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December 18, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-18

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18.1..,.... 1

recruit soon
-trim, smart,

would attain success-you


rn Suit

or the man who wants to

itt, Apfel Co.




Agents for
Oakland Sensible Six"

line of Accessories,
I Hood Covers.
s by experienced men.


We have both the inclination and
the equipment to furnish the
best in banking service
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00
Resources . . . $4,000,000.00
Northwest Corner Main and
Huron Streets
707 North University Avenue

Flying furnishes many peculiar sen-
sations, and thrills are by no means
rare, according to a letter just receiv-
ed from Paul W. Eaton, ex-'19, now a
member of the American Expedition-
ary force, air division, stationed
"somewhere in France."
Eaton left school last May and en-
tered the aviation training school at
Columbus, Ohio. He and W.' V. Cas-
grain, ex-'18, were among the 10 high-
est in the graduating class. They left
for France in August, arrived there
shortly afterwards, and, according to
a statement of Eaton's, will be among
the Americans in the regular flying
corps to battle the Germans.
Extracts from Eaton's letter to
Homer Heath, '07, general secretary
of the Union, follow:
"Do I like flying? Yes, very much;
but, to be frank, at first I was very
much disappointed and indifferent as
to whether I flew or not. I attribute
that attitude to the fact that our ma-
chines went only about 70 or 80 miles
per hour and got bumped around in
a strong wind like a feather. There
was. no joy in running it, for we knew
that if a "bump" hit uswe had to cor-
rect it immediately or we would get
into a slip. We were, consequently,
flying too much on our nerve.
Nieuports Are Fast
"In these Nieuports, however, we
travel about 115 or 120 miles per hour,
and go so fast that the details become
blurred. We go at the vertical planes
with the greatest of ease, and itwe ever
go over on our back, the machine is so
sensitive that it will come back to a
flying position with the slightest help.
The vertical spirals at first 'get
your goat.' On the first one I did, I
looked at the ground, and, believe me,
it went through some wonderful dance
steps. I knew enough to quit while
the quitting was good, so put all con-
trols in neutral, or center as we call
it, and gradually came out O. K. It
was some feeling though. Only at
this stage of the game does one re-
ceive any real sensation. I can't de-
-scribe it, however. One has this idea in
mind when he is ready to try to do some
new stunt; he has hardly made up
his mind to do 't, when he says to
himself, 'Well, here goes.' We have
no idea just where we are going, but
we pray to God that it is not going to
be two feet in the ground. IWe hang
the controls the way we want them
and wait. The next second we realize
something is happening.
Hopes To Return
"It is Bill Casgrain's and my am-
bition to chase each other over Ferry
field next fall and give some of our
friends an exhibition. That, however,
is looking ahead more than it be-
hooves one in this game.
"The Michigan news helps to get
one's spirits up. I did not intend send-
ing this letter until I received my
commission, but of course that would
have been foolish. The commissions
are claimed to be on their way, eight
weeks past due.
"I am in an American school now-I
should say the only American scho6l.
As you would expect in a great new
branch of the service, we have a num-
ber of old infantry officers over us,
and they understand us and our tem-
permeats just like so much weight of
Red Cross Serves Refreshments
"Today there was something special
in camp. The Red Cross women who
make chocolate and sandwiches in the
'Y' building received a shipment of
stick candy and, believe me, it saved

the day. Candy from home is like a
godsend to us.
"This letter will probably reach you
just before Christmas. I 'wish you
a merry Christmas and a happy New
Year; may it be the most cheerful one
you have ever had. I often wish I could
be home for Christmas day, but I
know I am where I should be, so I
can only send you greeting's from far-'
off France."
Ye Old Time Sampler Calender, a
unique gift. Price 5 cents at Foster's.
Always-Daily Service-Alwaya.-.

I i uUL. i ..i U1 I U U1lUll
Reports of the various trade jour-
nals show the nation to be in great
prosperity, due mostly to government
buying and to war conditions.
Bradstreet's of last week lays stress
on the many industries that have
changed to war lines. Automobile
factories particularly, have been con-
verted. Demand for heavy-weight
clothing, shoes, rubbers, etc., has in-
creased because of the cold wave. The
cold has also caused a scarcity of
fuel, and some indusftial plants have
been forced to close down.
Civilian Trade Slack
Civilian trade shows signs *of re-
pression, and buying of holiday gifts
is not uniformly active. The buying
of staple goods keeps up in a market
way, despite the high prices, which
leads to the belief that there are fears
of short supplies of these goods.
Discusses Industries
The Bache Review discusses essen-
tial and non-essential industries, and
says there should be no gap allowed
between the volume of war business
and the volume of other business. The
terms essential and non-essential
should be understood tor apply only
as defining the direct needs for carry-
ing on the war.
The report of the bureau of
foreign and domestic commerce,
lays stress on foreign trade. "The
event of transcendant importance
to the foreign trade of the coun-
try was the entrance of the United
States into the war. From the begin-
ning of the war, until the time of our
entrance into it, the business of the
American manufacturer and exporter
was to make the most of the oppor-
tunities in foreign nations. But
when we entered the war, the perspec-
tive changed. Trade became primar-
ily a means of winning the war rath-
er than of profits"


Open ev

Army Ff


ust Recieved
Another large shin
RUBBERS, including

Special Price



3 Buckle Art



Better hurry if yo
need a pair this winter
rubbers is becoming a


Union News


every day.


ot Rolls - 2 'or U6c
948-. 601 E. Liberty
packages in Cigars ando-
r the boys in service. Cush-

Saturday night dances will be held
at the Union during the Christmas va-
cation. The dances will start at 9 6'-
According to an estimate made by
an official of the Union, the Spotlight
Vaudeville brought in net profits of
between $50 and $75. The .vaudeville
last year netted only $2.64.
The U;nion cafe will close Friday
noon for the holidays, and will re-
open at noon Jan. 2. The other part
of the building will be open during
all the vacation.
Finger Prints To Stop Burglaries
New York, Dec. 17.-Because of the
iincreased prevalence of burglaries in
homes in New York, the Burglary In-
surance Underwriters' association is
considering the advisability of taking
the finger prints of all servants em-
ployed in the city. Under the plan sug-
gested, the finger printing is to be
done at employment offices and a copy
is to go to each employer with the ser-
vant. In this way it is thought that
the operation of thieves working as
servants may be discouraged.
United States Uses Too Much Sugar
Consumption of sugar in the United
States must be reduced from 85 pounds
per capita to 60 pounds, the Food ad-
ministration has decided.
This means that each citizen, with
the exception of growing children,
sick people, and old people, must re-
duce his usual consumption of sugar
to three-fourths of what it has been.
Unless the public response to this re-
quest of the Food administration it
will be necessary to use sugar cards,
as the normal supply of sugar can
not be had until after the war.
Urges U. S. Control of Vital Statistics
Washington, D. C., Dec. 17.-Federal
control and supervision of birth and
death registration to supplant the
present state and municipal systems is
recommended in the annual report to-
day of Sam L. Rogers, director of the.

;. ,

119 E. Liberty

ISchaeberle &Son'.
110 S. MAIN S
Take home a few Victor

Make Y(



8-Light C


Joanw Copy.
Supply Stor~e

Ernest Elec
335 So. Main Street

ite and single
tes for balance
rd also, if pre-
on St. Phone
iet rooms near
, private fam-

LOST-A black pocket book on Friday
evening, on State St., between Cut-
ting Cafe and Arbor St. Finder
please phone 740-M.
WANTED-Employment. Full or part
time during next two weeks, or per-
manent place as waiter. Call Stu-
dent, 683-R.
WANTED -To buy second hand cloth-
ing( Will pay fair price. Phone
2601 or call 210 E. Hoover Ave.
WANTED-Boarders at 803 S. State
Home cooking. Girls dining room

For All Purpo



Members of the Florists' T

ant room
le for two


oms for light
mt for three.


In searching your mind for a suit-
able gift, DeFries Art Store should bo
your lrst assistant, downtowi$ at 223
S. Main St.-Adv.
Recreqtion makes for Efficiency.
"We try to treat you right." Huston
Bros.-Adv. tt.


VICTROLAS FROM $20.00 TO $400.00


de rule. 1

GRINNELL BROS, 116 s. Main

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