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August 12, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-12

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-J
titled to the use for republicatio- of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
1'os1to ffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $Zso; by mail,
$2 .00.
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. J
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern
City Editor..... Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor....Marian L. Welles
Night EditorsI
John E. Davis H. K. Oakes, Jr.
T. E. Sunderland Orville Dowzer
Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell
Wm. K. Lomason Mary Lister
Bert Heideman W. Harold May
Telephone 21214
Advertising...........Ray Wachter
Accounts........... John Ruswinckel
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
Night Editor-HAROLD MAY
In one more week the summer ses-
sion of the University will be conclud-
ed. Students will leaves the buildings
will close for their annually brief per-
iod of rest, and the campus will be
deserted until the budding enthusiasmI
of a new freshman class brings it to
life 'again in the early days of autumn.I
There is nothing spectacular about
any summer session, and the one just
closing is no exception, but there is
something different about them, some-

denced. In three years the United
States will have launched eight cruis-
ers costing well up among the mill-
ions. Great Britain, during this same
period of three years will nbt be ex-
pected to place money in the manu-
facture of candy for nervous sailors;4
ion the contrary, she will undoubtedly
place in the water as many or more
tons of fighting craft as our yards will.
After the enormous expenditure from
our treasury, where will we stand?
If we understand British cruiserx
building abilities from past years, we
cannot get ahead of the game, andz
may possibly be further behind than
we are now. The difference betwe m
our sea strength compared to Eng-I
land's now, and what it will be three
years hence will be small, yet both
governments are throwing millions in-
to giant machines in an absurd at-
tempt at supremacy . . or some-a
thing. The childishness of the situa-
i tion is rather tragic-and when one
considers the triviality of reasons forf
disagreement and final adjournment of
the "conference" it resolves into
something worse than mere tragedy.
How the representatives from three
world powers ostensibly interested inf
a sensible plan of limiting naval ex-
penditures could let petty differences
cause failure is rather discouraging.'
It leads one to believe that all con-
ferences are composed of Bill Tbomp-t
sons, Governor Smalls and senators.
l We might have expected such an out-
come from the recent governors' con-
ference, but the Geneva locale has
been on a high plane heretofore.
To see one of the most hoped f)r
international agreements so messily
handled is like a slap in the face after
so many years of "World Peace"
yelping. Disarmament has been thrust
under our noses so frequently that we
all took it for granted as a thing which
must come about. It is sa inherently
simple and sensible. Now, after a
weighty conference we find that dis-
armament is a dream and that we
must madly build ships in an attempt
to keep abreast of other nations doing.
the-same thing.
Commander Byrd will take "an

Mich., Aug. 10.-Rolls National party
nominating convention was trying to
find a candidate for the presidential
nomin'ation today. The party leaders#I
were having great difficulty in obtain-
ing a majority for any candidate.
Since Ma Ferguson received 501 votes
on the 51st ballot, none of the follow-
ing ten ballots gave any candidato
more than 209 votes which S'mall of
Illinois received on the 59th ballot.
At secret meetings held at the Whit-
ney hotel all during the day there was
a marked tendency of the western
delegations to turn to Ford. It was
expected late last night that a Ford
boom would be attempted today.
On the 62nd ballot Ford made :e-
markable headway. Cousins made a
long speech before the ballot was
taken and told of the remarkable man
which he was supporting and how the
government would not have to -,e
anything but Ford motor cars if 'is
candidate was nominated and eler tl.
On the ballot the vote stood Ford 549,
Small 200 and Ferguson 178. The
other candidates received scattering
votes. On this ballot Ford was with-
in one vote of nomination.
Then followed consistant Demo-
cratic balloting. Ford slipped from
his place as leader in the voting and
Small took his place. Vare, Reed and
Green each took a turn at leading
the list until finally on the 75th bal-
lot the Michigan governor had 4721
votes. Vare had 198, Smith 154.
* * *
The meeting was then adjourned for
luncheon and all the leaders of the
state delegations went to the Union
for lunch where they talked over the
possible candidates. The backers of
Reed, Green, Borah, Bryan and
Smith agreed to withdraw their can-
didates from the field, with the un-
derstanding that they would be given
cabinet posts by any candidate who
might win the nomination and elec-3
tion. % Ford, Vare, Thompson, Small
and Ma Ferguson remain in the race.
The Illinois delegation seemed to be
split between Small and Thompson
and Vare was conceded the best op-
portunity of winning the party's nomi-;

o~~t tadggCat Event
of the Summer Season
For the, balance of the week
our 1-2 off sale continues
In addition to this-
We have two splendid groups of
coats at--



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thing that sets them apart from the ;ornithologist, an ichtyologist, a
ordinary collegiate world, and which (logist, a meteorologist, a geologis
gives them an atmosphere all their magnetic experts to the South1
own-those things this summer did No doubt this announcement is
provide. in Eskimo for the benefit of th
Anyone seeking the collegiate at- tives.
mosphere may as well not waste his
time in the summer period by seeking
it at a university. Any semblance of CAMPUS OPINION
the swaggering youths that make a Anonymous communications will
university a college is lacking in the disregarded. The names of comma
i l cants will, however, be regarded
summer time, or if it is not lacking it onfidential upon request.
is suppressed. The students of the -------- -
session average far higher in age than IF RUSSIA CHANGES COLO]
their winter counterparts, and many of From Russia, that country of
their habits could well be copied with-
out harming the scholastic atmosphere flicting rumor, comes the news
of the regular term. red as a national symbol is in dis
In the summer we have one semes- with government officials. Whil
ter without a J-Hop at the end to re- definitely abandoned the mere th
compense for it. One semester it is
of it is no doubt plunging our sen
where there are no football games, no
fraternity parties-legitimately, and and statesmen into deep despair.
none of the usual nonsense which the what can they do if the usec
puerile students perpetrate under the those tongue-rolling phrases
name of class conflicts and such which red is connected is denied t
things. It is one term in which stud- Imagine, if you can, a Congres
ies are placed foreinost, and there are settling the Russian situation wi
few in attendance who are not here to
study. It is a wholesome atmosphere, using those good old phrases,
this studions summer session, and one ruin," "parlor pink," "red revolu
which ought to be continued. and so on. And aside from the
Perhaps the older students are alliterative qualities of these ph
rather more distant socially than the there is the great associative val
irresponsible mobs that swarm the red with fire, socialism, anarchy


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e rot
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ue of
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place in the winter. Perhaps they are various other bug-bears. Not to be
less tolerant of the habitual bluffer able to use them would be to deal a
in classes, and perhaps they are a bore! body blow at our country's founda-
when they argue with professors on I tions.
insignificant points. All these things So, in keeping with our general help-
may be true and they still are justi- ful policy, we set out to try to find
fled, for when can an ordinary uni- I new phrases, and so far we have met
versity term show the assiduous appli- with but indifferent success. There-
cation, the sincere academic interest, fore, we ought to put the issue square-

* . *
Mich., Aug. 10.--The afteriloon session
opened 'with terrific balloting. The
80th ballot showed a great swing in
the vote to Small who had well over
500 but was short cf the 551 majority
hseeded for a:m ntuion. Ballot aft~s
ballot camne nd went, antl yet no
candidate was equal to the t r'nat tao
+.f getting t"iough votes. to win the
Finally after the 100th ballot,
Chairman Lovell spoke to the dele-
gates as follows:
"Do you not choose to nominate
a candidate? Do you wish to ruin!
this great party on the eve of its
founding? Fellow men, try to nomi-
nate some one on the next ballot.
"Do you remember the Democratic
convention of 1924? There they took
103 ballots and that alone was enough
to defeat them at the polls. We can-
not, we must not go over 102 ballots,
it is not our fate to equal the record
of the .unhappy Democratic party.
Men, I implore you to elect someone I
on the next ballot!"
On the following ballot the vote
stood: Small 498, Ferguson 402,
Vare 141, Ford 56 and Thompson 1.
* * *
Brennen of Illinois then arose. He
looked about him and began to speak
in slow deliberate words, as follows:
"Fellow patriots, wue have come
here to nominate a candidate to run
for president. I know that the nomi-
nee will be elected so the race is very
bitter, but I wish to say a few words.
"Who is it that is saving America
from King George? It is William
Dale Thompson of Chicago. H3e isj
also doing other things too numerous!
to mention, but vote for him for your'
candidate on the next, the 102nd bal-
lot do not beat the De mocratl rec-
On the 102nd ballot the vote stood
Thompson 1094, Ferguson 1, Small 1,
Ford 1 and Vare 1. Thompson is
Rolls National Party Candidate for
president of the United States.
Following the nomination cheers
were heard for several hours and
Thompson was heard to remark that
he would do away with the army. He
has his own gun men. It is expected
that the vice-presidency will be filled
as soon as the convention can lay
its hands on some person from some

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and the high scholarship: of these older
students? Of course the campus would
no doubt be a sad place with them inI
attendance the year round, for the!
campus is the home of youth, and
youth cannot tolerate discouragement;
but as an exemplary group of ideal
students the summer session attend-

ly before the public in the hope that
they may be able to settle the matter.
First, we might take up the color
green which we find to be extremely
discouraging. In the first place, while
not patented, it belongs by internation-
al convention to the Irish and certain-
ly would be fiercely protected from

ance is a revelation to those- who Russian sullies. And anyway imagine,
might suppose it to be just a uni- if you can, Senator Foozle speaking
versity. on "green ruin." It simply doesn't
The students who are regularly en- mean anything aside from being poeti-
rolled in the winter term will carry cal. Let's hurry away from green.
something away with them from this Then there is yellow. This seems
summer session that they could not i more promising, but still there is no
have received anywhere else. They poetry in it. Yellow peril we thought
have gained something wholesome in of, but William Randolph Hearst' at
their respect for real education, and once telegraphed us that he could not
they have seen in the concrete what have two yellow perils on his hands
an ideal student should be. They must and we courteously let that color out.
not copy entirely, of course, for that We personally never do know what the
wpuld spoil the happiness of the uni- Honorable Willie is going to do, but
versity next winter, but for an ab- we have known him to do harder


o other cigarette offers
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ness. Natural tobacco taste
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stract example of really sincere effort,
they owe a distinct debt to the older
students who attended Michigan's
summer session.

things than handle two yellow perils.
The rest of the colors no more easily
lend themselves to the Russians' pur-
poses and we will have to admit that
1_____nra________d Thaf fra lr~n k xV

'-jlitj ~fi #aj and yet, they're MULD

we are stumpea . nere oresnot-
SHIPBUILDING EDITORIL ing that our readers are patriotic and
Recent headlines told us that the public-spirited, we are going to ask
Geneva naval armament conference them to do their best to help Senator
ended in failure. Just how much of Sounder out of ils predicament.


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