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,0- Excursioij to State.
ris on.
A and :5"TteComedy,
if Errors."
IAi ti
III, No. 36
Rockford Players Prc
Of Errors" As Fina
A Review, by
Two more performances of "The)
Comedy of Errors," and the Rockford
esent "The Comedy
I Summer Producti n,
Jack Davis
First Play" two weeks ago, is un-
speakably sweet in "The Comedy of
(By Associated Press)
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 5.-Seven
ty-one leading airplane manufactur
ers and pilots have applied for en
try blanks for the air derbies from
N,,w York to Spokane and San Fran
cisco to Spokane next month. Walter
Evans, president of the National Der
by Association, said today he expected
this number to be doubled.
t- i
ipling Fails To Hold After Train
Is Split To Make The Grade
On West Huron
'our runaway freight cars of De-
it, Jackson, and Chicago: railway
nolished the Farmers and Me-
nics bank structure at the corner
Huron and Main early yesterday
ring after a 5' mile an hour dash
rn the tracks from the Washtenaw
.nty fair grounds. Fern Garn; con-
tor of the train, was the only one
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-Bert Acosta
pilot of Commander Richard E. Byrd's
transatlantic monoplane America and
joint holder of the world's airplane
endurance record, has entered the
National Air Derby. Acosta will fly
a Class A, designed for planes carry-
ing two or more passengers. His
companions will be Thomas Mulroy
chief engineer of Byrd's North Pole
expedition and transatlantic flight,
and Charles McLean, New York
ost of the debris had been re-
ved by yesterday afternoon and
ik officials had engaged an archi-
t and were already working on
plans of a new structure to be
eted in the same location. At the
sent time the bank is conducting
iness in the Cornell building and
thefir State Street branch offide.
Coupling Fails To Hold
'he complete train, which was
nd for Jackson, had been split in
er to make the heavy grade after
tnd View drive. The first section
I been taken up the hill, and the
torman had returned for the sec-
l secti6n. In the impact of coupl-
this section was driven back to-.
rds Ann Arbor; the coupling
ed to hold and the section was sent
hing down the grade. The motor
n purzued the runaway cars at the
e of 60 miles an hour but failed
catch them.
he shock of the crash was first
ught by patrons of the different
aurents and buildings about the
k to be an eartlhquarke. Large
ids of dust were raised, and brick
stone sent flying. A 'crowd
ekly gathered, and the entire forcet
ity police were summoned to keep
er. The fire department was also
ed out.
Wreckers Clear Debrisf
rreckiag men '*of the Detroit7
ted L:nes, of whch the D. J. & C.
a divisicn were upon the scene
.y. The accident itself happenedt
ut one o'clock. Traffic was re-
ted a ound the Main and Huront
intersectioni immediately after3
crash and the danger zone Was
d off, the huge crowd of spectatorsc
.g kept at a safe distance from
ging cornices and the one remain-
wall. The police traffic signal was
. from its hangings, white a pole
street light standard were broken1
Every available police officer was1
luty soon after the crash, and thel
ce were aided by~nembers of ther
embers of the freight train crew,h
,dditicn to the injured conductor,c
e Sherman Beery, motorman, andI
rles Harvey, brakeman, both of
:son., Neither of these men weret
itrd the four runaway cars when1
startled their dash.
red T. Stowe, cashier of tie bank,
miated tc iay that $53,000 will cov-
he bank's loss, the-cost of replace-
.t to b brne by the rai'way com-
y, according to Mr. Stowe, who
railway officials had agreed to
ime the exIne . 't is understoodi
rails ay is covered by liability
.rance. Ivan Cuthbert, an archi--t
was on the scene early this,.
-ing and declared the portion re-}
ning must be razed, as no part.
he old str'ucture can be utilized inr
Professor Case Finds
Large Phytosmw
Returning after a five weeks trip
in Western Kansas, Oklahoma, and
Texas, Prof. E. C. Case of the geoulogy
department brought back approximate-
ly 500 specimens of vertebrate forms,
notably the skull of a large phyto-
saur, nearly five feet long, and weigh-
ing 410 pounds when packed for
shipping. The discovery of this skull,
according to Professor Case, "adds
a'9ther extremely valuable specimen
to the geology museum, which al-
ready has the best collection of Tri-
assic vertebrate material in North
America." .
With Professor Case on the trip
were W. H. Buettner, preparateur in
P'eontoiogy, and Donald A. Holm,
grad. They went first to western
Kan:;as, where a colletcion of fish
material was found in Cretaceous
eiLal_ ,1s, icluding parts of the
skull and vertebral column of a large
fish, Portheus, nearly as large as a
modern Tarpon.
From there the party went to,
western Oklahoma, where Professor
Case had a three day field conference
with F. N. Bullard, of the Universi-
ty of Texas, who will be here next
year as a candidate for the doctor's
degree. . Following that they traveled
down the east side of the Staked]
Plains examining Triassic beds. At
Spur, Texas, they were for three days
in Triassic beds from which previousl
expeditions haye brought many good1
bones. This summer's expeditiona
brought back small specimen which
Prelessor Cas says is an entirely
new form. :
From Spur the party went to Big .
Springs, Texas, near where are lo-
cated Triassic deposits not previous-
ly searched. Here was obtained the
giant Phytosaur skull. Following
this the Permian beds of Archer and
Baylor counties in Texas were visited,
whore a considerable number of speci-
mens were found, 4prticularly two
lish of an uncommon variety.
(By Associated Press)
FLINT, Aug. 5.-John Dawson, of
Chicago, won the Flint country club
invitational golf tournaent this after-
noon by defeating Johnnie Malloy of
Ann Arbor, state amateur champion,
5 and 3. First prize was a Chevro-
let roadster, which Dawson will drive
home tomorrow.
Dawson was 2 up at the finish of
the morning round of 18.holes. While
Malloy squared the match and was
one up twice in the afternoon, he
was never able to equalize the morn-
ing advantage of his opponent.
Dawson broke high in the morn-
ing with a 70, two under even figures,
and Malloy was equal with par. They
played out the 18th in the afternoon
when fDawson had a chnce for 70,
buit he failed by taking a six on the
n Players make their last summer bow Errors." If she were to' leave the
- to Ann Arbor. It is an excellent bow Rockford Players, the loss would be
r -a gesture heralding the fusion of pretty nearly irreparable. Helen
- Shakespeare and a three ring circus, Hughes as Lesbia, the pretty lady
d combining (as did the Morning- of the tavern, is ravishing-no less;
fEvening-Evening-Morning of "Beg- dnd she does her very best acting.
gar on Horseback") the best features Words Of Dispraise
, of each. One fault is outstanding; the ten-
s After all, "The Comedy of Errors" dency of most of the players either
1 is a naive title. Let us suppose to speak their 'lines too rapidly, too
(throwing caution and scholarship trippingly on the tongue, or else to
madly to the four winds) that- Shakes- mouth them. And in view of what
peare dwhed off this farce on a hurry- Hamlet said about having the town
- up order and found it pretty dull. crier speak his lines, I think Shakes-
. Hardly worth a name, but it had to peare would disapprove. Understand-
be called something. Well, it was a ing is difficult enough because of the
comedy, and had lots of mistakes- unfamiliarity of audiences and play-
that is, errors-hence, for want of ers with blank verse, and the occas-
something better, "The Comedy of sional interpolated blasts of St. Louis
Errors." Blues; more effort should be made
Here's Metamorphosis! at enunciation.
There isn't much doubt that without I Another thing;. perhaps she will
the wild unrestrained imagination of change or has changed already; but
.Robert Henderson and company, and the appearance earlier in the week of
the exceeding sartorial ingenuity of Frances hIorine, a nun, in silk hose
Frances Horine and Helen Hughes, and spiked heels is unconvincing event
hnd the jazz motif, the production for farce. ,
would have had Ann Arbor audiences And that's that. There's no doubt
fidgeting (or sleeping) in their seats about it; the Rockford Players havej
before the end of the first act. (The improved steadily through their sum-a
program calls it a prologue.) mer run here. They should comet
The Bard of Avon-save his rev- back next year, but with better plays
erence-would never have forgiven- than such sorry offerings as "Thed
nor can I-the insolence' of calling; Butter and Egg Man," "Cradle Santch- c
this play "Shakespeare's Riotous ers," and "Pigs." On the other hand,r
Rhapsody in Blue." It isn't a rhap- while I think the company's most am-
sody and it isn't blue; and, in spite bitious attempt-and well done, tooa
of a couple of short and lusty quar- -was "Hedda Gabler," I fear thate
rels, it doesn't turn out to be a riot. Ann Arbor summer playgoers aren'ts
But it is, as presented in Sarah Cas- up to Ibsen. They fieted and cough-e
well Angell hall, a most colorful and ed and whispered and stamped and -
entertaining production. tittered and crumpled paper disgrace-
And most remarkable. When Bob fully through som of the tensest ti
Wetzel, aged and bearded beyond parts of the tragedy. Of course thep
recognition since his appearance in weather was warm, and perhaps Iu
"Hedda Gabler" last week declaims in am churlish. . . t;
a noble and senile quaver, "HopelessJ An Ultimate Plea
and helpless doth Ageon wend but If Rockford Players do come back,E
to procrastinate his lifeless end," and they should in the name of all thats
the curtain wanders down, and Bob is fitting and aesthetic find smeh
Carson's saxophone suddenly wails out! scene of action besides Sarah- Caswellt
the opening strains of St. Louis Angell hall. This is without doubtn
Blues-then one begins to feel that the most abominable place availablev
something new is about to happen -both from actors' and audiences'n
under the sun. standpoint-for the staging o any
Words Of Praise play in Ann Arbor. True, it is do-c
And it does happen. I like to think nated and so acceptable for the
of Shakespeare atteding the per- Women's League; but herein is ae
formance last night, and being con- most unfortunate paradox: 4 thep
vulsed at his own farce for the first League, while promoting art throughf
time. My favorite clowns, now, are the Rockfo'rd Players, likewise ob- t
the well known grave diggers in structs art in its birthplace.a
"Hamlet;" but they're hopelessly And so the curtain drops, and I,
stodgy and dull besides the Dromios having growled, am done.c
of Robert Henderson and William --_
Bishop, and the permanently in- BASEBALL SCORES
ebriated officers of Harold May. They l1
have all worked up the .most' ludic- American Leagueb
rous piece of stage business of their I Detroit, 2; New York, 5.h
own, which, drawing guffaws in the Cleveland-Philadelphia-Rain. f
midst of more serious scense, all to Chicago, 1; Boston, 4. d
the Ringling Brothers-Barnum and St. Louis, 8; Washington, 17.
Bailey effect. National League f
I must a little more of encomium, Brooklyn, 5; St. Louis, 2.
and then a growl or two, and so I'm New York, 0; Cincinnati, 3. {
done. Amy bomis, who showed new Philadelphia, 9; Pittsburgh, 7. h
excellent powers of acting in "Fanny's Boston, 2; Chicago, 5. I
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-Tex RickardI FOR 0E.Y TO
today took out $100,000 insurance on
both Gene Tunney and Jack Demp-
sey to cover any mishap that might
prevent either fighter from entering to ovrAnymiha-tatmihtiU L
the ring for the world's heavyweight EXAT NOTMAT E KO WNPR
title match in Chicago Sept. 22. COUNSEL
Premiums on the policies, arranged
through Lloyd's of London, amount- FOUR COURSES ARE
ed to $8,000, Rickard disclosed.hu
4Appeabs Through County, 11
Circuit, Or Supreme ConI
Are Considered
F HR R(By Associated Presc?
BOSTON, Aug. .5.--The lega
By. GERMAN AVIATORScedure by which counsel for
- Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
l lnfldnd p f it t ininm ' lr- N-, l nrk _
;i hi
Flight After Plane Remains
In Air 52 Hours
f (By Associated Press)
DESSAU, Germany, Aug. 5.---Voic-
ing jubilent confidence that they will
succeed in flying from Germany to
New York, Cornelius Edzard and
Johann Risticz landed this morning
after an airplane flight which broke
the world's record for duration.
Taking off at 5:50 o'clock Wednes-
day morning the German flyers
donned their Junker W33 plane re-
mained aloof until 10:13 o'clock this
morning, flying 52 hours 23 minutes
and 8 seconds, and breaking the form-
er record of 51 hours, 11 minutes, 25
seconds held by Clarence D. Chamb-
erlin and Bert Acosta..
The long flight left no doubt in
the minds of the pilots and officials of
the Junker's airplane works that the 1
proposed two plane flight to America
will succeed. There are indications
that a start is planned for Monday.
"I'm sure we'll make it," remarked
Edzard before retiring for a long
sleep after the endurance 'flight. "We
have ,fuel enough for traveling fifty-
two hours flight this time, and we
might have taken 660 pounds more,
which would have enabled us to fly
more than 60 hours. Even with con-
stantly unfavorable winds, the ocean
can be crossed in that -time."
Although the official records of the
endurance flight have not yet been
proclaimed by the German Air Con-
ference, no doubt is felt here that
the time will be recognized, as well
as the distance of 6,040 kilometers
covered, equivalent, to 3,750 miles, not
counting about 850 kilometers cover-
ed in searching about the Dessau
flying field. The flight broke the dis-
tance record of 4,400 kilometers held
by the French flyers Matrice Drou-
hin, who used a Farman biplane.
Messages sent out by the aviators
during the long flight indicated they
were in cheerful mood,, and just be-'
ore they landed they gave brilliant
evidence of good humor by dropping
part of their sandwich supply for the
faithful gathering which had stood a
ong vigil to welcoie them.
to stay their execution now set for
s'ome time after next Wednesday
night, was being formulated today,
but the exact steps remained shroud-
ed in mystery in the absence of a de-
finite statement from Arthur D. Hil,
who has been engaged to continue the
1 fght for freedom for the two inter-
naionally known radicals.
Hill was closeted in his office most
of the day with a number of men who
have been identified with the case.
These includedt Prof. Felix Frank-
furter, of Harvard;- Herbert Ehrmann,
associate of William G. Hampton, who
resigned yesterday as counsel for the
condemned men; and Atty. Muzmanno,
of Pittsburgh, who is now working
with the Sacco-Vanzetti defense com-
Attorney Hill Prepares Petition
During the day Attorney Hill called
in Francis B. Sayre, of the Harvard
law school who remained with him
the greater part of the afternoon.
Sayre, son-in-law of the late Presi-
dent Wilson, told newspaper men he
believed legal action would be taken
in the United States district court in
B While Attorney Hill remained silent
on his probable course of action, the
defense committee, through Attorney
Muzmanno, defluitely annouced that
counsel for the condemned men\ would
go before ,a justice in the Norfolk
county superior criminal court at
Dedham tomorrow, and ask for a new
trial on the grounds of newly discov-
ered evidence.
Attorney Muzmanno said that 1fill
was preparing the petition. The al-
leged new evidence is the discovery
made in the course of Governor Ful-
ler'sinvestigation of the case of an
American Eixpress company receipt
for -a barrel of live eels. The eels
were shipped from Boston to Vanzetti
in Plymouth on December 20th, 1919,
four days before the day of an at-
tempted holdup in ;Bridgewater of
which he was convicted and sentene
ed to state prison for twelve to 15
years. It was the defense commit-
tee's contention that the eels were
delayed in reaching Vanzetti, and
that on the day of the holdup le was
marketing theme in Plymouth.
Alibi Witnesses Offered
The defense offers alibi witnesses
to testify that they bought eels of
Vanzetti on the day in. question.
Similar testimony was offered in his
later tajl with Sacco for the Brain-
tre, payroll murders on conviction of
wh:wh both men now face the electric
clrztr. ,,Iow tie committee hopes to
Byrd Chooses Norwegian Whaling Vessel, "World's Queerest
Ship" For His Expedition ToAntartic And South Pole Flight,
Te a h e N~anI
- .linkl the, express receipt with the mur-
.~.. ~ de: case w~as not explained in the
',S~~$SS9. It wsp'6inted out by the, defense
~. ~ committee today that four courses
- r .f:;L, :.r .:...".'-:"of legal procedure remained open, all
of which involve, customarily, a stay
, .. ::.:: . . ;of execution.
- The first is the appeal to the Nor-
- folk county court, which has been in-
(heated for tomorrow. The second
Iwould lbe an appeal to the United
States district court here for a writ
of Habeas Corpus, or a writ of error;
failing that an appeal to the Federal
circuit Court of Appeals; and as a
latrsoiL an- appeal to a justice of
the United States Supreme Court.
All Federal appeals mulst be on
Habeas Corpus or writ of error pro-
ceeding, inasmuch as legislation-
The Nor wegnan whale ship C. A . Larsei, described as "the world's q ueerest ship in appearance"' has been passed in 1916 forbids appeal for a-
selected by Commander Richard El. Byrd for his expedition to the An tartic and flight over the south pole. new trial unless taken within three
The start has been scheduled for 0 ctober 20, from Los Angeles. The p hoto shows the Larsen in Los An- moniths of the entry of the decree 'of
geles harbor. The entire bow open s so the captured whales are admit ted bodily into the interior. which comnnlalnt is mada