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August 07, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-07

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I r



:00-Lecture - "How Ani-
mals And People Learn."
:15--Visitor's Night.At Ob-

5k i~an

1 i



VIII, No. 37




Notables Prepared For COmmemoration
Of Century Of International Peace
(By Associated Press)

.Act Play Class Will Present
hree Plays Wednesday Evening
Under Direction Of Crocker
sitor's nights at the Observatory,
all students of the Summer ses-
are to occur Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday evenings beginning at
o'clock. Tickets may be obtain-
t the office of the Summer ses-
by .students who will present
treasurer's receipt. The ticket
ly, according to Professor Thom-
Rankin, secretary of the Sum-
session, is limited.

BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 6.-The Ferguson of the Province of Ontario
Niagara frontier is prepared to wel- All will arrive Sunday afternoo
come distinguished guests from two from Toronto and will return imme
nations at the dedication tomorrow diately after the dedication. Princ
of the new international bridge across George, younger brother of the Princ
the Niagara river, commemorating a of Wales, will be in the party.
century of peace between the United Incident to the peace bridge cere-
States, Great Britain and the Domin- monies there will be a gathering to
ion of Canada. night of Indians of, the six nations
Kellogg Arives First Iof the Iroquois at the American end
With the arrival today of United of the span, in commemoration o
States officials and dipolmatic repre- the historic part which their ancestors
sentatives of the United States, Great played in the development of the
Britain and its North American Niagara frontier.
province, there began a round of so- Empire To Hear Speeches
cial functions that were to furnish An effort to radiocast speeches of
brilliant preliminaries to the formal the Prince of Wales, Premier Bald-
opening of the bridge. win, Vice-President Dawes, Governor
First of the American officials, to Al Smith, and other speakers at the
arrive was Secretary of State Frank dedication is to be made by two short
B. Kellogg. Vice-President Charles wave transmitting stations of the
G. Dawes was due later in the day, as General Electric company.
were Gov. Alfred E. Smith, of New I Broadcasters in London, Johannes-
York; Sir Esme Howard, British am- burg and Melbourne, were notified by
bassador to the United States, Sec- cable today that the experimental
retary of Labor James G. Davis and! stations, 2XAF, 32.77 meters and
others. 2XAD, 22 meters, would broadcast
Prince And Premier Represent Britain the addresses, which are scheduled to
At the ceremonies tomorrow the I begin at 3 p. m. eastern daylight time.
Prince of Wales and Premier Stan- Broadcasting - stations in London,
ley G. Baldwin will represent Great Johannesburg dnd Melbourne frequ-
Britain officially while Canada will be ently have rebroadcast programs put
represented by Premiers Mackenzie on the air by the two local short wave
King of the Dominion and G. Howard transmitters.



To Dedicate


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"How Animals and People Learn
s the title of the lecture to be de
ve'red at 5 o'clock Monday afternoo
r Natural Science auditorium b
'rof. John F. Shepard, of the Psycho
ogy department.
'McAndrews To Speak
Superintendent William McAndrew
! Chicago will address the Annua
anquet of the Educational clubs o:
ie School of Education which wil
ccur in the ballroom of the Unior
uesday evening, dinner being serv-
i at 6:30 o'clock. Superintenden
[cAndrew will also lecture or
Morrison and His Mastery" at 1
"lock the same day in the audito-
uum of the University high school.
"The Westward Expansion of Lib-
tries" is the title of the illustrated
:.ure to be delivered at 5 o'clock
uesday afternoon in Natural Science
iditorium by Prof. Francis L. D.
odrich, associate librarian.
Plays To Be Presented
Three one--act plays, "The Pot
oilers," "Cinderella Mari'ied," and
udge Lynch, will be presented at
o'clock Wednesday evening in Sar-
a Caswell Angell hall by the class in
te-act plays under the direction of
r. Lionel Crocker, of the Public
eaking department. Tickets may
obtained at the State street book-
Prof. Albert Hyma, of the History
partment, will lecture on the sub-
ct "The Puritans and the Pilgrim
thers" at 5 .o'clock Wednesday af-
noon in Natural Science auditori-
The last lecture of the Summer ses-
n series will occur at 5 o'clock
ursday afternoon when Mr. Robert
Hall, of the Geography department,
di speak on "Virgin Islands." The
Aure will be illustrated.
Yesterday's excursion to the
chigan state prison at Jackson was
joyed by more than 85 students,
cording to Mr. Carlton Wells, of
e Rhetoric department, director of
cursions. This trip was the last of
eres of eight. Mr. Wells said that
drove their own cars, the remaind-
goin in two special busses.
The state prison has 3,300 inmates,
number having tiebled within the
t 10 years. In the new part of
prison there are 1,200 prisoners.
e party first visited this building
iClh is being constructed almost
irely by prison labor. In the old
.son the excursionists saw the old
1 blocks, the recreation grounds,
dining hal, the granite shop;
.ere tombstones are made, and the
:tile mill in which twine and cloth
overalls are made,
Before leaving the party went to
s prison chapel where Chaplain
liam F, Hopp de4scibed a typical
y in the prisonr's life, explained
industrial system in use, and dis-
sed the prison generally.
the trip was over at 1 o'clock,
.he Detroit Automobile club has
ai*ed 40,212 signatures to peti-
as demandfn a referendum on the



Sacco-Vanzetti Counsel Files Peti-
tions In Three Courts And With1
Governor Fuller
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Aug. 6.-Moves to stay
the execution of Nicola Sacco and
Bartholomeo Vanzetti, whose respite
xnires c mn A ist 10. alnd to htain I

Announcement of an addition to the
Voice department of the School of
Music in the person of Miss May A.
Strong, of the Voice faculty of North-
western University, has just been
Miss Strong has studied at the In-

S , Istitute of Musical Art, New York, and
a new trial for them were made today was graduated from the American
by their counsel in three Massachu- Conservatory, Chicago. Her voice
setts courts and before Gov Alvan T. study has been largely done under
Fuller. A motion for a new trial and Theodore Harrison, Wilfred Klam-
roth, Grace Dudley Fenton, and Her-
a stay of execution was filed in the man De Vries. In theory she has
Norfolk county superior court at studied under Dr. Percy Goetshius,
Dedham, a petition for a stay was New York, and Adolf Weidig, Chicago.
filed at the governor's office, a peti- She won the W. W. Kimball prize
tion fcr a writ of habeas corpus was offered by the Chicago Madrigal club
filed with the State S-upremie court,for the best setting of the poem,
"May Comes Laughing." In 1926 shet
and a request for a stay was pre- was awarded the Mu Phi Epsilon prize
sented to a justice of the Supreme in composition, while this year she
ourt 'in Boston. won the Theodore Presser prize of
Monday at 10 o'clock was set as the ;ive hundred dollars. This last prize
time for a hearing on habeas corpus was offered for the best woman's
petitions. Governor Fuller, who was chorus of Alfred Noyes' poem, "Slum-
at his summer home in Rye Beach, ber Songs of the Madonna," with vio-
New Hampshire, sent'word to his sec- lin, piano, and cello accompaniment.
retary, Herman A. McDonald, that he This work was first performed at thel
would not act on the petition for a biennial convention of the Federa-
stay until Monday. tion of Music Clubs at Chicago, April'
Justice Edward T. Broadhurst of 23, 1927.
the superior court attherSuffolk Miss Strong has sung as a soloist'
coufnty court house told Arthur D. in the First Presbyterian Church,
l Hill, the counsel for the defense, that Chicago, and also at the K. A. M.
he was without authority to act on Temple, Chicago, under Wilhelm
the request that he grant a stay of Middelschulte.
execution and that the time for a She has been a member of the Voice.
hearing of the motion for a new trial faculty at Northwestern University
-was' impossible before a justice other since 1924.;
than Judge Webster Thayer who pre- f_-
sided at the original trial and who WHITNEY CHOSEN
refuses to grant a new trial on pre- OR ZOOLOGY POST
vious motion. FRbOOOG PS
Another development in the case A
A. G. Whitney, now a member of
came today when the 10,000 word re-I the staff of New York State College;
port of the advisory committee which F
GovenorFuler pponte toconuctof Forestry as assistant director of
Governor Fuller appointed to conduct Roosevelt .Wild Life Forest Experi-
an independent investigation of the m
case was released for publication in ment station, has been appointed as-
tomorrow morning's papers. In h sistant professor of forest zoology in
decision refusing clemency the gov the new school of forestry and con-
decisonresidnghctlecyte gov- servation, accrding to announcement
ernor said that the committee had of Herbert G. Watkins, assistant sec-
unanimously reached the conclusionretary of the University.
which agreed with his own-Mr. Whitney is a graduate of
The report summarizes the com- Dartmouth college and studied for-
mottee's conclusions as to the trial by estry at Yale university. He has had
saying: considerable experience with the'
"The committee has found no evi- biological survey and bureau ofl
dence sufficient to make them be-, fisheries.
lieve that the trial was unfair. On'
the contrary, they are of opinion that did, as they were instructed, well
the judge endeavored and endeavored and truly."
successfully to secure for the defend-! The committee was composed of'
ants a fair trial; that the district at- Presidtent A, Laurence Lowell, of Har-
torney was not in any way guilty, of vard university; President Samuel,
unprofessional behavior, and that he W. Stratton of the Massachusetts In-
conducted the prosetcution vigorously I stitute of Technology; and Robert
hnt noit mnrtrnni 1v+d thnf fh iuirv 10,-+ 4 1- - ---, 1,.4-. I

Thinks Another Naval Conference Is
Unlikely Unless Unforseen
Circumstances Arise
(By Associated Press)
RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 6.-Some-
where a new job is waiting for Presi-
(lent Coolidge. He hasn't the slight-
est idea what kind of a job it is, and
he isn't worrying himself much about
Some one has suggested to the
president that if his recent state-
ment declaring he did not choose to
run for re-election in 1928 really
meant his retirement from the White
House, he would need to be looking
around for something to do after
March 4, 1929, and Mr,. Coolidge em-
phasized that that was correct.
But he has let it be known that
work has never found any difficulty
in coming his way and he believes it
likely it will continue to find him
easily after he leaves the White
Doesn't Intend To Run
Thus the president has given
notice to the country that he has no
intention of running for another
term. For further emphasis it has
been said at the summer White House
that Mr. Coolidge will not call anoth-
er conference on, the limitation of
naval arm'aments because he believes
he wc'ud be out of office before such
a meeting could be convened, delibe-
rate and any treaty coming out of it
could be acted upon by the senate.
o. H. P. Shelley, former national
committeeman for Montana, professes'
to have additional evidence that the
president believes he will have served
ong enough by March, 1929. He said
dr. Coolidge told him there were plen-1
y of good men in the United States
o take his place.
"This is not a one-man country,"
Shelley quoted the president.
"There are plenty of good men in
he United States. Ten years is a
nighty long time for one man tot
;erve as president."
Asks Hin To Reconsider I
The Montanan,_who called Fridayt
vith Frank Hazlebaker, present na-
ional committeeman for Montana,
paid he had told the president thatb
is state regretted his announcement
end hoped he would reconsider. t
In letting it be known, however,
hat the president had at present no
lans for calling another naval ar-V
aament conference, it was pointed
ut at the summer White House thatt
uch a matter must necessarily be re-
arded as an open question.
It was said that some circumstancet
ot now foreseen, could arise which"
tight make another conference ad-h
sable, but at the present no such I
ircumstance exists.p
Summer school students are invited
y the Ann Arbor Rotary club to goD
ith them to the General Motors test-
g grounds, at Milford. The party a
ill leave Ann Arbor at 4 o'clock next l
Wednesday afternoon. Transporta- f
on can be furnished to a limited I
umber. Dinner will be served free h
f charge and all the entertainment f
ill be free.
For further information studentsr
re asked to call Mr. Carl M. Horn, d
37 E. Jefferson street, telephone


Pilot Restrains

From Seizing
Motor And

Plane's Second
Spare 'Parts


(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Aug. 6.-The great Farman
biplane "Bluebird," which Maurice
Drouhin abandoned for what he be-
lieved to be a quicker chance to get
across the Atlantic with the transat-
lantic monoplane "Columbia," today
was ready to take off at soon as the
weatherman gave permission. The
"Columbia" also groomed and, ready
for the flight, was paralyzed by' the
legal conflict between Drouhin and
Charles A. Levine.
The controversy between the owner
of the "Columiba" and the French
aviator led to a sharp discussion
among Levine's and Drouhin's friends,
and confidential adviser, M. Mathis,
this afternoon, when Levine accused
Mathis of making trouble, the
Frenchman retorted : "You didn't
talk that way when you begged me to
go and get Drouhin away from Far-
man. No one asked anything of you,
but to make good, that's all."
Levine's answer to this was an at-
tempt to get possession, of the "Co-
lumbia's" second motor and spare
parts shipped from the United States.
Workers had tools under the case and
were ready, to hoist it on a motor
truck, when Drouhin's lawyer, arriv-
ing in the nick of time, called a halt.
The lawyer informed the director of
the air unit in whose shed the
"Columbia" is housed that Drouhin
had a claim against the owner of the
motor and spare parts, as well as the
plane itself. He showed documents
in Drouhin's suit to compel Levine tof
ive up to the terms of what Drouhin
claims to be the contract fsr the ,
flight. Thereupon the doors of theE
shed were ordered closed.
Levine then called at the office of!
Drouhin's lawyer and was told that{
all that Drouhin wanted was that the
nsurance and forfeit fund of $300,000
francs (about $12,000) be deposited in
bank. Levine replied that he would
have to cable New 'York to arrange
or the transfer of the money. Both
ides then agreed to allow matters to
est as they are until Monday, en-'
deavoring in the meantime to frame a
contract satisfactory to both of them.

Stanley Baldwin
Who, with the Prince of Wales, will
represent England in the opening of,
the international Buffalo-Fort Erief
Peace bridgeA


Bombing Also Reportel In Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Buenos Aires,
And lonteviedo
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-The explosion
of two bombs last night wrecked two
subway stations, tied up for several
hours two main underground arteries
of Manhattan and injured a score of
persons, and provided police today
with a mystery as perplexing as any
they have ever tried 'to solve.
Hours after the explosion no trace
of the two bombs had been found and
although one man was under arrest
police vacillated between belief that
sympathizers with Nicola Sacco and
Bartholomeo Vanzetti, radicals await-
ing execution for murder in Boston,
had set (he bombs or that the bomb-
ing was the work of persons with a
grievance agai'ist the transit com-
pany, finaally switching to the latter.
Suspect Taken
Maurice Seitel, the man under ar-
rest, was taken into custody a few
rours after the explosion. A patrol-
man found him peering into a window
of St. Patrick's cathedral about a mile
north of the bombed station. He was
described as a Russian, 14 years in
America. A search of his room dis-
closed a newspaper photograph of a
bombing scene and a book, "The Life
History of a Traitor" This was a
story of a Russian spy.
Police said the book told of work-
ing in western harvest fields, and
he declared -he was not convinced
that Sacco and Vanzetti had a fair
trial and that he expressed himself
as opposed to capital punishment.
After a rigorous examination, Seitel
was held without bail on the charge
of being implicated with the bomb ex-
plosion, but William Ryan, assistant
district attorney, said he had no proof
that Seitel was guilty and had asked
that he be held~only as a precau-
Report :Denied
The New York Sacco-Vanzetti de-
fense have ridiculed the idea that
the bomb had been placed by friends
of the radicals.
"We have waged a peaceful strug-
gle for seven years," Rose Baron, se-
retary of the Sacco-Vanzetti commit-
tee said, "ud it is ridiculus to think
we would now resort to outrages."
The police belief in a Sacco-an-
zatti connection was fostered by re-
ports of bombing in'Baltimore, Pila-
delphia, buneos Aires, and Monte-
video, but they said that at no time
dd they have any proof. Shortly af-
tr a transit strike was settled seve-
r, days ago, a bomb" was found in
subway. Police declined to give in-
crmation regarding their switch to
he theory that persons with a griev-
nice against the trasit company had
placed the bomb.
Situations D'eserted
The bombs were placed in the 28th
treet station of the Manhattan' and
nterborough Rapid Transit comliany,
ne on Fourth avenue and the other
n Broadway. ' Neither is an express
stop, and just before midnight, the
our of the explosion, conditions are
iot usually crowded.
Assistant district attorney Ryan
aid that not a fragment of either
>mb had been found, and he at-
ributed this to the fact that the lab-
rers had been rushed to the stations

o clear the lines. Despite the police
heory, a strict guard was established'
on all transit lines. Commissioner
Warren cancelled all police vacations
and said that he would hold his force
of 14,000 men ready for emergency.
BALTIMORE, Aug. 6.-The home of
William F. Broening was dama :; at
6 a. m. today by a bomb, which terrifi-
ed his wife and two children, set fire
to the rear and rocked the exclusive
Forest Park section in the city's
northwest quarter. The mayor was



(By Associated Press)
American League
Detroit, 2;/Boston, 4.
St. Louis, 4-2; Philadelphia, 5-0.
Chicago, 6; New York, 3.
Cleveland, 3; Washington, 1.
National League
Boston, 1; St. Louis, 4.
New York, 9; Pittsburgh, 2.
Brooklyn, 2; Chicago, 4.
Philadelphia-Cincinnati, called

-Opines that thundershowers fol-


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