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October 09, 1917 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-09

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)fficial newspaper at the University of
:higan . Published every morning except
nday during the university year.
entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as
:ondclass matter.
)fdices :Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-
iptions: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00.
nt ad stations: Quarry's; Students' Sup-
Store; The Delta. Phones; Business, 960;
itorial, 2414
Communications not' to exceed 300, words
length, or notices of events will be pub-
ed in The Daily, at the discretion of the
itor if left at the office in the Ann Arbor
ss Bldg., or in the notice box in the west
ridor of the general library, where the
ices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each
bert T. McDonald... Managing Editor
Philip Emery..........Business Manager
rold Makinson........Advertising Manager
ul E. Cholette.......Publication Manager
rnard Wohi.......... Circulation Manager
rold R. Smith..........Credit Manager
n. M. ILeFevre............ Office Manager
Ellsworth Robinson.. Subscription Manager
ace A. Swaney James Schermerhorn, Jr.
rry Carey C. S. Clark, Jr.
Clarence L. Roeser
>ert E. Horne, Jr. Bruce Millar
ilip C. Pack . Harry .W. Weinerman
nman H.Cruttenden Edgare ,. Rice
ldred C. Mighell Mark K. Ehlbert
Eugene Given
A. Storrer Orville B. Gates
m. A. L.,eitzinger Harry D. Hause
le H. Baad Lambert Hirsheimer
Night Editor-Clarence Roeser

News staff and try-outs meet
12:15 today in reportorial rooms.


Down on Ferry field there is a man
whom sports experts for nearly a score
of years have called one of the lead-
ers, if not the actual leader, in his
That man is Fielding H. Yost. An
explanation of the record he has carv-
ed here is unnecessary. Suffice it to
say that Michigan's athletic record
since Yost has coached here is un-
equaled by any other college or uni-
Yost is asking for more material
for the team. In the old days he
would have met with a jam unable
to be housed in the clu-house. To-
day what happens? A few men turn
out They are turned into star play-
ers. But a football team isn't made
up of eleven men. It can't be. Injur-
ies are too numerous. The loss of two
or three men from the team which
faced Case Saturday would put Yost's,
men but little above the par of many
schools one-third our size.
ost is crying for men. He needs
dalble substitutes. He is looking
not 1bnly to this year's team, but to
that of 1918, and 1919.
Possibly you can't play football
yourself.. If you are physically un-
fit, there is still a mission ahead of
you. Dig up some man who can and
see that he is sent out there every
College journalism is one of the un-
appreciated arts. It is strange that
so many students fail to take advan-
tage of the training that is at hand
for them. As a course in University
training it has any other campus ac-
tivity beat so far that there is no
comparison. Yet the opportunity in
the past has been somewhat sadly
neglected. It is, therefore, with a
real satisfaction that The Illini wel-
comes the people who have applied
in the past week for places on the
For the first time in years, an
abundance of reporters has apeared
in anxious endeavor to do a part of
the work of putting out the daily
sheet. There is a fine opportunity
for literary training as well as the
best opportunity on the campus for
getting acquainted with everybody.
There is still extant in some places,
unfortunately, the attitude that news-
paper writing is a sort of degraded
calling, which requires no especial in-
tellect and no especial capabilities be-
yond the knowledge of what a type-
writer keyboard looks like. That's
where most people are wrong.
If there is any branch of writing
that is more exacting on the writer's
ability than newspaper writing, it is
yet to be discovered. One has only
to try writing a news story to discov-
er what principles are necessary. The
man or woman who can sit down and
write an acceptable story in the lim-
ited time reporters have to turn in
their copy is a real writer. This sort
of writing teaches, above everything
else, the ability to say a thing with

accuracy and clearness in a very lim-
ited time.
The people who are working on
The Illini are receiving a valuable
training. We congragutlate them on
their choice of a campus activity.-
The Daily Illini.
After all there are some joys in
being a freshman, and many an up-
perclassman feels a bit jealous of the
free meals during rushing season.
The character of a man can easily
be told by the letters he carries in
his inside coat pocket.
How many extra miles have you
walked since school opened simply
because a new library is being built
and a few of the walks are fenced off?
Spicy Nevs From
Other Colleges
Men out for football at Columbia
now number 90.
Five women enrolled at Penn State
college are taking a two-year course
in agriculture.
Jackies from the Great Lakes train-
ing station gave a minstrel show at
the University of Wisconsin this week.
About 1,650 people attended.
In the Thursday issue of the Brown
Herald appears a picture of Archie
Hahn, former Michigan track star,
who starts his third year as track
coach at Brown.
Women at Iowa are going to put a
ban on bright-colored yarns. One of
the leaders of the movement said re-
cently that "the soldiers need sweat-
ers more than we do."
Sections in the stand at Oberlin will
be reserved for use of women stu-
dents if plans of the women are car-
ried through: The women are to
have a special cheerleader and will*
strive their utmost to outyell the men.
No more dates! The University of
Kansas freshmen have to go to the
football games this year unescorted
by women. They (the upperclassmen,
of course) have had the old forms of
punishment abolished, the blanket and
the paddle, but they hope to find some
new forms just as effectual.
"Bill" a pet turtle in the aquirium
at the University of Kansas is dead.
"Bill" always liked a special kind of
dandelions and when the supply ran
out he started out in search of more.
A Ford going 20 miles an hour was
the finish of "Bill." So the university
Daily Kansan devoted good space of
its front page to an obituary of "Bill."
Dr. Elmer Dershem, a former mem-
ber of the physics department at the
University of Iowa, is the discoverer
of a device to focus X-rays. The de-
vice used is a barrel shaped cavity
lined with paraffin, open at both ends
and lined with mica. The rays which
enter from one end are prevented
from passing through the other end by
a proper sized lead plate. They are
deflected from the sides of the barrel
and focused in this manner.
Dr. S. T. Pope, assistant professor
of surgery at the University of Cali-
fornia, has recently published an ar-
ticle in the Sunset magazine in which
he describes his experiences in hunt-
ing with the bow and arrow. An In-
dian who was caught near Chico was

the doctor's teacher in this forgotten
art and during a number of years
while the Indian was being kept by
the department of anthropology they
went on several hunting trips together
and baggbd a few deer.
F. S. Flick, '17L, Arrives in France
Acablegram was received Friday
morning by Mrs. F. S. Flick, assistant
secretary of the Medical school, an-
nouncing the safe arrival of her hus-
band, Lieut. F. S. Flick, '17L, "some-
where in France."
Lieutant Flick sailed for France on
Sept. 10. He expects to return to the
United States within a cuple of
months, and will assist in instructing
the newly drafted men. Lieutenant
Flick was married in Ann Arbor in
Have those rooms decorated at
once, you have them to look at for a
year. C. H. Major & Co.-Adv.

W ~ omen.
Meeting of women tryouts at 3:30
o'clock this afternoon in the reportor-
ial rooms.
Athletic association mass meeting
at 4 o'clock today in Barbour gym-
nasium. All University women are
expected to be present for election
of officers and discussion of admission
to games.
Y. W. C. A. vespers at 4:30 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon at Newberr r
hall, will be led by Dean Myra B.
Jordan. Special music from Detroit
has been obtained.
Masques will hold an important
meeting at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon in the west parlor of Bar-
bour gymnasium. Those unable to at-
tend call Ethel Glauz, '19, at 885-M.
Today is tag day for the Women's
athletic association. A tag and a
membership cost 25 cents.
Supper for the students' Liberty
loan committee will be served at the
Union Friday evening, immediately
after Convocation.
Yarn for knitting can be obtained
at the Red Cross rooms above the gas
Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting at
3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at
Newberry hall.
The schedule for regular gymnas.
ium classes will be posted this
morning on the bulletin board in Bar-
bour gymnasium. It will go into ef-
fect immediately and attendance will
be taken at the first meeting of the
Juniors and seniors interested in
hockey will remain after the athletic
mass meeting today for a short meet-
Girls expecting to take gymnasium
work during the year should report
for locker assignments from 9:30 to
11:30 o'clock Thursday, Friday, or
Saturday, or from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock
on Saturday.
All gym clothing sold after Oct. 10
will have an additional charge of five
cents per day on each garment.
Elections to the freshman social
committee will be announced tomor-
A meeting of all University m75,ien
interested in social service work will
be held in Newberry hall at 3:30
o'clock today.
Capture Swimming Tournament Hon-
ors Formerly Held By
Wisconsin Girls
Michigan women found the student
conference at Lake Geneva last sum-
mer both pleasant and profitable.
With Mrs. Rankin for chaperon and
Clarissa Vyn, '18, for delegation lead-
er, 20 members of the Michigan Y. W.
C. A. met 650 delegates from middle-
west colleges for the purpose of re-
newing their spiritual lives, and of
finding some plans and methods of
association work which would help
them to carry on theii local associa-
tio n s .- -
Lectures, and Bible and mission
study classes filled the morning and
evening hours, while the afternoons
were devoted to recreation. Athletics
figured extensively in these times of
good-fellowship. In the intercollegi-
ate swimming tournament our Mich-
igan women captured the honors
which have formerly gone to Wiscon-
sin delegates.
Other enjoyable events in the an-

nals of the conference were the boat-
ride around the lake,; with a half
hour stop at Geneva City, and the
mammoth bon-fire on a nearby hill
after an evening lecture.
Able and experienced conductors,
and the hearty co-operation of the
delegates made the conference a tri-
uumphant success.
Girl Hockey Fans to Hold Session
Hockey enthusiasts among upper-
class girls are asked to remain after
the athletic association mass meeting
Tuesday afternoon for a short meet-
ing to discuss the season's prospects.
A goodly number of women are ex-
pected to appear and the junior repre-
sentation will probably Abe particularl3
large, as last year's winning team is
practically intact.
We are expert floor finishers, and
Old English Floor Wax, only 55c. C.
H. Major & Co.-Adv.

Motorcycle Officer E. J. Sodt was
thrown from his machine yesterday
afternoon and narrowly escaped se-
vere injuries when William Pfiel, who
was driving one of the Stoeb bakery
delivery cars, struck the motorcycle
which Mr. Sodt was driving down Lib-
erty street. Pfiel was released upon
payment of the damages.
Spontaneous combustion in an oil
mop in an upstairs closet started a
small fire yesterday afternoon at the
residence of William J. Hale, 1412
Cambridge road. The damage was
The wedding of Lieut. Clark B. 'Pot-
ter, '16, to Louise F. Tayler took
place in Ann Arbor last night. Lieut.
Potter, who is a member of Co. E,
125th' regiment, is on furlough from
the winter camp at Waco, Texas.
Because the colored porter of the
Psi Upsilon fraternity burned leaves
on the cement pavement of South
State street, Thomas Underwood, rep-
resenting the house, appeared before
Judge W. G. Doty yesterday afternoon
and paid a fine of $5 and costs.
Six Greeks, charged with gambling
at 114 E. Ann street Sunday after-
noon, were brought before Judge W. G.
Doty yesterday. Four pleaded guilty
and paid fines of $5 each, while the
other two pleaded not guilty and are to
be given a hearing Oct. 17.

Colonel Goethals will be present at
the good roads celebration at North-
ville Thursday. The occasion will
mark the near completion of 200 miles
of concrete road in Wayne county.
Representatives from every state in
the Union will attend. Governor
Sleeper and the governors of the
states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
are among the speakers. Northville
is expecting 15,000 visitors. Washte-
naw county will send a large delega-
tion from Ann Arbor.
That the American Red Cross so-
ciety does not sell knitted outfits to
the soldiers is the correction to a
rumor branded as false by Harvey D.
Gibson, general manager of the Red
Cross society. Stories without foun-
dation are being circulated that the
soldiers must buy the articles knitted
by' the organization. This hurts the
cause, according to Mr. Gibson. Those
who use the Red Cross name without
permission for sales and benefits will
be prosecuted, are the orders received
by the local chapter.
William Snell, Detroit, and Peter
Jacobus and George Yuhler of this
city are in the University hospital suf-
fering from serious injuries received
yesterday when the automobile in
which they were driving overturned a
mile and a half this side of Ypsilanti.
Snell's skull was fractured. With them
at the time were Lloyd Harvey of De-
troit and Ezra Little of this city, both
of whom suffered minor cuts and

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