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January 23, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-23

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slogan. Now it reads, "In1
is weakness."


:rsity of
g except
Arbor as

c, j r.

From what Ian Hay tells us of the
"impregnable Hindenburg line," we
hope the kaiser will keep his army im-
pregnable and Invincible.
Most of us have officially entered
the University now, and are hard at
work getting out the semester's study-
Soon we will have women conduc-
tors. Then the men wil be told where
t0 get off.
The basketball team might well
adopt the opera name, "Let's Go!"
Red Cross Distributes Thousands of
Knitted Garments To Boys
- In Cantonments -
Men in Michigan camps have been
well provided for by the Red Cross in
this state. The report just issued of the
accomplishments of the Bureau for mil-
itary relief since its organization
shows that much has been done to
promote the comfort of the boys in the
three camps under its jurisdiction.
In Fort Wayne, where there are 600
men, and in Seltridge Field, where
there are 900, all have been complete-
lv outfitted with knitted garments.

ertisinif Mangtw

C. M. C.pell$
Mark K. Ehlbert
Paul A. Shinkman
Horace E. Hunter.
Rilla A. Nelson
Philip Slomovitz
Frances Broene
Ida E. Mines
Samuel Lamport.
Edgar L. Rico
David B. Landis
es Handibo

aIe In Camp Custer, thousands of knit-
id ted garments have been distributed.

VARY 23, 1918.

iesota comes Friday night to
Michigan, three times defeated.
o4ference basetba l in three
t games. Minnesota has a team
h rank we have been given to
tand. Further, if we recall
of the past, Minnesota will put
her level best against Michigan.
y Wolverine, who has the pro-
ichigan fighting spirit will be
He will not be of the type
is down in the dumps because
tate, Chicago, and even Indiana
s. He will be keen for revenge,
will be there with every bit of
e possesses to, help raise the
ut of its rut into a new realiza-
its powers- in the great endeav-
eat, Minnesota.
will be a true sportsman. He
>t attempt to lower himself or
llege by doing any unsports-
e thing. But he will be fighting
fought that rainy day last fall
he helped eleven muddy and-
in clad Michigan football men.
ebraska off their feet and beat
before the Crnhuskers were
to the situation.
he realized than that he was
tg the football tear on by his
so he will realize that he can
service Friday night.
ou few who have, been bend-
ir backs over text books in the
few days in preparation for
there is a remedy. Waterman
sium. is meant for physical
g up, as surely as Univ4rsity
are for mental upbuilding.
our of workout in the gym fol-
some of the real studying
is done about this time of the
ill work wonders for your mind,
l as body. That hour, followed
short shower and a fast rub-
vilf make you feel that you can
r almost any problem in mathe-
or that thesis you should have
a month ago.
gymnasium should be an all-
s institution, and not a place
freshmen recognize as a neces-
time you lose from the texts,
movies, or any other endeavor
well spent.
Detroit News has gone in for
h. They have found two poets
'ere acquainted with the coal
;e. Says Tennyson, "The frost
and fuel is dear." And quoth
peare, "The fuel is gone that
Intain that fire.'

The numbers range from 15,618 muf-
flers to nearly 44,000 socks. In addi-
tion to this, numberless sundries have
been furnished; such as, sewing bags,
tooth brushes, towels, mosquito net-
ting, medical supplies, oil stoves, safe-
ty razors and pillows.
The bureau has quarters in build-
ing No. 995 near the center of this
camp, and warehouses with a capacity
of several carloads. In all of the
camps, the Red Cross has been aided
in its relief work by Y. M. C. A. ield
secretaries and by the local branch
pt the National league for women's
Besides what has been done in the
state, more than 75,000 knitted arti-
cles have been shipped outside.
A comparatively new undertaking
is the establishment of canteens. De-
troit has already taken care of many
.moving troops in a new, fully equip-
ped building.
Tr"sury Department Urges Soldiers
T ake Advantage of Insur-
.ance Plan '
WashIngton, Jan. 22.-The treasury'
department is making every effort to
,vae eyery member of America's fight-
ing forces take advantage of the gov-
ernment.insurance plan, which Secre-
tary McAdoo asserts to be the "most
just and humane provision ever made
by. any nation for its soldiers and
Thyrpurpose is rapidly being achiev-
ed,, the insurance having passed the
third billion mark in the total of
policies written, and there are many
military units in which every member
has taken insurance.
The ,automatic insurance provided
by the law is only partial and limited
protection, payable only to wife, child,
or widowed mother and ceases after
February 12, 1918. It is important,
therefore, not only to the soldiers and
sailors of the country but to their
families and dependants, that before
that date they'avail themselves of the
full government protection, which can
go1 as high as $10,000, and is payable
to a wife, husband, child, grandchild,
parent, brother, or sister.
-The law also provides for the re-
education and rehabilitation of the tot-
ally disabled, and monthly compensa-
tion to those disabled.
Raymond Fosdick, chairman of the
war department training course, has
sent a communication to President
Harry B. Hutchins praising the work
being done by Prof. A. S. Warthin, of
the Medical school, in the war train-
ing camps In the country. Dr. Warth-
in has lectured before approximately
22,500 men in the country's camps.
ge completes a series of lectures at
Camp Custer Thursday.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
As a member of the Mimes and of
the Michigan Union permit me to pub-
licly protest against the allowing of
women to participate in this year's
production of the Union opera.,
Allow me to call attention to the fact
that it is generally announced by the
Union that it is the Mimes who an-
nually present the opera, and regard-
less of the fact that the Union receives
the financial benefits of the work of
the Mimes, it evidently considers their
being so unimportant that they did
not notify its members or call a vote
to discuss this most radical step. This
appears to be unfair if not actually
The Union in.its yearly advertising
campaign and in this very year's ad-
vertising campaign, boasts as one of
its many attractions the fact that only
members of that organization can par-
ticipate in the opera. And yet, with
one foolish stroke they disregard this,
perhaps, their most valuable reason
for claiming student membership.
Of course, were such a step neces-
sary, the members of the Union if
called upon to vote, would hardly
cease the annual production by vot-
ing against the entrance of women in-
to the production.
But regardless of the fact that many
of us join the Union because of the
opera, yet that organization does not
consider it necessary to allow the
Mimes, who, it seems, are the pro-
ducers of the opera, or even the mem-
bers of the Union itself, to assert
themselves upon this most radical
Let me add that I do not consider
it necessary to allow women in the
opera this year. There are plenty of
talented young men on the campus,
some, perhaps, in the freshman classes
who are able to keep up the standard
of the Michigan operas. It strikes me
that the Michigan opera is doomed to
meet with great unpopularity this year
because of this ridiculous measure and
the fact that evidently our old friend,
Mr. Moore, would rather try.out a lit-
tle of his own side work than allow
the Michigan student body a chance to
participate in its own opera.
And the pity of it all is that the
directors in control are foolish enough
to allow it.
Washington, Jan. 22.-Fifty thous-
and common laborers from Porto Rico
and the Virgin Islands will be brought
to th country, if the plans made by
the employment service of the depart-
ment of labor are carried out. As
soon as more tonnage is available,
60,000 others will be imported.
Director Genral McAdoo has asked
the department of labor for this ex-
tra help, to assist the railroads with
labor for maintenance and shop work.
The first men imported will be sent
to the South and Southwest, with the
understanding that they will be re-
leased for farm service during the
press of the agricultural season.
Louis F. Post, assistant secretary of
labor, said today tht all requirements
for common labor could be met by
proper distribution of the domestic
supply and of the American citizens
in Porto Rico and the other islands.
He condemned the agitation for the

importation of Chinese- and Mexicans
as unnecessary and prejudicial."
Report Decrease in Business Failures
Business failures for the week end-
ing January 10, were 324, as com-
pared with 200 last week, 381 in the
like week of 1917, 427 in 1916, 600
in 1915, and 413 in 1914.

Probably Billy Sunday could not
have done a more- unfortunate thing
than he did when he decided to write
a book. Although "Love Stories of
the Bible" is Billy Sunday through
and through, he has failed to realize
that his personality is his greatest
asset, and that for its sake people en-
dure crudities that they will not ac-
cept when laid bare on paper. Words
that stir us deeply in the theater
sound very fiat when repeated at
home. It is not what Billy Sunday has
to say that draws the crowds to hear
him; it is his forceful and convinc-
Ing sincerity. And because he has
been unable to infuse into his book his
own magnetism, it stands as an almost
unbearably crude piece of writing.
Th'ere may be some who will rejoice
to hear that "Samson thought he was
making a big hit because he was mak-
ing a big noise, and had Buffalo Bill
hair," or, that "the world is about
ready to admit that when Adam made
goo-goo eyes at Eve in the Garden of
Eden, and told her she was the only
woman he ever loved, he started
something," but those of us who retain,
to some degree at least, an old-fash-
ioned respect for the Bible as it
stands, will either disregard Mr. Sun-
day's book entirely, or remove what-
ever support we have given him in the
Ifsthe Bible needed elucidation, per-
haps Mr. Sunday's attempt at inter-
pretation might be more acceptable.
But the construction that he has plac-
ed on some of the most exquisite pass-
ages from the scriptures proves not
only that he has neglected to make a
careful study of the stories of which he
has made use, but that he has even
misrepresented the facts as originally
written. Although it may be his priv-
ilege to rewrite the Bible in the lang-
uage which he deems essential to an
understanding of it, yet it is the
privilege of no one to make fundament-
al changes in its structure and pre-
sent the revised form to the public.
One woman and nine men survived
-the first squad tryouts for the Mid-
west debate held yesterday afternoon
in room 302, Mason hall. The chosen
ten are asked to report in above room
at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The fol-
lowing are the survivors: I. Victoria
Adams, '19; A. J. Adams, '18; Webb R.
Clark, '20; S. M. Epstein, '19; Kelsey
Guilfoil, '20L; J. A. Krout, '18; R. F.'
Mathews, '20L; Wilfred Nevue, '18;
M. Paris, '19, and Paul Rostov, '20.
Report of Cotton Production Compiled
The world's production of commer-
cial cotton, exclusive of linters, grown
in 1916, as compiled from published
reports, was approximately 18,365,000
bales of 500 pounds net; while the con-
sumption of cotton exclusive of lint-
ers in the United States for the year
ending July 31, 1917, was approximate-
ly 20,180,000 bales of 500 pounds net.
The total number of producing cotton
spindles, both active and idle, is about
Property owners and tenants are
urged and required to clean the snow
from sidewalks in front of their re-
spective places i compliance with the
city ordinances.A
Owners of vacant property are no-
.tified that walks in front of such prop-
erties must be cleaned from snow or
the penalties provided by the city or-
dinances will be enforced.
3t Street Commissioner.
Ann Arbor, Jan. 19, 1918.

The Literary Critic Says
Billy Sunday.-G. P. Putnam's Sons,
New York.

First Lessons in Spoken French for Men in Military Service......50c
Le Soldat Americain en France.................. ...- . ---c
The Soldier's English and French Conversation Book.... . ...25e
International Conversation Book-French-English......... .....50c
Rapid-Fire English-French-German........................25c
Altemus' English-French Conversational Dictionary.......... $1.00
Oxford English and French Conversation Book....... .........25c
Wilcox's War French.......... ...... ......5c
Cortina-Frenchrand English Military Manual...............$1.50
French for Soldiers-by Whitten & Long....................75c
We have a complete stock of
Flashlight Batteries
Switzer' s Hardware

' 1918
Slater's Book Shop

Phone 430

336 S. State St.

1 ., ,.

I 'WtomenI
Michigan Dames will sew for the
Red.Cross this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. H. W. Stevenson, 1306 Wash-
tenaw terrace.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet will not meet
today. The temporary headquarters
of the association are at the office of
the dean of women in Barbour, gym-
Eastern Star initiation will take
place at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
Masonic hall instead of tonight ass
formerly announced. The change is
due to the fuel conservation order.



Hair Brushes
$1.00 value 75c


Cor. State and N. University
Phone 808


There will be no basketball
tice at 4 o'clock Wednesday
4:50 o'clock Thursday.

or at

Posture exams for all those taking
required gym work will start this
morning. No credit will be given un-
less the appointment is kept. Girls,
who have not made appointments must
do so immediately.
The Girls Education clui will meet
at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the
Cercle Francais rooms. The meeting
is an important one and all members
are urged to attend.
Rehearsals for the annual Junior
Girls' play will commence with the
second semester. Great promise is
shown by the music and lyrics already
handed in although many more can
be used. Emily Powell, '18, chairman
of the committee, will advise all jun-
ior girls interested in writing lyrics
or music.
The names of the play and the au-
thor will not be announced until short-
ly before the play is given. The names
of those successful in the chorus try-
outs will be made public soon.
Always-Daily Service- Always. -

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacks'in
(Effective May 22, 1917)
Detroit Limitedvand Express Cars-7:35a
in., 8:1o a. In., and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 9:14
Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 6:48 o. M.; to Lansing,
8:48 p. M.
Jackson Express Cars lcal sto- west of
Arm~ Arbor)-g :48 a. in. and every tw o hours
to V:48 p.m
Local Cars East Bound.-s:35 a. mn., 6:40
a. in., 7:os a. m and every two hoars to 7:05
p. m.. 8:o5p-. iM., 9:05 p. M., 10:5o pm.M.
To Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. n., g 5ca in.,
2:05 P . ,, :oS P.,in, 9:45 p.-n, 11 :45 ''. m.
12:20 a. Mn. i :ro a. in., I1:20 a. n, r0. oSaline,
change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West. Bound-6 :os a. m., 7:48
a. rn.. 10:20 p. i2.. 12:20 a. m.
We have both the inclination and
the equipment to furnish the
best in banking service
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00
Resources . . . $4,000,000.00
Northwest Corner Main and
Huron Streets A e
707 North University Avenue

"Just a Little BETTER"
for all occasions
2I8 S. Main Street



Anywhere and Everywhere

fj r
r/ .
/ /
o I

the well dressed man is conspicuous. Good
clothes add wonders to general appearances.
Then, too, think of the satisfaction he derives
from the knowledge he is clothed in good taste.
Any man may enjoy the same feeling if he'll
let us make his next suit which will fit per-
fectly, look and wear well.

Classes Just Starting. Enroll
State and William


my is a cloud i
than a man'sl
)wing," says Ian
i cloud breaks
Bt kaiser Bill had

n the
hand, $850,000 Corporation Organized 'Here
H1ay. The Forge Products corporation was
we're organized in this city Monday with a
d best capital of $350,000. The plant will
manufacture high steel forgings for
tool work and also auto parts. It
ounts will be located on Hill street, near the
t few Ann Arbor railroad.

G. H. Wild Company

Radio Miiltary
$4.25 to $21

U. of Mi. Jewelry

Leading Merchant Tailors

Stat ? Street


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