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July 02, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-02

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VOL. VIII, No. 7







Mount Etna Three Times Larger
Than Famed Italian

"Then, when his guides quit he kept
on going!" With this statement Dr.
Kirtley Mather, chairman of the De-
partment of Geology of Harvard uni-
versity, introduced Gunnar Sommer-
feldt, of the ,Geographical society of
Denmark, who gave, in the Natural
Science auditorium yesterday after-
noon, an illustrated talk on the erup-
tion of Mount Etna which occurred in
1923. After these preliminary words,
Mr. Sommerfeldt spoke and showed
moving pictures taken by himself on
the scene of the disturbance.
The audience was first shown Mr.
Sommerfeldt leaving Copenhagen by
airplane, from whence he journeyed
to Sicily where Mount Etna is locat-
ed. It is interesting to note here that
the area of the lower slopes of Mount
Etna is the heaviest populated land
in the world, there being an average
of 500 persons to the square kilometer.
The cinema showed the devastated
villages about the volcano and the1
lecturer predicted that in two or three
years more the country would again
be entirely under cultivation of their
old homes and would havecompleted
rebuilding in a period of seven to eight

Elsie Herndon Kearns
Leading lady of the Rockford Play-
ers, who takes the role of "Judith"
in Noel Coward's production, "Hay
Fever," the second of the series of
summer plays gi'ven by the Players.
The first performance of the play will
be at 3:30 this afternoon in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall.
Both Men And Women Instructors
Here Will Meet Periodically In
Social Sessions
Men and women students of the
School of Education have organied
two education clubs for the summer
session for social and discussion pur-

Etna Is Highest Volcano
Mout Etna is the highest and larg-
est peak in Europe, being 10,000 feet
above sea level, and, therefore, nearly
three times the size of Mount Vesu-
vius. This gigantic mountain erupts
on an average of ten times during- a
century. The most violent disturb-
ance occurred in 1669 when the city
of Catania, of 40,000 population and
the largest in Sicily, was largely des-
troyed. The great central crater,j
which is 279 meters high, 527 meters
in dameter, and 252 meters in depth,
was also formed at this time. There
are more than 750 dead or active cra-
ters about the slope. An ancient le-
gend made Etna the home of Vulcan..
god of fire, and of his assistants,
wherein the thunderbolts were forged
cast upon certain unlucky mortals.
The eruption of 123 was especially,
destructive, and airplanes were first
considered as a means of taking the
pictures. However, the hot gases ar-
ising from the Mount made this im-
possible and an expedition on foot
with the camera was made necessary.
Lava And Flame
The picture continued with the party
climbing the mountain. Numerous
small fissures were perceived with a
semi-frozen lava issuing from them.
Proceeding farther more active signs
were noticed and flame was visible in
some cases. Nearing the center crat-
er large billows of smoke and poison-
ous gases were encountered. At thel
time these pictures were taken the
gases were being carried from the par-
ty by the wind; however, had the wind
suddenly shifted death for all con-
cerned would have been inevitable.
One particular eruption of a height
of 4,000 meters was noticed, while the
thickness of the lava flow in some
spots was more than 15 meters. The
temperature in the magna of this flow
was found to be 1,100 degrees. At the
distance of less than one meter from
the edge of the large crater the audi-
ence could view a sight which was a
near approach to Dante's immortal In-
ferno. As Mr. Sommerfeldt said in
closing, "It was more powerful than
For the courage displayed in taking
these pictures Mr. Somrierfeldt has
received many honors, in onecase be-
ing knighted by the King of Italy.
LAKE GEORGE, N. Y., July 2-The
Lake George steamer, Sagamore
sank after striking on the rock known
as Anthony's Nose, about 200 feet
south of the pier at Glen Eyrie, to-
day. All of the passengers. and crew

Mrs. Robert R. Dieterle of Ann Ar-
bor was chosen as chairman of a com-
mitte of six which will plan the so--
cial events of the Women's Education!
club for the summer. Miss Edith M.
Baker, assistant superintendent of Ann
Arbor public schools, will be faculty
sponsor for the club. The committee
has planned that the club will meet
together for dinner each Tuesday
night throughout the Summer session
but due to the holiday on Monday the
first meeting of the club will be held
of Thursday of next week. Further
notice as to time and place will ap-
pear in The Daily.
The Men's Education club was or-
ganized Wednesday evening at the
Union. Approximately 50 enthusiastic
schoolmen were present, according to
Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the School
of Education who presided at the
The following executive committee
for the summer was chosen: Supt. B.
H. Vandenvelt of Marshall, elected.
chairman; Phillip C. Lovejoy, princi-
pal of Mt. Clements high school, and
Supt. A. B. Heidelberg, of Clarkesville,
Some of the activities of the Sum-
mer session include -a baseball league
with teams for the principals, teachers
and superintendents; a debate; a
"state-stunt" night; an outdoor pic-'
nic and a dinner program for the final
The club meets regularly at 7 o'clock
on Tuesday evenings in the Union and
adjourns promptly at 8 o'clock to per-
mit members to attend other campus
CHICAGO, July 1.--Thirty-seven are
prostrated here in the heat wave which
is sweeping the country.
-Is relieved to say that it will be
cooler today, and thunderstorms will
probably occur.
He is informed by the University
observatory officials that for the third
time in -three days Ann Arbor's heat
.record for the year was broken yes-
terday when the mercury rose to 92.1

Second Of Series Of Summer Session
Plays Will Be Given This
By Belshazzar
This afternoon at 3:30 the Rockford
Players will present, for the first time
in Ann Arbor, Noel Coward's sparkl-
ing farce, "Hay Fever," in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall above Barbour gym-
nasium. Besides the Saturday mati-
nee the play will have three perform-
ances; Saturday, Monday and Tues-
day evenings at 8:15 o'clock.
With the hot summer days upon
us the Rockford Players show a nice
sense of appropriateness in presenting
"Hay Fever." The piece gives the
story of a family whose temperaments
never go below the boiling point: they
ramp and rave through three acts, be-
wildering their visitors, gometimes
bewildering the audience, but never
bewildering themselves. Not wrong-
ly are they named Bliss: boiling is
bliss for them.
Katzenjammers And Others
The Bliss family lives in the vicin-
ity of London. They are four: Father
Bliss, who writes novels; Mother
Bliss, an actress, who has retired
more times than Solomon; and two
children, a grown boy and a grown
girl, who are as bad a pair of unpol-
ished Katzenjammers as there are in
Chirstendom. When out on their Bo-
hemian wanderings each of them has
invited someone to stay with him over
the week-end; and mother, a pugi-
list; the father, a gasping school
girl; the daughter ,a diplomatic
walking stick, and the son, a London
vampire, who has promised more than
his adolescent fancy can quietly bear.
Elsie Herndon Kearns as Judith
Bilss has an excellent role. created by
Marie Tempest in London and Laura
Hope Crews in New York, and recreat-
ed delightfully by Amy Loomis in
Rockford, Ill. Supporting her is Rob-
ert Wetzel as the husband, and Helen-
Hughes and Robert Henderson as the
effervescent children. The dimayed
guests are Amy Loomis, Paul Faust,
Samuel Bonnell, and Frances Horine.
The cast will also include Norma
Mansfield, assitant advisor of women, I
as Clara, the maid.
. Wise Cracks Abound
'Hay Fever" was written by Noel
Coward, author of "The Vortex," and
first produced at the Maxine Elliot
theater in New York by the Shuberts
who bought the American rights to the
play after Marie Tempest scored a big
success with it in London. "Hay
Fever" was not written for the Pulitz-
er prize as was "The Vortex," but, if[
there were prizes for farces, "Hay
Fever" should get the grandest and
The play bristles with wise cracks,
the audience is stretched out on the
rack of uncontrollable laguhter; if the
players get into the swing of it, it will
be the most amusing thing that has
appened in Ann Arbor. It is com-
monly observed that "Hay Fever" is
pure farce, a phantasy written mirth-'
fully to annihilate an hour, that it
attempts no satire, no criticism, .but
the dismay produced in the guests by;
the sixty mile-an-hour wit and the
aculty for self entertainment of this,
Bliss family, points its own moral.

As the first of a series of compli-
mentary concerts given by musical.
organizations on the campus during
the Summer session, the following
program wil be presented by Royden
K. Susumago, tenor, Neil B. Stock-
well, pianist, and Donna Esseltyn, ac-
companist, at 8 o'clock Wednesday in
Hill auditorium; Sonata, Op. 26 (Bee-
thoven), Miss Stockwell; Per La Glo-
ria (Buontini), Carmela( Spanish Folk
Song), La Donna E Mobile (Verdi),-
Mr. Susumago; Suleika (Mendels-
sohn) , Rush Hour in Hong Kong
(Chasins), Impromptu Op. 90, No. 4
(Chopin), Scherzo (Carlier), Miss
Stockwell; Blue are Her Eyes (Watts),
Spirit Flower (Campbell-Tipton), The
Unforeseen (Cyril Scott), Love's Mes-
enger (La Forge), Mr. Susumago. The
public with the exception of small
children is invited.


tIIIIIl -Iilit!- - -I- 1il1 WITH COMPANIONS



. I

Richard Evelyn Byrd

Commander in the U. S. Navy, who conquered the North Pole last year,
and directed the flight of the giant Fokker plane "America" in its trip to
Paris and back to the seacoast, setting a new world's record for distancej
(By Associated Press) N
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 1.-Win-
bledon today witnessed Wilam T. 1Sundwall Opens Initial Session Of
Tilden's second consecutive downfall Unique System Of Week-End
and on consecutive days. Following Discussion Groups
on his defeat in the singles yesterday _ssGr_
by Henri Cochet of France,MTilden, DR.VAUIHAN SPEAKS
paired with Mrs. Molla% Mallory,
American woman champion, was eli- Opening the first' of six week-end
ted d omthe mixed doubles health institutes to be conducted for
of the Wimbledon tennis tournament. employed social workers who could}
The American team lost to Baron not attend- regular session, Dr. John
Vaughn Karling of Hungary and Miss Sundwall, director of the division ofn
Ilene Bennett of England, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. hgne, dic heath diphsical
Heln Wllsgav a telar erfrm-hygiene, public health, and physical
Hlelen Wills gave a stellar perform-'
ance in the women's dloubles when she education, addressed the meeting held!
and Elizabeth Ryan eliminated Mrs. yesterday.
Ms. .Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, health com-
M. Watsonand Miss E. A. Goldsack inssioner of the city of Detroit, who1
of England 6-2, 6-2. Miss Wills played is to deliver a series of lectures on
a strong game in all departments giv-- pubticdelth adsrion e irst
ing her admisers great confidence in public health administration, the first
her chances in the finals of the wo- to be given Saturday, points out the
men's singles tomorrow against Seno- value which the institutes are expect-
rita Elia DeAlverez of Spain. jed to be to physicians, nurses, sanitar-
Misses Wills and Ryan now have ians and others engaged in publicl
isssWls n ynIhealth work.
reached the semi-finals of the wo-I"It is difficult for public health
men's doubles. Their next opponents I workers to get away from their workl
will be the winners of the fourth forkrerstudy them r ses-
round match between Mrs. Katie Mc- for regular study in the summer ses-1
Kane Godfree and Bettie Nuttall and sion, so intensive courses have beenI
Mrs. Joan Fry and Peggie Saunders. [planned for week-ends during the
The finals in both singles will be session," Dr. Vaughan explains.
played tomorrow. In the first match "When we leave the University our
on the schedule Tilden and Hunter education has only just commenced.
will play Austin and Lycett in the It is necessary to keep in touch with
semi-finals of the men's doubles. Then the latest developments in public
Jean Borotra of France will play his health work and at intervals not only
fellow-coutryman Henri Cochet, con- brush up on our immediate profes-I
men's sion but also allied sciences.
queror ofinals Afterward Miss Wills and Our purpose is to reduce the death
finals.dAfterward MisgeWills and
Senorita DeAlverez will meet for the' rate and increase longevity. The
women's singles cahmpionship. [death rate has been reduced appreci-

(By Associated Press)
VER-SUR-MER, France, July .1.-
The work of dismantling the trans-
Atlantic plane, "America" by French
airmen from Cherbourgh was well un-
der way tonight. The engines were
being taken out and packed with other
parts for shipment to Paris.
A crowd of vilagers and summer
visitors, regardless of pouring rain,
made a rush for the plane when it
was dragged out on the beach, and,
before anyone could intervene, strip-
ped off most of the fabric as souve-
nirs. They did no harm to the struc-
ture, however.
The tail of the machine, under the
weight of the water in the cabin,
was broken off while the America was
being brought ashore, but it is believ-
ed this can be repaired.
VER-SUR-MER, France, July 1.--
This tiny seaside village of Normandy
sprang into worldwide fame today, be-
cause it marked the end of as roman-
tically adventurous and hazardous a
trail as ever was cut through the air
in the history of aviation.
Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd
[and his three companions in scientific
aerial adventure were compelled to
land here at 3:30 o'clock this morn-
ing (French standard time) bringing
their great trans-Atlantic monoplane
"America" down out of a pitch black
rainy night onto the shore line in
water which they could not see.
The machine in which they had left
Roosevelt Field, N. Y., 42 hours earlier
was badly damaged in striking the
water and was quickly flooded up to
the aviators' shoulders.
Shaken and bruised the four, Byrd,
Lieut, George 0. Noville, Bert Acosta,
and Lieut, Berndt Balchen-quickly.
[pumped up the pneumatic air raft car-
ried for such an emergency and made
their way to shore, 200 yards distnat.
NEW YORK, July 1.-A new long
distance flying record of 3,812 miles
appeared to have been established to-
day by Commander Richard E. Byrd
in his flight from New York to Ver-
Sur-Mer, France.
The distance the America was es-
timated to have covered in its flight
from Roosevelt Field to Paris was
3,637 miles and reports were that the


Landing Marks End Of Another
Startling Example' Of The
Future Of Flying

ably during the past 2U years, so thei plane reached Paris and then headed
GEO'RGhA GOLFER Iaverage person lives 10 years longer. west, landing in the sea off Ver-Sur-
G O G A G L E[If the death rate in Detroit were the, Mer, 175 miles away.
TO MEET BROWN [same now as it was in 1906, we would The previous long distance record
STAR IN FINALS have had 4,500 more deaths last year. was set by Clanrence D. Chamberlin
"That "means that 4,500 people are an~d Charles A. Levine, who in their-
(By Associated Press) living and enjoying life as useful flight from New York to Klinge, Ger-
GARDEN CITY, N. Y.-July 1.-East members of society in Detroit who many, covered approximately 3,790
and south came to the final stretch of would have been dead and buried were miles.
the intercollegiate golf championship it not for advances in medical science. Chamberlin and Levine were in the
today when Watts Gunn, student at i "So we -feel that we have had a air approximately 42 hours, while
Georgia Tech, and Roland MacKenzie, I measure of success, but to make the Byrd and his companions, by landing
Brown university sophomore, hurdled work more productive and scientific at 2:20 a. in., (Paris time), were in the
the semi-final barrier in their 180-hole we look to the men who see the prob- air 39 hours and 56 minutes.
marathon over the rugged Garden City lems better because they are not so Charles A. Lindbergh, on his flight
golf club course. close to them and we believe that from New York to Paris, flew a shorter
Gunn won his way to the deciding great benefits may be expected through course than Byrd, covering 3,610 miles
36-hole finals by taking his third and this: closer contact with medical men in 32 hours and 29 minutes.
fourth round matches from Emerson of the University," Dr. Vaughan de- The Value of Radio
Carey of Cornell and Lewis Parker of clares. The value of radio in future trans-
Yale. MacKenzie defeated Charles Yesterday's institutes were attend- Atlantic flights was stressed by ex-
Graves, Princeton, and Paul Haviland, ed by public health workers from perts today in commenting on Com-
Yale captain and runner-up to last Jackson, Pontiac, Detroit and other mander Byrd's flight. When his radio
year's champjon, Fred Lamprecht of nearby cities as well as regular pub- stopped it was realized he was in trou-
Tulane. Seasoned campaigners both, lic health students of the summer ble and his approximate location was
members of America's Walker cup session. known.
team last year, MacKenzie the medal- - In the 1,900-mile jump through the

ist in the national cahmpi'onship two!
years ago, and Gunn the runner-up
to Bobbie Jones in the same meet,
the finalist for college honors outlast-1
ed their less experienced opposition.I
Presbyterian students are invited to
a . picnic to be held Monday, July 4, at
the Island park. Meet at the church
at 2:30 o'clock. A Zee of 25 cents will
be charged to defray the expence of
the supper:

American League
Detroit, 10; Cleveland, 5.
Boston, 4; New York, 7.
Philadelphia, 1; Washington, 2.
Chicago, 2; St. Louis, 14.
National League
Cincinnati, 1; Pittsburgh, 5.
New York, 6-4; Boston, 7-1.
Brooklyn, 6; Philadelphia, 7.
St. Louis, 2; Chicago, 6,.

fog walls and headwinds of the stormy
north Atlantic the automatic trans-
mitter kept up its intermittent flashes,
notifying the world that the craft was
carrying on. Even in part of the
storm the radio was kept working.
As Commander Byrd kept an an-
xious world informed of his progress
and attracted aid by his crippled radio,
future flyers can establish constant
protection for themselves when they
become isolated in long jumps, au-
thorities said.

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