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February 27, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-27

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, ' ..









& Co.



looks like a hopeless case hanging


the closet. Well, don't worry, let us
dry clean and press it for you-it Is
good for lots of wear yet, and think of
the saving. Bring it in or let us call
1N'c Job too :small er too Lare

°i 1

"The Shop of Quality"

Although the Ann Arbor city water
fairly throbs with life after each heavy
rain or thaw the city council will
probably make no effort to improve
conditions in the near future. Ac-
cording to an estimate recently made
by City Engineer Manley Osgood, the
cost of improving the water supply
would be about $200,000.
Authorities have advised the coun-
cil that for the city to bond itself for
such an amount would be unwise at
this time because of bad financial con-
ditions resulting from the war, and
also because of the great number of
Liberty bonds issued by the govern-
ment. It is believed, however, that
bonds could be floated if the people
shaw sufficient interest in such a pro-
Huron River Bad Source of Supply
"The course of the Huron river is
enough to condemn it as a water sup-
ply," said Dr. J. A. Wessinger, health
officer. "Near Dexter the river flows
by a cemetery, in fact some of the
graves are on the very edge of the
river. This is in itself enough to ren-
der the water unfit for drinking pur-
poses, notwithstanding other bad
The city recently bought the Steere
farm, just outside the city where pure
water can be obtained in abundance.
Last spring a decision was handed
down by the supreme court giving the
city all rights to the water and the
next step is to pipe it to the city. This
water supply is pure from the start
and needs no purifying processes. -
City Watei Served in Drug Stores
It was reported to the University
health service yesterday that unboiled
city water was being served with sun-
daes in a number of local drug stores.
The health service advises that local
filters may clear up the water but
that they by no means actually purify
it. All water should be boiled until
further notice and every precaution
should be taken to prevent any epid-
emic which may result.
"The Economic Phase of the World
Today" was. the subject of the lec-
ture given by Prof. I. Leo Sharfman
under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A.
at Sarah Caswell .Angell hall yes-
terday. ,
Professor Sharfman outlined the
outstanding characteristics and tien-
dencies of an economic nature in the
present world crisis.
He emphasized the importance o&f
economic interest as a cause of 'the
war and economic activity as a means'
of waging the war. ,
"Food will win the war," he asserts,
"is one way of saying that the war'
is being fought on economic lines by
,all the people of a nation against all
'the people of another nation."
One of the most important changes
that has come into our national econ-
omic life .according to Professor
Sharfman, is the substitution of or-
ganized authority for personal enter-
prise and as examples of this he cites
$he government control of the rail-
roads, shipping facilities and food]

Professor Sharfman predicts that
the world will see many radical
changes before the end of the present

Military drill will be given to the
members of the R. O. T. C. band at
7 o'clock tonight in the handball court
in the basement of Waterman gym-
nasium. The military drill will be
followed by band practice, and all
members must bring their instru-
ments. It is imperative that attend-
ance at this drill be perfect, accord-
ing to a statement issued last night
from the military offices, as the band
is holding so few practices, due to
their present advancement.
All cadets who failed to receive the
size shoes which they specified will
report for corrections at 10 o'clock
this morning at the office of the com-
mandant in Waterman gymnasium.
Cadets who have ordered the wrong
sized shoes must wait until further
notice is given out before attempt-
ing to make any exchange.
Orders were issued by the military
authorities last night for all cadets
to wear their uniforms to drills, un-
less they are being altered. "It is
hoped that the cadets will also adopt
the habit of wearing their uniforms
to classes," stated Lient. George C.
Mullen yesterday.
A list containing the names of the
cadets whose uniforms are ready for'
distribution at Henry and company
was posted on the bulletin boards last
night by the military officials. More
than 150 names appear on the list.
John C. Neylor, '17P, left this morn-
ing for Austoria, Long Island, to join
the gas defense service.
There will be a meeting of all the
company basketball managers at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon in Dr. George
A. May's office in the gymnasium,
to arrange a playing schedule.
Sailing Under False Colors
A number of students enrolled in
the R. O. T. C. have been guilty of
sailing under false colors. During
the week-end trips to Detroit the
cadets grasp the , opportunity of
wearing their uniforms. This a privi-
lege which should not be abused.
Last Saturday two R. O. T. C. men
were waiting for a car on Woodward
avenue, when two Camp Custer pri-
vates, after saluting, stepped aside to
enable them to enter the car. Similar
cases have been reported from time
to time.
Although 'the privates saluted in
good faith, believing that the students
were oficers, a gross mistake was
made by these two cadets. Univer-
sity students in the training corps are
not as yet officers, and when instances
occur like the above example cited,
the cadets ought to explain their pos-
ition. Misrepresentation should not
be indulged in at any time by an of-
Intercompany basketball games are
being played four times each week in
Waterman gymnasium until the cham-
pionship is dcided. The following
companies played last Monday night:
Company. A, First regiment won
from the Headquarters company, 20 to
8; company I, Second regiment, com-
pany B, Second regiment, 12 to 8;l
company L, First regiment, company
I, First regiment, 31 to 4; company
C, Second regiment won by a forfeit.
The following athletic and gymnas-
tic program wil be given by Dr.
George A. May at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon to the second battalion of
the First regiment:
Company I, tug-of-war, parallel bar,
horse, sprinting; company K, sprint-
ing, horse, parallel bar, tug-of-war;

company L, relay racing, wrestling;
company M, wrestling, relay racing.

!iSuts n

Tailored tc

All wool

Fountai of Yot


We are again serving breakfas
luncheon and are open all day
8:30 a. m. to 12 p. m.

Cai n
C o:

andies Make An Appropriat
Let us supply you in boxes or bulk,
at reasonable prices,

I I If it's not right .we make it right

- PHONE 273 -

~. _'

200 E. Washington
Ann Arbor

117 Puarl-

Our large




i, ASK

the street and said to an officer in
charge of the gun;
"I say, would you mind taking that
thing a little farther down the street,
we don't like the row and it is fairly,
shaking our walls."
The young lieutenant was, nonpluss-
ed for a moment, but recovered in
time to flash back a reply,, "Look
here, do you take this for a blooming
hurdy-gurdy ?"
Lyman Bryson, '10, in City Yesterday
Lyman Bryson, '10, visited Ann Ar-
bor yesterday while on his trip to De-
troit to see 'the production of his play
"The Grasshopper" which was pre-
sented at the Detroit Little Theater.
Mr. Bryson was instructor of jour-
nalism in the University but resigned
this position this fall to take a posi-
tion with David Friday in New York
who is doing governmental work.
Besides his connection with Mr. Fri-
day, Bryson is taking work in the
Columbia law school. '
Use the Daily classified columns.

Place orders early for f ancy
7N n r
7®09 N. Universityr

chocolates are now on sale

ake air-raids
.test German
un, mounted
took up its

He also served six years and six
months in foreign service, going to
Cuba with the first expedition in the
Spanish-American war in 1898. In
1899 he was detailed to the Philip-'
pines and for two years and a half
he was engaged in quelling insur-
rections on the islands. Sergeant Con-'
ley was an active participant in the
battle of San Diego, which is regard-
ed as one of the biggest battles foughta
in this campaign.j
After a long period of continuous ,
service, Sergeant Conley retired in
1909. During the Christmas vacations
he was detailed to the Univer-
sity. Sergeant Conley is now 64 years
old and his physical condition is of
the best. It it were necessary, Ser-
geant Conley could still take part in
an active campaign.

Want a Ur
that FITS ?

All Wool
Tailor Ma



Leave Cepy
Supply StysE

R. O.T. C
.14 E. Y

'hree furnished rooms FOR RENT-Unfurnished apartment
r light house keeping. at 1124 Hill. Six nice large rooms
campus. Address 840 .and bath, .soft water. Steam heat
rain, Ohio, giving eon- and water fNrnished. Modern in
every respect. Possession will be
given immediately or April 1st. Call
buy a canoe and equip- 164-M.

Buckeyes Beat Purple
Ohio State defeated

(A brief autobiography o.f the army
officers detailed to the Universit will
in Fast Game be published from time to time. The
Northwestern ,first article will deal with the life of


Hot Rols -

until July.
red. Phone

t who has had ex-
'e framing. En-
e Fries Art Store,

FOR RENT - Desirable single room
half block .from campus. .Near
Michigan Union. Inquire at 526 E.
E. Jefferson.
FOR RENT - Light house keeping
rooms. Gas for cooking furnished.
Phone 1199-R, 507 E. Liberty St.
FOR RENT-A well furnished double
or single room, near Campus. 810.
E. Huron. Phone 1ti-W.

30 to 24 in a fast basketball game at
'Columbus Monday night. Francis, of
the Ohio State five, made 16 of the 30
points gathered by the Buckeye con-
Class dancing at the Packard Acad-
emy Monday and Thursday evenings,
7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by ap-
pointment. Phone 1850-F1.--Adv.

Sergeant James Conley, U. S. A., re-
Sergeant James Conley, U. S. A., re-
tired,.was born in 1854 and has been
serving in the United States army for
30 years. During this period, Ser-
geant Conley was a prominent figure
in the Sioux Indian campaign in 1890
and 1891, where he was stationed near
Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

Military drill for University women
will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon
in Barbour gymnasium.
Extension Lectures
Prof. O. C. Glaser lectured last
night in Sturgis on "The Racial Char-
acter of the Great War."

Phone 948-3.
S For Luncf
1I li .J TYI


W. W. Bishop, head .librarian,
last night at Grand Rapids on
Congressional Library."

We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
Sterling, Shominger,. and many other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor

tortoise-shell spectacles.
1842-3 or leave at Quar-

Prof. J. R. Brumm will lecture to-
morrow in Dowagiac on "Education
and Life."
Prof. F. W. Kelsey will lecture in
Owosso tomorrow night on "St. Peter
and St. Paul in Rome."
John R. Kneebone to be City Kanager
John R. Kneebone, '17, who receiv-
ed his degree of master of arts Thiurs-

S. C., where


.I GRINNELL BROS., 116 s. Main st.

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