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August 07, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-07

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s.-, ...

Published' every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio°. of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise/
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
--ostoffce as second class matter.
$ubscription by carrier, $i.so; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern
City Editor....,.Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
John E. Davis H. K. Oakes, Jr.
T. E. Sunderland Orville Dowzer
Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell
Wm. K. Lomason Mary Lister
Bert Heideman W. Harold May
Telephone 21214
Advertising .... .Ray Wachter
Accounts.........Joan Ruswinckel

C. T. Antonopulos
G. W. Platt

S. S. BerarI

Night Edit r-WM. K. LOMASON,
Last night was the last appearance
of the Rockford Players summer stock
company in their summer series of
plays. They have .given the campus,
in the course of the season, an excep-
tionally fine group of modern and
classic plays, ending with a Shake-
speare piece that was probably the
best done of the season. Their enter-
tainments have been uniformly good;
they have filled a long felt need in
the line of summer programs, and they
have aided the Women's League to the
extent of several hundreds of dollars.
The University of Michigan, in this
experiment with the engagement of a
stock company, has introduced some-
thing new into the field of higher ed-
ucation, and something which has been
immensely successful. .This is the

queen of Roumania at her best never
approached Calvin Coolidge for re-
maining in the public eye, but some
encouragement, at least, should be
giiven to the youth of America to pro-
pose to the princess, just so that her
mother won't be disappointed in her
matrimonial possibilities.
If there is going to 'be an American
husband for Miss H--S- , what is
more, it might just as well be some
student from Michigan. The royal
family 'of Roumania needs some sturdy
stock, apparently, if Carol is typical
of the family tree, and there is nod
better placi to find this material than
at an American university. Of course.
the Hoosier farmer boy who offered
the girl a ten acre farm and six covs
may be husky also, but anyone whc
showed the fine culture which Queen
Marie showed in her gaudy visit tc
'the United States will demand some-
thing more than an agrarian for a son-
There are difficulties, to be sure, ir
the way of acquiring a university stud
ent for a husband. In the first placc
it is rather a blind chance, and whilE
Ileana looks well (n her pictures c
can never, tell what these, royal photo
graphers have done. In addition tc
this, there is the appalling prospec
that Heana might turn out to be a
momentous dumb-bell, after being all
contractgd, and the university student1
who took her would just be the victim,
because after having her come way to
America he would certainly have to
marry her.'
Then the prospect of a mother-in-1
law like Queen Marie is not particu-
larly enticing. Such women are all
right for news reels and front pages
but when it comes to having one in
the family an American college student
might think twice. There is also the1
possibility that Ileana would turn out
to be a poor housekeeper, or a wretch-
ed cook, or, worse still, a poor bridge
player, and then what would her hus-
band do? She might even have the
conceited idea that she amounted to
something merely because her father
was a king, and such a delusion would
be intensely disagreeable.
All in all, the odds are somewhat'
against any intelligent American youth
proposing to Ileana as long as the fem-
inine population of America remains
at the present level. One does not
take any blind chance when he chooses
close to home, and one does not take
any chance, moreover, of introducing.
epilepsy or insanity of any other hon-1
orable royal disease into his family.
Marie would perhaps do better to look
somewhere else, or perhaps to consult
a marriage broker about her daughter.
The idea of having to finance a Balkan
government is not enticing to Ameri-
cans. E
In New York city, that great metrop-

While we can't prove it was the Tol-
stoy league or the Army and Navy
club, both these institutions are un-
der suspicion. The fact that Profes-
jsor Hobbs is a few 'thousand miles
'away doesn't necessarily clear his
name, but we can't prove anything
'there either, yet.
*a r
Professor Hobbs is well known as a
hearty sympathizer with the radical
element, his name being linked with
that of Sherwood Eddy on numerous
occasion. Hobbs has often talked
about hanging a strip of yellow bunt-
ing on his mantle at home.
Added suspicion is directed toward
Hobbs because 'of his present expedi-
tion, which may be an excuse to get
in communication with' Russian radi-
cals. He was always fond of com-
1 municating with Eddy and other peace
advocates' in this country.
- * * *
Rumors that Hobbs would take
the affirmative of a debate on the
subject, "Sacco and Vanzetti should
be freed" were not confirmed at a
late hour last night.
* * *
An early report that the bank wreck
was caused by college students cele-
brating a football victory was proved
false by police last night. They riid-
ed the theaters and library looking
for suspects, but couldn't find any-
body who ever heard of football.
* * *
"It's tough it wasn't during
the regul'ar school year,' re-
marked the Cynical Senior con-
cerning the wreck', "because
then the Detroit papers could
blame it on automobile joy-
* * *
Following the great increase in
damage done to public buildings re-
cently, Rolls Own Board of Regents
has passed the following resolution:
Be it hereby resolved, that after
the first of September, 1927, no in-
terrurban shall run, coast, or be
driven or pulled down the streets of
Ann Arbor, or on its sidewalks, with-
out special permit from the office of
the Dean of Students.
Permits will be granted only on
showing of good and sufficient rea-
sons-that is, what we consider good
and sufficient reasons. Try to get
* s
The above resolution was passed
in a special session of the Board, held
after it was made certain that all
interrurban had left town. The D.
U. R. didn't know anything about it,
and didn't have a chance to defend
r " r

Evidence has been- disclosed that
the recent wrecking of the Farmers
and Mechanics bank by four runa-
way interurban freight cars was a re-
prisal for the condemnation to death
of Sacco and Vanzetti. We discover-
ed it ourself, without aid-or should
we say hindrance?-from the local
* * *



first university which has taken thus
seriously the spare time of its students
during the summer season; and the
result of the experiment, and the sup-
port the players have received, has
been encouraging indeed.
Especially noteworthy-in all of the
plays this summer has been the acting
of Elsie Herndon Kearns, one of the
finest and most gifted actresses which
local audiences have ever had the
privilege of seeing, either in amateur
or professional dramatics. The pres-
ence of Miss Kearns has given the
corn'pany a poise and a bearing which
it could not possibly have Ittained
with a group of young actors and ac-
tresses only, and besides the sheet box
office value of her presence, her per-
formances, especially in the Ibsen play
"Hedda Gabler," were singular pieces
of dramatic achievement.
Among the young actors, too, there
is no fault to find, and some especially
excellent performanes have been given
by them all: Nearly all of them have
long been familiar to local audiences
for their work in campus dramatics
while in school here, and those who
were not thus known have made
pleasing record in their summer wit




On the whole the summer season ;
plays has been a distinct success,1:
the patronage has been deservedi:
large. The University, in its sec -
summer of experimentation, has foun3,
that the presence of the stock compa'
is a valuable adjunct to the regual
university work; and if the project we
an experiment this year, its resu'
certainly lift it from that rank ofr
all succeeding summers. The Univers-
ity appreciates first-rate accomplis'
Apparently the recent announcement
by Mrs. Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
(familiarly known as .Queen Marie)
that she would consider an American
husband for her daughter Ileana- (prin-
cess Ileana) has not been given enough
publicity, for to date the queen an-
nounces that Ileana has redeived only'
six proposals of marriage from Amer-
ican youths, and one of these from
an Indiana farmer boy!
Coming as it does after the an-
nouncement by Mrs. Hohenzollern-
Sigmaringen that she was disappointed
in the way the American people treat-
ed royalty on her visit here, and that
she was tremendously shocked at the
lack of respect which American crowds
showed her, the statement that shef
will consider an American husband for

- olis where all kinds of businesses
flourish, one would not expect the
police to discourage a legtimate enter-
prise; yet just this has been done,
and the New York police have arrested
one of the most brilliant commerciall
schemes hatched in a decade or more.
It seems that two brilliant young
men entered the profession of boot-
legging in the great city, as nearly all
far-sighted young men do in that city.
The police did not mind this, in fact
it may be said that they looked with
tolerance on the business activities of
these two young men, who represented
themselves as being porters on' a train
running into New York from Canada.
Their business grew by leaps and
bounds, and then one night an espec-
ially big customer ordered four cases
of rye whiskey, and paid $285 for
same. He saw the four cases loaded
safely into a taxicab, sped home, gath-
ered his friends, and in the midst of
a hilarious party decided to open the
four cases. This is where the great
surpise and remarkable piece of
business ingenuity came in, for when
the cover was removed from the first
case it revealed not rye but rubbish,
and the second likewise, and then the"
third and fourth. The party could not
'drink the rubbish, and even in a weak
solution it turned out to be unpalat-
able, so the matter was reported to
the police and the porters were arrest-
New York city may not appreciate
a brilliant piece of business strategy,
but the rest of the nation should.
These new methods, increasing thet
efficiency of business and commerce,1
should never be allowed to slip from
the use of men. Of course there is
the illegitimate side of it, in that it
may almost be called fraudulent, but7
those who desire to remain entirely
within the law can always do hone
bootlegging, and be safe from the
At any rate so one can say that tl
14e was poisoned, and there' were n(v
wood alcohol deaths r ported frr
the imbibing of marble slabs, brickst
and other rubbish which the enterpris-f



The Roll Regents are firm believers
in democracy and self-government.
We just came to town for a reunion
of the Horse Marines, famed organiza-
tion organized last year by Admiral
Ixzo, when the first regulations con-
trolling autos went into force. The
Marines are preparing for a great in-
crease in membership during the
"Our plaform," stated Admiral Ixzo,
"Is: Horses for all-including the
* * *
The Marines are in full sympathy
with the Regents in their position.
So are the local riding stables and
taxi companies. Not only do the
Horse Marines favor the auto ban
but they want to ban canoes also.
* * *
Many people through the state
back the Regents of course. They
are the same persons who let their
high school sons and daughters drive
cars all the time.
Timothy Hay, '27.
hearted, for many of our most suc-
cessful business men follow the meth-
ods of Sing Sing, and it is only the
fact that they drink the liquor instead


n.l nnznih I inz fpntlminAnp nA hAn Amlfnw TRt utof sellinz it that saves them from the

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