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October 11, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-11

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Mr. Victor Horta, former director
of the Royal School of Fine Arts in
[Brussels and architect of interna-
tional repute, will deliver two lec-
tures on Nov. 13 and 14 in the upper
lecture room of Alumni Memorial hall.
Mr. Horta's first lecture, "The Ger-
mans in Belgium and France," will
be illustrated with views of buildings
and monuments of art before and after
the German invasion. The second lec-
ture, also illustrated, will have as its
title, "The Cathedrals and Public
Buildings of Belgium and Northern
France as Affected by the War."~
Mr. Horta has been employed as
architectural designer for some of the
most famous modern buildings in Eu-
rope. At the opening of the war, he
was engaged in the construction of
a museum of fine arts at Tournai,
Belgium, a new hospital in Brussels,
and a great central railway station
there which was being erected by the
Belgian government.
Besides being rated as the foremost
architect of Belgium, Mr. Horta is
known for his designing of the inter-
national Bazaar at Frankfort-on-Main
and the monument of Brahms at

the twirling instead of Slim Sallee. The 'field was in fine condition, pep
It was rumored about that the little ran high, and the "wind" was good.
chief wanted to give. Slim another day Practice will be held at 2:30 o'clock
of rest and use him in today's game. every Wednesday and on one other
Rowland sent Cicotte in to oppose day each week, which will be an-
the Giants. Schalk did the receiving. n ounced later.
Both pitchers held their own until;__________
the fourth inning when Cicotte cracked Use the Daily classified columns.-
and allowed the Giants three hits ___________________
which netted" the New Yorkers two 'Pop-Mat.Wd. ~ffru Nights
runs. Neither team scored after this. Best seats $1 CARRllf, 25c to $2.00
Soebinng:Sat.,Mat. 200 Orchestra
Scoe y nnigs ;25c to $1.50 DETROIT seats,.31,E
Chicago ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 2 Norworth & Shannon resent
New York ....00020000*-2 9 2j ANpr~
Batteries-Cicotte and Schalk; Ben- "ODDS ND END OF 1917 n1" aidn
Sev era.l Appear for Hlockey Practice
-I yvuerdth hI i
Experienced girls and some very =
proisig ew ateia tunedou fo I BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER
prmsignw aeia ure-utfrPrices: ig Cents=
the first junior-senior hockey practice Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6.430, 8, 9:30
:. Saturdays-Sundays--Continuous
on Palmer field yesterday afternoon. Thurs-Fri-lx-12.Sessue Hayakawa in
____________________________ = "Hashimura Toga." Also Keystone .
_______________________________ - Comedy.
Sat-13-W~m. Russell in 'Pride and theE
= Man." Also Serrial, "Neglected=
ARC DE HE TRE .. Wife,". No. 6.-
-Sun-Mon-:4-15-Geo. Cohn in "Seven
ARC DE HEA REKeys to Baldpate." Also Holmes
________________________T'ravels adVco Moore Comedy. =
duies-Wed-16-17-"Romona," by Helen=
Hunt Jackson. io Reels.:=
The Arcade Th~eatre 'will open = Thur-Frj- x8-19 -Vivian Martin in "Little=
Ocobr 5.Wach~Miss optimist." Also Keystone
about Otbr1.Wthfr = Comedy.-
annoucemen of act atr. - Sat.-2o-A. N. Pinero in "Iris." Aso
announcment o exactrate.,-"Neglected Wife," No, . 7

" "3 Days Corn.p
M aje stic Thursday,-Oct. £
Mery- Go -Round
With Mabel Woltzer and
25 -Artists - 25
Gay - Girly" - Gleeful
Sunday, Oct. 14th, ALICE BRADY in a
"Self Made Widow"f
Extra! Extra! World Series Score Announced From Stage Every Matine

I I 'p. i

Ethel LeglnskaU
In Hill Auditorium--AnnArbor

Tickets With $3.00 May Fesivl

"Cover C oupon" No w on

e. at, School of School, $3.00-$3.50-$4.00 Tickets for Single Con-
Is, $1.Q00-$1.50-$2.00, Hill Auditorium Box-Office, Tonight at 7:00

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