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January 17, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-17

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ies play. The recruit soon
look a soldier-trim, smart,



If you would attain success-you


or a
-Stern Suit

for the man who wants to



mitt, Apfel Co.



nts for
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We carry a full line of Accessories,
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Overhauling of Cars by experienced men.

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U. S.

market for Lum-
Doors, Interior
e Fixtures, and

interest in the ractice nights, Dr.
George A. May, director of Waterman
gymnasium, urges all the- company
teams to show' up at the regular prac-
tice periods. The following schedule
will be effective at 8 o'clock tonight
in the' gymnasium:
Fir'st regiment: Court 4, company
I, company K, 8 o'clock; court 1, com-
pany L, company M, 8 o'clock; court
4, company A, company B, 8:30 o'-
clock; court 1, company C, company
D, 8:30 o'clock.
Cadets of the Second battallion of
the First regiment will conform to
the Thursday physical and gym-
nastic schedule at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in Waterman gymnas-

Amsterdam, Jan. 16.-What Serbia
and Montenegro have to expect from
a victorious Germany is indicated in
an article published in the German pa-
pers from the pen of the Austrian his-
torian, Professor Heinrich Friedjung.
He says:
"It will be the duty of, the victor to
consider carefully the good of the Ser-
bian people, and not make them pay for
the sins of their king and his advisors.
The uniting of Serbia with Austria-
Hungary will fulfill the desires of the
Serbians for national unity. Serbia
would be closely bound to Austria-
Hungary by economic ties. In this
way the Serbian people would emerge
from the struggle victors, in.spite of
their terrible sufferings. The House
of Hapsburg will give better guaran-
tees for the prosperous development
of the Serbian people than their own
dynasty, which is responsible for all
their troubles. If Serbia kept her
army and her independence, she would
be used as a tool by the fanatics
supported by English, French, and
Russian money. But incorporated in
the Austrian empire, only small gar-
risons will be necessary.
Free Trade Between Nations
"Austria will allow Serbia to export
her products northward free of duty.
The foolish policy of tariff wars
against small neighbors must be aban-
doned. If the Serbian peasant does
not have his son taken away for mili-
tary service, and if he can export the
products of his soil to Austria, he wlU
be in a very favorale position.
"It would be a criminal error to
unite Montenegro and Serbia. Monte-
negro could be allowed her independ-
ence with precautions. Obviously
Mount Lovcen cannot-be given back
to her. Enemy statesmen make fine
speeches about small nations being
allowed to decide' their own fate. But
at the end of the war the great states
will make use of the little ones in pay-
ment of their indemnities. Austria
and Bulgaria will decide upon the fu-
ture of the Balkans. In general there
will be little change from the present
London, Jan. 16.-The British Young
Men's Christian Association has de-
cided tha its huts in France will be
converted after the war into hotels
for visitors to the battlefields, chiefly
relatives anxious to visit the graves
or last resting places of their fallen
The British authorities anticipate a
great pilgrimage of British people to
France and Belgium immediately af-
ter the war, and as far as possible
steps will be taken to facilitate the
natural eagerness of those at home
to visit the scenes where their pela-
tives have fallen. But with a large
part of France and Belgium in ruins,
particularly those districts in which
lie the graveyards, there will be little
accommodation for visitors. So the
Young Men's Christan Association
proposes to use its hundreds of huts
as temporary hotels.
Evening courses in business Eng-
lish in the Engineering college will
be discontinued during the second
semester. The following schedule
will go into effect:
English 9, commercial corre-
spondence and advertising, open
only to juniors and seniors,
Asst. Professor Moriarty and Mr.
Thornton. Sec. I: Tuesday and
Thursday at 11. Sec. II: Tuesday

and Thursday at 1. Sec. III: Tuesday
and Thursday at 2. Sec. IV: Monday
and Wednesday at 2. English 10, of-,
fice management and salesmanship,
open only to juniors and seniors; Asst.
Professor Moriarty. Sec. I: Tuesday,
and Thursday at 8. Sec. II: Monday'
and Wednesday at 2.
All classes are to be held in room
21, Old Engineering building.

Make checks payable to "The
America University Union in
E u r o p e, Michigan Bureau."
Amount to be raised, $1,000.
Coach Fielding H. Yost added $25 to
The Daily fund for the European Union
yesterday. The total is now $133.00.
"It gives me great pleasure to make
this contribution," wrote the coach,
who is at present in Winchester, Ky.,
directing the Kentucky Producers Oil
Co., of which he is president.
Previously acknowledged......$107.50
We are by no means satisfied with
the contributions the campus has giv-
en to The Daily fund for the Ameri-
can University Union in Europe. To
date but few students and fewer mem-
bers of the faculty have responded
to Professor C. B. Vibbert's earnest
suggestion that The Daily take up the
work of raising $1,000 for the Michi-
gan bureau's incidental expenses.
Perhaps it has not been made clear
that we are desirous of small contri-
butions as well as larger ones. It is
expected that the major part of sub-
scribers will be those giving not more
than $1 or $2, or even less.
Michigan takes Dride in the way
she has responded to worthy moves in
the past. She should do so. President
11. B. Hutchins feels that The Daily's
cause is of sufficient importance to
give it his.personal efforts.
It seems best to us that what ex-
pression this paper is able to make
for the cause of the European Union
should be mainly from those directly
connected with the University. In this
we are appealing directly to faculty
and students.
Fielding H. Yost............25.00
Students................. .50

'U -


For All Purposes

Clothing Sale o
Society Brand and Hickey-Freeman Suits
and Overcoats 25% Discount
Also 20% off on Shirts, Pajamas, Neckwea
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Cousins& Hal UNIV

Members of the Florists' Telegraph.Delivery

to the girl you take t
Let us supply theum
lighted and you'll
course. You can lea
far ahead as you lilk
the flowers at the

Total--- . $133.00


y Street

So. Main St.

ium under Dr. George A. May. The
ary ]'le his program is as follohs:
SCompany I, buck and tumbling, high
jump, relay racing; company K, wrest-
s for the headquarters ling, basketball, vaulting bar, rope
be continued this after- climbing, sprinting; company L, re-
:s who have not as yet lay racing, buck and tumbling, high
/ jjump; company M, vaulting bar, rope;
-" climbing, sprinting, wresting, basket-
military drill classes. -
t night on account of All cadets of the .R. O. T. C. corps
k Symphony orchestra who desire or have made applications
1 auditorium. The reg- for transfers from one company to an-
ill report at the sched- other will report at the office in Wat-
ght in Waterman gym- erman gymnasium this afternoon.
- -Members of the women's military
""~l~~ ."rl ou oI."- __L_1 L ...tt.AI

Mext to Orphl

.King and Aviator
Are Regular Paels
Pat O'Brien Tells King George How He
Escaped From Germans; Re.
spert Each Other Much
London, Jan. 16.-Flight-Lieutenant
Pat O'Brien, the former Santa Fe rail-
way man who effected a remarkable
escape from Germany after being shot
down in an aerial battle as a member
of the Royal Flying corps, and who
walked across a part of Germany, all
of Luxemburg, and Belgium before dig-
ging under the "wire of death" and
reaching Amsterdam, has just told
his story to the king at Buckingham
palace. And O'Brien and the king have
formed complimentary impressions of
each other.
"I have met some of the heads. of
departments on the Western division
of the Santa Fe, some of the big busi-
ness men in Chicago, and a few of*the
men doing the fighting in important
positions in this war, and I want to
say that the king is one of the best,"
said O'Brien, who is a native of Mom-
ence, Ill., and a resident of San Fran-
cisco. "I don't think he knows what
side means. We shook hands heartily
three times-on my arrival, when I
thought I might be taking too much of
his time and started to go, and finally
when we said good-bye.
King Dismisses Secretary
"I received a telegram to call at
10:30 o'clock and, arriving two min-
utes before, found the king on railroad
time. I was not kept waiting a min-
ute, but was taken directly to him by
one of his -secretaries who withdrew
on presenting me.. We then chatted
for 40 minutes, the king showing great
interest in my experiences and ques-
tioning me minutely as to my route
from the time I jumped out of the train
wind.w until I concealed myself near-
by and studied the electrically-charg-
ed barrier between Belgium and Hol-
land for about a week of nights be-
fore succeeding in a plan of escape.
"The king first offered me a chair,
but when I declined politely stood with
me throughout our conversation. He
certainly had more than an .amateur's
knowledge of electricity, as I gathered
by the" lively interest he displayed at
the several ways I had in mind as to
how best to put the live wires out of
business. I thought first of grounding
the current in the several wires with
a horizontal metal bar, then made a

j f. hCet






Look At This Fellows


Here is a
tached to any
ing water in a

shaving water heater
lamp socket and will
very short time.

that can k
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For Sale

Can also be used to make tea or coffee.

Attachable to any light socket
cellent for traveling.
Come in and'let us show you.


ld las
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of t

ams will taiK to
cond regiment at
rnoon in Univer-
of Target Prac-

marching corps held its weekly dril
at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon In
Barbour gymnasium. The women are
intending to participate in the exhibi-
tion to be given during the annual
convention of schoolmasters' associa-
tion which will be held here in the
early spring.

Main and William Streets-

ing little

'1'C1 i ~J

Leave Copy
Ssupply Stove


ladder of saplings so green that the
wood proved a conductor, and decid-
ed on another plan successfully.
Exhibits Irish Wit
"He was keenly interested in my
jump through the window of the train
and the guard's effort to hold me in.
I think he laughed most heartily at
my passage with the guard previously
when I complained of our having to
ride in fourth-class compartments. The
guard responded that we rightfully
should be riding in hog-trucks. I
answwered that such would be prefer-
able to riding with Germans, and then
my English-speaking guard exploded
in gutterals, probably not knowing
profanity in a foreign tongue.


terms and conditions
the professor was re-eu
same as those of last y


A DAY is guaranteed, WANTED - Three students desire
the amount of spare suite. State price, rooms, etc. Ad-

In compliance
clamation of Jan.
or asked that "R
.eating places al
of business to
extent without i
needs of the pE
them," Oren's Se
versity will only
following hours:
M.; 5:00 p. m. to
p. m, to 11:15 p.
As proprietor
glad to meet the



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nder return to Box K, Daily.

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If interested in any kind of instrument whatever see us

Prof. John J. Cox, of th
ing college, has been e
'next year as the enginee

GRINNELL BROS., 116 s. Main St..


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