[. I
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100 Bakers Spend All Their Time Mak-
ipment Just
and widths
or Oil Tanage
:e $7.00
WILL . INCLUDE AMENDMENTS TO ing Flaky Desserts For Great
Great 'Lakes, Ill., Nov. 23.-Mothers
Washington, Nov. 23.-The secondg
war message of President Wilson is I w
now being written., It will be pre- bluejacket sons are having all the pie
sented to congress on Dec. 4, and is !they were accustomed to, need have
expected to rank with the document no worry. A tour of the Bakers'
in which the president recommended school at the Great Lakes Naval train-
the declaration of war last April. ing station, will remove all lingering
Principal Features suspicion that Uncle Sam is going to
The principal features that will be deny his fighters that dainty. More
found in the message are: Amend- than one hundred men are engaged
ments to the draft law to enable 5,- daily in preparing pies and cakes un-
000,000 men to be called eventually; der the direction of experienced bak-
provisions for Nequipping this larger ers.
force, for enlarging the naval estab- A salty individual who has exper-
lishments, and for expanding and ienced numerous navy cruises before
speeding up of aviation and shipbuild, the present war brought about the en-
ing programs; and amendments to ex- largement of the navy, was asked re-
isting laws to extend governmental cently what jackies are fed, and how,
surveillance to German women, and when there is a heavy sea. His reply
Austro-Hungarians, Bulgarians, and was: "You don't want any food un-
Turks of both sexes. der such circumstances."
No permanent military policy of the Be that as it may, cooks and bakers
country will be adopted until the end in large numbers are being turned out
of the present war. This means that of tha..school at Great Lakes, while the
the government does not intend to es- Minneapolis navy cooks' and bakers'
tablish compulsory' military training school is- training men by the thous-
at least until the war is over. The and.
country will also be asked to concen- Some idea of the demand made on
trate everything upon the task 'of the bakers is gained when it is known
crushing Germany. that it requires approximately 4,000
The draft age will not be changed to pies for one meal here. The cakes are
include men ranging between 35 and not elaborate affairs but frequently
40 years, but will be changed down- have two layers.
ward, if at all. There is a possibility ____,_
that 19 will be considered the lower
limit. Declaration on Austria
The question of a declaration of war
against Austria is still in abeyance.
It is not known what the president TODAY
will say about this matter, although 2 o'clock-Meeting in Hill auditor-
he is known to be considering both ium for benefit of "Y" fund. Game re-
sides of the case. There is a strong turns received.
intimation that nothing will be said 3:30 o'clock-Ross Crane speaks- in
on the subject for the time being. But Alumni Memorial hall on "Art as Em-
Austrian suspects will continue to be bodied in the Building of a Home."
watched, and it is possible that the law 7 o'clock-Upper Room Bible class
will be amended so as to provide full meets at 444 South State street.
protection from plotters. 8 o'clock-Ross Crane lectures in.
Other Questions Included Alumni Memorial hall.
Questions such as suffrage and pro-
hibition will be merely touched upon, TOMORROW
the president still maintaining 'that 3 o'elock-Jewish students' society
each state must decide the matter for meets in Lane hall.-
itself. The bulk of the message will 4 o'clock-Bible class meets at 444
concern itself with military affairs. South State street.,
6:45 o'clock-Jewish students' con-
iTTTTVT.R STY PEOPLE gregation meets in Newberry hall.
2 for 1
EARL & WIL.SON ol ars
_rno'ls aSST PROoUCT
Choice -its-From
College iExchanges
Princeton has a total of 2,103 men
now in the service. Of this number,
970, or over 45 per cent, are in the
Penn has started a new course in
war surgery which will cover the
ground necessary for a knowledge of
rudimentary and advanced field work.
The course is open only to graduate
dentists and medical men.
Minnesota is planning to establish a
permanent roll of honor of all the Uni-
versity of Minnesota men who, have
gone into war service. A complete
list of former students would be com-
piled with their respective adresses as
far as can be ascertained. This list,
it is intended, will be posted in some
prominent place in one of the main
buildings on the campus.
"War bread" made a decided hit at
its initial appearance in one of the
men's dormitories at Iowa State uni-.
versity. This palatable pastry is made
entirely without wheat-cornmeal,
rye and potatoes being the chief 'in-
More than 2,000 people crowded into
the gymnasium of the University of
Iowa to attend the second community
sing. It was considered one of the
best affairs of its kind ever held on
the campus, and will probably be made
a permanent institution of the uni-
veristy. '
Alfred J.R
as w 11 as meal
ones,/are in orde
College women were urg
tinue with their studies, in
terday at the women's leag
by Dean Lois Matthews of 1
sity of Wisconsin.
"Inexperienced girls are
in France," said Dean Matth
lege women will be more
when trained in internatio
One great thing the war
plishing is the universali2
"Students do not take th
tion lightly as of old. Coll
are fitting themselves: firs
tually to meet immense na
lems; second, physically to
work for themselves an
third, socially, to be able t
d Cream
I V A I v ,A.U klk x a s 1 "i r v .a A-4 A-d
6:30 o'clock-Dr. H. J. Schmitz
CONTRIBUTE FREELY,speaks to Unitarian students' society.
ass Is Paramount
designer and another-not
ice and another.
G nan They' be glad
to see You.
Registrar A. G. Hall Gives Figures On U-NOTICE S
Recent Y. M. C. A. Those having snapslAts of Michigan
Campaign men in service are requested to turn
in prints of same to the Michiganen-
That university communities are sian for the military section of the
more public-spirited than other com- book. Those complying please leave
mnnities is the conclusion drawn by names with pictures.
Registrar Hall from the statistics of Members of the freshman, literary
the "Y" campaign. "One-fiftieth of class can pay their dues at the south
the national apportionment was asked side of University hall from 8:30 to
of the colleges," said Registrar Hall. 3:30 o'clock today.
"There is not nearly that pro-,
portion of wealth among col- APPORTIONMENT OF LABOR TO
lege people, but they asked for it and BE CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL
they are getting it.
"There are approximately 100,000,- Washington, Nov. 23.-Apportion-
000 people in the United States, and ment of labor to industry vital to the
the whole apportionment was $50,000,- conduct of the war will be taken up
000, making one-half dollar per capi- by the council of ,national defense
'ta. The population of Ann Arbor is with union officials at the close of the
15,000 people, and the Ann Arbor ap- Buffalo convention of the American
portionment was $15,000. The campus federation of labor. W. S. Gifford, di-
population, including studenjs, facul- rector of the council, said today the
ty, and faculty wives and children, is union leaders had expressed a willing-
6,000 and their apportionment is $25,-, ness to assist the government in plac-
000, making more than $4 per capita. ing men to the best advan'tage and
The 1,100 girl students raised $5,500, that they would be asked to come here
I or $5.00 each, and 3,700 men students, for conferences.
raised $9,000, or an average of $2.50
, each. The 1,200 faculty men, women, Paper Condemns Anti-Wilson Talk
and children raised $8,700, which is Amsterdam, Nov. 23.-The Socialisi
$7.25 per capita. newspaper, the Frankfort Volkstimme
"Of course," said Registrar Hall, is one important exception to the list
"the average subscription was much of German newspapers engaged in
larger, because a great many of the maligning President Wilson. The
men and women and almost none of Volkstimme condemnsg "all this anti-
the children subscribed anything. Wilson clamor" as foolish and adds:
"Washtenaw and Oakland counties," "All this verbiage will make no im-
continued the registrar, "have about pression whatsoever on Mr. Wilson."
the same population and wealth, and The Voikstimme is severely taken t>
yet U0,000 was apportioned to Wash- task by the conservative newspapers
tenaw county and only $20,000 to Oak- one of which says bitterly, "It shows
land county. The men at the head of a total lack of the true German dig-
the campaign expect it and they get nity."
it, and it shows rather convincingly,
the patriotic character of university Australian Flyers At Work
people. Behind British lines in France, Nov.
"The same thing happened in the 23.-More than one squadron of the
Liberty Loan campaign. One hundred new Australian flying corps is now at
thousand dollars was asked and $200,- work on the western front. One Aus-
000 was raised." tralian has already brought down a
German, and another is missing after
OKLAHOMA COAL OPERATORS a flight over German territory.
THREATENED BY GARFIELD An Australian airman was attacked
by several Germans the other day and
Washington, Nov. 23.-Oklahoma brought down on No Man's Land.
Coal operators were threatened by Fuel'
Administrator Garfield today with The Daily's specialty is service to
government seizure and operation of everyone. Let us serve you.--Adv.
their mines if they permitted produc-
tion to halt, pending action of their 'A want ad in the Daily will Bell
Eastman Kodaks and
is our Praticular Busi
Particular Business to
that make you our Pe
When the Dartmouth band marches problen
upon the football field today, color they w
bearers in the lead will be carrying to- lieve t
gether with the American flag, a service spiritua
flag containing 48 stars. These will "Coll
represent the number of men on last ted to c
year's football squad who are now in in the
some branch of the service. them."
De Pauw fraternities and sororities
are vying with each other in the con- Daily
servation of food. Dessertless days with D
LYNDON, Photogr
719 N. University
Ann Arbor's
For all C
Ann Arbor
ms of the people an
ork; fourth, spiritu
hey are right anc
fense, is to be held Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, Nov. 27 and 28, in Detroit.
Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane, state
chairman, will open the program on
Tuesday. Mrs. G. Edgar Allen, chairmanI
of the Detroit women's committee, and
Mrs. Frederick B. Perkins of state
headquarters are other speakers of
the day. Mrs. Crane will speak of
the work in Michigan, and Mrs. Allen
of the work in Detroit. Mrs. Perkins
is to lecture on registration. RoundI
table discussions will follow and Mrs.
Crane will also address the patriotic !
meeting to be held at night.
On Wednesday lectures on rigistra-
tion will be given, and practice class-
es in registration and department con-'
ferences will be held. -
suggest that you begin to make your Christmas Selectic
-when our stock is complete, when you can shop le
comfortably, and get choice of the best stock of
SILVERWARE and other gift things
A comparison of stock and prices will convince you w1
do your jewelry Buying.
220 S. MAIN ST.