I - -
-n c)1ege? If you shoild be
~retable to(dosecrtaral work for
tie coaianu in- oFicer than to be in
the to enc' es. i'erh ,a is a de d e~ (c-
t"'i:Ta"Itt.it. wr. cni lit you 7')tr this
v;;. k (afll for fll pfartimlai, 711
Th 1.C~ardailLo~o Leaf Nte
Books, ltalt 's.---dv,
' .rko%. wlct tiart
>:cl-,iiiir Y' 'Maya lothes
nd Leaw r ai~not~o
kinds. Cdome down tow for
clothes for you can't get
them anywhere else in n
Arbor We have complete
liies of
Varsity Fifty-Five
Six Hundred
r T other stre in Ann Arbor
hr' as many patterns and
ter es to choose from. Every-
thig new.
-Our ties, collars, hats and
the like are just as good as
our clothing.
Fiegel Co.
The big store at the south-
east corner Main and Wash-
ingon S rcets-down own'.
.001'Y.bai .jtea tis fa.ill .-d bard in
W : a. , _ ) BUTq' NE g reninMg o0 the prntce. eaonan
is LL41fREnS ~'& IJ}SuS~f c..o imu(f, hebo,.th.estp
,.4.. 2 ,W- ioieherg at.iin, Oho Or: 0of'War Bakier, Who felt that n ore
t.? - AV A lvC. A!1- 'rh at Ann men coul eind dto play foothi .Lll
K--MiChig Mik iC~ v Ac a .ey i aycrm werr-done uaway1?witW lzekr
wreelin it : ho 3tO oine la ,a ui
M4ich;Ligau mentwho1 eort for foot-? ord
bil now are fullfill ):, azdoutble=u ty.'h
lillaegetig temselves , :.i gcUA 17-'
phic ni n cO.tatthley-, p
taisof fre esu
Yost, with his assis-ns Dula
a~i1 \atsnaregtinthWov-
iceee nSaefrteoinn
~f the seasonsa.iuray I.ayha
1111'd" Wfienian, Backman, whom
Y-*.4 is TryIng Out in the Full-Backi
(by Phil Pack)
"Tad" looks like an All-American
probability, let's get his name right.
-Mr. E. E. Wieman.
T he_ ole Educator is in full swinig
again, the old tirade against coo-edism
may be launched forth almost any
V,-:arr1has taken its toll of Michigan
ie n, there' may be enough wimmin
to go around. ("With? Well-."I
"JToe" V-anish is married, we may
expect a little more fight from the big
Backman--that or its opposite.
We. have the Cress Twins on the
'leven, we'll need a cheerleader with
both good eyesight and good insight.
W\e have two Conference games on
the program, two eastern scraps, and
a smattering of small fry, we ought to
hire LaFollette as a coach, and be
"strictly npot-ral."
A new electric torch is equipped
with a cigar lighter on one side for
the use of motorists who smoke.
Asisemlbly at Armory every Satur-,
day night. Admission 75c.-Adv.
Nov---Nt e J:uae Ali-lresn a' ~I2i~ ''- ~' - ~ nrsy mu-It
oor, fot 1 .1 eahdidtes. Ic i t su-a'l.TheM rb.. C ist Co. inl
r- Sr1 i'' ctt,.' e Ali yu 1JI 3S nL t
:?. - ;-Oat *-6 *--islay their biity.<a ssan ciStch}'' iloat oi tthat? t l 1~ of Pern' again hist
V 1 d Vi i !'!
- X11( i . --}e a jie -iru w o wl OQ flili' 1P1tU Iil l ia' oPie:x et
I :t oeyt i n'(£so p nioei o rv~A- ~ ~ ,,~
e-l O r 'y %A y } dg p A i. ?'z } § 1 S } e1 4.. A: lknd' t f
1kv'et b bj H_£ w S 9 r J3(.men u u * nu.t i-a'- )a" U ury \. . c- ne n A I.-
tac o:: and 1end onthe_.e tot (.iiit1 r ji "As 'inr tns
team and is showing up well in prac- 'I : - -~Ste '1.10 yk-w i
1_________ l i..: ud 'Loga.- lbo Ketystone
tice. Fischer, a westerner from Comedy.
,North Dakota, and Outland, of Fort
Wanaervln lthrfraCorrect Style- GYM SUITS - Prices Right Orhem he tr _
berth on the extremities. As guards Ths Soreis he eaduarersforGymSuplre
teeaeHenry, of Carnegie Tech. -hsSoei h eduresfrGmSple
find Timchac, of Saginaw Eastern. Prices: ioc unless otherwise specified °
Matinees a. 3:30. Nights 6:30,, , 9:30
Vlervis, a hope- from Braddock, Pa., Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous
and Clippert. from Detroit Western, ='U'T A ' L'tes-2-W. . Hart in. <"The Desert
4avedonegoodworkat cnte. G 0 4.Je WedVVma-Carlyle Blackwell in "The Mar-
In the backfield there are few con- "SPORT SHOP" riage Market." Also Comedy. -
testants o far. Fuure practces trayThisurs-4-Wm. e.E esmondn in "Master of
testnts o fa. Fturepracicesiliy ~ -i~ EveingSc. Also
evelope some latent material. Brit-- Tiangle Comedy and Ford.°
-. Fri-5-Louise Glaum in, "Golden Rule
ton, of Arthur Hill; Urschel and Us- Kate." Triangle Comedy and Ford.
Cher, both from Toledo-Scott; Reid mks VIE RCES: @q Sat.-6f-Gladys 'Hulette in "MCiss No-:
TlBE v sJ5i 50042body." Mutual Comedy and 'travels.
of McKinley High, St. Louis, ands= u--hle Mon-n"ayfte_
IManagement - Photo." Do Children Count?" two°
Capsof Grayling, have all had back- M. R. WILLIAMS res
~arpus -Mon- 8-Gail Kane in "The Bride's Sil-
1ned e perenc. ______________________________________________________ence.", Serial, H-elen Holmes in -
Practice will be held at 2:30 o'clock "Lost expr-ess," No, x._
today oni South Ferry field. The first ONE 1 0 D : 010 R 8Ii iiiil {1111111{11111#111#11111ii111Ill'l
real scrimmaging will take place to -______NIGHT__________________________
\mro rTusa.The Greatest Musical Showe in America AR ADE THEATRE
ORE4WCK C. C. C MAECALPAL N, Comes Here Directly Following Its All-Season Runs i Boston and New_____________
BACK; MORE MTRA WANTED York, Where It Made Over 1,000,000 People Realize the Joy of Living. TeAcd har iloe
Sherwald Sedgwick, captain of the Kiaw & Erlanger's Supreme Musical Comedy Triumph iabouti October 15. Watch for
the University, and has started to re-
new the interest in this branch of
sport. Men are, wanted out for the!
team. Coach Farrell will be on Ferry!
field from 4 to 6 o'clock this after-,
At the Packard Academy every
Monday and Tuesday evenings, 7:30'{
to 9:00, beginning October 8th. Also 1
instruction in modern dancing. Ad-
mission per couple 50c, single 25c.
Private lessons by appointment.-
Adv. tf.
Opening assembly at Armory Sat-
urday night. Dancing 9 to, 12.Adv.,
miss prind 1 e
Radiant with Enthralling
Youth and Beauty Melodies
Frank McIntyre Zoe Barnett Geo. Leon Moore
H~arrison Brockbank Hattie Burks Frank Doane
Alf. Fisher Mae Hlennessy Alice Gaillard
Chas. Do Haven George Fox W. F. Nunn
Seat Sale Friday, Oct. 5.
Mail Orders Now
Matinees - Toes-Wed=Fri=,Sat, t a and 20e
- 8:0and 9 o'clock, 26c, 25c & 30c
Sundays - 1:30, 3, 7 and 8:30 P.e. f
LuA McConnell& Grant Simpson
present their latest one-Apct Comedy
"At Home"
Geo. Bobbie & Nelson Eddie
in their Comedy Conception with Songs
Tif-,e rc m th e R e st!af N i
CI~ss, Ginge , n izz
Yc "4& Irom theirSiucc °z. °e TrUA~uphs %In theBrilish Isles
in a :-elected Serkes ofog, Steps., and Strodies
Wit Wary eebceb~'~Cackst a-Puce
THUR., FRI., and SAT.'
1 1 in eG a nWith Billy and Edith Adams and the Belle Sisters, ad Famous WintegArdenettesc
A Whirl of Song and Dace from the Chicago Wintergarden
t.. perie4o tsx " SmarIS'CJ' z4
I. t "A C o u r tsh p i -:n g Th e Bo y i ' m Y u e g l o h ~
Secure our Sets E;,,, °y