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June 17, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-17

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Increasing cloudiness.
ai tly swarmer today.
bably showers tomorrow.

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III. No. 1










eremony On Campus Marks Begin- Speaker Of House Of Representatives
ning Of Final Demonstration By Will Give Commenement Address
Class Of 1927 At 83rd Annual Ceremony
As the opening event of the annual -Marked by the address of Nicholas
mmencement week-end program, Longworth, Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the granting of hon-
ree senior classes of the University orary degrees to several of the na-j
Id their class day exercises this tion's outstanding citizens, and the I
orning on the campus. The senior; procession of the faculty and more than
ass of the College of Literature, 1800 members of the graduating class
of 1927 in academic costumes, Michi-
ience, and the Arts, the senior en- .gan's 83rd annual Commencement
neers, and the seniors of the Law ceremonies will be held Monday morn-
hool were the three classes which , ing on Ferry field..
served class day with the customary| A bugle call at 7:30 in the morning
ograms. I will be the signal for the raising of
I the flag on the campus, and soon
The seniors of the Literary college,( after, at 7:45, the seniors will assem-
lding their exercises at 10 o'clock in1 b le in their assigned places for the
e open air near the Library, staged march down State street. They will
e most pretentious program. Six leave the campus at 8 o'clock, and
ferent speakers addressed the as- proceed in a long line down to his-
mbly of black-robed graduates, cli- toric Ferry Field, where the crowd of
axed by a speech by Dean John Ef- alumni and visitors will have gather-
ger of the College of Literature, i ed to watch and listen at the closing
ience, and the Arts. festivities of the year. The exercises
Literary Class Celebrates are scheduled to begin at 9 o'clock.
S. Tyler Watson, '27, served as chair- Tickets are being given out at the
n of the occasion for the literary office of the Secretary, and no one will
niors, and the first number on the be admitted to the Field without them.
ogram was the president's address, In, case of rain, the weather sig-
ven by Henry S. Maentz, '27. nals of the UnitegV States weather bu-
Thomas V. Koykka, '27, was second reau will be hoisted below the Amer-
the program with the class proph- ican flag on the campus and Ferry,
y, and he was followed by Frederick! Field flagpoles, and the ceremonies
Glover, Jr., '27, who presented the will be held in the Yost Filed house,
ss 'history. The poem was given the procession being omitted. A stage
Charles Lee, '27, and Robert F. has been prepared in the building as
ice, '27, was the last student speak- usual, although so far it has never
when he gave the class oration. been used.
Dean Effinger then, gave a short The granting of the honorary de-
Teh rahntin of th te hlniorr d

Senior Women Hold LITTLE TO SPEAK
Annual Breakfast SUNDAY MORNING!O gN?,0 XET9
Anti Present Play~imme-m i Tfl flFTIIflhI mn nPAI~IrnII


More than 190 senior women met
in cap and gown to inaugurate to
commencement activities at the an-
nual senior breakfast and play held
yesterday at the Union. Decorations
of pink and white peonies, marigolds,
palms and ferns gave an air of dig-
nity to the tables which were lighted
with tall white tapers.
The important tradition surrounding
the senior breakfast was that of blow-
ing out the tapers signifying that the
person doing this had been married
during her college course, and the par-
taking of the lemon, indicating an en-
gagement during the four years in
school. Those who blew out the can-
dle were Margaret Sandburg How-
bridge, Fern Townsend Crosby, Thel-
ma Ellis Bell, Myra Finsterwald Drie-
fus, and'Margaret Poor Fountain.
Many Are Engaged
Among those who ate the slices of
lemon which were placed at conveni-
ent intervals along the tables were:
Alice Worden, Helen Bradley, Kather-
ine Johnson, Ida May Kamp, Mabel
Jones, Geraldin Aubrey, Genevieve
Buell, Catherine Oakley, Martha
Chamberlaine, Dorothy Spencer, Es-
ther Bradley, Phyllis Gulick, Margaret
Nichols, Elizabeth Hastings, Mary Ann
MacRoberts, Virginia Whipple, Mary
Grace Knoblock, Margaret Ward, Irma
Wardman,. Neva Brannigan, Elaine
Wassink, Buella Harger, Ruth Jane
Kinder, Etruria Doster, Elizabeth Rus-
sell, Catherine Scott, Lucille Fiegel,
Mildred Birke, Phila Armstrong, Ger-
trude Gulick, Dorothy Lauver, Mar-
garet Parker, Phoebe Morse, . Ruth
Wilke, Ethel Stevenson, and Leona
Play Presented
Following the solemn ceremony of
the breakfast which was under the di-
rection of Virginia Kersey, the annual
senior play was given. This year's.
entertainment was a one-act play by
Herman Suderman entitled "The Far
Away Princess," directed by Minna
Miller and embodying in a fanciful
manner a delicate and rather pathetic
theme. The fenior women in inter-
preting this play showed unusual sym-
pathy with the author in grasping the
salient points in the interpretation of)
a young man's idealism. The work of
Ruth McCann as the Princess was es-
pecially commendable..
The committee in charge of the play
was headed by Ruth Hirschman and
included: Alice Callender, costumes;
Mary Allshouse, properties; and Eliza-
beth Knapp, staging.
The guests of honor at the breakfast
and play were: Mrs. Allan S. Whitney,
Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Mrs. Emil Lorch,
Miss Beatrice Johnson, Miss Alice
Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards, Mrs. Nor-
ma Bicknell Mansfield and Mrs. H. F.
Worley of Washington, D. C.
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will present an organ recital, one
of a series which he has been giving
throughout the year, at 4:15 o'clock
Sunday afternoon in Hill auditorium.
The general public, with te exception
of small children, is invited to attend.


Members Of Classes Of '59 And
Attend Exercises; Women
Plan Open Houses



speeen Lo ie gra ua§ s, Le111111e n '
thing of the( history of the University.
The senior class of the Law School
also held its class daffy exercises at
. 10:00 o'clock this morning, at the Law-
yers' club. Fred L. Harlocker, '27L,
presided, at 'the occasion and the first
number on the program was an ad-
diess by Arthur J. Adams. James E.
-Duffy, Jr. '27,.then presented the class
memorial and it was accepted by
Prof. Paul E.. Leidy of the Law School.'
The last address of the occasion was
given by Dean Henry M. Bates of the
Law School. .:
Engineers Give Program
The exercises of the seniors of the
College of Engineering and Architec-
ture were held on the senior benches
in theiengineering quadrangle at 10:00
o'clock also. Herbert :Kuenzel, '27E,
presided at the ceremonies, and two
other students took part in the pro-
gram when Hubert W. Gouldthorpe,
'27E, presented: the class history and
Ralph B. Ehlers, '27E, presented the
class memorial. An address by Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley and a speech by
Prof. E. M. Bragg of the Engineering
school, who has been mentor of the
class through its career of four years
in the. University, comprised the fac-
ulty portion of the program.
In an event of the opening of the,
Commencement week program, the
University of Michigan baseball team,
winner of third lace honors in the
Big Ten Conference, will play the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati nine at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon' on the Ferry
field diamond.
Coach Ray Fisher has also arrang-
ed a baseball game for the crowd of
returning alumni and Commencement
week guests with the same team to-1
morrow afternoon. The second game
of the series will begin at, 3:15
Don Miller, who pitched in the ma-
jor part of the season's play, will take
up the task for the Wolverines against
the Ohioans this afternoon.

grees will he of particular interest,
since up to tlfe time they are awarded,
no announcement will be made as to
their recipients. Last year such out-
standing men as Sir Frederic Whyte,
Henry Ford, and the Rev. Kirsopp
Lake were .honored.
The Rev. A. W. Stalker of the First,
Methodist church will give the invoca-
tion and benediction at the Com-
mencement ceremonies.
After the exercises, the actual di-
plomas will be given out to the sen-
iors at the offices of the various col-
leges as announced in the printed
program of Commencement week.
President Clarence Cook Little,,
sixth executive of the University, will
give his second successive Baccalau-
reate sermon before the graduating
classes of all schools and colleges at
11 o'clock Sunday morning in , Hill
auditorium. So far no text or sub-
ject has been announced for the Pres-
ident's address.
Seniors have been requested to as-
semble at the stations on the campus
assigned for all exercises, at 10:30,
and will march in columns of two in
time to arrive on the terrace in front
of the auditorium by 10:45. The fac-
ulty, in academic dress, as will be the
graduating students, will assemble at
10:30 in the dressing rooms of the
auditorium, and will occupy seats on
the stage.
The Rev. T. L. Harris, assistant
rector of St. Andrews Episcopal
church, will give the invocation at the
ceremony. Theodore Harrison, direc-
tor of the University Glee club, will
Tendering its annual reception of
the Commencement week-end, the
Lniversity Senate will entertain the
members of the graduating class, their
relatives and friends, and the alumni
at 9 o'clock tomorrow night in Water-I
mtan and Barbour gymnasiums. Danc-I
ngg has been arranged to take place

Photo by Spedding
President Clarence Cook Little
Baccalaureate speaker, who will give
the address at the ceremonies at 11
o'clock Sunday morning in Hill audi-
torium. The President will leave soon
after commencement . for a trip to
Eight plays, all of them new to
Ann Arbor with one exception, have
been announced by the Rockford
players for the six weeks of their
second season of summer plays under
the auspices of the Summer Session
and the Alumnae council of the Uni-
The plays will be given in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, above Barbour
gymnasium, as they were last sum-
mer and this spring. Thirty-six per-
formances will be presented as against
eighteen last summer, the company
playing every evening during the
week except Wednesday and Sunday,
and on Saturday afternoon.
Robert Henderson, '26, remains as
director of the company, and -Amy
Loomis is returning as leading lady.
It is hoped that Reynolds Evans will
also be here, but the illness of his
father and mother make his return
uncertain. As featured artist Elsie
Herndon Kearns, for five years Wal-
ter Hampden's leading lady, has
been engaged.1
. The season will open the first day
of the Summer Session on Monday,
June 27, with a gala performance of
George S. Kaufman's "The Butter and
Egg Man," in which Gregory Kelly
was recently starred and which has
just been released for stock. Miss
Kearns will appear as Fanny Lehman
in this comedy-satire of the theatrical
game, while Robert Henderson will
have Mr. Kelly's part and Amy Loomis
the Sylvia Field role of Jane Win-
Reservations for course tickets are
now being made at the Alumnae coun-
cil office in Alumni Memorial hall,
and the sale 'will soon be transferred
to the- State street bookstores.

IV hUfH run bRiflif

More than. 2,000 alumni are ex-
pected this year at the thirtieth an-
nual Alumni convention, and reunions
of 46 classes will be held. Registra-
tion of the alumni began yesterday
morning in the lobby of Angell hall
and will continue through tomorrow.
All former members of the Varsity
band are asked to register at Morris
hall. Among the first to register was
Rev. Eben L. Little, '61, of Alpena,
who is one of the oldest living grad-
Today the various classes will hold
their respective reunions at their
headquarters in the university build-
ings. The literary alumni in Angell
hall, the medical alumni in the Med-
ical building, laws in the Law build-
ing and the engineers in Angell hall.
This afternoon the baseball game
between the Varsity and the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati will be played. Be-
tween 4 and 6 o'clock today there
will be open houses at Martha Cook
building. Helen Newberry residence,
Betsy Barbour House, Alumnae House,
and Adelia Cheever House. All
alumni and friends are invited to visit
and inspect the buildings.
Alumni Day Tomorrow
On Alumni Day, tomorrow, the
Annual Alumni Meeting will be held
at 10:30 o'clock in Hill aduitorium.
President Clarence Cook Little will
give, the principal address on the
"Progress of the University." This
will be a short business meeting with
the reports of the officers and the
election of two members of the Board
of Directors.
At 12:15 o'clock Saturday an Alumni
luncheon will be served in Barbour
gymnasium complimentary by the
University . to the visiting alumni.
Tickets for the luncheon are given
out at the time of registration. After
the luncheon the exercises for turning
the first spade of earth for the League
building will be held on the site op-
posite Hill auditorium. The cere-
monies will consist of a short talk
by I. K. Pond, architect, an announce-
ment by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, and
an addressby President Little. At 2
o'clock, the alumni will march by
classes to Ferry field to the class
stunt program. Ins case of rain the
program will be held in Hill auditori-
Social Affairs Planned
An extensive program has been ar-
ranged this year to entertain the
visiting alumni. Besides the regular
meetings there are various teas at the
dormitories Saturday afternoon. In
the evening the alumni will be' enter-
tained by a concert on the campus by'
,the Varsity band. Later on the same
evening the Senate reception in Bar-
bour gymnasium, is open to the,
alumni. Arrangements have been
made for the visiting alumni to play
golf for those who desire it. Hugh
Cabot, dean of the Medical school,
will hold a special clinic for the
medical alumni.
The reunion this year is expected,
to be much larger than any of the
previous, judging from the first day
of registration. Dr. J. P. Stoddard,
'59, the oldest living graduate is to
be present and also G. W. Neihardt,
'61, who is the only other living mem-
ber of his class, besides Rev. Mr.
ILLINOIS-The University of Illi-
nois granted 1515 diplomas at the an-1
nual commencement exercises.
YALE-Plans for a Walter Camp
Memorial Gateway to the Yale bowlI
were announced in connection with
Commencement exercises at Yale

I The annual meeting of the
t Board of Regents of the Univer-
sity will be held at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in the Law building. At-
this time the granting of de-
grees, the budget, faculty pro-
motions, and other matters of
f importance will be brough up.
Enrollment Promises To Exceed That
Of Last Year And
Previous Years
With registration plans complete
for the Summer Session, Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus hopes to have an en-
rollment exceeding that of last year,
which totalled 3,022. "The prospects
look very good," said Dean Kraus yes-
terday, "and the correspondence has
been encouraging." More than 40
faculty members will come from other
institutions, several having been add-
ed since the printed announcement
was published.
Prof. George M. Ehlers, of, the
geology department, is already in
Kentucky preparing for the summer
study camp in geology and geography
which opens Tuesday, and Prof.
George R. LaRue is at the Douglas
Lake biological station. Work there
will begin on June 27. A recent ap-
priation has made possible increased
housing facilities at the latter camp.
Sundwall' Heads Institute
A new feature of this year's sum-
mer work will be the six Public
Health Institues, under the direction
of Dr. John Sundwall. These will
consist of groups of lectures and dis-
cussions given each Friday and Sat-
urday from July 1 to August 6. Topics
covering a wide field of Public Health
work will be taken up. The Institutes
are being conducted for the benefit
of actively employed social workers
who would be unable to attend the
regular s~ummer session work.
Summer work in the Law school
will begin Tuesday morning, and
registration is being carried on to-
day, tomorrow, and Monday from 9 to
12 o'clock in the morning and from
2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the
Law building.
Registration Hours Announced
Registration in the other schools
and colleges has been arranged as
For the College of Literature,
Science, and'the Arts, in the record-
er's office, University hall, June 23
and 24, 9 to 12 a. n. and 2 to 4 p.m.;'
June 25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and
2 to 5 p. M. Thereafter 10 to 12 a. m.
For the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, in West Engineering
building, June 23, 24, 25 and 27, 8 to
12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m..
For the Medical school, in the Med-
ical building, June 23, 24, 25 and 27,
9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
For the College of Pharmacy, in
the Chemistry and Pharmacy building,
June 23, 24, 25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m.
and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Education, in-
cluding hygiene and public health,
physical education, public health
nursing, and athletic coaching and
administration, in Tappan hall, June
23, 24, 25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and
2 to 4p.m.
For the School of Business Admin-
istration, in Tappan hall, June 23, 24,
25 and 27, 9 to 12 a. m. and to 4
p. M.

For the Graduate school, in Angell
hall, June 23, 24, 25 and 27, 9 to 12
a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.


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The New Women's League Building
According to the plans furnished by Pond and Pond, architects, of
Chicago, the general appearance of the exterior of the new Women's
League building will be similar to that of the Michigan Union. It will be
built of dull red brick, with an imposing entrance at the foot of a low
tower. The main room will be dedicated to Ethel Fountain Hussey, the
first president of the League. 'It will face the Mall.


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