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February 27, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-27

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You should

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us a

>re the BIG


Ann Arbor has benefited by the re-
turn of Monday as a working day in
more ways than one. A general esti-
mation reveals that with the restora-
tion of; Mondasy as a businesstday,
that the city has increased its trade
by approximately $10,00 a week.
SStatistics tell us that a fair. com-
parison between the income of some
other city carries the same propor-
tion as that of Ann Arbor, and con-
sequently the above estimate is bas-
I ed entirely on an assumption. De-
troit, with a population of about 800,-
000 people pays out about $1,250,000 a.
day, and after a series of calcula-
tions, the inference is that Ann Arbor
pays out about $10,000 a week.
All business people aver that the
closing of Mondays had shown a de-
cided increase in their week's busi-
ness, and that the day as far as busi-
ness was concerned was lost. The r -
sults of the opening of business houses,
on Monday proved very satisfactory,
and the ladies' stores especially are
enjoying the fruits of the old bargain

Exchanging Thrift Cards for
Savings. Stamps
Q. When I have filled the
card, what do I do?'









for Yo

I 1 1JLY Detroit, Feb. 26.-A flotilla of at
least 50, perhaps 100, police autos will
ur take the way soon in the battle against.
crime. The council has already voted
G RAPI-IS ypurchase of 50, and may raise the
limit to 100, the number asked by the
police department.
iodations The police are convinced that the
only way to check the increasingly
619 E. LIBERTY numerous motor bandits is to fight
them with a mobile force.
Robberies will continue, it is as-
serted, as long as a stickup man thinks;
he can do his work and then jump into
an auto with comparatively little fear
I S of being overtaken.
d l The poice force is composed now
of 1,039 men, including 96 detectives
ollege Spirit" 'and 72 sergeants. Vacancies number
147 and great difficulty is being ex-
perienced in obtaining new men.
&" C The commission is seeking author-
. ity to increase the force and is said
Detroit to have under contemplation to es-
a. tablish a motorcycle squad of 100 men
whose specialty will be curbing "auto-
E HOLD MEN AS mobile bandits,"

A Take it to a post office, bank, or
other authorized agency, surrender
the card and pay in cash the few cents
difference between the $4 worth of
Thrift stamps and the price of a War-
Savings stamp for the month in which
the exchange is made.
Q. What do I do next?
A. You take the War-Savings stamp
given you in exchange for your Thrift
card, ask for a War-Savings certifi-;
cate, if you haven't one already, and
attach the stamp to the certificate.
Q. Should I continue to buy Thrift
A. Yes. Ask for a new Thrift card
and begin again.
Q. Do Thrift stamps bear interest?
A. No.
Q. Then why are they issued?
A. To make it convenient for you
to save in small amounts so that you
can purchase a War-Savings stamp
which does bear interest.
Q. May I exchange Thrift stampt
for War-Saving stamps at any time?
A. No; only on or before Decem'
ber 31, 1918,
Lending Yoaur Money to tine
Q. What security is behind the War-
Savings stamp?
A. The United States government'
.promises to pay $5 for each stamp on
January 1, 1923. This promise is
backed by the faith and honor of the
LTnited States and by the taking pow-
er of this country, which is the rich-
est in the world.
Q. Why does the United States bor-
row this money?
A. To pay the expenses of the war.
Q. When I lend my money to the
government, would it be safer to buy
a government bond rather than these
War-Savings stamps?
A. When a. War-Savings stamp is
attached to a War-Saviugs certificate
it becones a government obligation
with the same security as the Liberty
bonds now held by more than 10,-
'000,000 Americans.
Q. Is the 4 per cent interest com-
pounded quarterly, on War-Savings
certificates paid in the same way as
the interest on Liberty bonds?
A. No. The Liberty bond interest is
paid every six months, but the .inter-
est on the War-Savings certificate ac-
cumulates and is paid to you in one
sum, on January 1, 1923,

Circulars illustrating the literary
college and setting forth the advan-
tages of the University, will be sent
out to the various high schools in the
state and to other parts of the coun-'
try that have sent men to Michigan.
This is' the first time the University
has attempted such a scheme of pub-
licitysthoughdsmaller institutions in
the state and other large colleges
have used it successfully.
The purpose of the circulars is to
inculcate upon the minds of the high
school students the necessity during
these times of stress of obtaining a
higher education. Quotations from
President Wilson, former presidents
William H. Taft and Theodore Roose-
velt, and American and English
statesmen, to the effect that highly
trained men along special lines will
be needed for the reconstruction per-
iod following the close of the war,
will be inserted in the circulars.
Plans are being made for the com-
position of the circulars which will
be drawn up within a month.
Mr. Fred Heusel, one of the bakers
in this city, who has been affected
by the flour shortage here, went to
Toledo yesterday, to place the situa-
tion before the government officials.
He bases his hopes on the fact that
the Michigan Milling company has.
sufficient wheat in her elevators to_
supply Ann Arbor for an unlimited
time. He also had proof that the
Michigan Milling company did note
consume the 70 per cent allowed them
by the government, and is therefore
justified in filling the local orders for
"If I cannot get any satisfaction
there," said Mr. Heusel, "I am going
to visit the officials at Washington."
At present the condition in Ann Arbor
remains unchanged. Most bakers will
be able to continue operation for over
a week, and one or two even for three
weeks, However, they are hopeful
that there will be a relief in sight be-
fore very long.

12:35 -o'clock-Lenten servi
444 South State street.
7:30 o'clock-Prof. C. H. Va
speaks in Sch-ool of MVusic audi
on "The Causes and issues
8 o'clock-Intercollegiate S
society meets at 1340 Wilmot s
5 o'clock-Dante society m
room 301, University hall.
12:35 o'clock- Lenten serv
444 South State street.
4:15 o'clock-- Faculty conc
Hill auditorium.
The All-fresh Glee club wi
meet until 7 o'clock next Wed
night. Members desiring p
should leave their orders at
schler's studio not later than
The entire female chorus ol
Go!" will rehearse at 4 o'clo
afternoon at the Union. T
chorus will rehearse at 7:30
tonight at the Union.
Comedy club will meet at 7
Thursday night in the Cercle
cais rooms,
All Varsity Glee club assists
requested to report from 4:
o'clock today in room 160, Natur
ence building. Ticket seller
hand in their tickets at this i
House sanitarlans or health
representatives from the
houses will meet at 8 o'clock
row evening at the health se
There are still two songs
Junior Girls' play that requir
and all girls interested in Wi
are requested to see Emily Pow
before 5 o'clock tonight. Girl
ing to assist in the orchestra a
urged to see the chairman at
A rehearsal of the cast and
of act 1 Will be held at 5 o'cl
night while acts 1 and 2 will
8 o'clock. All girls who have
attended to their tax of $2 ar
tQ pay Doris McDonald, '19, so:
this week. Notices which
late to go in The Daily will 1
sd in the Women's league roon
iversity hall each week, and a
in the play will be held res;
for such notices.
Dancing Friday and Saturda
at the Armory.-Adv.
Miss Mable Rowe. Sham
Manicuring, Massage and Ch
Open evenings by appointme
N. 5th Ave., Cor. Detroit St.



trn inc
we will

Believed to Be From Detroit; Detec- UNITS NOT EXEMPT FROM DRAFT
tves Come to Connect Them --
With Crime Washington, Feb. 26.-College stu-
---dents, who are members of the mili-
New caps, shoes and other articles tary training units at their institu--
of men's apparel were found in the tions and who are within the draft
possession of five suspicious looking ages, are not exempt from the opera-
fellows who gave Detroit as their tion of the selective service act, the.
home, caused their arrest late Mon- war department held today in a mem-
day evening. They gave their names orandum sent to officers on duty as
as Joseph Kowalski, Phillip Halinski, military instructors at the schools..'
John Dwornicezek, Frank Webber, and "In view of the fact that members
George Gadzowski. of these units are not obligated to ac-
These boys were discovered by the cept commissions in the reserve corps
police loitering near the Michigan upon completion of the prescribed
I Central depot and when questioned as course," the memorandum read, "they
_ to how they came into the possession cannot be held to be enlisted in the
of these numerous articles of apparel, service and are consequently not en-
they said they had purchased them titled to exemption or deferred classi-'
that afternoon from a peddler ,in Dex- fleation."
ter. One of the fellows had a suit The attention of the department had,
which was made in Ann Arbor and - been called to the fact that professors
which he said he purchased in a sec- of military science axed tactics at a
ond hand store in Detroit. number of institutions had submitted
The local police have been warned certificates to local -.boards attesting
to watch for criminals who are leaving the membership of students in the
Detroit because of the successful ef- training units as ground for deferreu
;forts of the Detroit police lately in classification. Officers were instruct-
curbing the criminal enterprises of ed to withdraw such certificates.
Detroit's underworld. Chief of Police
Thomas O'Brien has been correspond- EXPECT HEAVY SALE FOR
ing with the Detroit officials on the j INLANDER; MANY FEATURES
matter and they have responded by;
sending two detectives to investigate The Inlander staff is unusually for-
the stories of the young malcontents. tunate in being able to offer this
.month an article of such timely inter-
FRENCH SUBMIARINE CILASER eat as that by Prof. Morris P. Tilley
ARRIVES SAFE IN U. S. PORT of the English department, on Robert'
Frost, a poet who has only lately{
Washington, Feb. 2.-Safe arrival been brought to the attention of the
at a European port of a 110-foot sub- reading public. Containing in addi-
marine chaser with a French crew tion to this an unusually fine assort-
aboard which had not been heard from ment of fiction and poetry, the maga-
since Jan. 15, was announced today zine is expected to reach a heavy sale
by the navy department. The little today.
craft was separated from her escort A number of former contributors
during a terrible gale while bound for appear in this issue. Muriel Bab-
Europe. cock, grad., has written a two-part
No navigating instruments were serial called "The White Marquis,"'
aboard but after being blown far off and Margaret P. Benedict, '20, is re-
their course the Frenchmen estimated sponsible for a clever little Irish
their position and headed for port. story, rich in information on the sub-
With the engines disabled by the ject of how to be a hero in the eyes+
storm the crew rigged up sails from of one's wife.
bed coverings and sailed for 39 days. ---
Prof. J. C. Parker Speaks at Purdue.
Professor Van Tyne Not on Leave Prof. John C. Parker of the electric-
Professor Claude H. Van Tyne of the al engineering department deliver-
history department, has not applied ed an address on "Public Utility
for a leave of absence as was stated Rates" yesterday at Purdue universi-
in The Daily. Professor Van Tyne ty.
will remain at the University until he This lecture is one of a series of
is ordered to foreign duty by the gov- exchange lectures which has been car-
ernment. At present he is traveling ried on between Purdue and Mich-
through states in this vicinity lec- igan for three years. Dean Benjamin

U. S. Has Good Financial Record
Washington, Feb. 26.-The credit
of the United States was so high and
unquestionable, says a bulletin of the
treasury department, that in 1909, two
years after the panic, 2 per- cent bonds
were offered at par and oversubscrib-
ed. This is a financial performance
that no other nation has ever equaled.
The United States has never de-
faulted on any of its bonds. Not one
of its bondholders has ever lost a
cent of principal or interest except
those who have voluntarily taken
losses by selling their bonds in a pe-
riod of temporary price depression.
United States 4 per cent bonds in
1888 sold as high as 130 and in 1901
brought 139 7 on the stock market.
Cosmopolitan Club Meets Friday
Prof. Herbert R. Cross of the fine
arts department will be the speaker
at the meeting f the Cosmopolitan
club from 3:30 to 6 o'clock Friday
afternoon in room A of Alumni Mem-
orial hall. His subject will be "Ir-
ternational Art" and will be illus-;
trated. The lecture which will be open
to all interested, will be followed by
a business session.
Labor Disputes in England Increase
London, Feb. 2.-The number of
labor disputes causing a stoppage of
work in Great Britain in 1917 was 688,
involving a total loss of -5,500,000
working days, according to an official
report. The total loss of time is about
half the average for the nine preced-
ing years,
Prof. Shariman Speaks at Services
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman of the econ-
omics department, will be the speaker
at the University Lenten service at
12:40 o'clock today at the Bible Chair
house, corner of State and Jefferson
streets. His subject will be'"The
Short Cut to Riches," and all stu-
dents are invited.
Announce Marriage of Students
Harold Jbhn Sherman, '17 and Alice
Bliton, graduate of the School of Mu-
sic, were married Monday afternoon
at 521 Thompson street, the home of
the bride's .parents. They will make
their home in Toledo, 0.

I ,y

Date of Fresh Lit Mixer Changed
A fresh lit mixer is to be held at
2:30 o'clock on March 23, in Barbour
gymnasium. ThIs is open for fresh
lits only, and the admission will be
25 -cents. The - standing social com-
mittee is in charge of the affair. Ow-
ing to.a cetain conflict, the date of
the mixer had to be changed.
The flipwing is the result of the
elections at the assembly held last
Thursday; Lawrence J. Hertlein,
baseball manager; LeRoy E, Swift,
track manager; George 0. True, men's
basketball manager; Beatrice N. Beck+
with, girl's basketball manager.


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