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July 20, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-20

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014r nt x

i r id an attlj'
Published every morning except Monday
uring the University Summer Session by
e Board in Control of Student Publica-~
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tied to the use for republication of all news
spatches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
hed ,herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
ostoffice as second class shatter.
Subscription by carrier, $r.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
.nn Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
ditorial Director......Paul J. Kern
ity Editor..... Joseph E. Brunswick
'eature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
arlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
oohn E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
L M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
tobert E. Carson Betty Pulver
im. K. Lomason 'Louis R. Markus
Telephone 21214
.dvertising.........Ray Wachter
ccounts.. . .......John .Ruswinckel
irculation ..........Ralph Miller
. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar{
G. W. Platt

are, no doubt, who will be unable to
completely grasp this new and brill-
iant idea. Several persons even en-
joy children, and like to have them
around, for they at least don't write
silly articles for magazines. At times
some of these children grow up and
amount to something, even though
college teachers scarcely think it pos-
sible, and in some way or other quite
a number of the youths of the nation
repay their parents and the nation
itself for the trouble they cause.
Race suicide, nevertheless, is an
attractive proposition; and even more
attractive when we remember that it
ought to start with those who advo-
cate it. Dean Clark would surely
take no offense if we suggested an
even more rapid system of self-ex-
termination than that which he sup-
ports (there is no use going half way
on this suicide business) and advo-
cate a progressive system of annihila-
tion to begin with deans at the Uni-
versity of Illinois and proceed up
through, the progressive strata of hu-
inanity until we end with college stud-
ents and even younger children.
This, while no more effective than
Dean Clark's own plan, eliminates the
possibility of the college bred being
eliminated first and leaving the world
in the hands of the uneducated, as
seems imminent anyway. The uned-
ucated foreigners of the large city,
you see, will not have the opportun-
ity of hearing Dean Clark's ideas,
and as a result, might continue to
raise their disastrously large famil-
ies until the business of race suicide
became nothing more than a farce.
This policy of progressive extermina-
tion, also, as proposed, would elimin-
ate first those who are most troubled
with children, and perhaps save them
some few years of suffering which
they otherwise would have to endure.
The question is a very serious one,
however,. and is sure to encounter dif-
ferences of opinion. There are always
the narrow minded members of so-
ciety who refuse to be swayed by
reason or logic or college deans, and
convincing them that they ought to
ccasa to raise families will be a task
to tax the abilities of Mr. Clark him-
self. It is pitiable, of course, that
society has to endure to bigotry and
narrow mindedness, and if all of us
could acquire the broad attitude so
ably stated by the magazine article
we should no doubt be much better

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"Children are not always a1
comfort., When I look aroundI
and see what trouble and worry
and sacrifice they entail upon
their parents I ats more resign-
ed to my fate. They may act as
a disciplinary agent to their par-
ents; they may teach their elders
economy and patience and unsel-
fishness and self control but
these virtues may be acquired
by other and less strenuous
means. One does not have to be
a, parent to learn discipline; the
proper sort of a wife is an ideal
disciplinary agent." - Dean
Thomas Arkle Clark of Illinois in
an article which will appear in
the August American Magazine.
Thus we are abruptly introduced
to the rank philosophy of the
edgogue. Dean Thomas Arkle Clark,'
nce he was never a child himself,
in not apparently appreciate that
iey have any part in the universe
her than making their parents
appy; and if they fail to do that it
ould be well for us to abolish chil-


The whole thing is further com-
plicated by the fact that nearly all
the great thinkers of ancient and
modern times have sort of recognized
that though children may be an evil
they ought to be tolerated, and we
can recall quite clearly one of them
who said "Suffer children to come
unto me."
The two views seem to be some-
what at variance, and the latter seems
to be rather firmly established, so
firmly established, in fact, that to

* .*
from Nicaragua it seems that the
rebels acted fool-hardily and attack-
ed a far superior force of Marines.
These sailor-soldiers, 39 in number,
fought and defeated an army of 500
or more rebels, with the loss of two
of their number. Officers and com-
panions sent the commanding officer
congratulations. Rolls iishes to
know how he ever lost those two.
* * *
story told by one of the Marines who
was with the American forces at Vera
Cruz in 1916. It seems that the Mexi-
cans didn't care for the Americans
very much, so they had a. few men
occupying an adobe house near the
edge of town. These men were snip-
ers, but at that they were very poor
shots. The Mexican snipers would
shoot every once in awhile at an
American or something, but never hit
much besides the air. Finally, one
day, they winged a companion of the
fellow who swore that this is a true
story. Accordingly, a few of the Ma-
rines stole some powder from the
store rooms and placed it gently
around the house in 'which the snip-
ers stayed. A short while after dark
a slight explosion was heard. Every-
one thought that the Mexicans had
taken to fighting with each other.
However the next morning, on looking
for the snipers the Marines found that
they had moved permanently, taking
their house with them.
* * *:
are going to adopt the President of
the United States into their tribe and
name him "Leading Eagle." He has
already been adopted into the ranks
of the cowboys. All this is inconsist-
ent with the "Cowboy and Indian"
games we used to play when we were
young. One had to be a cowboy or
Indian then, he could not be both. If
Cal tries it he may have plent of in-
ternal strife.
enough political ability to get away
with it, however. It seems that he
has ability to unite and side with both
ends of a turbulent political party.
ROLLS HAS FINALLY decided upon
an expedition for its staff. Although
the funds have not as yet been raised
it is hoped that there will be vast
sums of money flowing in as soon as
the announcement of the purpose of
the expedition is made is made known.
Send all money, postage stamps, etc.,
to Toasted Rolls, Press building, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.
* * *
THE PURPOSE OF this expedition
will be to pay a friendly visit to the
cow-boy Indian from New Englanud
who is spending his vacation in the
Black -Hills. , Another feature of the
party is that two prominent members
of the Political Science department
will accompany the group to study
campaign expenditures of the Re-
publican party.
ing small armaments, etc., but never-
theless'It is rather a gross breach of
eiquette, if nothing more, when we
enter a country and get so rough
with the inhabitants as to kill, them.
Nicaraguans don't, mind getting
killed, of course, especially if it con-
tributes to the lustre and glory of the
United States marines, but the in-
terference of the American troops has
spoiled what otherwise might have

been a very excellent revolution. If
the Nicaraguans wanted to kill each
other, it was after all their own busi-
ness, but when we interfere we make
the conflict somewhat one sided.
There is no doubt, nevertheless, that
we have saved not only Nicaragua
but the rest of the world from a new
outbreak of communism. Our illus-
trious ancestors, who held no interest
in Wall street stocks, used to hold
the outworn idea that government by
the people was a good thing, but we
have outgrown that silly idea, until
now we have reached the delightful
stage where government by the people
of the United States is a good thing.
Let no weak Central American re-
public protest. We are protecting
commercial interests; we are saving
the world from socialism which the
people of the world seem to be so
foolishly adopting; and finally we are
contributing to the glory of our arms
by killing just dozens of Nicaraguans,
relieving the congested conditions of
Central America.








dren, according to the venerable dean.
Practical difficulties stand in the,
way, however, and though they may
not appear to those who are only
childish and not children, there are
some very real handicaps involved
in the abolition of what one might
almost call a traditional institution.
In the first place Dean Clark, mak-
ing a living as he is by taking care,
of children, would be out of a. job;
nd the loss of this man from his
productive activities would be serious
Another phase which the dean does
not even mention is that children are
an economic loss, besides being "un-
comfortable." The investment inj
each child is considerable-and one
has no reasonable assurance that heI
wil repay that investment. The un-
grateful youth may even become a
dean like Mr. Clark and never con-
tribute anything in return accept fool-
ish ideas.
The really unsound phase of the
whole discussion, however, comes.
from the 'fact that nearly all men
and women grow from children. Some
one should have instructed Dean!
Clark about this before he wrote thel
article, because a man in his posi-'
tion could scarcely apperciate it. If,
we are to have men and women, then,"
to read the American Magazine and
pat Dean Clark on the back as a
great progressive thinker, we simply
must have the children which he de-

millions of people Race Suicide Clark
is going to seem like something of
an upstart.
Truth will triumph inevitably,
however, and in time we shall no
doubt come around, to the saner view.
Gentlemen who ca conceive anything
as brutal as banning student automo-
biles (though this, of course, wasn't
original with Clark) can sink to prac-
tically any depth, and it is not sur-
prising to see that they have little'
regard for younger children. Never-
theless, a large number of our edu-
cated persons, including several in
our own university, plan to marry and
raise families, and a large number of
I otlfer worthy persons are spending
their lives in instructing these same
children. If these things are worth-
while, at all, then, and if millions bf
persons of this' generation and pre-
ceding generations have not been de-
ceived most woefully, the business of
raising families is still a worthy oc-
cupation, in spite of the ravings of a
college dean.
It is with considerable gratification
that American merchants who intend
to exploit the Central American
markets will learn that we have again
taken active hand in saving that in-
fant nation from itself. We have
turned loose our gallant marines on
the Nicaraguan liberals, and have
achieved the glorious result of killing
50 and wounding many more. There
is no doubt but what we are doing
our level best to prevent anything
approaching self-government for
Nicaragua, and some day Central
America will repay us for the kind
favors we bestow. .
Somehow we remember that "Self
determination for small states" was
shouted by an American diplomat at
an international conference not so
many years ago. Of course, we didn't
mean it any more than we mean any-

e evil could be mitigated, ofI
se, if all children were placed in!
ition homes until they were old
gh to become Illinois .deans
selves, then they could be rea-
d to do some more really con-
:tive thinking as seems to be!
acteristic with them. "They call
acrifices greater than the com-
they bring in return oftentimes,"'
'ding to the learned Mr. Clark,
no one is in a better position to
his than one who has no chil-
ne prosaic persons there still


thing else we say officially, like favor-t

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