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November 17, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-11-17

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Liberty Airplane EnginesI
Out; Tests Now Being
Changes Few

e Sent

o see



sia Has "Feeding Points"
rad, Nov. 1.-To put into ef-
system of providing food for
hildren of P'etrograd, the goov-
has set aside 78,000 robles for
eeding point" already estab-
ere. Requests for the ar pro-
of 1,900,000 robles for the es-
ent of additional "feeding
have been received by the gov-
, but, owing to the disorgani-
the food supply, this was not

* Harry Lauder at the

akes for efficiency.
it you right." Hus-
Service- AlwayS.-

Battle Creek, Nov. 16.-Division of-
ficers are anxiously awaiting the ar-
rival of the full quota of selected men
in spite of the fact that 1.0,000 men of
the delayed increment will reach
Camp Custer Monday. The next con-
tingent will bring the division up to
only 80 per cent of its full strength.
It is thought that the division as
a whole would advance more rapidly
if all the men could start training
together, instead of having ta fill up
the ranks with green men, placing
them side by side with men who have
already had a couple months of in-
tensive training.
Negroes Leave
Three hundred negroes, members of
the depot brigade, left camp today in
a special train en route to Camp Up-
ton, Yaphank, N. Y. What will be done
with them is not known, although re-
ports point to the formation of a
negro division, in which case the re-
mainder of the negroes will be trans-
ferred from Custer. There are still
400 in the depot brigade here.
The plans for the new gymnasium
building to be erected in Custer cir-
cle by enlisted men aided by the engin-
eers, are now ready and await the ap-
proval of the board in eharge, which
meets Tuesday. The building when
finished will be the only one in camp
devoted entirely to athletic purposes
MIachine Gun Practice Begun
Machine gun target practice began
today and will probably continue
through the coming week. The men
are still engaged in the construction
of trenches and dugouts, and a large
area has been transformed into a
minature European war district.

Washington, Nov. 16.-First deliv-
eries of the new Liberty airplane mo-
tors will be made soon. A quantity
production of these is designed and re-
lied upon to furnish the means for
carrying the sky war to Germany on a
large scale.
Although the early deliveries will
be comparatively small, production
will be speeded up daily, and, with the
omingof spring, the motors will be
turned out at a rate that will allow
the United States to meet not only its
cwn requirements, but also to deliver
thousands to her allies.
Tests Being Made ,
Tests for both the army and navy
types of the motor are progressing.
and few instances are found where it
is necessary to make changes.
Both army and navy officials who
have been sceptical as to the possibil
ities of increasing the production so
as to prove a deciding factor in the
war in a short time, are now enthus-
iastic and optimistic.
Interesting fits


Whitney-Kinsey Komedy Kom-
pany in "Thornes and Orange

Orpheum-Florence LaBa
"When Love Was Blind."
Travels and Comedy.


Wuerth-Jackie Saunders in *
"Bab the Fixer." Also Serial "Ne- *
glected Wife," No. 11. *
Arcade-Mildred Manning and *
Wallace MacDonald in "Pricness *
of Park Row." Also Alice Howell *
Comedy, "Automaniacs." - *



Rae-Seena Ov
Peep." Also Wm
* * * * * *

"France will go on
if that end is death,"




Plane are being laid to
ways as far as possible fo:
coal, in order to relieve tl
the railroads.
According to an official
Germans are using 7,000 1

......................Eugene Ysaye
.. ....... Louis Graveure
................Francis Macmillen
.........................Lucy Gates
r tito concei-t at the


American aviators comprising the
Lafayette flying squad will be enrolled
in the United States army, most of
them receiving officers' commissions.
Canada has appointed a director of
public information, who will act in
co-operation with the war committee
of the cabinet to keep the public ad-
'ised of facts connected with the war

ier, wh


E. Liberty Street


e Id(



Her Own Com-

Camp Custer and Camp Grant Boys
Request Senders' Names and
Letters of acknowledgement have
already been received at the county
Red Cross headquarters, from two
boys, one at Camp Custer, the other at
Camp Grant, Ill., to whom the Red
Cross sent articles only two weeks
ago. It is requested that the sender's
name and address be pinned on the
garments, as most of the boys are in-
terested in knowing from whom the
articles came.
To date, 480 sweaters, 310 pairs of
solts, 281 mufflers, and 320 pairs of
wristlets have been completed and
sent to Chicago, where they have been
shipped to France and the training
stations. All remaining work should
be finished as soon as possible, so
that the new quota can be started in
An all-day conference for Red Cross
branch officers and chairmen from all
over the county will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 20, at Lane hall. Luncheon will
be served at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Mr. Edwin Curtis, field secretary of
the Red Cross in Michigan, will ans-
wer any questions. Different branches
of women's work will :e discussed and
questions answered regarding it.
There is always an opportunity to
increase your business through Daily
advertising. Try it.-Adv.
Mr. Hoover's last word is riceless
ill 11 111!111llllllil111tt 1111f 111i t111111lilli

Wisconsin women's war time activ-
ities have been systematized by the
organization of a war work conucil.
The British have captured 1 I
prisoners since July 1, 1916.
Seventy-five *nen in the medical of-
ficers' re; erve corp' at Fort Benjamin
Harrison are leaving for Russia by
way of San Francisco and Japan.
The number of British war pensioni,
--hich has already reached 920,000, is
growing at the rate of 15,000 per
Secretary Daniels requests the pub-
lic to donate binoculars, spy-glasses,
and telescopes to relieve the shortage
of these instruments in the navy.
Evangeline Booth. announces that
the Salvation army is raising $1,000,-
000 for war relief.
Women are to be trained for cam-
ouflage work in Marshfield, Mass. A
member of the camouflage unit of the
engineering corps will be permitted
by the government to give the in-
Patronize Our Advertisers.-Adv.


American-made t-ys will fill the Pre
Christmas stockings this year not only In
here but abroad. For the first time Pro
in the history of the industry in this dep
country, there is a surplus for ex- soc
6 N1



The Best Band Michigan Ever Had is Going
to Help the Best Team Michigan Ever Had

Beat I




Thursday, Novemt

And Contribute Your Support t<



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