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July 19, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-19

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Yx xi tit tt
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $.5; by mail,
Ofces: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern
City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
Mary Lister
Robert E. Carson Betty Pulver
Wm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus
Telephone 21214
Advertising............Ray Wachter
Accounts.. .......John Ruswinckel
Circulation........ . ... . Ralph Miller
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
Night Editor-JOHN E. DAVIS
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1927
President Coolidge is a public serv-
ant for ten months of each year. Even
when he bends over his desk at work,
it is behind a glass partition by which
persons can watch him. This is the
penalty, we demand of our chief ex-
ecutive, and no president has a right
to object, for it goes with the office.
All of us are human, however, and
even a president needs a vacation.
The ordinary business man, who runs
a concern not a fraction the size of
the United States government, can
escape to the wild. backwoods of
South Dakota or northern Michigan
and there go unshaven and unkempt
for a month, if he pleases, without
once having to pose for a picture.
Not so the president, however, for
when the American people pay a man
they must have full value received,
and in addition to the political neces-
sity of forcing him to rest in a hos-
tile section, there is the even more
burdensome necessity that requires
him to meet and greet the whole
As might be expected, the so-called
national women's party has enacted
the most pitiable spectacle of the
season. Anyone is to be pitied who
has to have a militant suffragist
around, and when a number of them
get together the result must be as
intolerable as the nonsense they pro-
pose. It is the prime right of every
party to hold a convention, however,
and the women do this with great
Unfortunately for the chief execu-
tive, this crowd of women who always
have time to leave their homes in the
glorious battle for equal rights, met
this year at Colorado Springs, Colo-
rado, and since most of them had noti
neglected their more serious business ;
enough by the time the convention
was over, they decided to call on the

President, across the state line in1
South Dakota.'
So they did. Typically suffragist
was their ill-judgment, and if the wo-
men's party can be eliminated entirely<
by any one process the steps thatl
they took were directly in that direc-
tion. "Equal Rights Envoys," they1
called themselves, (and they still have f
the temerity to propose equal rights 1
after the hopeless mess they madec
of a citizenship law when they secur- s
ed its change) land a mass meeting t
was held in the bandstand of Rapids
City, which gave all the nationalv
officers of the enlarged sewing circle '
a chance to display themselves in
the shadow of the summer White n
Huose, and as though keeping the t
president awake nights wasn't enough g
:hey took. the pains to call on him o
he next day (he didn't attend the t
neeting in the park) and press their b
lemands, threatening and pleading inn
rder to secure his support.f
Now President Coolidge, whatever M
lse may be said of him, is already r
ossessed of one very fine wife, ac- r
:ording to reports. If the women's tr
arty is sincere in its wishes, it
eems that by persuading Mrs. Cool- ac
Ige they would have a much better s
hance of accomplishing something so
han by calling on what must have in
een a very disgusted president by M

the time he saw 500 suffragists. If
they are still more sincere, they could
have presented their requests in a
dignified and sincere manner to the
representatives from their home
states, who, after all, make the laws;
and this process would have saved
them the trouble of polluting the
peaceful calm of the Black Hills with
their presence.
Of course one can not expect much
of a women's party, because the
worthwhile women are busy raising
future presidents rather than accost-
ing present ones. But even so, it
seems that some one out of almost
any group of 500 would have had
the good judgment which is character-
istic of the sex, and seen that when
the president of a great nation takes
a vacation he ought to have a rest.
The same, of course, could apply to
the South Dakota boy scouts who in-
sisit upon giving the chief executive
merit badges and things, but then,
they are boys and they live nearby,
while the worst offenders are women
who should know better, and who
had to make a long journey to reach
the place.
Perhaps some day the American
public will learn to regard its presi-
dent as something more than an orn-
ament and a showpiece, to whose
home all the suffragists of the na-
tion can repair with impunity. Why
can't we let him have only two
months of freedom? Two months,
without a battery of potographers
and delegations, would be a real va-
cation to the president, and a vaca-
tion which he well deserves.
President Coolidge is to be pitied
if the women's organizations continue
to besiege the summer White House.
Perhaps the thoughtful South Dakota
legislature, which has named creeks
and mountains after him and his wife
ever since they arrived in the west,
will be thoughtful enough to put a
price on the heads of suffragists seen
within shouting distance of the vaca-
tion home of our chief executive, and
while they are on the subject they
might somehow make it unnecessary;
for a Massachusetts farmer to wear;
South Dakota chaps and ten gallon
hats, especially if we are to retainr
our respect for that gentleman from
Friday there were hung in Joliet
prison, Illinois staterpenitentiary,
three desperate criminals. All three
had been incarcerated in the first
place for serious offenses, and then,
in a break for freedom, they had
killed a guard of the prison, for whii'h
they finally hung. Fortunately Ill-i
inois as a state has a means f'r deal-p
ing with such despicable crimes, and
the three men who participated in
the murder of this guard have now'
been placed in a position where they
are scarcely a menace.<
It is reminiscent of an incident aI
few years ago in our own Marquettef
prison, where a guard was stabbed I
by convicts in an attempt to escape.
The result was that the guilty prison-n
er was put in solitary confinements
for a few days, andthen allowed his
usual freedom and the usual libertya
to kill another guard. About twot
weeks ago another attempt was made e
in the same place, and the reason at
guard was not killed was certainly
not because the prisoners failed to
attempt, it. They, too, were punished
in some minor way, in order not toA
offend the prison reformers, and nowA
they are free to attempt another mur-

der. The worst that can possibly
happen to them is a little longer wait t
for their inevitable pardon or parole, b
and the result of all this is the woe-
ful situation in which we now find r
ourselves in regard to disciplining v
If the last legislature was too soft v
hearted to exact a proper penalty h
from murderers, they could at least S
have protected the men who guard n
our jails. There is something whole- N
some just about the execution of
the murderers in the Joliet jail that o.
should be a gratification even to the a
widow of the guard, who begged to be ci
allowed to spring the trap.U
When Illinois executed those three p
men it came just three persons nearer I
o being a respectable state. Michi-
gan still has neglected this means R
Of approaching respectability. It is
oo late to bemoan the failure of the pi
ill in the last legislature, but it is f
ot too early to commence agitation S
or it in the next. The citizens of li
Michigan should certainly begin to r
ecognize the operation of a just and
easonably expeditious system of re-Iur
__ __ _ _M
James Stevens discovered just ex- ni
ctly what the old fashioned western ot
aloon was really like in a beery epi- bo
ode entitled "Saloon Days" published ne
the July number of the American as
ercury. P

Twelve years ago Elbert Gar3
erected in his Fifth avenue home a
$150,000 marble staircase. Today th
staircase may be bought from the fir
wrecking the building for one dolla
and cartage away. It is of utterl3
no value to them, unless re-erected
in exactly the same position, and nc
doubt the costly ornament will adorn
a Long Island swamp or the bottom
of the ocean if a purchaser is nol
Thus human values change,. and
twelve years spells the difference be-
tween wealth and poverty. Ceaseless
change, as inveterate as the winds
constantly affects the whole universe
alike, and human values, as well as
material, are changing with th
values of staircases. For every loss
there is a gain, and the object or en-
terprise, such as a university educa-
tion, which is worth such tremend-
ous sacrifice today may be as worth-
less as the marble staircase in 1939
Palmer Christian will give an or-
gan recital at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow
night at Hill auditorium. Mr. Chris-
tian's program, including both the old
and new composers, will be presented
by the University School of Music as
their regular Wednesday evening con-
Prelude .........Corelli
Corelli was the first of the greal
violinists. The Prelude is from his
ninth violin ksonata, transcribed fo
organ by Guilmant.
Clerambault, the most famous mei-
ber of a family numbering many dis-
tinguished musicians, was conductor
of Mme. de Maintenon's orchestra
court organist to Louis XIV and Louis
XV, and organist at St. Sulpice,Paris
Prelude (Fantasia) and Fugue in
G minor ..........Bah
In all the Bach organ works there
is nothing so stunningly dramatic as
this Fantasia. There are passages
"with an expressive, declamatory
character then unheard of, and chord
progressions of unequalled daring.'
The fascinating theme of the Fugue is
developed with marvelous skill; it is
a Fugue that attracts layman and mu-
sician alike, due to its assertive vital-
ity and perfection of development.
An exquisite minature from the pen
of one of America's finest musicians.
The Fountain-Legend ..DeLamarter
From a Suite entitled "A Chinese
Garden," dedicated to Mr. Christian.
For the Fountain the composer has
furnished the following picture: "a
patient little fountain in an old gar-
den lost in the middle of a block of
matter-of-fact houses. . . touched,
sometimes, by a gust of wind.y.
swayed, but swayed rythmically.-
and the bit of melody, the symbol of
that midget girl in worn and neglect-
ed marble whose cupped hands catch
the water . . a wistful melody,
ike her snub nose. . . .
And for the Legends:
"A dream of feuds, and horrid
pells, of goblins and knives. .
Allegro naestoso
Andante expressivo (Sonata in G)
England,ynoted for a great litera-
,ure, has unfortunately not been nota-

ly productive of great composers.
After Purcell (1658-1695), the next
eally great name is that of Sir Ed-
ward Elgar, whose work in the field
f oratorio is known throughout the
world. It is a matter of regret that
is only large work for organ is the
onata Op. 28, as it is a strong, orign-
al composition.
[inuetta antico e Musetta ......Yon
"Musetta (from an old instrument
f like name) is something applied to
n ancient dance from which is ac-
ompanied by a drone bass; it is here
sed as the middle section of this
[quant composition.
fmprovisation on a familiar melody
................ Strauss
hapsody Catalane...........Bonnet
The themes for this work were
icked up by the composer from the
lk-songs of Catalonia, in northern
pain. The work is essentially bril-
ant in character, and contains a
ather spectacular pedal cadenza.
The Philharmonic concert courses,
nder whose aupices such stars as
arion Talley, Fritz Kreisler, Giovan-
Martinelli, the English singers and
hers, have been brought to Ann Ar-
r, are at present busy making out
xt year's scedule. They have taken
their slogan, "A new city added to
ilharmonic ierritory each season."





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cial needs.



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