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December 18, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-12-18

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rary Critic Says

arrick. *
in "A *
Com- *
icture, *

PRIVATE PEAT, by Harold R. Peat, I
Bobbs-Merrill Co.., Indianapolis.
Private Peat wasn't a man to be

their gas bombs; he lay two nights
and a day after he "got his" and wait-
ed for help to come; he took part in
victories; he saw his trench compan-
ions captured just as he was return-
ing with ammunition; and through it
all he kept the fine spirit which is so
characteristic of the Canadians.

whom he cant
says that on
took five mile
raper in the
whereas alm6:
of the English

in "The


kept out of war just because the doc- Though so unpolished as to appear
tors thought he was an inch too small almost crude at times, Mr. Peat's book
around the chest, and he was passed 'is so strikingly sincere that all else
on the strength of a highly original is forgotten in the reading. His whole
tale of the sufferings of his alleged soul is in his story, and the conversa-
Belgian family which, of course, did tional method he employs makes us
not- exist, but which he felt he must feel that we are listening to a soldier's
avenge. And the same do or die spirit , experiences just as he tells them to his
that. carried him past the examiners - friends about the camp-fire. Wholly
and into the First Canadian Contin- unpretentious, with no attempt at
gent, brought him through countless rhetorical beauty, the story is the rare
other much more serious experiences virtue of unvarnished sincerity.
on the battlefield. He was at Ypres The author is at some pains to destroy


Jane *


Today's Best News from the Second



Reductions on


and S

This will, indeed, be a Merry Christmas for young
style and value, for this week's opportunities to save m(
are without precedent. In the Fashion Salons we hav(
ahead fully six weeks. Today's reductions are the redu
ary--without the disadvantages of od d and broken asst


The Suits

All $25.00 Values:
$32.50 to $40.00
Values at . . .... . .


$37.50 to
Values a

s, mine layers, and
is into the military
nual report.
a new element to
ver the manning of
ops and supplies to
ping board rejected
ye all American ov-
'raft manned by na-
1 recently announc-
vould operate troop
carrying solely mil-
t that all others
merchant crews.
s Wheat In Kansas
Dec. 17.-First aid
:ame to the state in
snow storm. From
two inches of snow
re the snow storm
ion that a few more
ure would mean the
[s of acres of wheat
tern Kansast.

$50.00 to $67.4
Values ata..

Women planning holiday journeys are particularly invi
this splendid opportunity.
Broadcloths, velours, burellas, tricotines and velvets.
Some with convertible collars that button snugly arounn
some with plain notched tailored collars.
Fur, velvet or self trimmed.
Navy, burgundy, taupe, brown, green and black.
They are all warmly lined and interlined, so that 2-ood se
expected throughout the winter.



$32.50 to $40.00,
Values at ......



$45.00 to $50.00
Values at ......


All Better

Major , & Co.


"' f.s ".1. "*" "


Salts' plushes, wool velours, kerseys, broadcloths, vi
mid mixtures.
Taupe, brown, green, Burgundy, navy, black, Jap i
Full belted models witlh high or regulation waisi
wa isted coats belted only in front.
Half lined,; full lined and interlined mrdels for
motor wear.
A magnificent array for holiday shoppers.



g the ioy of pos-
[ed as economical
values take them
e them on a par

The Skirts

.inty of

Of Wool
Poplins, serges., prunellas and Oxford mixtures.
Side, box and sectional pleated models, or plain
tailored skirts with bone buttons, pockets and belts.
Navy brown or black.
Sizes 24 to 36 waist measure.
$5.00 to $20.00 values at
One-Fourth Less


or tunic effects.
Navy, black,
Sizes 24 to 36
$5.95 to $25.0


(Second Floor Salk

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