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November 24, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-11-24

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to your mind a picture of
able outer garment that a

I Co.

All local'and district boards for the
examination of drafted men have re-
ceived a pamphlet, written by Provost-
Marshal General Crowder, and issued
at Washington, regarding the new sel-
ective service system. The pamphlet
is entitled "The Selective Service Sys-
tem, Its Aims and Accomplishments,
Its Future."
Method of Selection
The first point touched upon, is the
method followed in the selection of
the first 687,000 men. The field 'of
selection comprised 10,000,000 men, and
the problem was to recruit from this
number in the short time allotted.
There were unquestionably enough
men of those registered, whose pres-
ence could best be dispensed with in
civil life, to comprise the first army.
But obviously, the whole 10,000,000
could not be examined. The time was
too short, So exemption rules were
established which were restrictive
1 enough to permit the formation of the
desired number.
System Not Perfect
This system, however, is not perfect,
but must be carried to its logical con-
clusion. There were too many men
exempted. The registrants who were
not fit for military field work can be
used for some other branch of the
service, The circumstances of the
men must be considered. All those
not at the front must be placed be-
hind the lines as sources of re-en-
forcement that will furnish men as
they are needed. Prussian efficiency
must be met with greater American
Men Divided Into Five Classes
The system which was finally work-
ed out divides all men of the nation
into five classes. An elaborate ques-
tionnaire will be sent out to all reg-
Istrants. A series of questions regard-
ing the entire industrial, economic,
and family relation, will have to be'
answered. The questions will be so
complete that the class into which
the man falls will be apparent at,


334 S. State St.
Flashlights, Campus Views
Out-door Groups
We give careful personal .at-
tention to your Kodak finishing.

Tokio, Nov. 23.-How to adjust Jap-
an's business to the new situation
created by America's ban on steel and
gold and luxuries is the chief sub-
ject of discussion here. When Amer-
ica cut off the gold export, Japan's
cotton trade with India suffered, as
she had previously been able to buy
advantageously with gold which the
Hindus desired for private hoarding.
This necessity of adjusting the trade
balance in America led Viscount Mis-
hima, governor of the Bank of Japan,
to call to him the leading cotton spin-
ners and urge that they buy in Am-
erica. The amount paid to India by
Japan annually for cotton is about 80,-
000,000 yen which approximates the
balance of trade between Japan and
the United States. The amount of In-
dian cotton being imported reaches
1,500,000 bales per annum. It is now
thought possible to decrease the In-
tian import to 750,000 bales, which will
enable Japan to purchase a million
bales from America, Such a. policy,
however, will be attended with an ad-
vance in the cost of the manufactured
products which will have an adverse
effect on Japanese cotton goods in
the Chinese market.
American Cotton Too Expensive
Ths suggestion of Viscount Mishima
has been widely dicussed by the Jap-
anese press, it being claimed that Am-
erican cotton is of too fine a quality
and too expensive for use in manufact-
uring the coarser cloth which forms
the bulb of span's cotton export to
China. More recently, however, the
tone of the press has become less ex-
treme, and seeme to point to final ac-
ceptance of Viscount Mishim a's sug-
The fear of the cutting off of Japan's
silk business had also a disquieting
effect and the ban on steel excited com-
ment. This initial excitement, which
was widely spread, has now abated
somewhat, and this has given the gov-
ernment a chance to speak through
Baron Den, minister )of communica-
tions, who is now touring the prefec-
tures in the regions of Kyoto and
Osaka, The minister has explained
that Japanese opinions adverse to Am-
erica are not warranted by the fact
that the entirely new conditions aris-
ing from the war have compelled the
United States to take strict measures
as to steel and gold shipments, inas-
much as such measures are being tak-
en by all nations.
In terea ing its

will be incli
order if you
always on
blooms of t
from the gre
the daintiest
up in any wa
find our pric




OR m

For All Purposes



Cousins 8& Hall

Members of the Florists' Telegr

To those w

have an


the army.


2geo" ~r93#~

=nJ maritime supremacy of the country.
The amounts recovered for vessels
raced lost could- not possibly be sufficient to
-The replace tonnage at anything like such
socia- a figure, and the association called on
t and the government to take such steps as
on of would enable British owners to re-
reso- hl4iltate the British mercantile ma-

;usg uep concer} over
t large orders have }eep
British shipbuilders by
ers at 25 pounds per ton
after the war. This was
a serious menace to the

TYPEWRITER repairing and Sales-
room. Ann Arbor Savings Bank,
2nd floor. Telephone 866, Woodward
and Washinigton-Adv.

First Class
The first includes men immediately
available for military service. This
will take from the industrial and agri-
cultural classes only those least nec-
essary. In the second class will be
found men who are more valuable to
these pursuits. They are men who can
be taken without disturbing the sup-'
port of any dependent.
Should all of this class be drawn, the
nation would have to begin to adjust
itself to hardship. The class next In
order makes inroads on agriculture
and industry, but does not break up
the closest and most sacred of the fam-
Iily relationships. By this time 3,000,--
000 men ormore will have been taken.
Last Two Classes
The fourth class comprise men who
will be taken as a last resort, and
the fifth clash will include all absolute
exempts. It is not expected that the
last two classes will be drawn upon.
Work of Boards Praised
The pamphlet then devotes a num-
ber of pages to praise for the man-
ner in which the boards have done
their work. The system of examina-
tion boards is considered as importantI
a part of the work as anything short;
of the army itself, and a break in its
ranks would be as harmful to the na--
tion as the desertion of a soldier or
sailor. The new method of examin-
ing by questionnaires is expected to
reduce the work of the boards 70 per
Drafting Question Considered
The question of drafting itself is
then considered. Genral Crowder be-
lieves that the volunteer method of
raising an army is gone, and will nev-
er return. The principle of selection
has been tried and proven by the peo-
ple, and they are unanimous in pro-
nouncing its efficiency.
If the system is good for this time
of peril, it will be good for all future
emergencies. As it is now firmly es-
tablished, it will improve from year to,
Nis% Mable Rowe. Shampooing,
Hairdressing, Chiropody, Manicuring,
open evenings by appointment. 326

I r

Leavy Copy
Supply Ste

We can make you a better fitting uniform
a better Military bearing, and give better
95 per cent of those doing Uniform work.
We make the goods here in Ann Arbor as

Id contain-
stry Build-
r reward,

our work.

rse, money andi
call University
ing threq keys
Nov. 22, proba-
Please return
St. Telephone


y member of the Univer-'
y staff, a room in a pri-
. Must be warm and
near campus-north side
preferred. E. N. Hil, Un-
student who wishes to
y outside of University
1 at 1108 Willard St. this
, one o'clock.

WANTED-Bids are hereby solicited
ed for furnishing fifteen hundred to
two thpusald unifprms, including cap,
blouse, breeches (reinforced in accord-
ance with latest U. S. specifications),
leggins (canvas), and shoes. Cap,
blouse, and breeches to be olive drab
color and made of the dame material.
Garments to be cut according to U. S..
A. uniform pattern. Shoes to be
approved army last. Samples of
all material to be submitted With
bids. All bids .hould be sub-
mitted within ten days from the
date of this advertisement. Right isE
reserved to reject any and all bids
which may be made either upon the
entire equipment or upon the different
items. Bidder must be prepared to
make quick delivery, must specify
date of delivery in his bi4, and fur-
nish bond for faithful performance.
Communicate with
First Lieut. George C. Mullen,
U. S. A., Acting Quartermaster,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Italians are now to be limited to
one-half pound of bread per day.
Houses will be searched for excessive
supplies of food,
Women conductors will soon appear
on New York surface cars, and female
guards and station keepers on the sub-
way and elevated systems.
The shipping board will train 100,-
000 men to man the government's mer-
chant fleet now under construction.
Certain silver coins will be demone-
tized by the French govevnent to pre-
vent hoarding. Silver is disappear-
ing rapidly, especially in the prov-
inces, owing to distrust of paper
Citizens of Ohio have been request-
ed by the state food administrator to
make every evening meal wheatless,
besides observing wheatless Tuesday.
year, and become a permanent part of
our governmental system for war.
Is Binding Link
"It is the link," says General Crow-
der, "which binds closer our union
of states and our resulting general
government. It is for this reason that
I say that we standing not at the port-
als, of a past, but rather at the thres-
hold of a future."
Recreation makes for Efficiency.
"We try to treat you right." Huston
Bros.-Adv. ,U.
Use the Daily classified columns.'

Sam Burchfield & Co



"Silence is requested."

These words in big black letters ov- of Mi
er the mantel of the Angell house sym- of Ft
bolize the spirit of the University The
women who are working day after day patte:
at the tiresome, monotonous task of ulatic
preparing dressings for the wounded Office
men in far-off France. and w
A black arrow points the way to the will
cap and apron room, there the Wher
worker selects her apparel from a line cause
of snowy aprons, fastens on her coif, likely
then hurries to the long table buried artill
under the piles of gauze, glittering drill.
with knives to crease the filmy mater-
ial, scissors to clip ravelings, and lit-
tered with cardboard to aid in making
the edges straight.Wa
Work Painstakingly fc
"Don't miss a single raveling," at ti
says a supervisor. "The slightest rough open
edge may poison the wound and mean .exce
the death of a man "over there." So proxii
she labors neatly and painstakingly, nated
now and then receiving a word of'posed
commendation by way of encourage- hopes
ment. which
The .novice is started on the small C. A.
squares which are used for sponges. tival
One man needs 2000 of these each
day. When her daily quota has been Dan

chigan Ag
. Sheridan.

Silen ce Reigns At
Angell Residence
Women Go About Labor of Mercy
Painstakingly, Fearful of Conse-
quences of Negligence

apron, signs th
her sorority
leaves with a si
return the next
Lansing Inst
Lansing, Nov
school has instc
itary training
and Lieut, Charl

We are supreme in the making of Dress Clothes.



AtGRNNELL BROS., and you can buy them on
Easy Terms

at 803 S.



-Hammond typewriter.
modern language. Call
ofthce. College of Png'in-




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