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November 17, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-11-17

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Nov. 16.-Great Brit- Corporal Phelps t
ilted States have enter- this city, now an av
eement, as a war meas- ette escadrille, rec
a larger use of silver German airplane or
two governments will according to a Frer
n regular monthly in- received here. Cor
Ilion to the amount of traveling in comp
),000 ounces, during the American aviator,
year. Inasmuch as sil- Turnure of New Y
ally risen in price, and brought an enemy 1
rising market, there is lowing is the inforu
that, when the govern- the ndwspaper arti
o buy, the market will Two aerial triumn
e necessity will appear few. days ago by a c
the price-fixing law to youths, Corporal C
nation that might arise. bor, Mich., and Wi:
nus of Coinae of New York CityZ




appreciable influ-
ial situation, the
in view mainly
more available
.der the proposed
ts of Great Brit-
tates would virtu-
ver market for a
ewhat lower than
of 86 cents an

idly mounting nst or uerman aircraft
that is lately being destroyed by the
Victim Is Monoplane
The two flyers brought down their
foes in the course of isolated patrol
duty over the British advance trench-
es. Corporal Collins' "bag" turned
out to be a speedy monoplane. It's
occupant, whose body was recovered,
was a captain possessing an enviable
record in air fighting. Sergeant Tur-
nure's victim was a biplane machine
of the latest type.
Spicy News From
Other Universities
Washington university donated $10,-
000 to the Freindship war fund. Fac-
ulty and students united to raise the

does not contemplate the
of supply to jewelers and
of silver, since the gov-
)uld use- only part of the
' contract for coinage, and
use therest for normal in-
rposes. One of the chiefI


Wisconsin stud
that no junior "1
this year. The tr
ed at the request
who wished to g
spect to the uni
the front. A Lib
the place ,of the
ceeds will be ir

a m:



nig in



ation ofr r
1 as whea
now 'n or(
yet been

Small Conflagration In Wome
House Gives Chance For Deeds
of Daring
Fire in a girls' rooming house

, State


getting rather
one girl of her
noment excited
that the roof
blazing. Then

has b'
of foi
men i

. H
v ty Certificates
Idition Cross for me
first aid com:

l °v

Instead of swooning, roomie grabbed
a dust cloth, her laundry bag and
some rubbers and rushed these pos-
sessions to safety. Gallant by-stand-
ers were drafted to rescue valuables,
and as one young, man staggered
down the stairs, laden with heaps of
girls' apparel, he was heard to remark
perspiringly, "This is no place for
The fire, which arose from chim-
ney sparks, did very little damage as
all clothing and valuables in the vi-
cinity of the blaze were removed be-
fore they could be harmed. The fire
apparatus quickly extinguished the
conflagration and tPe crowd of on-
lookers hastened along to their din-

Pacific university has decided to al-
low intercollegiate basketball, but no
other athletics have been re-establish-
ed at the university.
Four new buildings are being con-
structed on the campus of Nebraska.
The latest addition is the agricultural
engineering building.
Oregon university will have inter-
class athletics hereafter instead of in-
terfraternity contests. Some minor
organization games will remain a par:
of the shedule.
The agricultural college of the
'University of California has found i
record-breaking cow. The Holstein has
produced milk and butter worth $628
in 10 months.

The foll
cates: We
Charles E
Sevin, '171
Frank J.
Brice J.
Young, '11
Meade W.
Cook, '18E

land and
ore than
the tav-
day and

Regent Gives Minerals To Laoratory
Dr. Lucius L. Hubbara of Hough-
s ton, one of-the Regents of the Univar-
le sity, has given a large number (if
minerals to the mineralogical -labora-
d tory. The specimens were obtained
l from the Lake Superior region and
o many of the stones are unusual. The
_ new collection has been incorporated
in the exhibit now being displayed in
room 222, Natural ,Science building.
I Dance at Armory from 9-12 every
Saturday night.-Adv.

Tyes Tyon, sophomore society of
Washington universi y has undertak-
en a campaign to :.ather magazines for
the Sammiea. A wec-,0y collectio-i can-
vass will be made.
Will Award Decorations to Women
'London, Nov. 16.-A ribbon decora-
tion for nurses and women hospital
workers is to be awarded shortly by
the British military authorities.

ing of wate
while on long
ed by U. S. I
While the

Rent a good Eastme
per dap. Lyndon, 719

For Your Christmas Victrola
-Select the one you want today. We will hc
it for you and deliver when you wish.

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