in dry
goods, gr.!oe ies, and packing house
products, ie exceptionaL,' good On
the other hand, slowness reigns in 'or-
dinary building, except, of course. at
c: nters where the indu:'.trial p 'pula-
tion has greatly increased. Moreover,
-1 e demand for furniture and other:
well-recognized luxuries, is dull. while
sbarp restrictions in outputs of wheat
flour, window glass, ana automcbiles,
is being enforced.

P.5S. Theres a reason



The sale of tickets will commence
aext.Thursday under the direction of
William Jaeger, '19E.
The official R. 0. T. C. and U. M.
:nsignia have arrived'at Henry & Co.
15 N. 'Univarsity.-Adv.



You will
rough the


what you want
want ads.-Add.

Philadelphia, March 11. - Boxing
gloves and bayonets are twin broth-
ers in developing fighting skill, ac-
cording to Sergeant Samuel Katcher
of the United States marine corps.
Katcher is the lightweight. champion
of the marines, and is known to his
comrades as "Fighting Sammy."
"The blocks, counters, and blows of
boxing as closely imitated in bay-
onet fighting," says Katcher. "Train- I
ed boxers who are learning to be-
come infantry fighters have remarked
the similarity of the butt stroke to
the body as a counter for an oppon-
ent's higlh thrust with the bayonet.
At the completion of this blow the
positions of the bayonet men are
identical with those of boxers.
"Of course the effect of the rifle punch
if pushed home means a knock-out,
if not sure death, to the man who re-
celeves it," he added, "where a similar
blow in boxing would be only an in-
cident of the bout."
Katcher has had ample opportunity
to practice his skill with both rifle
and fists. He participated in several
engagements in Nicaragua a few years
ago. In the same country he won the
title of lightweight champion of the
United States marine by knocking out
his rival in a few seconds.
Will Read Papers to Botanists
Dr. Henry Kraemer, of the pharma-
cognosy department, and Miss Helen
M. Scott, of the botany department,
will read papers at a meeting of the
botanical Journal club to be held at
4 o'clock this afternoon in Room 173,
Natural Science building. Short re-
ports will be given by members of see-

These famous
cils are the so
by which all
pencils are j
17 blac degre
6 B sof/est to 911 i
and hard and medium ci
Look for the VENUSJ


OS.eavea Copy
lF Supply Store

Please enclose e ii atalu:
and poutage.
American I eadl I
215 Fifthk Avenue,
Dept.. I
Extension L
Prof. J. G. Winter w
night in Three Oaks on
in Africa."

- I ..

LOST-Delta Chi fraternity pin. Re-
ward. Phone 387.

*M WFOR SALE-Two $3 Coupons for May
Festival-reasonable. Call 1365-M
after 8:00 P. M.
621 S. FOR SALE-Two May Festival Cov-
er Coupons, will sell cheap. 535 S.
al Me- 5th Ave.

We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
.Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor

Prof. L. 7.
morrow in G
Forests in M
Prof. P. S.
morrow night
Forests in M


[NNELL BROS., 116 S. Main St.


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