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July 20, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-20

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4 :00-Lecture--Prof. H. P.
Tiiin ec Pe.
8 :0-.rgan Recital - Pal-
mer Cuistian.


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:43 a il


VOL. VIII, No. 21



lITT 'Ffl II3RN A Review, by P14111) C. Brooks
I Now once upon a time there was somewhat old fashioned forgiving
[,a family, very much like any other mother may not be the highest am-
UNVRSITY LECTURE tr inaatbthni.tesn
st ok family of fiction or the drama, bition as a part for an actress to

Total Of 25,0WO Men Reported To Be
Engaged In Industry With
300 At IdarI
"Idar is one of the great centers of
the world for gem cutting. It is to
that village that buyers from all over
the world make pilgrimages." Thus,
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Sum-
mer session, summed up his illus-
trated lecture on "The Gem Cutters
of Idar-on-the-Nahe," which was pre-
sented yesterday afternoon in th
Natural Science auditorium.
"Whenever you happen to go into
a bazaar and see an agate articlte,
such as this," continued the Dean as
he indicated some speciments of
agate work from Idar which were
displayed on the lecture table, "you
will know that it come sfrom Idar."
Slides Are Shownj
Dean Kraus by means of slides
showed the Idar cutters at work. They
lie upon their stomachs, in some
cases, so that by means of cleats for
their toes, they may exert a greater
pressure on the stone that they are
cutting. "This system, however," said
the Dean, "was bad because it threw
the weight of the man upon his chest
and tuberculosis became prominent.
Nowadays the cutters usually sit at
their work."
In connection with Idar Dean Kraus
also mentioned the industry of bead
drilling, and that of engraving, show-
ing slides upon those subjects. He
told'of how several years ago, when
agate was scarce, that a group of the
cutters from Idar left their homes
for Brazil, where all being musicians,
they formed a German band. One of!
the members of this band happened
to notice a type of rock in a stream
he was passing that resembled the
rock that he had once cut in Idar.j
He sent it home, and the people dis-
covered that it was a substitute for
the agate that they had been using
although it had to be dyed before it
could be commercially practical.
- Traces Methods
At/ the beginning of his Idcture
Dean Kraus- traced the different
methods of cutting and polishing
stones, and stated that there" are 25,-
000 men engaged in the industry,
with 10,000 in Amsterdam, 11,000 in
Antwerp, and more than 300 at Idar.
He also mentioned that the gem
cutters are regularly divided into two,
classes although at Idar this order is
slightly changed. The classes are the
diamond cutters and the lapidaries,
the former being what might be called
the aristocrats of the profession.
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, chairman of
the fund campaign for the Women's J
League, will have charge of the spe-
cial entertainment at the tea to be
given this afternoon from 4 to 5:30
in the parlofs of Barbour gymnasium.
(By Assoeiated Press
American League
Philadelphia, 9; Detroit, 10.
New York, 6; St. Louis, 1.
Boston, 2-6; Cleveland, 4-5.
WVashington, 4; Chicago, 3.
National League
Chicago, 8; New York, 5.

Cincinnati, 8; Boston, 2.
St. Louis-Brooklyn, rain.
Pittsburgh-PIladelphia, rain.

I hose members embraced a variety of
inltorests. They would have to, or
there would be no story. So we see"
th? depressed father brought up from
some magazine adveuture story, the
mean-tongued gran mother and herj
spoiled son picked up from a dime1
novel, the college poet and the well-
to-do catty young iadv from the office
girl's literature, the hard hearted but
smooth talking creditor from the fairy
tale, the kind farmer from his loft,

play, miss norine aeserves mucn
credit for having done her work sin-
cerely and well, and for having at-f
tained the most attractive stage pre-
sence of the company in this play.
She showed a commendable ability
to assume the character of her role.
One can hardly imagine Miss
Kearns as a cross and intellectually
short sighted old grandmother, and
finds it hard to reconcile her charac-
ter with that of the part she plays.
As an ill tempered aged shrew she
fits delightfully our imagination of
the worst kind of a grandmother.

I }
Greater Participation Attributed Tol
Management By Board Of
Fraternity men participate in team
mages and non-fraternity men in in-
dividual contests of the University of
Michigan intramural program, 'says
the year's report of the division of
hygiene and public health to the presi-
dent of the University. The statis-
r i io tvpr fhp vI 19 _5-142A'

"It ever liberal education 'wa:
needed in the we rid, it is needed her:
in the United Stanees today," in the
opinion of Dr. Aiexanler Meiklej-hn,
head of the new College at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, expressed in a
recent address at the Unive'rsity of
"We have the most externaized I
civilization the world ever saw," hel
said. "Liberal education is the at-1
tempt to get insight into the life of the
spirit, and to see that all the machin-
ery of life is merely the servant of
"As I view human life, I find con-
stantly running through it, at theI
foundation, a cleavage. Human lifel
always falls apart at the very heart
of it into two separate things. It is
the chief business of liberal. educa-'
tion to get at that cleavage, Life is I
never intelligible, unless it does fall
apart into the outer and inner-mat-
ter and spirit."
Criticizes Terminology
Dr. iMeiklejohn said that the terms
matter and spirit as we use them
today are exceedinly bad. We must!

GenertaI 'Telks 14i'. TIoops, Ainerieanis
W ould Re Eamsy To Beat Sinee
Guns " Only Made A N olse."
(Jhy Associated Press)
MANAGUA, Nicaragua; July 19.-
Stunne( over his disastrous defeat
at Ocopal, Geneial Sandino, leader of
Nicaraguan. rebels, has isolated him-
self in the remote and inacccssible
part of the country. The amazing
defense by a mere handful of United
States Marines and Nicaraguan com-
stabulary, aided by five bomnbing
planes from Managua, has served to
scatter the rebels and has dealt a
blow from which they are not seen
likely to recover.
San dino had been able to gather
together a large group of sympathiz
crs. He himself had fought under

the .young would-be veterinary and
his ambitious lady-love from the au- When parts such as hers and Charles
thor's imagination, and the good Edgecomb's are played so convincing-
mother from most anywhere There ly it is natural to dislike them, and
you have "Pigs." hard to say nice things about them.
There are also some additional Which may be taken for a round about

members of the cast carrying the title
roles, transported from down on the
Saline road, who squeal most am-
iably on the stage, and most obnoxi-
ously when they are being moved
about; not-to mention the frightened'
appearing little white dog which
wandered in from somewhere.
Then they are mixed up in a parti-
ally sweet little combination of par-
ental affection, melodrama, and non-
sense, carrythem through a sweet
litue play, and after they ai.e finished
they all live happily ever after.
For a play that has little to it .but
simple attractiveness, "Pigs" is a re-
markably good box office production.
It is amusing, entertaining, well-
played, and decidedly worth seeing.
After fourteen perfomances of the
barnyard scene from the sceond act,
of "Pigs," it would seem that those
members of the Rockford Players cast
who have been in all of them might
qualify for jobs on a farm. Certainly
Amy Loomis, Robert Henderson, and
Sam Bonnell are giving convincing
presentations in this week's run at
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Miss Loomis and Frances Horine
stand out as the most completely in
part in the play, and they receive able
support. What with Paul Faust's pas-
sionate look when he plans his ca-
reer as a poet, and Miss Horine's
calm resignation to the whims of her
faily, contrasted with the ingenuous
enthusiasm of the two youthful lov-
ers, one could not help being enter-
tained by this production, little as
there is of value in the vehicle it-
Miss Horine Deserves Credit
While the role of a sweet and
"As this is my first experience with
a large Western State University, I
find Michigan a very interesting and
impressive place," said Allan H.
Gilbert, professor of English in Duke
University, Durham, N. Carolina.
Duke is a $45,000,000 endowed insti-
tution, and is steadily increasing in
size. It is introducing a new Medical
school, and plans are being made
whereby the medical course will be,

compliment to their acting.
Bob Wetzel, as the stock hard-
pressed father on whom the squire is
about to foreclose or something to
that effect, performs creditably. It
is not a role which allows much ori-
ginality, if any. He can do well in
parts that do allow it.
Transatlantie Flyers Taken To Dinner
And Hall Game; City Cordial To
Six Famous Airmen
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 19.-A ball game.
in the afternoon and a civic dinner atj
night were the chief and almost' the
only items on today's schedule of the
six New York to Europe flyers now
concentrated in this city. Col. CharlesI
A. Lindbergh was the only one to get
ipto the air.
Commander Richard E. Byrd, leader
of the expedition in the monoplane
America and his crew, Bert Acosta,
George Noville and Bert Balchan, and
Clarence Chamberlin, pilot of the
oClmubia, all slept late after the
boisterous reception given them yes-!
terday on their return from Europe.
Colonel Lindbergh, on the other,
hand, was up early, arriving at Mitch-
ell field at 8 o'clock and flying a ser-
vice plane to New Jersey. At the
Peterboro airport he climbed into his;
transatlantic Spirit of St. Louis,
which has been thoroughly overhauled
and flew down to Rhode Island. To-
morrow noon he will hop off for
Hartford, Conn., in the first leg of aj
national tour in his famous mono-j
plane in the interest of aviation. {
Balchen also went to New Jersey I
today. For a year he has been test
pilot at the Fokker factory at Has-
brook Heights and he revealed that
he is leaving for Holland August 1:
to superintend the transportation to
this country of the plane in which
Commander Byrd will attempt a flight j
to the South Pole.1

cs cover te year, .z- .u
Fraternity men are prominent in
basketball, tennis, playground ball,
valleyball, water polo and basketball
while the independents have the
larger number of participations in
swimming, bowjing, horseshoe, track,
wrestling, boxing, crosscountry, hand-


ball, gymnastics, rifleshooting and re-interpret them and make them General Moncado, commander of the
I skiing says the report. The team fundamental features of our life and Liberal forces, and he therefore had
games attract the larger number of study. had much experience in the field.
participants, basketball having close "There is an inner life as well as lie drew his banner manya shr A
to 2,000 devotees and playground an outer," he repeated "It i s the e drew to his banner many ml-
ball 1,500. Swimming was close to the human task to keep the two in the contents and at one time had more
thousand mark, right relation to each other. It is than 1,000 men , under him, Hie
Favor Management Change the business of the externals of life promised his followers all sorts of
Incidentally the report supports the -of the machinery of life-to serve rewards 'by looting and revenge on
move, of the Regents of the Universi- the spirit; the outer must serve the Yankees. Sandino called himself
ty, made during the present year, of inner.1 "The Wild Beast of the Mountains,"
placing the intramural department "If th t is th t of and became a hero to the class of
under the direction of the board of the spirit," r feiejohnsremarked men who servedunder him.
Iathletic control. In discussing the we can ay that it is a very unruly When the attack began at 1 o'clock
gains and losses in athletic partici- servant. One of the most obvious Saturday morning, many of his sym-
pation from the year previous, the features of human life is that every!I pathizers in the town joined him un-
report says: procedure we establish as a form ofy del cover of darkness. The attack
"The biggest gain was ividenced hu beviori is v aure was to be a surprise and Sandino and
in swimming. With the enthusiastic become nostile to the things of th his men fondly believed that Nicara-
assistance of the new coach, Matt spirit. Our institutions are the dogs ua would soon hear that the small
Mann, the number of participants was r . gai'ison had been wiped out. The
almost doubled. Other large gains Th er n ha sitio hiach ebeb leader had belittled the Ameri
were in basketball, playground ball, oersn e to rhun awaytfrom us." cans, their aeroplanes and tihel'
speed ball and wrestling, the latter sm bombs, which he told his mii "only
sport also showing the influence of a MattertSIrt Scorned setheiade a noise."
new varsity coach who gave con- f atteres suhn thing ahe Therefore the, rebels unafraid be-
siderable time to the intramural pro- gall their attack. But Captain lat
ga.spiritual world, he continued. "We
gram." ~~~~~are inclined to think nowadays that fil',e n h osa'~r
Basketball Gains hbrought 'the:- to a shara halt by a
S!the world of the ,spirit is futile-even fec n cu't
The trend of student desires in theh r- fierce and accurate fire. Soon the
Thj medo tdetdsrsi h foolish. Something must be done Iobn lnsarvd n sSn
way of sports is rather definitely about that." bombing planes arrived, and as San-
given in the gains and losses from the The mst important question the ino had made no provisions against
year preceding. Playground bull aim air attack, his followers were
(soft ball basketball) and regulation pirit has to face is how many of caught in groups.
baseball gained 168 and 90 respect- its aspects it will allow to go out Col. L. I. Pulick, fifth regiment of
ively for the next largest gains to into the material world, Dr. Meikle- Marines, reports that 100 of the irAels
swimming where the addition to the I were killed by the Marines and con-
~~~~~~~~~~plays, ou~r studying, all our things of wr ildb h aie n oi
number participating was 345. Bask- vlue go stin th ing o stabulary and 200 by the boribiuig
etball claimed 185 more students plane. _:a. advices from Ocopal,
while wrestling was 80 ahead of the or shall these things of value be kept however, s. that the death l st is
i ~in our hearts." he asked.
preceding year. Water polo, played more than ~J as some of the wound-
for the first year, attracted '252 stu- i"Can the mind of Am ica so inter ed stragg.ed into the woods and died.
dents while skiing, also new, had 70. pret its own spir th it wi s nuout planes left here for Ocopal this
{__________ what can be done with this mach- mrig
nI morning.
CHRISTIAN TO GIVE inery?" he continued. "We are faced V ASHINGTON, July 19.-After
Cwith the necessity of the life of the h
FACULTY CONCERT :spirit-and that is the task of libe- Ior of pet sores olg
Ia euaton"t on of protest to President Coolidge
Presenting a program includingr aainst the Amcrican Marine activi-
Presntin a pogra incudin! as in Nic 4ragua, inspir'ed by the bat-
Bach's Fugue in G minor and several in Hill auditorium. The general pub-sy
selections from DeLamarter and Yon, lic is invited with the exception of tiSa flines and followers of Gene-
Palmer Christian, University organist, small children, but is requested to be,
will give a concert complimentary to on; time as the doors will be closed it aton tody in the resolution
i , . : miittee of the Fifth Pan-Arne:i can
the Faculty at 8:15 tomorrow night during numbers. coom ee hF-
-___________________ abor c~ngress.
Companions Who Plan Flight To Hawaii ''h" thecommittee meeting broke
up, members said a compromise reso-
ion twould be drafted and offered
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shortened, and the students will be
selected for entrance. Duke's first
graduate school was a school of Re-
ligion, very liberal in its teachings.
Although it is under the direction of
the Methodist Church South, the
Dean is a former member of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin faculty and is not
affiliated with the Methodist church.j
Graduate work is now being given
there in the department of arts and
"One is greatly impressed by the
general air of progress and activity
at Michigan," said Mr. Gilbert, "and
these make the institution of great
value and service." Mr. Gilbert says
that the quality of students is good,
although not so different from that of
students in other summer s*ssions
He mentions the Library as being
very well conducted.
Michigan's greatest fault, Mr. Gil-
bert believes, is that of every large
university, "the tendency to over-em-
phasize mechanism and to have too
little provision for the proper carry-
ing on of graduate work, particularly}
in the number of teachers employed."
Mr. Gilbert is teaching graduate
courses in the Summer session here.

Flint Aviatrix And

OurWeather an



A U11 11L11 1 UlII1 I UMfh
(By Associated Press)
SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., July 19.-
The great adventure will start to-
i moriow at dawn." In these words
Capt. F. T. Courtney, a British avia-
tor, tonight announced that all was
n readiness for his transatlantic
flight to New York with a crew of two
in the flying boat "Whale."
Captain C:>urtney planned to make
a final test flight early tomo:-row
morning. He will then refuel and
start not later than 7 o'clock from
Southampton waters for Vale icia,
Ireland. At Valencia harbor the crgw
of the Whale will snatch Isome lunch,
refuel the plane and take the air
for Newfoundland about 3 o'clock in
the afternoon.

Miss Mildred Doran, Angie Pedlar, and William F. Malloska, all.of Flint, Michigan, who are flying to the
Pacific Coast, arrived in El Paso at 11:20 a. m. Monday. Their flight started at Fort Worth, where they spent
the week end.'
The trio continued westward at 8 a. m. Wednesday. They are to fly f rom San Francisco to Honolulu.

-Is of the opinion that it will
flr, with moderate temperature.


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