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June 29, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-29

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Appointments Will Take Affect With
The 0eginning Of The Next
Academic Year

Fifty one members of the faculty of
the University received promotions
which will take affect at the beginning
of the academic year 1927-28, accord-
ing to an announcement from the sec-
retary's office yesterday.
Four associate professors were
made full professors, twenty-seven as-
sistant professors were made associate
professors and nineteen instructors
were made assistant profesors.
The following is the list of those
receiving the appointments and the
department in which they are located:
From associate professor to pro-
fessor-In the College of Literature,
Sicence, and the Arts: Henry Foster
Adams, psychology; George Rogers
LaRue, Zoology. In the College of
Engineering and Architecture: Orlan
William Boston, Engineering Shops.
In the School of Education: Ralph
From assistant professor to asso-
ciate professors-In the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts: Carter
Lyman Goodrich, economics; John
Valentine Van Sickle, economics;
Louis I. Bredvold, English; Preston
William Slosson, history; Margaret
Mann, library science; Albert Becker
Peck, mineralogy; Ernest Franklin
Barker, physics; George Allan Lind-
say, physics; Ralph Alanson Sawyer,
physics; Herbert Samuel Mallory,
rhetoric; Clarence DeWitt Thorpe,
rhetoric; Peter Claus Okkelberg,
zoology. In the College of Engineer-
ing and Architectur, : Wells Ira Beni
nett, Architecture; William Platt
Wood, chemical engineering; George
Granger Brown chemical engineering;
Louis Allen Hopkins, mathematics;
Vincent Collins Poor, mathematics;
Harry Linn Canpbell, engineering
shops.. In the Medical School: Har-
ther Lewis Keim, dermatology; Philip
Bardwell Hadley, bacteriology; Erwin
Ellis Nelson, ;pharmacology; Albert
Carl 'Furstenberg, Otolaryngology;
Ernst Albert Pohle, roentgenology;
MaxsMinor Peet, surgery. In the Col-
lege of Pharmacy: Charles Howard
Stocking. In the School of Educa-
tion: Francis Day Curtis. In the Di-
vision of Hygiene and Public Health:
Nathan. Sinai, public health.
From instructo to assistant profes-
sor-In the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Philip Francis
Weatherill, general and physical
chemistry; George Shorey Paterson,
economics; Robert Burnett Hall, geo-
graphy; Stanley Dalton Dodge, geo-
grphy; Bruno Meiecke, Latin; Otto
Laporte, physics; James Kerr Pollock,
political science; Gail Ernest Dens-
more, public speaking; Melvin Theo-
dor Solve, rhetoric; Waldo Mack Ab-
bot, rhetoric. ' In the College of Engi-
neering and Architecture: Jean Paul
Slusser, architecture; Robert D.
Brackett, English; William Henry
Egly, English; Ivan Walton, English;
Edward Young, geodesy and survey-
ing; Harold Hudson Britton, modern
languages. In the Medical School:
Edward Pinney Cathcart, surgery. In
the School of Education: Howard
Yale McClusky; Marshall Lyman
NEW YORK, June 28.-The mono-
plane "America" was still water-
bound' on its runway at Roosevelt
field tonight.'

(By Associated Press)
WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 28.-Grea
is Elizabeth Ryan in American tennis
circles in Wimbledon tonight. She
scored a great victory over Mrs. Katie
McKane Godfrey, the 1926 Wimbledon
champion, and was the first American
woman to reach the semi-finals on a
day marked by two American victories
-both by women-and one defeat
which was nearly as glorious as a tri-
Miss Helen Wills chalked up the
second American win, but Francis T.
Hunter went down with colors flying
before the French ace, Henri Cochet.
The shadow of ill luck which seems
to have followed Miss Ryan through-
out the numerous years of Wimbledon
competition appears to have been dis-
pelled and many already have visions
of an all--American final between the
two Californians, Miss Wills and Miss
As Miss Ryan and Mrs. Godfree
played they chattered and smiled as
they crossed over and halted under
the umpire's stand. But in the end
fatigue overcame the English girl.
Miss Ryan was the picture of health
and strength, finishing off a trying
match without the semblance of an
effort, ending 3-6, 6-4, 6-4.
The victory of Helen Wills was just
a day's work for the businesslike Berk-
ley girl. She disposed of Mrs. Pea-
cock of South America in straight
sets, 6-3, 6-1.
Tilden's , cheerful smile, as he
watched his colleague Hunter leading,
two sets love, faded into a shock of.
surprise, then a gasp of astonishment,
as he saw Cochet reeling off game af-
ter game in the last three sets. The ,
match ended in favor of the French-
man, 3-6, 3-6, 6,2, 6-2, and 6-3.
WASHINGTON, June 28. - The
G-oodyear Tire & Rubber Co., of Akron,
0., today was awarded first prize in
the Navy's design competition for a
new airship of 6,500-000 cubic feet gast
A prize of $50,000 is carried with the
award for the design of the craft,
which will be more than twice as
large sa the Los Angeles. The prize,
however, can not be given to the com-
pany receiving the contract to build
the ship.
A second award of .$5,000 was ap-
proved for purchase of the design
submitted by W. Watters Pagon, of
Baltimore, while the design of Dr.t
Johannes Schwengler, of Stretlitz,
Germany, was given honorable men-
Since the construction contract un-
der the bill authorizing two such air-
ships must be awarded American con-t
terns, and in view of the relatively
favorable position of the Goodyear
company in work of this nature, it
was indicated that this company prob-



"It always sounds merely courteous arly stoical. After the performance,
for a visiting actress to publicly an- an old college friend came back stage
nounce her approval and love of the to see her and said, "Your show was
town she is in, but my feelings are wonderful! It was so funny I just
so much deeper than that," Elsie had to cram my handkerchief into my
Henrdon Keanrs yesterday, "Ann Ar-! mouth to keep from laughing!''"And
bor is such a friendly place to come you don't find that in Ann Arbcr," re-


back to; it is as if it in some un-
explainable way held out arms of wel-
come and made you feel at home in

S. AIGAJNSTC TREATY an instant. But more than that, Ann'
U.S.AGAINSTTREATY Arbor audiences are the most re-
sponsive, the most sympathetic and
Opposition To British Proposal i sensitive in the world!" she added en-
Concerning Washington Pact thusiastically.
Miss Kearns first came to this city
(By Associated Press) with the Ben Greeg players and has
GENEVA, June 28.-What consti- returned many times with various
tutes the present danger of the tri- other companies. "Always," she says,
"no matter what company I played
partite Naval Conference, in the mindsI with, we were always glad to see Ann
of close observers, is that it may Arbor on our bill because we did en-
awaken or even create political ani- joy the audiences so much."
mosity. Not so much danger is at- "And the audience is half the show,"
tached to its failing to reach an ag- she continued, "when they meet the
players half-way in their appreciation
reement on the strength of auxiliary or attention, it inspires them to give
warcraft Great Britain, the Nnited of their very best. Some audiences sit
States and Japan may bind themselves back, bolt upright and seem to say
not to exceed. 'Show me!' They are very difficult to
This political peril has appeared play to because they simply will not
on the horizon because of the sudden respond."
Japanese initiative, which indicates Illustrating this point, Miss Kearns
that Tokio may be forced, either by told of an amusing incident in one
conviction that real economy may be city where the audience was particul-
achieved, or political expediency, into
backing the British in their demand
for a re-examination of the Washing-;CHERISHES
ton treaty, at least so far as battle-
ships are concerned.
In Ameritan circles the Washington
treaty is looked upon as something
more than a mere agreement to curtail ionolulIt To California Flight De-
the construction of capital ships. In layed; U. S. Army Plane 'One
a large sense it is regarded as hav- Third Of Distance
ing planted the seeds of a new era
of tranquility on the Pacific ocean- CIVILIAN SHIP DAMAGED
the United States having agreed to I
maintain the status quo of American ( \By Associated Press)
fortifications-in Guam andin the HONOLULU, June 28. - Richard
.la .Grace, California aviator, was working
cepted a ratio in battleships consider-
ably under that of the United States. feverishly today, to get his monoplane
It is pointed out that the United from Pearl Harbor where it had been
States has not only stopped strength- assembled, to the island of Kauai,
ening the bases sheltering American where a runway for its takeoff had been
warships in the Far East, but avidlyb
built on the "Barking Sands" near
supported the successful negotiation
for the creation of a four-power Pa- Mania. Grace was still cherishing
cific pact, in substitution of the Anglo- a hope that he might be able to start
Japanese alliances, which went by his projected flight from Hawaii to
the board. the mainland sometime today.
The Americans, therefore, are The possibilities of getting away
averse to reopening the Washington were said to depend upon develop-
treaty in any form, not only because ments in the flight to Kauai, the time
they deem such a step judicially im- taken fueling there, and the hour
possible and impracticable, but also final test filight.
because they have some apprehen-
sion that it might provoke a new un- C MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, OAKLAND,
desirable study of the political situ- Calif., June 28.-Racing westward
ation, including even the wisdom of over the Pacific ocean with the setting
adding to the strength of American sun, the six ton U. S. Army Hawaii
bases at Guam and in the Philippines. flight plane with two airmen aboard

. I

peated Miss, Kearns. NESFE ADE BYNI)TSTI
l It is easy to feel this resistance on NENT SAFETY AND INDUSTRI.
the part of an audience and most AL LEADERS OF STATE
actors and actresses pick out certain
test lines near the beginning of their GREEN TO SPEAK TODAY
play by which to judge the temper of
their particular audience and play to Board Of 'onimm'erlCe Eentertains
it accordingly. Group In Evening With Smoker
At Union
SNRegistration and the first meeting
of the annual session of the Michigan
branch of the National Safety congress
began yesterday with the registra-
tion of more than 250 industrial and
Registration Of W 1More Studlents ;safety leaders from different states.


Is Expected; Will Increase Total
To More Tlan 3,600
According to the latest reports from
the office of Dean Edward H. Kraus,
head of the Summer session, at the
close of registration yesterday there
was an increase of 437 over that of
a year ago. Yesterday 3,398 students
had enrolled as compared with 2,961.
at the same time last year.
More than 350 students are expected
to enroll in the remaining days of
registration. This number will in-
crease the total enrollment past the
3,600 mark, Dean Kraus stated. The
graduate school is expected to have
over 1,000 students and all the schools
and colleges show a marked increase
above previous years. Out of the total
number registered, 2,093 are men and
1,305 are women, most of the women1
are in the literary college, graduate
and educational schools,
Folowing is the list of enrollments
in order of their size: Literary col-
lege 1,132; Graduate school, -873;
School of Education, 604; Engineering
college, 340; Medical school, 237;° Law
school, 158; Pharmacy college; 33;
School of Business Administration,
The registration will continue
throughout the week because several
of the universities and colleges do
not close until after the closing of
the University: It is expected that
several hundred more will register
(luring this period.

The first meeting was held yester-
day afternoon in the Natural Science
auditorium. Lee H. Bierce of the
Association of Commerce, Grand Rap-
ids, the presiding secretary, opened
the meeting with a short talk. The
invocation was given by Rev. A. W.
Stalker of ths First M. E. church, Ann
Arbor. The welcoming address wa
presented by George J. Burke in be-
half of the Ann Arbor Board of Com-
merce and Industrial Commission.
Addresses were also given by R. G.
Knutson of the Industrial Commission
of Wisconsin, Madison; Frank Wade,
president of the Michigan Federation
of Labor, and Ernest W. Corn, field
representative of the National Safety
Council, Chicago.
Future Safety Stressed
All the addresses were characterized
by the outlook onrsafety conditions
for the future. Mr. Cor'n, who gave
the closing address of the meeting,
stated that over 4,000 of the leading
industries intthe Unitde States were
members of the council and that no
industry could well afford to dispense
with the membership. He also stated
that in accident prevention, mechani-
cal safe guards were only one third
of the battle' and that it is the duty
of the employer to impress on the
employee the need for safety. He as-
serted that the employee is only on
the job in body and has left his mind
at home. "It is a problem of tremen-
dons size and is not solved or never
Will be," Mr. Corn said. "The prob-
lem of accident prevention should im-
press all those concerned by its se-
verness and dignity and should be
upheld to protect the indutrial work
er and his family."
Mr. Bierce, presiding secretary,
closed the meeting with a few words


GENEVA, N. Y., June 28.-With all the figures in regard to accid
S . . deaths in the United States. He
the 14 planes competingin the Na-



WASHINGTON, June 28.-Stiffening

was roaring

on to Honolulu late to-

of opposition to the British stand atj
the Geneva conference was noticeable1
today at the state department along{
with an apparently wellfounded be-
lief that Japan will not abet Eng-
land's desire to reopen consideration


would get the c
Baseball c

American Le
Detroit, 9-6; St. Loui
New York, 9; Phila
Washington, 4; Bost
Chicago, 8; Clevelan
National Le
Philadelphia, 7; New
Cincinnati, 8; Chicag
Pittsburgh, 9; St. L
Only games schedule

contract. of the Washington arms treaty.
High state departmnent officials said
they understood from private reports:
that Japan merely had indicated a
willingness to discuss reduction in the
eague size of battleships, fixed in the 1922
s, '-y treaty at 35,000 tons maximum, only
delphia, 8. after the question of auxiliary craft
on, 0. - had been disposed of. Such action,
id, 7. it was held, could not be construed
ague as inimicable to the American plan
w York, 3. to the extent of endangering the con-
gO, 1. 1 ference.
ouis, 8. Olicials here based their belief that
ed. Japan would not wholeheartedly side
with the British proposal on the as-
SW 1ITCH 1 sumption that Japan, having set cer-
LIGHTS1 tain goals for herself at the confer-
ence, must recognize the diplomatic

A radio report received by the Fede-
ral tolergaph company in San Fran-
cisco at 2:44 p. m. said the steamer
Sonoma had sighted the plane ap-
proximately 750 miles off the Californ-
ia coast.
The big tri-motored Fakker had ave-
raged approximately 100 miles an
hour up until the time it soared above
the Sonoma and disappeared into the
west. More than a third of the 2,407
miles to Honolulu had been covered
at 7:09 a. m. today.
The expected air, race to the
Hawaiian islands failed to materialize
when Ernest Smith, piloting a civilian
plane, was forced to return to the air-
port after having taken off more than
two hours later. The air deflector on
Smith's plane was damaged and be-
fore one could be fixed, the navigator,
Charles Carter, decided it was too late
to start, as the Army had a lead of al-
most five hours.
AUSTIN, Tex., June 28.-There are
twelve women students at the Univer-
sity of Texas who are spending the
first six weeks of summer school in
the "Spanish House," established this
summer for the first time at the Uni-
. The 'Spanish House was instituted
at the University to promote an in-
terest in Spanisl civilization through
the use of the language and a study
of Spanish artists, music and litera-
ture and also to afford a social center
for all university people who are
interested in Spanish.

tional Air Tour for the Edsel Ford tro-
phy safely arrived at this port, the
pilots prepared immediately for the
take-off to Schenectady, the last stop
on today's program.
Ray Collins, the official referee, took,
off at 1 p. m., Eastern standard time,
for Schenectady; It was expected the
other planes would not. follow for,
an hour or more.
Navy Plane Damaged
The United States Navy plane, a
Ford tri-motored craft, carrying of-
dcial observers. broke its tail skid in
landing and will be unable to continue.
None of the occupants, among them
Assistant Secretary of the Navy War-
ner, was hurt.
It was decided that the damaged
plane could be flown to Detroit tonight
for repairs and that it will meet the
air tour again at New York City. The
plane is not an air tour entry, it hav-
ing been sent along under Navy pilots
for observation purposes.
As the planes this morning made a
bee-line across New York State, theyl
reversedthe routs of the settlers who
a century or more ago moved west-
ward with their oxen. , This caravan
of the sky was covering in about three
hours time a distance the pioneers
needed months to make.
The traveling was a bit more com-
fortable, too, today. Newspaper men
riding in the tri-motored Ford trans-
port plane were able to wire their
stores, read magazines and visit as
the huge ship, with its burden of eight
persons, skirted a green 'Mosiac of
June landscape.
Ride In A Tail Wind
Leaving Buffalo at one-minute in-
tervals, the air armada cleared the
Mulicipal Landing Field at that city

pared tn', numuer lost in the

s which totalled 71,000 with the aye-
rage of 83,000 deaths due to accident
every twelve months in this country.
He stated that the American people
were too indifferent to accidents and
that the purpose of the National Safe-
ty council was to remedy that indif-
Visitors Are Welcome
The Congress was entertained last
evening by an informal reception and
smuoker in the ballroom of the Michi-
gan Union, provided and arranged by
the Ann Arbor Chamber of Cominerce,
The sessions will continue today and
ti-ough tomorrow with addresses by
glen who are leaders in the accident
nrevention field. Also Gov. Fred W.
C-een has been slated to sp3ak be-
fore the body at 6:30 o'clock today
in the Union. A cordial invitation
from the members to all those inter-
ested in the movement to attend the
meeting has been extended.
ard time, setting a direct course for
Geneva, 95 miles away. A mild tail
wind was blowing as the fleet took the
Dinner was served for pilots and
passengers in the hangar of the air
IOurWeat herMa

Tea for the women will be
served daily, starting Thursday,
In Barbour Gymnasium from
four to five. The parlors will be
thrown open to women students.
Women are asked to observe
the following closing hours: 11
o'clock week nights, 1:30 on
Friday, and 12:30 on Saturday.
Miss Alice Lloyd.


HARTFORD, Conn., June 28.-Aim'- value of not arousing American pub-
planesapproachingnHartford.s air- 'hic sentiment against her.
port at night will turn on great flood CAR RACES TRAIN
lights by the sound of their engines,
if plans now under consideration are TO PACIFIC COAST
carried out.
Capt. Clarence M. Knox, state avia- CHICAGO, June 28.-A roadster
tion commissioner, has suggested a dashed out of Chicago at 3 a. in. to-
resonance switch to control lights day in an attempt to clip seven hours
which are to be installed soon. This from the fastest rail time between
switch would be thrown automatical- Chicago and Los Angeles. By main-
ly by the engine's hum as a plane taining a speed of a mile a minute
neared the ground. The scientific over half of the 2,440-mile routs, the
staffs of Yale University and the I driver of the car, Samuel Klein, hopes
Westinghous Company have become to reach Los Angeles in time for
interested in the plan. The resonance breakfast Thursday morning. The
switch can be developed, Capt. Knox fastest rail time between Chicago and
says, so that it will not be affected by Los Angeles is 63 hours, covering a
automobile engines. mileage less than 2,300.


t t
-Asserts that It will be faIr a

shortly after 10 a. in., Eastern stand-

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