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October 09, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-09

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XXVIII. No. 7.




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Advise Campaign to Teeh Ideals
of Thought and Pur-
Washington, Oct. 8.-By the form-
ation of a 'league of National Unity
representing churches, politics, labor,
agriculture, and industrial organiza-
tions, a movement to lead an express-
ed public opinion of the war was in-
augurated here today.tPresident Wil-
son gave his indorsement to the league
in an address expressing the need for
team play between the forces of Amer-
ican thought.
Welcoming the leaders of the move
in a speech the president said that
Amnerican public opinion, although
understanding the war's principles,
needs guidance in remembering that
the war should end only when Ger-
many is beaten and that Germany's
attempt for autocracy is supereded
by the ideals of democracy. The pres-
ident emphasized that this should be
kept in the minds of the American
people in order that they avoid being
mislead into the byways of thought
with the consequent scattering of the
forces of public opinion.
The move toward an early peace be-
fore Germany's defeat is effected is
one of the evidences of misdirected
thought and should not cloud the vis-
ion of those who understand that the
United States is fighting now for the
same ideals of democracy and freedom
that have always stirred the nation.
The president gave warning that it
should not be forgotten that German
success meant the prevention of the
spread of democracy and also possibly
the suppression of that already exist-
The object ofthe league is to create
a medium through which all classes,
sections, creeds, and parties may help
carry out this new war for the inde-
pendence of America and preservation
of democracy and democratic institu-
tions and of the biggest principles of
The league claims that an active
campaign should be carried on to
teach the American the ideals of
thought and purpose and that these
are as essential to the successful per-
secution of the war as co-operation
In material purposes.
Committee Advises Students to Make
Certain of Standing at
The eliibllity committee wishes to
call attention to the following quota-
tion from the University catalogue:
"The manager or chairman of every
student activity is required to submit
to the chairman of the committee on
eligibility a complete list of all stu-
dents who expect to participate and to
ascertain their eligibility before pro-
ceeding further with the enterprise.
No student may take part in any pub-

lie activity until an official certificate
of eligibility is filed with the proper
fficer in charge of that activity."
During the first semester, the chair-
mnan of the committee, Professor Hum-
phreys, may be consulted in room 8
University hall, from 10:45 to 11:30
o'clock Tuesdays, and from 3 to 4
o'clock Thursdays. He particularly
requests managers and chairmen of
student activities to make early ap-,
plication to him for eligibility blanks.
Council Decides Elections and Games
Arrangements for class elections
and for the fresh-soph class games
were made at the meeting of the Stu-
dent council last Sunday afternoon at
the Union. Prof. W. R. Humphreys of
the elegibility committee explained the
rules with regard to the class elec-
tions. The council set Saturday morn-
ing, Oct. 20, as the day for the fresh--
soph fall contests. The date is con-
ditioned upon the approval of Uni-

Erection of Union
To We Continued
Homer Heath Denies Rumor; Struc-
ture, Rising Rapidly, Expected
Ready September, 1918
Work on the new Michigan Union
building will not be stopped as soon
as th structure is under roof, accord-
ing to a statement just made by Homer
L. Heath, general secretary of the
"The rumor is being circulated that
we will stop building as soon as the
roof is on," said Mr. Heath. "There is
not the least particle of truth in that
assertion. We expect to have the roof
on and the building completely en-
closed by the coming Christmas and
from that time, the building will be
rushed to completion, an end we hope
to reach by September, 1918."
At present, the walls are rising rap-
idly and the tower is beginning to as-
sume definite form. Architectural
critics claim that the entrance will in
itself be a model of artistic perfection.
Two groups of figures, the gifts of the
architects, Pond and Pond, will orna-
ment the facade. One will be an
athletic group and will face in the di-
rection of Ferry field. The other, an
academic figure, is to be turned in the
direction of the campus.
Staff Election Will Be Held to Fill
Vacancies; Prof. Stoner
Notwithstanding present disturbed
conditions, the Michigan Law Review
will continue being published. First
issue of the periodical will appear
Nov. 1.
Several vacancies have been caused
in the staff by enlistments and the
draft. To fill these places, an election
will be held in the near future.
Present faculty members of the
staff and membersof the advisory
board are Prof. Gordon Stoner, edi-
tor-in-chief; Prof. V. H. Lane, treas-
urer; Prof. R. W. Aigler; Prof. Wil-
lard T. Barbour; Prof. Edwin C.
Goddard and Prof. J. H. Drake. Prof.
Aigler is to have charge of the section
entitled "Recent Decisions" and "Note
and Comment." Prof. Barbour is to be
the editor in charge of "Book Re-
Views." )Prof. Drake is to assist in
editing 1ho Law Review and Prof.
Goddard is going to act as an ex-of-
ficio member of the advisory board.
Editorial assistants appointed from
the law class of 1918 are A. C.
Reichley, L. C. Bothwood, S. L. Cohen,
R. A. Fox, M. R. Gomberg, L. S. Hecht,
S. G. Pickus, L. B. Vincent, E. L. Wie-
ner, and 3. W. Thomas.
Today is tag day and every girl isi
expected to buy a tag, thus making
herself a member of the newly or-
ganized athletic association.
There will be a big mass meeting
in Barbour gymnasium today at 4
o'clock, for the purpose of electing
officers and class representatives. The
candidates are as follows: Vice-presi-
dent, Marie Macauley, '18, and Beulah
Smith, '18; treasurer, Ethel Glauz, '19,
and Margaret Atkins, '19; secretary,
Laura Peacock, '20, and Sue Verlen-
den, '20; class representatives, senior,
Ruth McLachlan, '18, and Louise Irish,1

'18; Junior, Phyllis Eggleston, '19, and;
Doris McDonald, '19; sophomore,1
Grace Hall, '20, and Lucy Huffman, '20.
Several questions will be discussed
at the mass meeting, one of which is
charging admission for non-members7
to the games. Miss Alice Evans, phy-
sical director, will talk to the upper-1
class girls who are interested in1
hockey, for a few minutes after the1

Drafted Men Urged to Have Teeth Ex-
amined Before Leaving for
The dental college of the University
has opened its clinic. Patients for
the clinic are obtained from several
towns around Ann Arbor as well as
from among students of the Univer-
Those desiring plate, crown or
bridge work will be cared for between
9:30 and 11:30 o'clock each day. Per-
sons who wish to get fillings, inlavs,
etc., may obtain such service at 11:30
o'clock each day, except Saturday.
Attention has been called to the
condition of the teeth of the men
who have enlisted in some branch of
serviee. It has been noticed that
nearly all of them had some kind of
dental trouble.
For this reason it has been advised
to those students who have been
drafted to perfect the condition of
their teeth before they are called for
service. Those taking military train-
ing are also advised to do the same.
Approximately 150 freshmen at-
tended the first of the Michigan Un-
ion's Sunday afternoon gatherings
held last Sunday at the Union build-
ing. The varied program, of which
Prof. John R. Brumm's speech was
the feature number, was received with
hearty applause.
"Every one should cultivate in him-
self an unshakable confidence in his
own high destiny," said Professor
Brumm in speaking of success and the
individual. "The only persons who
never make mistakes are those who
never venture. A man should think
for himself and refuse to echo the
opinions about him. The first aim of
an education is to develop with a man
the capacity to know a good man when
he sees him. The second aim is to be
able to recognize a good and worthy
Waldo McKee, '18E, presided over
the meeting. Several members of the,
Varsity Glee club, under the leader-
ship of Harold M. Easley, '18L, rend-
ered a number of Michigan's popular
songs, with Wilson J. Kellar, School
of Music, as the piano accompanist.
"Jazz" music was furnished by a quar-
tet led by George E. Rogers, '20E, at
the piano.
The committee in charge of the
gathering was very much encouraged
by the number of men present, and
feels confident of the success of future
meetings which are to be held after
the close of the football season. These
will be for the benefit of upperclas-
men also and programs of interest
are promised.
The first meeting of the Forestry
club this season will take place at 7:30
o'clock Wednesday evening in room
F-214 of the Natural Science build-
ing. Prof. Filibert Roth, head of that
department, will be the speaker of
the evening. He will discuss in gen-
eral the plans for the work of the or-
ganization during the present school
term and at the same time bring up

a number of important business mat-
ters for consideration. The election
of officers will be held.
As this is the first meeting of the
Forestry club it is highly important
that a large attendance be present.
The invitation is especially extended
to the freshmen taking work in
that department and it is hoped that
they turn out unanimously for the oe-

New Ruling Requires Three Cents for
Ordinary Letter and Two
Cents for Card
After Nov. 2, mailing rates on let-
ters and postal cards will be in-
creased, according to instruction just
issued by Postmaster General Burle-
son. Letters and other first class mat-
ter addressed to parts of the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Cuba
Shanghai, and to persons in the mil-
itary service of the United States in
Europe will be received at the rate of
three cents an ounce or fraction there-
of. Postal cards will bear two cents
in postage.'
Following are the instructions give 1
out by the postoffice department:
Postmasters shall on and after Nov.
2, accept mail at the rate of 3 cents
an ounce or fraction thereof on let-
ters and other first class matter ex-
cept drop letters. All drop letters, that
is le.tter mailed for delivery from the
office at which posted, including those
for delivery by city, rural or other
carriers of such office, are required
postage paid on them at the rate of 2
cents an ounce or fraction thereof.
Postal cards are required to be pre-
paid 2 cents and therefore a 1 cent
postal card must have a 1 cent post-
age stamp affixed to it in addition to
a le stamp impressed on such card.
Post cards (mailing cards) bearing
written messages must have two cents
postage prepaid on them.
Report That Munitions Class Would
Be Substituted-Is
Contrary to a report in Detroit
papers, the University courses in
chemical engineering will not be
changed and courses in the manufact-
ure of munitions substituted, accord-
ing to Prof. W. L. adger, in charge
of the department.
Captain A. H. White, chief technical
man under Colonel Joyce in the nit-
rate division of the army ordnance
corps and head of the department of
chemical engineering, says that men
graduating from the course in chem-
ical engineering are as well fitted for
this line of work as men taking spec-
ial courses in munitions work are.
Three Swenson evaporators, to be
used in munitions research work, gifts
of the Swenson Evaporator company
of Chicago, will be installed in the old
boiler house in about two months.
Only seniors~nay elect classes in this
"Acres of Diamonds," a lecture
given more than 6,000 times through-
out the United States by Mr. R. H.
Conwell, will be delivered here before
the beginning oratory classes on Nov.
The lecture which Mr. Conwell will
give is to be assigned to the' oratory
I classes for the next two weeks and
will be worked upon with the express
purpose of comparison with Mr. Con-
well's rendering.
Mr. Conwell's engagment here has;
been arranged through the efforts of
the Wesleyan guild.

Announcement has been made that
there are a large number of appli-
cants for positions registered at the
Michigan Union employment bureau.
John Reilly, '20, , chairman of the
bureau, asks any one knowing of
openings forlstudents to communicate
at once with the bureau. Unless work
is obtained, a number of self-sup-
porting students will- be forced to
leave the University.

Post Publisher
Denies Charges
Helber Claims Trouble Is Caused by
Spite Work of Enemies Who
Aim to Ruin Him
"You can tell the Ann Arbor folks
that I am not going and do not have
to go to Washington today," declared
E. J. Helber, publisher of the Washte-
new Post.
Helber is alleged to have published
pro-German editorials in his paper,
which he emphatically denies doing.
"It is all spite work, personal spite
work," continued Mr. Helber. "I
know where it is coming from. If the
government wanted to arrest me for
what I have written, why didn't it?
I have not published anything that any
citizen of the United States could not
with perfect justice say. I am cog-
nizant of where the spite work comes
and that it is trying to ruin my busi-
ness. If the people think that I have
said anything wrong my files are open
for their inspection at any time."
Look for .Fresh;
Find frlere Girls
Two Second Year Men Find Them-
selves Between the Devil and
the Deep Sea
Two stealthy sophomores stole soft-
ly up the stairs. They had been in-
formed that somewhere in the upper
regions of that house reposed an un-
sophisticated freshman who needed a
little hazing. And so they went for-
ward maliciously upon their errand.
Suddenly on the floor above doors
opened and footsteps lightly descended
the stairs. Horror of horrors! The
sophomores froze with fear. There
on the stairs confronting them stood
a fair young maiden. The next in-
stant a sweet feminine shriek rent the
In a moment the floors above were
filled with young damsels who yelled,
"Help! Burglars!" And what was
worse, on the floor below obstructing
their way to the door, stood the severe
house directoress, rolling-pin in hand.
3o between the dark and the day-
light stood the sophomores shivering
as though the temperature were 50 be-
low zero.
"What are you fellows doing there?"
glared the matron, Mrs.
"We thought a boy named Cornell
roomed here," stammered the men.
"So-and why didn't you ring the
Several Michigan men who were
mustered into the Michigan naval mil-
itia last spring have returned this
fall on leave.
Among those who have indefinite
leave and are going to school are,,
John Page, '20, Morgan Ramsey, '20,
and Kenneth Phelps, '20. Herbert
Garrison, '16, is back for nine days,
and Robert Bigelow, '20, for four.-
The whole unit from Ann Arbor was
transferred to the National naval vol-:
unteers shortly after arriving at,
Great Lakes. Some of the men enter-
ed the Chief Petty Officers' school,
some joined the aviation corps, and
others went to the camp rifle range.-
Those who received instucton in
the C. P. 0. school are now in com-
mand of rookie companies.t

G. A. R. Veterans to Honor Fiddlers
G. A. R. veterans will honor the
Old Soldiers' Fiddlers at the Majestic
tonight. All of the members of the
Ann Arbor post will meet at their,
headquarters at 7 o'clock and led by
Commander Robert Campbell and with
fife and drum playing and flags flying
will march to tie Majestic to see the
first performance. Special reserva-
tions have been made for the veterans
and their wives.

George Watt, '14, British Medical Of-
ficer, Recounts Events
"Over There"
Ann " Arbor was stormed, invaded,
and conquered by a wave of patriot-
ism unequaled in the history of the
city when the new Liberty Loan cam-
paign was formally opened 'at the
monstrous banquet and meeting held
at 6 o'clock last night in the city Y.
M. C. A.
An hour and a half before the ban-
quet opened the corridors were al-
ready packed to capacity with patri-
otic men and women anxious to do
their bit for their country. From the
time that the meeting was opened with
the singing of "The Star Spangled
Banner" until the close,: the en-
thusiasm and wild outbursts of ap-
plause were unbounded.
"It is for us who are left behind in
safety to see to it that the men who
are staking their lives for democracy
and civilization should be provided
with the means by which they should
be able to continue their struggle;'
said Mr. Frank L. Steivers, '94-'95L,
who was toastmaster for the occasion.
Telegram Received from Rev. Douglas
After the banquet which was served
by the Boy Scouts to the 300 men and
women volunteer solicitors, Chairman
Geo. W. Millen of the county commit-
tee read a telegram from the Rev.
Lloyd R. Douglas of the Congr ga-
tional church, who is now in ew
York on a Y. M. C. A. mission, in
which he encouraged "American bonds
now rather than German bonds later."
Mr. Millen then introduced Mr. Steiv-
ers as toastmaster of the evening.
Mayor E. M. Wurster was the next
to speak and he gave a welcome to
the assembly of men and women from
all over the county in the name of the
city of Ann Arbor.
"Not until we rid ourselves of Prus-
sianism and Austrianism will we be
able peacefully to return to our daily
affairs. This war is the only road to
peace," said Mr. McIntyre, player in
musical comedy "Miss Springtime."
Mayor Brown of Ypsilanti and Fred-
erick Stevenson, chairman of the
Michigan state board of directors for
the Red Cross, both expressed them-
selves as certain of the oversubscrip-
tion of the three billion dollar Lib-
erty loan.
Hon. F. R. Fenton Delivers Address
An impassioned address was de-
livere'd by Hon. Frederick R. Fenton -
of Chicago, chairman of the Federal
Reserve board of Michigan. "This is
a campaign," he said, "in which all
classes of people can come together
on a common ground." In introduc-
ing Arthur E. Ferinsdorf, warden of-
Jackson prison, Mr. Stevers againi
emphasizedrthe factthat the Germans
were loyal to the United States.
Greatest enthusiasm was displayed
by the audience at the introduction of
Lieutenant George Watt, '14, who re-

cently returnedfrom service in the.
British army to join the American
medical corps. Mr. Watt received his
B. S. in 1914 from this University
and received his M. D. from Harvard
in 1916 when he joined the British
medical corps.
Prof. Henderson Gives Closing Speech
Prof. W. D. Henderson delivered the
closing address of the evening. His
address was entertaining as usual, but
at the same time it was stirring and
enthusiastic. "The Germans are not
invincible," Prof. Henderson said. "We
are spending weeks and weeks scaf-
folding and towering in building our
campus library and are going through
a similar process in breaking down
the German power."
The following represented the Lib-
erty loan executive committee of the
Michigan Union: R. T. McDonald, '18;
Francis Bacon, '02; S. S. Attwood,
'18E; George Hurley, '18L, and Wil-
fred Shaw, '04, editor of the Alumnus.

m I


Important Notice

No admission to football games except on presentation of athletic book at gate.
coupons exchanged for athletic books at Athletic Association offices.


M. A. C. coupon No. 5 accompanied by student ticket applicatian cards must be in Athletic
Association offices by 6 P. M., Thursday, October 11th, to receive considerationLin order of
classes. I
Athletic Association, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Press Bldg.

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