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August 06, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-06

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.. r.

been fired from the gun of pne of
it g a n I aButthese men had had what was at
everymorningxceptMonday'best a prejudiced verdict. The judge
every morning except Monday
University Summer Session by had plainly showed outside of the
n Control of Student Publica- y
court room that he was opposed to the4
:iated Press is exclusively en- men, and one of the jurrors was said
use for republication of all news!
edited tp it or not otherwise to have remarked that " Damn it, they
is paper and the local news pub-
ought to hang anyway'' on the basis
.t the Ann Abor, Michigan, of their radical political views rather
second class matter. than the possibility of their having
n by carrier, $x.5o; by mail, committed the crime. At this time,
ess Building, Maynard Street, however, the intense bitterness en-
DITORIAL F-- - gendered by the war began to break
DITORIAL STAFF down, and America began a return
Telephone 4925 to rationality, with the result that
NAGING EDITOR thousands of persons throughout the
irecr.....Paul J#. Kern nation became interested in the case.
r ..... Joseph E. Brunswick With the aid of these interested per-
iitor Marian L. Welles sons an investigation'was started and

The D. U. R. has contributed an idea
for the University's development. One
of those ideas that is fraught with
remarkable possibilities.
, * s
Like all great ideas, it was of the
sort that wouldn't be accepted com-
placently, and had- to have effective
demonstration to prove it. The
demonstration caused slight damage to
a local bank, but that cost was negli-
gent for such -an idea as this.
The proposition is to drive interurb-
an cars through the *Economics build-
ing, the oldlmuseum, the Law school,
U hall, Mason hall, South Wing, the
iold Physics building, Waterman gyan,
Barbour gym, the old Medic building,
and the old hospitals. Last spring
the method of trial by fire was used,
and the west wing of the old hospital
proved unworthy, but the shock of
such spectacles would be too great
for extensive use.
* * *



Huron River
Cedar St.

Rates by
the hour day
or season.


Night EditorsA
+ E. Davis H. K. Gakes, Jr.
m;. Sunderland Orville Dowzer
ert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell
. K. Lomason Mary Lister
. Heideman W. Harold May
Telephone 21214
ertising... . Ray Wachter
aunts ........John Ruswnckel
'. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
ch day of the year America turns
sands of immigrants from her
es. The appeal of the great land
iberty and prosperity, where all
free and equal makes a universal
al. When the Marxians were per-
ted i Germany, they repaied to
rica, when the earlier Puritans
Speisecuted in England, they
a to America, and wherever there
been persecution and suppression
t the people have turned their
: toward the great haven of free-
and justice.
Ith this remarkable hetage of
rality it is not the least surpris-
that Americi should be notably
'ant of all peoples. It is not bur-
ug that we have embodied in our
)nal code the irrefutable right to
speech, and It is not unbelievable
America today owes a large neas-
of her phenomenal success in
y line to this great and broid tol-
Ce; which has enabled Catholic
1rotestaut, Jew and- Gentile, radl-
nd conservative, t live side by
und pool their efforts to the com-
cause of a great nation.
n years ago, however, America
red a great ethough only momen-
revulsion of this policy. A great
which brought us closerl to the
idices and narrowness of contin-
SEurope, temporarily abrogated
f the rights for which our nation
previously stood. With this revul
came a corresponding terror of
ue holding radical political views,
during the period of the war and
eri d immediately following large
jers of persons were incarcerated
eported for the, views they held.
GermanMarxians, coming after
Voerld War, wofild probably have
deported, and the politicaly
ed thinkers who reached bur
w were in constant peril of crim-
was during this period, also, that
ejudice against foreigners, built
) some extent, no doubt, by the
ntration of persons of foreign
in some of our large industrial
rs and the resultant standards
ring, developed. Coupled with a
e wave of serious dimensions, and
.most insane terror of anarchist
iganda after the communist cata-
e a few years previously, the
;ner was in a precarious position
d In regard to his own peace and
re, and the nation that had prv-
r stood for the most tolerant1
of liberty; almost to the pointt
cence, suddenly contracted the
of its legal system and perse-l
passionately all who threatenedc
anquility of the nation.I
ing ithis time two foreigners hic
%chusetts, who were known for

political interest and their whole--
ed desire for political change,-
brought into the courts of that
on a charge of murder. Any-
like a fair trial for the men was
e at the time, since they excitedj
noblest passions of patriotic
ca by being both foreign andf
hist. They were convicted in the
on three bases; first thatitheya
d "consciousness of guilt," sec-1
hat they could be identified by g
ises, and third that the bullet' t

a number of facts were revealed.
In the first place it was revealed
that the "consciousness of guilt" of
the prisoners was in all probability
due to the fear of prosecution for their
radical political views. Then it was
disclosed that the persons who had
claimed to identify Sacco and Vanzetti
were not nearly so sure of their iden-
tification as they had been when testi-
fying in an anti-foreign and anti-
anarchist court. It was -disclosed that
dozens of witnesses could be found
who placed the men in other places,
and only recently the attache at the
Italian consulate in Boston, where
Sacco claimed to have been the day of
the murder, stated that he remember-
Ied Sacco as ;being there. Then, fin-'
ally, when called to account, the fire-
arms expert of the state's prosecution
declared that though the fatal bullet
could have been fired from Sacco's
gun it was his opinion that it was not,
Thus the case of the state broke
down. Each ,of the three bases upon
which the conviction had been gained
were shattered, and in addition to this
Irregular practices were uncovered in
several Instances of the case. Then
tw climaxing facts came to light. It
was disclosed that the United States
Department of Justice had aided in the
fight {to convict the men, supposedly,
not because they were guilty of mur-
der but because they we1'e anarchists
that. the Department of Justice was
anxious to have out of the way; and
as a final disclosure a confession by a
convicted murderer, Madeiros, actually
cleared the two men.
With these facts the conscience of
the nation, which had, had time to fo-
get the post-war anti-foreign and
anti-anarchist prejudice was aroused
to action. 'When Judge Thayer, the
same conservative man who had pre-
sided when the two foreigners were
convicted, refused tliem a new trial
public opinion flamed throughout the
world. It was no longer America
alone that pleaded for liberty and
justice, it was mankind in general,
and Governor Alvan Fuller of Massa-
phusetts was forced to call a special
committee to investigate.
Any hope that this committee
would 'attempt to be just was blasted,
however, when it was discovered that
the three members whom Governor
Fuller had appointed were as con-
servative and reactionary as any three
members could be. it was somewhat
in the nature of appointing an entirely
Republican committee to investigate
the expenditures of the Democratic
party, an the' result, as might have
been expected, was a !confirmation of
the conviction.
How any man with the evidence be-
fore him, as Governor Fuller had the
evidence before him, could conscient-
iously sustain a conviction is rather
difficult to understand. It is quite
obvious that the attitude of the com-
mittee disregarded 'the jcardlnal prin-
ciple that a 'man is innocent unless
proved guilty to substitute the oppos-
ite theory that Sacco and Vanzetti are
guilty unless proved inno.ocent. The
outcome is a grim denial of the idea
that America encourages freedom of
thought and speech, and rather reeks
with the theory that America does not
dare to tolerate divergen.ce of opinion;
and that the political be liefs of a man
may be held against hirn in the crim-
inal courts
There is no such th.ng as liberty,
either personally or nationally, as
long as men die for the political views'
they hold.' The execution of Sacco
and Vanzetti, in the f.ace of' the belief
by thousands that they are innocent
of the murder, will be a blow to
American principles and the principles
of liberty and justice for which

America stood which may coat our
nation her place of leaderhip :In the
onward march of civilization.
If we are going to be 'readtlonaryf
and narrow; if we are go 4ng to deny
justice on the basis of poi ltical opin.
Ion; if we are going to sacrIfice the
principles upon which the -nation was
founded; then let us do I t openly and
with full realization of t:e course we
are pursuing. If we are going to deny
justice and freedom on political'
grounds,"however, let us, not continue
o labor under that grey test of Amerl.


State Street

The American way
for a gloriow
lOw-cost trito .ur p


. =-= '_



By runming freight cars through
buildings, you can evidently wreck
them completely and expeditiously.
There might be some difficulty in the
process since the tracks don't run
quite'all over the campus, but it might
be worked anyway. Too bad there
will be no student cars to use instead
of interurbans.
* * *
It would provide a use for the old
car tracks around the campus, which
we understood were to be torn up a
yearaftertthe car line was abolished.
That was three years ago.
t t .*
A good car, heavily loaded, could
start at Jackson, and by working up
momentum throughout that whole trip
might come up William street, starting
out independently where the tracks
turn-onto, State street.
It could go through the Law school
easily, make a right turn and go
through Mason hall, U. hall, South
Wing, and the Zoology museum.
* * *
In order to prolong the interest of
the affair, a week could be' spent
cleaning -up debris there, and then a
second car could cut through the same
place and meander around through the
Ec building and the West Physi(
building. A third could handle the old
Medic building and Waterman gym.
* * *
As to the hospital, the mere fact of
its being located on a hill wouldn't
matter. The D. U. R. cars must have
gone up that Huron street hill from
the tracks to Main street without eve
slowing up. A freight train from the
M. C. could run up the hill, clean up
the hospitals, and take out a lot of old
houses in the neighborhood besides.
* * *



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Last year thousands of students trav-
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bookings. For these ships are your ships, owned and
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Americans. Clean, airy staterooms, inviting public
rooms, the best of food, exclusive deck space and
daily concerts all contribute to a delightful voyage.
Get all the facts now from your local steamship
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illustrated literature. Make reservations well in

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Then the only thing left
to replace the buildings.
matter, at that.

would be
A simple

* * *
Probably the most common saying in
Ann Arbor yesterday was "Gosh, I'd
like to have seen it." For the benefit
of those who wondered what sort of a
sensation it would be, we publish the
following actual photograph of the
traffic cop at Main and Huron when
the' cars came up the hill. (The fact
that they don't have traffic cops is a
mere insignificent detail.) ,
J /
It seems that there were some men
eating lunch in a ° restaurant next door
to the bank yesterday when the cars
came in, for their early morning coffee.
According to our staff correspondent
on the field, they thought the world
was coming to an end.
* * *
Apparently the really accident proof
part of the bank was the front vesti-
bule., It stayed in tact, and the glass
on the front doors wasn't even cracked.
All of which makes it nice for col-
umnists. Ann Arbor in the summer
time is a hard place to find material
to write about. Next week we won't
have to worry though. We'll have the
regular spectacle of the end of a se-
mester-poor misled souls trying to
learn a whole course in one day before
the finals. Than which nothing is
funnier. We know. We'll have to do
it ourselves or not learn them at all.

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