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February 20, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-20

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kssociated Press is exclusively entitlea
utse for republication of all news dis-
credited to it or not otherwise credit-
this paper and also the local news
d herein.
il newspaper at the University of
nx Published every morning except
during the university year.
ed at the postoffice of~ Ann Arbor as
lass matter.
A nnArbor Press Building.
s: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
unications not to exceed 300 words
th, or notices of events will be pub-
n The Daily, at the discretion of the
if left at the office in the Ann Arbor
Idg., or in the notice box in the west
of the general library, where the
are collected at ,:s o'clock each
T'. McDonald .ManagingEditor
p Emery ........Business Manager
ditor ...........C. S. Clark, Jr.
tor -.. .. .Herbert G. Wilson
ditor...... James Schermerhorn, Jr.
h Editor..Bruce A. Swaney
Editor.......Mildred C. Mighell
Editor...........Margaret H. Cooley

the coaches themselves are in a meas-
ure to be blamed for this. Certain it
is that other considerations must en-
The campus has failed to turn out
for athletics as liberally in the past
few years as formerly. In view of this
fact it is but natural to enter into
the theory that the teamsas a con-
sequence will not be as good as would
otherwise be the case. This can be
seen in the number of candidates out
for track this season. Michigan for
years has not had what could be call-
ed a good track team. We have had a
few individual stars, athletes who
held their own in the fastest college
track company. We have had Smith,
Carroll, Ufer, Jansen, Bond, and a
few others. They have served as a
neucleus for a track team. But they
have been encircled by but few others
who were willing to devote a consid-
erable amount of time and effort to
Michigan, who felt before they had
gone far into the sport that their
names could never be placarded in
large letters as winners of a first place
in the intercollegiates.
There must be stars in any field.
There must be men who stand head
and shoulders above other men. But
there must also be those who quietly
struggle along without visible osten-
tation. Such make up the major por-
tion of almost any undertaking.
Climate is a wonderful thing. To
go to sleep to the drip of fast de-
parting snow, and be awakened by the
landlady yelling to "close that door,
do you want to freeze the whole
blooming house," is something not
given to the average citizen.

benefit; that, if invested in a Thrift
stamp, you would never have missed.
Do it this week--now. Excuses won'
go-with your own consciences.
If you want to make the kaiser
groan, buy a Thrift stamp.

Women who wish to enroll in the
military marching class may do so
at 3 o'clock 'this afternoon at Bar-I

a s




bour gymnasium.




Senior and freshmen
meet at 4 o'clock this
Barbour gymnasium.

women will
afternoon in

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Having had your editorial in this
morning's Daily brought to my atten-
tion, I beg, in meekness, to offer the
following facts, viz:
1. We, of the Glee and Mandolin
clubs own our evening clothes.
2. We do not wear flowers.
3. We walk.
In the light of the above I do not
feel that your charge of extravagance
is borne out.

ason......Advertising Manager
Robinson... Advertising Manager
>lette......Publication Manager
h........Circulation Manager
mith..........Credit Manager

C. Barnes C. M. Campbell
sius. Jr. W. R. Atlas
e L. Roeser Mark K. Ehlbert
cAlpine Paul A. Shinkman
3edin Horace E. Hunter
W. Fox Rilla A. Nelson
F. Patterson Philip Slomovitz
[rish Frances Broene
iorden Ida E. Mines
eM. Price Samuel Lamport
own Edgar L. Rice
Sergeant David B. Landis
K. Frances Handibo
LeitzinEer Harry D. Hause
Cress L. A. Storrer
Settle Katherine Kilpatrick
hristen Agnes Abele
,Adams George A. Cadwell, Jr.
hmiedeskamp Frances 1.CMacdonald
Francis H. Case



University women are urged to at-
tend the meetings of the registration
conference at Barbour gymnasium
and to avail themselves of the op-
portunity to learn the duties of reg-
istrars. Instruction is offered at 10:30
and at 2 o'clock today.
Women who wish to register for
for the food courses should do so at
4 o'clock today in room 203 Tappan
hall with Miss Agnes Wells, acting
dean of women. The first lecture of
the course will be given by Miss Grace
Greenwood at this time.
Michigan Dames will meet this aft-
ernoon with Mrs. Harold Henderson,
1209 East Ann street, to sew for the
Red Cross.
The course in playground will meet
at 1 o'clock instead of 2 o'clock on
Wednesdays this semester.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet at 4
o'clock today at Barbour gymnasium.
Women's cast and chorus rehearsal
for "Let'sGo," at 4 o'clock this after-
noon at the Union.
Courses in registration for all Uni-
versity women will be given at Bar-
bour gymnasium from 10 to 12 o'clock
this morning and from 2 to 4 o'clock
this afternoon.
Dancing at Armory every Saturday
night, 9 to 12.-Adv,

We have a complete stock of
Flashlight Batteries




I Switzer's Hardware
New and Secondhand


For All Departments

It won't be
Classy to
Have girls

Bought and Sold

In the

Good old Union opera


Night Editor-Russell Barnes
Six thousand nine hundred and
ighty Michigan men in service! Six
iousand nine hundred and eighty loy-
I, courageous, sturdy sons of their
.lma Mater!
Michigan has many things of which
> be proud; Michigan has proudly de-
ed the country many times to show
ny school superior to her in breadth
nd courage and citizenship. Today,
lichigan has showed her colors; to-
ay she boasts proudly-and right-
ully-of her sons, of her national re-
own and, more especially, of her es-
rit de corps.
The number of fighting men Michi-
an has contributed to her country's
ause is almost astounding. It equals
t least one-fifth of her total of alum-
i, students, and faculty men. Each
f these men is courageously uphold-
ig his University's honor, oblivious
> discomfort, danger, or fatigue, for-
fled in the knowledge that he is do-
ig his share in America's great fight.
But if it were only of the individ-
als that Michigan boasts, it would
s an empty braggadocio indeed.
very university-nay every institu-
on, educational, industrial or what
ot-has contributed in some sense
o America's cause. It is not of the!
en alone that Michigan boasts; it is
f the spirit inculcated in these men!
hile they were yet within her own
ieltered walls of which Michigan is
roud; it is of the esprit de corps,
he Michigan spirit, or whatever is
Lat singular quality that has brought
ichigan men to the front in every
isis that we boast.
Today we see, perhaps for the first
me in history, that very Michigan
pirit defined in its truest, broadest,
ost ennobling sense. It is the force
hat sends men to the front despite
anger and peril; that places men
herever their country needs them;
at knows no fear when their na-
onal entity is threatened. In short,
is citizenship.
That is why Michigan says proudly
"Six thousand nine hundred and
ghty Michigan men in service!"
For some time we have been faced
ith the old wheeze that Michigan's
>achiug system along all lines need-
i a ,e-birth, that the present coach-
might make good janitors for an
firmary, or something almost equal-
r out of the question.
The idea has gained weight be-
ause Michigan has, in the past two
- three years, failed to attain the
thletic supremacy as regards victory
ad defeat, that she formerly enjoy-
. Perhaps the coaching system and

That dark brown
served about town
other water glasses
though it's difficult

substance being
in tumblers and
is still water,
to identify it as


Slate r's Book Shop
Phone 430 336 S. State St.

Notice these

Thus far it would seem that the
Smileage campaign on the campus has
brought few smiles to the committee
in charge.
The kaiser may now be planning to
eat his next Christmas dinner in Pet-
rograd instead of Paris.
Next week will witness the cadet
corps limping around the campus in
its new army shoes.
Why do they call them "glee"
By Louis L. Goodnow, '05L, of the
Detroit News
War for greed in any form is in-
conceivably wrong.
That is what we are out to teach
the kaiser and it behooves us to win
the war in Europe, so the United1
States will not later -be made a col-
ossal Belgium. Recall pictures of
Belgian mothers and children..
Nearly all graduates are entering
government service for the war before
their hands have warmed their di
pbomas. Those waiting, studying to
fit themselves for specialized war
work, or barredf from the front by
sex, are naturally impatient to get
into the fray in some manner; any
manner that will help.
The government,-has offered a way
to take that helpful part; a way open
to every man and womanstudent.
The way is to buy Thrift stamps,
growing into War Savings certificates.
The stamps can be bought for 25 cents
each. It is good business for thie buy-
er, but that is of no moment. What
does matter is that. every quarter
spent for a Thrift stamp helps to buy
munitions, food, clothing, transporta-
tion for-a fighting son of America. It
helps to carry along someone risking
his life to keep the war over there,
and end it so there will be no more
wars to demand toll of frightfulness.
"Living expenses are high. It takes
all I can earn to pay my way through
the University so I can fit myself to
do good work in the war when I grad-
"Father writes that he cannot in-
crease my allowance. I am broke all
the time. Father is buying Liberty
bonds to the extent of his ability. It
is unfair to ask the old man to fork
over money for me to buy Thrift
Perfectly correct-rot.
Honestly, each and every one of you
men and women; you remember at
least one 25 cent piece spent in the

In all
Of their
Nimble antics, eh?
Cup of Cheer to the- R. 0. T. C.
What if they do fit like your Sun-
day pajamas? Flanders mud has a
way of making all uniforms look
When we came around a corner
over on the campus last night and
suddenly found ourselves confronted
with the necessity of choosing be-.
tween the Australian crawl and scis-
sors kick, we began to understand
why fair Alma Mater has been dubbed
"Goddess of the Inland Seas."
One of the coyest of the heroes who
drill the Barbour Gymnasium Ladies'
Aid has a slight Bowery accent in
moments of emotional strain.
"guy to the right," he ordered.
And for once they obeyed the com-
mand as one girl.
Mrs. Kate Wood Ray, who has not
yet arrived in Ann Arbor at this writ-
ing, is reported to have delivered an
address at the registration conference
yesterday afternoon, by the Newspa-
per for Ann Arbor and Washtenaw
county - EVERYBODY Reads It!!!
Which inadvertence recalls the an-
cient legend that Longfellow was
born in Portland, Maine, while his
parents were traveling in Europe.
Has it ever been your pleasure to
stand on a corner in the early spring
when the streets were in the condi-
tion described by the deadly half of
the human species as "gooey," and
see a girl, who turned you down once
freshman year and has never had a
chance to do it since, come clicking
haughtily along in her new bisque
camouflage? Didn't it almost- choke
with the saccharine quality of your
emotion when a- couple of young imps
raced past her and transformed her
into a well-spattered object at which
she knew you were looking?
It's a poor thaw which splashes no-
body good.
No students were expelled from the
Law school this semester because of
poor scholarship, but some who re-j
ceived especially low marks left of
their own accord. Eight students en-
rolled at the beginning of this se-
mester. During the first semester 180
enrolled, but up to the present be-

Class dancing at the Packard Acad-
emy Monday and Thursday evenings,
7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by ap-

Hair Brushes


Phbone 1850-F+1.-AdtV




$1.00 value 75c


Cor. State and . N. University
Phone 308


we have a few plums for you.

$15.00 for Overcoats.

that are reasonable at $25.00.
Only about thirty-five in stock.

$9.00 for

some $15.00


Just about ten more to be sold.
Some good Fall Suits at One-
Fourth less than Regular.

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Effective May 22, 1917)
Detroit Limited and Eixpress Cars--7:35 a
in., m:Io a. in., and hourly to 7:10 p. n., 9:.
[). M.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8:48 a. m and
every two hours to 6:48 u. in.; to Lansing,
8:48 P. iM.
Jackson Express Cars ;local sto-~ west of
An Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every two hours
to ',-:48 V. rm.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6:4
a. M., 7:o5 a. m. and every two hours to 7;05
p. .m.. 8:o~ p. m.,, 9:05 p. in., 10:5o p. m.
To Ypsilanti only, 9 :2oa. m., 9 15oa m.,
2:0 s m, 6:o5 p. m, 9:45 p. mn, 11:45 ..
change at Ypsilanti,
Local Cars West Bound- 6:o5 a. .m.,7 :48
a. in.. o :2o P. im.. I2 :2o a. m.
We have both the inclination and
the equipment to furnish the
best in banking service
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00
Resources . . $4,000,000.00
Northwest Corner Main and
Huron Streets
707 North University Avenue
"Just a Little BETTER"
for all occasions

Our Spring Stock of Clothing,
Hats and other Furnishings is
arriving daily.

1 - I1


Clothing Store

218 S. Main Street


r {

Radio Military
$4.25 to $21

NEl[ Ftt8(t
E .ElBE4tX f.. .

Fountain Pens
and ConKUn

217 South Main Street


U. of M. Jewelry
Schlanderer ,& Seytried
Miss Mable Rowe. Shampooing,
Manicuring, Massage and Chiropody.
Open evenings by appointment. 326
N. 5th Ave., Cor. Detroit St. Phone
Dancing 9to 1



last week from which you derived no Itween 25 and 30 have withdrawn.



Ike Fisher's




Thurs. Eve., Feb. 21

Tickets at


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