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October 25, 1917 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-25

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ciated Press is exclusively entitlea
for republication of all news dis.
lited to it or not otherwise credit-
paper and also the local news
newspaper at the University of
Published every morning except
ring the university year.
at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as
Ann Arbor Press Building. . Sub-
by carrier, $2.50; by mailo$.0
tations: Quarry's; Students' Sup:
rhe Delta. Phones: Business, 960;
cations not to exceed 3oo words
or notices of events will be pub-
he Daily, at the discretion of the
deft at the office in the Ann Arbor
or in the notice box in the west
the general library, where the
collected at 730 o'clock each
McDonald.... Managin Editor
mery...........Business Manager
r..............Harry M. Carey
... ..........C. S. Clark, Jr.
orr......James Schermerhorn, Jr.
Editor ...........Bruce Millar
ditor ..........Bruce A. Swaney'
'ditor.......... .Philip C. Pack
ditor ........Mildred C.' Mighell'
itor ........Margaret H. Cooley
ditor .......Albert E. Horne, Jr.
kinson........Advertising Manager
holette.......Publication Manager
'ohi....... .Circulation Manager
Smith..........Credit Manager
eFevre........... Office Manager
h Robinson.. Subscription Manager
WilKon Clarence L. Roeser
Mark K. Ehlbert
einerman Edgar L. Rice
"nes J. R. McAlpine
ins, Jr Paul A. Shinkman
bell Vera Brown
Bromley K. FrancesrHandibo
Eugene Given
rrer Orville E. Gates
eitzinger Harry D. Hause
ad I ambert Hirsheimer
Frank N. Gaethke
SDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1917.
Editor-Russell Barnes

one of these "out of the west a storm
cloud is brewing" affairs.
If you were given but $50 per year
less for college expenses, you would
not give up going to school, would
you? Then save that money by invest-
ing in Liberty bonds.
Put the money you were saving up
to attend the J-hop into a Liberty
bond. The J-hop is to be inexpensive
this year.

"We gave the Frenchmen a taste of
what real American pep,' and espec-
ially the Michigan variety, is like.
There isn't any thing over here that
can equal it," writes Donald Thomas,
'16E, to Prof. Joseph R. Nelson of the

Melba, the singer, is wearing last
year's furs as an economy measure to
help lick the kaiser. Which reminds
that we can claim that we are wear-
ing last winter's overcoat for patriotic
Too bad, one has to wade to reach
that new stretch of walk on the cam-
Board of representatives of the
Women's league will meet at 9 o'clock
Saturday morning at Barbour gym-
Women's league membership party
will begin at 3:30 o'clock this after-
noon. Women who have not joined
may do so at this time.
Freshman hockey practice at 3:30
o'clock today in the Twelfth street
lot unless it is actually raining.
Freshmen and new girls interested
in stunts given by Masques for the
Women's league parties throughout
the year, are requested to report at
4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Dean Myra B. Jordan's reception for
the girls of the senior class will be
given at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon instead of 4 o'clock.
Comedy club tryouts take place from
9 o'clock to 12 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing in Newberry hall. There are
places for several new members.
Freshman spread tax of $1 should
be paid at the office of the Dean of
Women or to Doreen Potter, '20.
Members of the women's Liberty;
loan committee can get supplies from
Mildred Mighell, '18, any time this
afternoon at The Daily office. More
workers are needed.
Lasy toZTell 'Emk
if you Know How

i the University's quota for the
y Loan practically assured,
will be a natural tendency/on the
if subscribers to let down, and
of them fail to buy bonds.
quota has been made possible
h the faculty coming to the
iuch beyond expectations. The
t body has failed dismally, fail-
more than $30,000 of what was
;ed of them.
ead of the campaign being
it, in a sense, has just be-
Michigan's quota is much
r than that of several
universities dollar for dollor
tudent for student. Michigan
victory over other schools
Liberty Loanjust as surely as
oes on the football field. The
is a much bigger one, for where
e on the one hand fighting for
nive'rsity, on the other hand, we
ghting for our country, and our
1 existence.
1 after all, when it is taken into
leration that our comrades are
ng their lives, our part in serv-
emocracy is mighty small.

Engineering college.,
Thomas, who is in France with the
16th regiment of engineers, describes
vivid experiences in his letter. "Nev-
er, never, will I forget the experience
of crossing the English channel. The
captain of our boat said he had been
on the sea for 40 years and that he
had .never before taken a boat across
in such a storm. Half the crew were
sick. Needless to say all the soldiers
were. You've heard of waves moun-
tain high; I saw them. And between
them were deep ravines. It remind-
ed me of looking down from a high
trestle into the valley below. And the
boat rocked so, fore and aft, that at
regular interveals the propeller was
out of water and the engine raced,
shaking the whole ship. The destroy-
er that was with us was a good sized
boat, yet she was almost lost to sight
at times and the water broke over her
bow in great clouds. To stand with-
out hanging on was imposible, for
the decks tipped first in one direc-
tion and then in another at a fearful
angle. Truly, it was a wild trip.
French Village Interesting.
"The regiment is billeted in a French
village. There are the old, old houses
of stone and stucco, with red tiled
roofs and rambling stone fences, over-
grown with moss, set on rough, wind-
ing, cobbled streets. The chief inter-
est that the place holds for me is its
age. I found a place marked 1774
when I first came here, but I have
since learned that it is relatively
"modern." There is one marked 1690
and nearby a little monument erected
in 1300-before Columbus discovered
America. On the hill is an old castle
with the date 1137 over the fireplaces
and on the high-vaulted ceiling. They
tell me, too, though J can scarcely be-
lieve it, that the little stone church,
which is still in use and from whose
tower the Angelus rings out over the
village and fields, was built in the 11th
Michigan Students Banquet.
"At the invitation of a crowd of
Michigan students in we of the
16th journeyed there and had a big
banquet. I'll leave it to you to imag-
ine the time that some 60 loyal Mich-
iganders had under these circum-
stances. We sang, punctuating the
songs now and then with a good old
"U. of M." or a rousing "locomotive"
and did a snake dance.
"We have, I am told, the finest
equipped Y. M. C. A. of any
regiment in the American sector
It is the most homelike, rest-
ful and inviting place I've yet struck
It's like dropping into Detroit again
And the meetings are a revelation te
me. If the Y. M. C. A. is doing as
much for the rest of the boys as it is
for us, and I am sure it is, in sp far
as its means permit, I would say give
anything to the Y. M. C. A. that yot
may have to give and that there it will
do the most good."
Headquarters Detachment,
16th Engineers (Ry.) U. S. Army
A. E. F., via New York.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Whoever wills the END must will
the MEANS.,
This is the first maxim of-success.
We have taken up the gage of battle
thrown down by Germany. We coul
thrown down by Germany. We
could not do otherwise and look
shame. We could not do otherwise
the nations in the face without
inviting invasion of every right by any
international bully of the future. We
know the end we have willed. Vic-
tory over the Central Powers complete
enough and decisive enough to, re-
move for generations the threat of
a dominating military autocracy.
We have begun to will the MEANS.
We are setting aside millions of our
best men, and will set aside millions
more, for the task in hand. We are
building ships, warships, merchant
ships, air-ships; we are making war
materials, providing food and supplies
for our men in the field and for allies
on the fighting-line, who have been
fighting our battles, toiling and pinch-
ing, bleeding and suffering for our
safety, while we stood aloof and pros-
We have willed the means.
That is, we have made the plans.
We have set the ball rolling. But the;
huge labor is only begun. It must go
on. It must be pushed at top speed,;
to make up for previous dereliction of
duty. It must not be interrupted one
minute. This demands billions of;
money and credits.
We cannot sit back and say: Let
the soldiers win our victory, and let
the wealthy pay the cost. They could
do it well enough, perhaps, but that
is not the right way. It wouldn't be
good for YOU.
It must come from all of us ulti-
mately-in taxes and higher costs-the
normal way of distributing burdens.
This means sacrifice. Better make
it willingly now, than unwillingly lat-
er. Work longer hours for victory.
Cut out luxuries for victory. If you.
do not FEEL what you are doing, you
are not matching your comrade in camp
and on the firing-line. You are not
doing your full duty. You have not
shouldered your share of the extra
Swork entailed by war's destruction.
You have not, been called to give
your life for your country, but your
t talent and toil and saving-power are
drafted for victory. You can do no
less than devote them without reserve.
f Get a Libery bond. That is your
pledge to work more, spend less, learn
thrift, get the spirit of helpfulness,
and be an American.
The bond is a duty. Incidentally
also a gilt-edged investment.
Answer Germany's 12,000,000,000
marks by an American $5,000,000,000-
and be proud of the news.

. Y rr

Engineering Supplies
Drawing, Instruments






. Laundry
For Parcel

Cas es"
336 S. STATE ST.




Recreation makes for Efficiency.
"We try to treat you right." Huston
Bros.-Adv. tf.
Patronize Our Advertisers.-Adv.

Do over the bath. room with
white enamel. Easy to apply
very durable. C. H. Major &



;udents unaccompanied by guests
Ld make applications for reserva-
in the cheering sections in the
z stand."
e above is an excerpt from an ad-1
sement run by the Athletic asso-
an in today's issue, regarding the
ell-Michigan game. Its object is,
>us. But the reason that students
Id choose seats in any other sec-
than the cheering section is far
obvious. The term "cheering
on" is not a slang phrase used to
aguish the north and south stands.-
his section, loyal Michigan fans
expected to congregate, to con-
rate the organized cheering under
lirection of the cheerleader.
e Athletic association ought not
ad it necessary to call the atten-
of the students to this custom.
Igan students should realize that
>fforts they put into their cheering,
the cheering section is an import-
factor in getting the desired re-
, determine to a large measure
efforts the players put forth. And
uch is the case, there ought to be
aps in the cheering section when
igan meets her ancient rival,
hat would please your parents
-to know that you were spend-
your allowance foolishly, or to
v that you are sacrificing luxuries
uy bonds !

Of course you ought to be able to
tell a second lieutenant from a major
or a captain from a brigadier-general,
but do you know how? It is easy to
distinguish them if one only knows the
sign of the shoulder.
To begin at the bottom, a second
lieutenant wears no emblem on his
.shoulder-strap. The first lieutenant
has this same strap adorned by one
bar, and a captain wears two. The
major has a gold leaf on his strap,
and a lieutenant-colonel, a silver leaf.
A colonel's shoulder strap is adorned
with an eagle, a brigadier-general's
with a single star, and a major-gener-
al's with two stars.
Now can you do it?
Originates New Way To Work Paper.
London, Oct. 23.-Tests recently un-
dertaken by the Imperial Institute
concerning the suitability of wattle-
bark for the manufacture of paper,
have been highly successful. A good
quality of brown paper has been made
from the bark discarded by tanners.
This papers bleaches readily to a'
cream tint and has been pronounced
suitable for newspaper purposes, and
with further treatment may make ser-
viceable writing paper. Several large
mills, it is announced, are not pro-
ceeding to confirm the experiments'
conducted by the Imperial Institute.
Tryouts For Debate Prelimhnaries.
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives will hold its tryouts for the Var-
sity preliminaries on Tuesday even-
ing, Nov. 6. All those who wish to
try out are urged to notify the Debate
committee of the society as son as pos-
Woman is Assistant in Geology
Marie Horning, '19, has been award-
ed an assistantship in the Geology de -
partment. Miss Horning is the first
undergraduate woman to be given
such a position in this department.



For Lunches and Sodas'

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Effective May 22, 1917),
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--7 :35 a.
in., 8:xo a. in., and hourly to 7 :zo p. m., 9:io
p. Mn.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 6:48 . m.; to Lansing,
8:48 p. mn.
IJackson Express Cars 'local stops west of
An Arbor)-9:48 a. in. and every two hours
to 7:48 P. tn.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. im., 6:40
a. m., 7:os a. m. and every two hours to 7:05
P. M.. 8:05 p. m.. 9:0s'P. .m., so:so p. m.
To Ypsilanti only, 9 :o a. M.. 92:5o a m.,
2:05 P. XM.. 6:05 P. 1M, 9:45 P. Imt 11:45 p. in.,
12:20 a. in., i:io a. m.. 1:20 a. m. fo Saline,
change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:os a. M., 7:48
a. m.. 10:20 . M., 12:20 a. m.
We have both the inclination and
the equipment to furnish the
best in banking service
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capitalland Surplus $ 500,000.00
R*sources . . . $4,000,000.:0
Northwest Corner Main and
Huron Streets
707 North University Avenue

Fine selection of November Records
now on sale. Allmendinger's Music
Shop. 122 E. Liberty St.-Adv.

City to Have New Scales
New city scales are being erected
near the fire station at Huron and
Fifth streets at a cost of $555.
These will weigh loads up to 10 tons
and will be the only scales in the city
capable of handling large weights.
The new outfit displaces the old appar-
atus formerly on the same corner.
A fee of 10 cents will be charged for
each use of the scales.
Woman Nominated For Law Office.
Miss Margaret Heson, '20, has been
nominated for secretary of the fresh-
man law class. Miss Heson has the
honor of being the first Michigan
woman nominated for office in this
Phi Beta Kappa fraternity at Col-
gate university has elected seven men
from the class of 1918,

Paris, October 23.-Paris is out of
all danger of freezing this winter, ac-
cording to latest calculations. There
will be coal enough for all needs, even
supposing the season to be as rigorous
as last year. There is, in addition, a
considerable accumulation of fire-
wood, brought in during the summer
in anticipation of a coal shortage and
with a view to profit from the tempor-
ary crisis.
Coal importations were 400,000 tons
less in August than in the same month
last year, but the production of French
mines was 1,000,000 tons more than
in 1916, making a net gain of 600,000
tons in spite of submarine activity.
The imports in August were 1,680,000
tons and the local production, 2,666,000
French mines are now putting out
only about twenty per cent less coal
than before the war, notwithstanding
that a considerable part of the coal
field is occupied by the Germans.
M. Loucheur, the new Minister of
Armament, and formerly Under Secre-
tary for War Manufacturers, is cred-
ited with solving this problem.
At the University of Kansas all pro-
fessors guilty of holding classes over-
time will be listed on the first page of
the college daily.
November Columbia Records now on
sale at Allmendinger's Music Sho
122' E. Liberty St.-Adv,




One of many
good ones
This is one of the belt all-
around suits that is making
such a hit with young men.
You'll like it together with
the other military sport suits
designed by
Hart Schaffner
All the good colorings and
patterns are here; all-wool
and economical.
Fiegel Co.
The big store at the south-
east corner Main and Wash-
ington Streets-downtown.

Do You Know that the

has one of the best equipped
Candy Stores in the state?
They have their own Refrigerating
System, and make their own Ice
Cream and Candies. :.:
You are invited to visit and in-
spect their plant. : :.


Phone 967

109 S. Main St.


Your every.Bank-
ing need fulfilled at
Farmers & Mechanics Dank

101-105 So. Main

330 So. State St:


Choice Cut Flowers and Plants
220 ChamipslSt. Phone 809-M


AgaLyamemay well b~ecalled 1

Patronize Our Advertisera.-Adv.

IT4&y'd jytsme.. tlltty lrcu uc ....,...... .. .. ..... .... _. __ _. _ .. .. .. r






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