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June 04, 1918 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-06-04

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- _- _ _ _ _ e ,

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
the use for republication of all news dis-
tches credited to it or not otherwise credit-
b in this paper and also the local news
ublished herein.
Official newspaper atethe University of
[iigan. Published every morning except
[onday during the university year..
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as
condcass matter.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial 2414.
Communications not to exceed oo words,
fsignedthe signature not 'necessarily to ap-
e" in print but as an evidence of faith, and
opces Of events will be published in The
Iily at the discretion of the Editor, if left
t the office or in The Daily notice box in
ie main corridor of the general library where
e notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each
All unsigned communications will receive no
onsideration. No manuscript will be returned
niess the writer sends postage for that pur-
oert T. McDonald ...Managing Editor
arold Makinson .....Business Manager;
amres Schermerhorn, Jr .Sports Editor
larence L. Roeser.......Telegraph Editor
[ldd C. Mighell........Womens Editor
largaretCH. Coley.......LiteraryEditor
aul E. Cholette.......Publication Manager
ernard Woh.........Circulation Manager
ussell C. Ba rnes E Walter R. Atlas
harles R. Osius, Jr. Mark K. Ehbert
illiani W. Fox Philip Slomovitz
iaes R. McAlpine s Paul A. Shinkman
ilton Marx Robert C. Angell
rances Broene K. Frances Handibo
oise Irish Samuel Lamport
incent H. Riorden Cecelia Fohey
era Brown Marguerite Clark
alph N. DuBois Roberta L. Berry
avid B. Landis Ethan A. Scholnick
dna L. Apel Rilla A. Nelson
. A. Leitinger Harry D Hause
arl 1. Cress Katherine Kilpatrick
rancis H. Case Frances H. Macdonald
lery Whiting 11 Agnes Abele
eorg A. Cadwell, Jr. RalphNA. Mayer
izbert Hirshein er Frank N. Gaethke
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1918.
Night Editor-Paul A. Shinkman
There will be a meeting of the edi-
rial staff-at 12:40 oelock today in
e reportorial rooms.
Michigan and other universities will
e in a bad situation next year if pre-
ent indications are any sign. With
nlistments of college students con-
nuing at their present rate, and a
iange in the draft law imminent, the
irollment at Michigan for next year
Ill be below the four thousand mark
nless radical measures are taken to
tcrease it. This figure is not mere
uesswork, but is the estimate of men
n the campus who are in position to
It has been the rule for men, choos-
g between giving actual service for;
teir country and remaining in school,
> elect the former. It is difficult fori
iyone who is physically able, to re-
ain out of the fight while our Al -
es are being driven back on that4
estern front. But there is another
de to the question, and one that re-
uires earnest thought and delibera-1

A Columbia boy who has been in
the front line trenches writes that he
was glad to get out of the trenches
and back to headquarters for he knew
some letters would be waiting there.
But supposing no letters had been
Everyone is disappointed when an
expected letter fails to come; how
much more so one must be when he is
in a foreign land fighting for his home
and country.
"The man who gets a letter from
home is a fifty per cent better fight-
er that day than the man who does
not. The great thing to do is to
write-write-write. Always write
cheerfully, even If you do not feel
cheerful," says Sir Walter Lawrence of
the British army, who is now in the
United States.
If you know someone who is "Some-
where in France," write him today;
you would like to hear from him, but
letters do not mean as much to you
as they do to him. He needs them.
Why not write today? - Evening
The German peoples are becoming
angry because their government has
lied to them concerning the successes
of submarine warfare. Have they been
told the truth about anything?
Lieutenant Mayer, of Milwaukee, has
received a war cross for distinguished
bravery under fire. This, no doubt,
will be of great interest to the Ger-
General Zamination is preparing to
bring up his reserves for a fresh as-
sault on Michigan.
Return with a freshman next fall.
Only four more days left.
Teachers for missionary schools in
the southern part of the United States
are in great demand, and, in consequ-
ence of this fact, the American Mis-
sionary association has asked the Un-
iversity department of education for
assistance in securing teachers for the
The schools are chiefly devoted to
negro education, although there are
some in Utah for the Mormons and a
few in New Mexico where Spanish is
spoken. All schools for the colored
pupils are taguht by faculties which
are chiefly Causasian. Living condi-
tions are entirely suitable for young
women beginning their first teaching
experience. Quarters are provided
either in dormitories, in boarding
schools, or in homes for teachers,
where the principal and his wife are
the head of the family.
The scale of salaries is governed
by the financial resources of the asso-
ciation. They are very small, ranging
from $200 per year for elementary
work to $240 per year for secondary
teaching. In addition to this, living
and travelling expenses are paid.
There are vacancies in most every
secondary course. Interested students
may apply to the University depart-
ment of education for application





Just to encourage the other admir-
ers of the pJopp-eyed bungaroo we'll
start things by hinting that:
Pete, the printer of Pribiloff,
Prints walking papers for Romanoff.
It Was Obviously Impossiblo to Paint
it Red
The town of Sublette, Ill., has just.
been painted yellow for draft evasion.
Any municipality which received that
name in its helpless infancy at the
hands of the P. O. department hay a
right to be "agin the guv'ment."
Excuse 'Us, Mother Goose
There was a man in our town
And he was wonderous neat;
He jumped into a barberry bush
Cut down to save the wheat.
And when he saw his hair was mussed,.
With all his might and main,
He jumped into another bush
And brushed it up again.
Another jolt is when you join lustily
in "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
until the peculiar glances of your
fellow-shouters give you pause and it
is borne in on your dozing conscious-
ness that you've been carolling "Mary
Ann McCarty she-"

"C mi,'onthe water 's fine"

A Prominent Exponent of the
Playground Moveieiit
Lucius Teter, of Chicago, T~resident
the Infant welfare societf,


Every man in the chemical engj-
neering department was urged yes-
terday afternoon by Prof. W. L. Bad-
ger to either come back to school this
summer or to engage in soma use-
ful line of work, instead of the usual
book selling, kitchen-ware peddling,
and the like. Professor Badger has
received requests from many firms
for workers during the summer, most
of them in some way connected with
"carrying on."
"Enough positions are available to
enable every student in the depart-
ment to help win the war by work-
ing in some industrial plant," said
Professor Badger. "To every man in
the department ,and to every mail
who expects to enter the departirent,
I make this urgent appeal, either to
come to summer session, so that he
will be :ible to graduate soone. or
accept one. of the many positions
which are open."
Many requests heve been received
by the dapartment for summer work-
ers. Many plants ask for, "as many
as you can send" and in every case
the demand is great for both techni-
cally trainedand inexperienced men.
All men in the department who did
not attend the meeting yesterday aft-
ernoon are requested to see Professor
Badger soon, as the department wish-
es to have every man placed, either
in sunmer school or in some indus-
Father and Son Enlist Together
Walter C. Tubbs, 40 years of age,f
and his son, Harlow Tubbs, 17 years!
of age, enlisted together in the field
artillery of the United States army
last week. They are now in Colum-
bus, Ohio, in the same company and
have been promised to be permitted
to stay together throughout their en-
listment. The elder Mr. Tubbs was
representative from the second dis-
trict of the county to the State legis-
lature for one term.
Trunks, Suitcases and Bags at rea-
sonable prices. You may trade in your
old Travelling Goods as well as Furn-
iture for New Luggage. F. W. Wil-
kinson, 325 S. Main St. Phone 24.-

Articles must be taken out of gym-
nasium lockers by 5 o'clock this a
ernoon or they will be confiscated.
All those desiring to go on the Gen-
eva summer conference this vacation
are asked to register immediately.
There will be a short important'
meeting of the Freshman Girls' Glee
club at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon.
Members will meet at 7:30 o'clock for
the serenade.
Copies of the "Suggestive Menus" for
members of the food course may be
obtained at. the office of the dean of
Tickets for the senior girls' house
party and breakfast will be on sale
from 9 to 12 o'clock and from 1 to 4
o 'clock tomorrow and Thursday in
University hall. For the house party
120 tickets will be sold and for the
breakfast, 150.
Stylus will meet at 7:30 o'clock to-
night with Emily Mack, '19, at the Chi
Omega house.
It is imperative that all girls who
are planning to go in Mrs. Loomis'
group of 85 have their cards in at
Barbour gymnasium before Friday.
Mrs. Loomis wishes an additional card
for herself signed by each girl. These
may be obtained at Barbour gymnas-
ium also.
Tickets for senior women's break-
fast and house party will be on sale
from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning
and from 1 to 4 o'clock in the after-
noon, Wednesday and Thursday in
University hall. Only a limited num-
ber of these tickets will be sold.
That women's services are being
sought more and more throughout
the country by engineering firms is
evidenced by some of the letters now
being received by the engineering col-
lege. A communication, for instance,
recently received from MacArthur
Brothers company of Woodbury,
New Jersey, states that a large per-
centage of the operatives to be used
in their new bag-loading ammunition
plant will be women.
"We propose to employ operatives,
both men and women," they state, "of
a higher class than is usually found
in manufacturing plants. We shall
take in students, both male and fe-
male, particularly those who are en-
deavoring to work their way through
Washington, June 3. - The United
States has set a r'ecord for battle-
ship construction by completing a
destroyer in 17 days.
The Ward, a new type destroyer,
was launched at the Mare Island navy
yard 84 per cent completed Just 17
days after the keel was laid. The In-
stallation of the boilers and engines
is all that remains to be done be-
fore the ship will be ready to take its
place in the line.
The United States also holds the
record for merchant ship construc-
tion, the ship Tuckahoe having been
built in 27 days.
Play Ground, - Indoor and Tennis
Balls at Cushing's.--Adv.
Nickels Arcade Building.--Adv.

We Sell

Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp

Gives a white light.

Just the thing to study by


The Slater Book Shop

Bathing (ISui'ts
A brand new stock of the best and nobbies
Suits ever shown in city



See the latest styles in personal
calling cards at James Foster Horse
of Art.-Adv.
Base Ball Stipplies--all kinds at
Cushing's. -Adv.

Haprist achiffier Mar x

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(May 14, 1918)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:25 A
n., 8:1o a. m., and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 8:1c
Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of
Ann Arbor)--8:48 a. i., and every two hours
to 9 :48 P. m.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6:40
a. II., 7:05 a. in. and every two hours to 7:o
P. 15., 9:05 P. niI., 10o:5o p. in. To Ypsilanti
only, 8 :o p. n., 1 :5uP. in., r:2o a. n.,
:xo a in., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:Qo a. M, 7:48
a. I., 10:0 1.III.. 1 :2oa. m.
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be arge
or small.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Resources .........$4,000,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
707'North University Ave.
SWAIN has the Finest
Photographic collection of Ann
Arbor Views. See it.
713 East University



Colleges and universities must be
naintained. While it is important for
he army and navy to have their full
;har'e of men, it is equally-important
o have such trained and educated
nen. If the war should drag on for
our or five years more-and there are
ew who \vill deny that this is a pos-
ibility-it will be absolutely impera-
Jve that these highly trained men'
hall be available..
It may be difficult for men to real-
ze this, and more difficult for them to
tay in the University while so many
f the men they know are in the ser-
ice. But it is a patriotic duty. Edu-
ated men, especially those in the pro-
essions, are to play a big part, not
nly in the war itself, but also in the
eriod of reconstruction that will fol-
ow. Where would we be five years
rom now if we had no doctors, no
:hemists, no engineers. in fact, no
ducated and trained men?
It is the duty of every Michigan stu-.
.ent to return in the fall if he possi-
ly can. It is his duty to take up
ome line of work that will be of use,
o his country, to be a part of the great
rmy behind the fighting line. And it
s his duty to bring others with him.
large part in the war must be play-
d by highly trained men which only
hie colleges can provide.. He is no
lacker who is studying that he may
e fit for future service.
Let each Michigan man pledge him-
elf to return in the fall, and let him
ledge likewise that he will bring at
last one new student back with him.


For Sale and Relit
Fraternity and Social RSatiouery
0. D.i1oltittLL
322 South State Street


Dr. E. R. Van Der Slice, medical
field secretary, and W. L. Cosper, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Michigan An-
ti-tuberculosis association, will at-
tend the annual convention of the Na-
tional Tuberculosis association to be
held June 6 to 8 in Boston.
"It is a meeting of medical and so-
siological tuberculosis workers from
all parts of the country held for the
inter-change of ideas concerning the
work," Dr. Van Der Slice explained
yesterday, "The program consists of
many clinics and sociological lectures
on subjects of war interest."
In commenting upon the impor-
tance at the present time of the work
of the association, Dr. Van Der Slice
said, "It holds a more prominent
place than ever before because of the,
havoc played in the belligerent arm-
ies by tuberculosis, and the United
States is enforcing a rigid examina-
tion of all army recruits."
Bill in Senate Provides 2-Cent Piece
Washington, June 3. - Senator
Smith, of Michigan, has introduced a
bill in the senate providing for the
coinage of a two-cent piece.


Reliable Dealers Advertise in Ti
Michigan Daily.-Adv.





spring suits and top coats are
ie more snappy than ever this
spring; the kind of clothes red-
blooded young men will be
wearing. They have incorporat-
ed in them all the style tenden-
dIes that will be popular.
We have bought freely and as
a consequence offer you choice
of a stock unequalled for rich-
ness of choice and variety of
style, anywhere but in their
shops. You will find here
clothes as good as you can buy
in any city, and the price is
more reasonable.
New neckwear, Steson and
Knox Hats.'






Try our



Dancing 9 to 1

Tickets at Busy Bee

Reule, Conlin, Fiegel & 00,
The Big Home of Hart Schaff-
ner and Marx Clothes, at South-
west Corner Main and Washing-
ton Streets.

They are both delicious and
Phono 967 10 S. Main St

Music by 'Ike" Fisher's Jazz Band







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