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October 02, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-02

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When Leland Scofield enlisted in the
Army Ambulance Corps last June, the
football team was left without a man-
ager. And when Pat Smith joined the
Naval Reserves, the 1917 eleven was-
fated to be captainless, for the time-
being at least.
Athletic authorities, when inter-
viewed, were unable to name Sco-
field's successor, though it seems
probable that the captain will be
elected after the initial game with
Dopesters have figured it out that
the race for squad leader will be be-
tween Weske and Boyd, both "M"
W. H. Sanford Marries Miss Mabon
Word has been received of the mar-
riage this fall of Wayland H. Sanford,
'17L, to Miss Winifred Mahon, for-
merly of Duluth, Minn. The cere-
mony, which was performed in Sep-
tember, took place in New York City.
Sanford enlisted last May in the legal
department o f the U. S. Naval Coast

Develop Films and
Plates, make Prints
and Enlargements
of all sizes; make
Lantern Slides.

with the
young me
That's .

new, fre

sh-from-fashion head-
styles in men's and

pe~neimer CAUthes
ALLEN'S. The fact that we are as-
with such big makers of quality clothes is

s Y
. in

the m

g to mean much to the men of Ann Arbor.
The new season is the most critical that the pre-
generation of clothing wearers has ever kno vn.
But it will be the same as any other season to
xan lvho comes to ALLEN'S because lPe have the
'ndous resources of 2fie House of Kuppenheimer be-
us lvhich means-the same qaulity standards, the
good, values and the same complete degree of satisfaction.
The new Fall styles in suits and top coats aivait you.
N. F.
A r ,,yo


se _

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