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June 17, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-17

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in thispaper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice -as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.-o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern
City Editor..... Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor..... Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis.
G. Thomas McKeanT. E Sunderland
Orville Dowzer Louis, R. Markus
Charles Kaufman Miriam Mitchell
Mary Lister Betty Pulver
Telephone 21214
Advertising..,...............Rav Wachter
Accounts......... .JohnRuswincel
Circulation...................Ralph Miller
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1927.
The University has again this week
the annual privilege of being host to a
large portion of its alumni body.
More than a score of classes ranging
from the gray haired graduates of
many years ago to the comparatively
youthful alumni holding their first re-
union, are having special meetings;
and graduates from many other class-
es will return as well to attend again
the Commencement exercises.
Michigan has changed since these
men and women graduated. To the
alumni of fifty years ago there are
not more than three or four familiar
buildings on the campus. The fields
and meadows of their day have been
transformed into the steel and con-
crete buildings of one of the world's
greatest universities; and the humble
frame structures that housed their in-
fant university have gone.
The loss in a personal way has been
greater still. Each year has taken its
toll of the great scholars and educa-
tors who lifted Michigan to the rank
she holds in the educational world;
and though their places in the class-
rooms have been filled, the place they
occupied in the onward march of
Michigan can never be measured nor
compensated. Two great presidents,
Dr. James Burrill Angell and Dr.
Marion LeRoy Burton, have passed
from the campus where they perform-
ed such incalculable work, and a
third, Dr. Harry B. Hutchins, has re-
tired from her service. In the year
just closed Prof. Howard Merrick,
Dean Alfred Lloyd, and Dr. Francis
Kelsey were called from the ranks of
their fellows and from the University
which they served so long.
Truly if Michigan were a personal
or material institution her life would
be short indeed, and the alumni of
* fifty years ago could find little or
nothing familiar on her campus. The
buildings have passed, and the fac-
ulty members who hallowed them with
their presence have to a large meas-
ure have gone also. The University
itself has passed from one stage into

another, and from the condition of a
tiny western university, struggling
against the prestige of the private in-
stitutions and the apathy and some-
times open antagonism of a state leg-
islature is has risen to the forefront
of Americah education, outstripping
the rivals o'f fifty years ago until there
remains no comparison, and receiv-
ing annually from a generous legisla-
ture millions of dollars for its sup-
Prom the stage of experimentation
it has passed to the stage of leader-
shiip, and the eyes of American educa-
tion will be focussed on Michigan if
the new University College plan is
effected here. The greatest scholars
in the world are represented on her
faculties, and the humble rural uni-
versicy of fifty years ago has become
a giant institution, with one of the
largest student bodies and the largest
alumni organization in the world.
Michigan is proud of her accomp-
lishments, and she may well be proud
of her vast proportions. In her ma-
terial achievements, however, she
must not forget the spirit of her
glorious past, a spirit which even the
alumni of fifty years ago will remem-
ber; and the spirit which has achiev-
ed for her the place she occupies to-
day. Her alumni must never forget1
the responsiiuilityr they owe to their
Alma Mater; and the reputation whichc

must be theirs collectively if their
University is to benefit by it.
Michigan must -contiue to serve, by
equipping new generations of stu-
dents to meet the great problems of
the state and nation as she has in the
past; and Michigan's alumni have a
very clear and definite responsibility in
this regard that cannot be ignored.
The University can only be judged
by her products, and the alumni are
her only products. Each successful
graduate is a concrete testimonial to
the achievements of the University;
and Michigan must strive to serve,
and to progress, and to inspire its
students and alumni as well in the
future as it has in the past if she is to
maintain her position in American
This morning the varioussenior
classes of the University held the first
event of the final week-end of their
collegiate careers. Within three days
taps will sound for the class of 1927,
and 1700 more seniors will enter the
ran"s of the alumni.
There is something dramatic about
the class day exercises of a senior
class. It is not the particular events
of the program, nor the fact tait the
class is assembled; but it is rather
the somewhat grim realization of
finality that attends it all. Graduation
from the University is an epochal
event in the lives of many. It is the
end of four and sometimes more than
four years spent in preparation; and
the beginning of the last, longest, and
most serious lap of life. It is the
sudden realization of maturity, and
responsibility, that is almost appal-
ling; and class day is a symbol of all
The class day exercises are in many
respects similar to a last family gath-
ering before the sons leave home. It
is almost confidential and intimate-
and it is the beginning of the Com-
mencement week activities-the be-
ginning of the end.
In his speech at the dedication of
Wicker Memorial Park in Hammond,
Ind., President Coolidge dwelt at length
on the history of the middle-west as a
whole, and particularly of Chicago.
There was good reason for this, ac-
cording to the President, since the
district named so thoroughly mani-
fests the true American spirt.
. "Materially we have prospered, in-
tellectually we have advanced, moral-
ly and spiritually we have improved,"
said President Coolidge. Undoubtedly
j we can say this of our own country
without being accused of boasting
since there are any number of con-
crete proofs of it at every turn. His-
tory over many centuries has shown
it to be a fact that when a nation
comes out of a great war victorious
and wealthy at the same time, it in-
evitably has gone through a pro-
tracted period of intellectual, moral,
and spiritual distraction, which sooner
or later. will ruin its material pros-
perity . It is evident that such ac-
complishments as Wicker park, per-
formed by the people of their own
free will, are absolute proofs that our
material wealth is being used to keep
up our intellectual and moral . ad-
Sometimes the extraordinary de-
velopment and efficiency of the mid-
dle-west is attributed to its wonderful
natui'al resources, but there is fur-
ther reason. A certain inventive
spirit, a desire for change, a pro-
found impatience for acting according
to custom or tradition are reasons for

high productivity. Often the argu-
ment is given in reverse of the above
but due to the fact that in all new
countries this spirit is present and
high efficiency usually follows, it can
be refuted. This spirit is particularly
noticeable in the middle-west and it
is the true American ideal.
New York City spent thousands of
dollars on a banquet for Lindberg-
but it has no municipal airport.
Russia is having another disturb-
ance; so far only 20 have been exe-
cuted and it is scarcely a success.
Detroit's courts are becoming so
dignified that lawyers are no longer
allowed to have fist-fights while
prosecuting cases. Before long they
will be worthy of respect if they
aren't careful.
President Coolidge will relieve the
middle western farmers by spending
the summer in the Black Hills. It may
be a relief to have him that near and
then again it may not.
If a minister wants to create a sen-
sation he merely advocates free love.
Until recently Ann Arbor has been
free from ministers seeking this kind
of publicity.

Our friends, when re-
turning to Ann Arbor,
Welcome to dear Ann Arbor town, always drop in for our
alumni and visitors. The key to the EXCELLENT MEALS. Am
city is yours. There's nothing worth
locking up anyway. Cor. State and Washington
Spring and Fall we have the alumni
with us. In the Fall, they come flock- -AE
ing out in their big cars, take posses-
sion of all the fraternities and the
Union, parade up and down the diago-
nal carrying "M" blankets, and occupy Congratulations to
fifty-yard seats at the football games.
All they talk about is football. All Seniors of
In the Spring, they come back for Ann Arbor High School
reunions. They clap each other on the
back and ask how is everything. Then
they stage a circus parade on State'
street, and listen to President Little RAE
and their officers tell them how they c
can co-operate with the University and
improve things generally, and all they
talk about is football.
* * *
The only place that a Class Day
program is appropriate is in ROLLS,
so here's ours:
* * *
Here we are at the end of our col-
lege career. It is with tears in our
eyes that we approach this day of days,
when we no longed will occupy the
end stands, but will sit in the seats of
the alumni, watching the Champions ® h H enry
of the West.
**leoyalty of my Legios was un-
Questioned and now for the first time l
THE CLASS PROPHECY rll bare m secret. I paid them, youG
As we look down through the years, see, with bars of Oh Henryl
we see the members of the class of A Fine Candy
1927 engaged as follows on June 19, 10c Everywhere
200 Bond salesmen. ~ 0 thag o
196 Politicians.
163 Still looking for work.SFOR THE rN
154 Never were looking for work. SUBSCRIBE FOR TH E
107 In prison or Chicago.
85 Still loafing in Law school.
15 Professors.
5 Really working.
2 Airplane pilots.
1,325 Miscellaneous (Including en-
gineers, ditch-diggers, college presi-
dents, R. O. T. C. generals, policemen
and other minor trades.) -
s "* s
During the four years that the class a
of 1927 loafed through college many
changes have come about. We have
seen the Student council grow feebler
and feebler, but not from over-work.
We have seen the Union go deeper
and deeper into debt, until finally the
tuition was raised to grant extra
Also we have seen less and less of
the football games, until Harry Tillot-
son moved us back to the last rows In A ccess(
the corners of old Ferry field. We
still were within seeing distance of for the W
part of some of the plays, at times, so
Harry decided to build a bigger sta-G a
* s *
At various times lately Ann Arbor
has resembled a college town. But Dainty lace collar an
the movement was quickly subdued, effective on summer f
with, tear gas and police clubs. Riots scarfs, large square, g
in celebration of conference champion- nieres, which no summ
ship victories are a thing of the past. At Mack's store you ca
The theaters are to give educational A
movies, free, in Hill auditorium. Pro- accessories right on ha
viding nobody applauds or raises otherny

unnecessary disturbances. WHITE KID.- GLOVES
* * * slip-on styles, $4-as al
THE "POEM" white or tan, $3.50.
Here's to the little A.B. 7 BLACK HEEL HOSE o
Based on an A and a B,
in the neutral° tan and;
Lots of C's and just a few D's, niner n d
To say nothing of many an E. PEARLS are still first
T* *A* Nstrands are still longer,
THE ORATION -grape cluster, beads
(Chief of Police O'Brien was to chains are very new, $1
have delivered one of his brief but
pointed orations, in the shape of a BLACK MOIRE HANDS
tear-gas bomb, but he said he was petite point embroidery
saving that argument for the next in gold, $3.95, are charn
riot.) costumes.
* * *
In order not to make any alumnus
feel jealous because a student got in
to see a baseball game on his athletic
coupon, it has been decided that the
little green coupons are not good any
more, and students will line up at the -
box office with the regular customers,
at $1.00 per.
* * *
Since they are thus classed as pay-
ing customers, students should feel
right at home, and not be at all back-
ward in cussing the coaching system
in case we lose the game. Just be a
real alumnus.
Commencement sure commences
early enough in the morning.
Timothy Hay.

erican Oil Corporation depends on
Long Distance
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American Oil Corporation
" " ackon.Miciga,*U &A

u iniins"

Vichicen Bell eiernone compei.
142 I-est Cortland St..
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torention: 1. 0. N. Aler. UPr.
It to our am-ition to gie or oustmer the
test possible servios. To do this we find the long
dstar.oe teIephone indispenedble.
our respeotive departmente always gall upon
tne leng distance telephone when urgent mtters present
1emove the long disetanoe telephone from business
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Yours very uly.,
A JC 0,7 .-
J' or




Dry Gifts
tell Dressed

d cuff sets, so crisp and
rocks. The new 'kerchief
ally plaided flower bouton-
ner frock can 'be without.
n always find the newest
nd, and now, they are here
please graduates.
are a summer necessity,
so are washable suede, in
of sheer VanRaalte chiffon
grey tones, $2 a pair.
in importance. The long
at $1 to $5. The pendants
or flowers-on Sterling
.25 and $3.50.
BAGS, slim envelopes with
at $5.95, or simply edged
ming to carry with summer

1 ;
,mil ~




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