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June 29, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-29

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tii ur i'ummrdoes not need the money. Of the 1,500
-_ )bonds issued for the new stadium,
V aUt only 1,000 needed to be sold, and they
"s---- will be retired years before they are
Published .every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by due. Football makes an annual pro-
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
t Boardi__Cnr_________ det__ b__- fit running into hundreds of thousands
of dollars, and if any further securi-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- i
titled to the use for republication of all news ty as to the solvency of the Athletic
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise I Association were needed, it could be
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein. gained from the fact that each stu-l
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, dent in the University is forced to pay;
postofice as second class matter. a blanket tax with his tuition, to the
Subscription by carrier, $1:50; by mail,
$2.00. Athletic Association-perhaps to pay
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, for its comprehensive intramural pro-
Ann Arbor, Michigan.foitcopeesvinrm alr-
Telephone 4925 It is plain indeed, in short, that the
MANAGING EDITOR "Athletics for All" policy does not
PHILIP C. BROOKS even exist in theory. It is plain that


Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern
City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer
G. Thomas McKeanT. E. Sunderland
Charles Kaufman Louis R. Markus
Mary Lister Miriam Mitchell
Betty Pulver
Telephone 21214
Advertising .............Ray Wachter
Accounts ...... ..... John Ruswinckel
Circulation.............Ralph Miller
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
Night Editor--H. K. OAKES, JR.
(The following is a criticism of
Micihigan's Athletic policy; it is
merely a criticism of the program
that advertises itself as "Athletics
for All" and charges fees for the
use of the University athletic fa-
eilities. 3tichigan's glorious ath-
let history is entirely beyond re-
Michigan is possessed of a great and
pretentious athletic plant. Annually
her teams. sweep through the power-
ful Western Conference victorious,
and from time to time the Univer-
sity takes to advertising itself in this
way, telling how the success in major
ssports has made possible a program
of "Athletics for All" which is build-
ing strong and healthy men and wo-
Those who are familiar with the
situation know that the so-called
"Athletics for All" program is a farce,
and that the primary concern of the
Michigan athletic plants is the train-
ing of Varsity athletes for competi-
tion with other schools. They know
'that the Field House never gets clos-
er to the average student than hav-
ing its picture in the University cata-
logue, and they know that the "All"
part of the athletic program is car-
ried on in an obselete and ill-equip-
ped gymnasium.
They know that for every dollar
spent on all Michigan students for
athletic equipment there are many
dollars spent on Varsity athletes, and
they know that the real experts on
the physical education staff are Var-
sity coaches and trainers. They know
that no money is provided for an in-
tramural program in the summer, be-
cause "the students pay no blanket
tax," and they know that in the win-
ter session it is practically impossible
to secure adequate equipment from
the intramural office.
When Michigan men desire to play
basketball in the winter they must
use their own fraternity's ball, or wait
two hours for another. When they de-
sire to play baseball in the spring
they take their own bats and balls
except for the four or five games
which are supervised in the fraterni-
ty league (in order that the athletic
authorities can advertise that some
8,000. students take part in at least
one form of athltic competition at
Michigan-an enviable record indeed.)
Never does the true attitude of the
athletic administration come closer to
the surface, however, than in the
summer. It has recently been an-
noun~ced that there will be a fee of
one dollar for all those playing on
the University golf course, or that

the "special opportunity" will be of-
fered to purchase memberships for
the whole summer at a meager cost of
$15. Each preceding year there has
been made a charge of $1.50 to play
on the University tennis courts at
Ferry field, and though no definite'
announcement of the charge has as'
yet been made, it is not at all unlikely
that the policy will be continued. This
is part of Michigan's great and com-
prehensive athletic program - for
those who pay. ,
The disgusting thing about this
hypocrisy is that the Athletic Asso-1
ciation, even though it is At presentI
in the midst of a building program,4

it is no more than a hypocritical blind
behind which a vast and pretentious
athletic plant can be built without
undue criticism. If present lop-sided
Varsity athletic programs are neces-
sary to the financing of the Athletic
Association, one may still ask whether
the result is worth the cost, and there
is certainly no excuse for deluding
ourselves as to the altruistic motives
of the Board in Control of Athletics.
Every meager facility provided for
the whole student body is amply re-
imbursed by them 4n some means or
other, and there is no use receiving,
ourselves as to the extensiveness or
comprehensiveness of the athletic pro-
gram of the University of Michigan,
even though it may be advertised as
"Athletics for All." Perhaps the sys-
tem is justified; that is not the pur-
pose of this discussion, but the idea
that the Athletic Association has in
mind the welfare of the whole student
body seems to be a tremendous farce
when we compare the Field House
with Waterman gymnasium, or the
new stadium fAcilities with South
Ferry field.
One of the least ostensible portions
of the University is the School of Den-
tistry, which, year after year on its
corner of the campus, turns out men

MusicN Drama
Believing that the real time and
place for dramatic, literary or mu-
sical discussion is over a friendly
cup of tea, and furthermore that the
essence of said discussion should be
as companionable and cooperative as
the council of friends, the editors of
this column have decided to drop the
habit of formal criticism and adopt
the friendly conversational attitude1
in their treatment of things, musical,
dramatic and literary.
They will try to remember that they-
are not in New York, and consequent-
ly are not dashing up Broadway to
the press instead of hurrying over
to the Maynard street ofdice from
Sarah Caswell Angell hall or Hill
auditorium. They may in fact, decide
to leave New York out of it altogether
except as it lends color and light upon
the familiar, intimate friendliness of
the column.
It is not that we, the editors, want
to be narrow, but we do want to work
away from the sophomoric antics that
have been prevalent in the Music and
Drama column and enjoy ourselves
in honest if not authoritative appre-
ciation of all that comes under the
scope of our vision.
This friendly, companionable at-
titude will, we hope lead us along-
paths of simplicity and sincerity
rather than dipping and nose spinning
around in clouds of abstractions and
newly coined words, at once so unique
and exaggerated as to cause the un-
initiated to scratch his head in amaze-
ment and the older patrons to smile
wryly and a bit patronizingly.
Appreciation does not mean ideal-
istically ignoring the faults of the
performance to be reviewed-it sig-
nifies rather, a personal touch to an
honest judgment of those perform-

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who take their places in the profes- ances including perhaps impressions
sional life of Michigan. One scarce- and reactions, all those things that
ly hears of the activities of the college, lend significance and charm to the
and it is with augmented satisfaction, simplest of experiences. Those with-
as a consequence, that the University out charm we will recognize but not
as a whole must note the recogni- strain our Menckenese muscles to
tion given to our dental school be the discover.
recent report of the Carnegie Founda- Taste, that phantasmagoric thing
tion for the Advancement of Teach- i that eluded Burke and Gerard in their
ing, which lauds it as one of the finest efforts to finally explain it, will be
in the country. our guide; hence the standards of
An achievement by any branch of criticism such as we will use, will be
the University is welcome, but when personal. Both artists and critics are
it comes unsolicited, and from an first of all bound in their creations by
unbiassed source, it is doubly wel- taste rather than their objective at-
come. Michigan and her state Uni- titude. It is a part of them and in the
'versity were pioneers in the develop- last analysis the only remaining cri-
ment of the field of dentistry, and teria by which they place their judg-
Michigan owes a measure of commen- ment.
dation to Dean Marcus Ward and his And the nice and convenient thing
I faculty, who have so successfully about taste is that it is not dogmatic
furthered that prestige. or domineering and no one expects
r_ _anyone else to fully agree with him,
| TJE WOIENS1 LEAGUE but rather to tolerantly listen to his
The women of Michigan, after a appreciation and then reply with his
campaign lasting five years, have been own individual reaction.
able to announce pledging of $1,000,- And all this over a cup of tea!
000 to build and endow a Women's --3. L. W.
League building comparable to the * * *
Michigan Union for men. Their THE BARKER
achievement, coming as it does at the I A Review, by Edward X. Heyman
end of years of paintaking effort, is Blood and thunder melodrama has
singular and laudable, and more than not disappeared after all. Right in
$60,000 of the money pledged has the midst of a season of cabaret shows
' acually been paid in and is available and boudoir entertailiiment a certain
to commence the building. young man surprised the public with
The campaign is not over yet, how- a real old fashion circus thriller, em-
ever, because, though the pledges were ploying snake charmers, hula hula
doubtless made in good faith, there dancers, ballyhoos and all the rest.
is bound to be a certain portion' of the Of course the show is dressed up in
$400,000 remaining that will not be modern clothes or even ultra modern
paid in, and to make up this sum new to satisfy the jaded theatergoers. But
gifts and donations are necessary. the result is 'both adequate and satis-
One of the principal methods of factory.
financing the building thus far has "The Barker" is the kind of a play
been by the sale of life memberships wliich every aspiring young hopeful
to students and alumnae of the Uni- would like to write. There is plenty
versity, and by the continuance of this of profanity, a few tense moments
practice the League hopes to raise and unusually colorful background.
the additional funds necessary. Mr. Kenyon Nicholson has caught the
Women students at the University exact spirit of tent life and 'presents
can do a service for Michigan by sub- it simply, yet effectively. His dialogue
scribing to one of these memberships, is highly commendable, and although
besides receiving full value from the it may shock a few, it is undobutedly
money invested. When ithe Union quite proper and correct for these
building was erected ten years ago hard boiled circus troupers.
it was a departure in university Mixed in with a lot of tinsel and
unions on' the North American conti- gaudy language are a few human
nent, and the Women's League build- touches which present an unusually
ing is likewise a departure in the ef- striking relief. The father and son
forts to centralize the efforts of wo- theme, old as the hills, affords a new
men students. Since its erection the setting with encouraging results; and
Union building# has been copied, or at the same time provides the audi-
an attempt has been made to copy it, ence with plenty of opportunity to
i4 every corner of the country, and shed a few happy tears.
the building for the women has at Richard Bennett as the barker is
least equal prospects of successful ac- suave, polished and beautifully so-
complishment. phisticated but hardly strong enough
The securing of the necessary funds to knock down his son so easily in the
for the building itself has been a note- second act. However, after the laugh-

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I 11

worthy achievement of the Women
of Michigan, and they are to be com-
mended. There remains only a small
residuum of effort, and that too should
be completed as gloriously as has
the tedious labor of the last five years.
Detroit is having an election on the
proposed Windsor bridge. Since On-
tario has become "wet" the bridge
can't be defeated.

ter subsides the enjsuing scene is
acted with all the finesse of an old
timer. Bennett has a way all his own
but somehow he manages to hold the
center of the stage all the time no
matter who is on.
The rest of the cast is capable, at
least enoguh to draw large crowds
in Chicago. There is not a murder
nor a negligee in the whole three
acts, yet it is a corling good show!

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