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March 05, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-05

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A T M. A. C.


Basketball Teams cetting

Into Con-


dition for Series of,

Tractor School Opened for Occasion; New York, March 4.-A
Housewives (Aet Course in ing his resignation from
Conservation versity Saturday, and r
f cuss the reason, Prof.
Lansing, Mich., March 4.-This week of the department of int
is to see the greatest gathering Michi-
gan has witnessed of organizations
which may be effective in carrying outE
food producing and food saving cam-
paigns of the United States govern-

played betwee
Varsity to d
e better team.
the year the
came throug
the score ing
teams, and no
chance for re
s to Beat 01
entor believe
chance again
bus, but is not
predictions afte
The coach was
showing putu
ist the Windy
of game play
Indiana and N

rk his With the first game in the annual
,ration women's interclass basketball series
here' scheduled for this Wednesday after-
noon in Barbour gymnasium, there is
let off considerable speculation as to the
games playing ability of the several teams.
mages The senior aggregation, although
a yfull winners of the consolation banner
n the last year, have been considerably
nte strengthened by new material. The
.eIn junior team, which won last year's
yearl- series, has four of its championship
,h on team members back this year, and are
gm on confidently expecting a repetition off
games their former showing.
wethe Several of the sophomore candi-
venge. dates for team positions were ineligi-
sis ble to play, but despite thisrhandi-
s his
stecap, the second year women are plan-
wstill-ing to have their numerals inscribed
til-on the basketball loving cup. The
er the freshmen show much speed and en-
s dis- thusiasm in practice which offsets a
up by slight tendency toward- ragged play-
City ing.

ed by

ed him to expect some good
his men. The fact that
s unable to play might- ac-
the slowing up of the team
xtent for the combination of
nd Emery has been working
tion since they had been
has now nearly recovered
sickness and it is likely that
e able to play in the Ohio
e. He will strengthen the
considerable extent and the
guards should have some
cut out for them.
M. A. C. the team put up
game than Coach Mitchell
The contest was expected
exceptionally hard one, for
rs had just finished beating
no by the' score of 27 to 12,
ially during the second half,
;y seemed to have little
i working the ball where
sed, or in shooting when
ed. The same sort of game
ainst Chicago would have
Ichigan out on the long end



It is round-up week at the Michigan
Agricultural college. Farmers' or-
ganizations and allied associations
will convene, hear speakers of nation-
al prominence and perfect plans which
should result in greatly increased pro-
duction in Michigan during the com-
ing year.
The big week started off with the
opening of the tractor school. demon-
strating priicipal makes of tractors
used on farms. The school will run
two weeks. Lessons in operating and
repairyi, !r:e machines will be given:
For f:rwcrs and hoi;sowives, there
is a -1ys' course d-alk- with pro-
ductio. and conservaticti. B. F. ifar-
ris, P iois :anker-farr er. will speak:
on "p ie Va ruer's Part in the War."
P. G. i'iA s. presidenr of the Am-
ericaa As.ociation of Poultry sr1oarch
Instrac .;rs, will speak on "Poultry
and th Wtr." Prof. F. C. Taylor of
the Unlv-r-ity of WisconsiP will re-
view it:re' -g.
Tim M:cbigan Maple Sirup Manufac-
turerl asc&tion wil' meet tomor-
Thuruay -nd Friday there will be
a garde-- conlerence and meetings of
the M'chigan State VegetrblE Grow -
ers' atd the Njichigan Potato Growers'
assotiations. County commissioners
- of schools will meet Frid:ty.
Mr. John A. Mosenfelder of the
journalism department has been de-
tained in Toledo, where he has en-
listed in the ordnance department, till
the release papers come from Wash-
ington to permit the movenient of the
corps to Ann Arbor.
Mr. Mosenfelder's classes will meet
as usual although the substitute has
not yet been announced.

I took
Her to



Company A, First regiment, qual-
ified for the finals in the relay event
to be run off next Saturday when
their team defeated the representa-
tives of company B, First regiment,
yesterday afternoon in Waterman
gym. The winners ran the half mile
in the good time of 1 minute 42 3-5
seconds. ~
The victor's team consisted of Bar-
ringer, Meese, Ullman, Lamont and
Johnston, while the company B team
was made of Haley, Bodman, Lumby,
Gilman, and Bauer. The company A
team will meet the winners of one of
the other matches to be run off dur-
ing the week in the finals. Their
time yesterday was better than all
but one of the marks made in the
preliminary meet last Saturday. Com-
pany C, Second regiment, ran the re-
lay in 1 minute, 41 4-5 seconds and
it looks as if this record would be a
hard one to better.
TO FLOAT $x,00,000,660
That the Third Liberty Loan to be
floated April 6 will probably amount
to not less than five billion dollars, is
the substance of the monthly financial
letter issued by the National City bank
of Chicago. The bonds of this loan
will most likely bear a four per cent
,interest rate.
The establishment of a War Finance
corporation for the purpose of assist-
ing corporations whose activities are
.necessary to the operation of the war,
is now being considered by Congress
in connection with the Third Loan.
,The workings of this body will be un-
der the supervision of the Federal Re-
serve board and will be concerned es-
.pecially with securing capital for nec-
essary war industry.

--She was


Play Better on Foreign Courts
The men seem tb play better bask-
etball on foreign courts than on the
one in Waterman gymnasium. This
can, in some measure, be accounted for
by the fact that most of the other
floors are larger than is the one here
and it allows the men more opportun-
ity to use teamwork.
Much improvement has been made
over the game put up in the early
part of the season, excepting in the
battle with Chicago. The dribble has
been learned the past few months
and this, although causing many fouls
through lack of perfection, has great-
ly improved the work of the team on
offense. On the defense the quintet
has always been fairly strong through
the work of Captain Boyd,
French Captain to Address Cercle
Captain Dutoit, a member of one of
the more recent French military com-
missions to come to this country, will
speak to the Cercle Francais tomorrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Cabral
who was to speak at this time has
postponed his talk until a week from

ta --

C u ,vrn z

Q tyc a J s


in Hats

- at the same hour.
s accompanied by


also deliver a short

MableaRowe. Shampooing,
ng, Massage and Chiropody.
enings by appointment. 326
kve., Cor. Detroit St. Phone


A Real Pipe
College Men
These are two of the
24 popular shapes in
which you can get the
$1.00 and up
WD C Hand Made
$1.50 and up
Each a fine pipe,
with sterling silver ring
and vulcanite bit.
Leading dealers in
town carry a fu l.as.
sortment. Select your

Sylvan S. Grosner, '14L, outlined the
Russian situation to the Menorah so-
ciety at a meeting held Sunday night
in the Bible Chair House. Grosner
expressed his confidence in the Bol-
sheviki rulers and declared that the
Trotzy-Lenine combine would succeed.
The side of the Mensheviki, the op-
ponents of the present regime, was
defeated by Jacob Pearlsteen,_'20. Sev-
eral other members participated in
the discussion.
New York, March 4.-Wall street a
week ago imagined that an early peace
,was forthcoming, and the cheerful out-
lookgwas reflected on the stock ex-
Last week the talk disappeared, and
the market has taken a slump. The
complete collapse of Russia is believed
to be the cause of the change.
Ambassador Francis Safe at Vologda
Washington, March 4.-A dispatch
received by the state department yes-
terday from Ambassador Francis an-
snouncing the safe arrival of himself
and staff at Vologda, Feb. 28, said the
German advance on Petrograd and
Moscow was continuing when he left
the capital Feb. 26.
, Counsel Summers at Moscow an-
nounced in a dispatch received by the
state department today, that all Ameri-
cans had left Moscow as well as Petro-


215 East Liberty



$3.00 to $7.00


1_ ay Festival Ti

Mail orders for Tickets will be filled in
in order of receipt:

Block "A," $6.50

Block "B," $5.50


(If Pre-Festival "Cover-Coupon" is exchanged deduct $3.00)

Public Sale, Block "A" Hill Y
Saturday Morning, March 9, 8 o'c



are flrt ehoioel

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