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August 05, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-05

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ffi rhi l The administration of the enforce-
ment of the prohibition amendment B
Published every morning except Monday TO 1 BE TRIED
during the University Summer Session by has changed again, and with the FOR
the Board in Control of Student Pubhca change in personnel there has come MUR)ER
The Associated Press is exclusively en- another change in policy, this time Judge Webster Thayer
titled to the use for republication of all news AvnFle
dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise to make the force more human and Governor Alvan Fuller
credited in this paper and the local news pub- sympathetic, to eliminate the "quick
lisped herein. .p e, .i t "quick
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, trigger" men and to safeguard the in- Due merely to a legal tecnicality
ostoffice as second class matter. terests of that very worthy element tie case charging murder against
Subscription by carrier, $50; by mail, ety-the bootleggerThayer and Fuller has been moved
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, It rather spoils this magnanimous from the courts of law to the courts
Ani ressBuildhigngMyad.resceyt' otegr
Ann Arbor, Michigan. - policy, however, to hoer repeated ta of the American public. The trial
EDITORIAL STAFF of thoughtless bandits. For instance has already commenced, and the two
Telephone 4925 there is the case of the two .gentlemen defendants are accused of the brutal
PHILIP C. BROOKS who held up a Detroit restaurant just murder of Nicola Sacco and Brtolo-
Editorial Director,......Paul J. Kern the other day, and one of them be- meo Vanzetti. Both of the alleged
City Editor. Joseph E. Brunswick came nervous and shot to death a cit- murderers are able to speak the En-
Feature Editor..Marian L. Welles ; izen in cold blood. He wasx a "quick glish language, it is claimed, and
Night Editors trigger" man, of course, and such neither is guilty of radical leanings
John E. Davis R. K. Oakes, Jr. things are regrettable, but neverthe- politically. This ivould have been in
T. E. Sunderland Orville Dowzer less the poor nervous wrecks who their favor if they had stood trial in
Reporters commit these crimes ought to be safe- the Massachusetts courts.
Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell guarded. * * *
Win. K. Lomason Mary Lister
Bert HeLdeman W.arold May Perhaps a little co-operation from FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF 1US-
. y the previously thoughtless criminals , TICE WILL NOT AID IN TRIAL
BUSINESS STAFF and bootleggers would be a wise thing The United States Department of
Telephone 21214 to demand first. Maybe if we should Justice will not aid in the trial of
BUSINESS MANAGER post signs in all government buildings the two defendents on the murder
LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL that bootleggers would please take t crarge, it has been stated, because
Advertising............Ray Wachter notice to the effect that nofederal of- neither of them are anarchists. If
Accounts ........... John Ruswinckel ficers will be allowed to shoot in the the Department of so-called Justice
Assistants future until killed, and that the boot- had aided, it is. explained, the fact
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar leggers would be expected to do like- would have been kept secret, because
G. W. Platt wise out of a sense of sheer sports- the federal government does not dare
______________- - manship, the difficulty could be met.
Night Editor-T. E. SUNDERLAND he ne prohibion director ough to allow its citizensto think that it
FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927 be extremely popular with the lawless because they were radical politically.
---- --- elements, as all prohibition directors e
should be, and that will facilitate en-
- - shforcement, or at least make feelings MURDERERS ARE IDENTIFIED
$10,000 AND THE UNFINISHED I less hard when enforcement is prac- Several thousand persons have iden-
SYMPHONY tised at rare intervals. tifled Thayer and Fuller as the men
American commercialism has reach- The sportsmanlike attitude of the who fired the fatal shots. Several
ed singular heights of effrontery be- new* director will reduce bootlegging hundred have identified them also as
fore, but never until the present time fatalities to a minimum-that is, the the men who flew to Paris with Colo-
has the American dollar come into the fatalities among bootleggers. The na- nel Lindbergh, and though there is
limelight as. a substitute for the great- tional bootlegging association will no a large number who deny even that
ness of Shubert. Now, however, the doubt erect a monument to this first Lindbergh had a companion. in the
uncrowned king of the world, the gold prohibition director who respected trip, this fact will not weigh li the
dollar, has entered a new field, the their rights, and perhaps he can be Massachusetts courts............
. .., .a . . - - - - - - - --1* * *

- -
4 1 A f Jii~ 1KL)-(--iiaiit 11
- Dancing Nightl. except Mondays. Sunday Matinees 3 to 6
McKinney's COTTON PICKERS Orchestra
On (rad River niear Brighton . aManagement of Jean Goldkette Inc.
1111!1||111111|11111111llillilillilin ililiu"B un "B" 9 9r



State Street
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This is the nameplate that
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built gasoline and oil
equipment for filling sta-
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tems for storing oils in
industry; on lubrication
and filtration systems for
prime movers and driven

A Sautomobiles increase,
better gasoline and oil
service will be essential.
What has been done by
rule-of-thumb will be done
Already there has been great
progress-but that is rela-
tively nothing, compared
with what is to be.
In this, Bowser will lead - and
those who are with Bowser
will grow accordingly

field of art, and an American concern
has offered a prize of $10,000 to the
person who can complete Shubert's
unfinished symphony.
To the more artistically minded the
announcement will come as revolting
sacrilege, and perhaps a society of
these persons will be formed for the
defense of the great epic of music.
What an American composer at his
best could do to that masterful sym-
phony is horrible to conceive, and
what may happen if the prize should
fall to some jazz artist becomes so1
pathetic as to be luricrous. The whole
situation contains a note of the dram-
atic, however, which is rather match-
less and striking; it multiplies the
overwhelming tragedy of Shubert's
life with the grim irony that $10,000
should be offered merely for an at-
tempted conclusion to his unfinished
What the poor, half strayed, strug-
gling composer could have done with
this vast sum of money is grim to
contemplate. If Shubert had known,
in his humble quarters, that some day
there would be offered more money
than he or half of the rich persons
of Vienna had ever seen in their life-
times, just for a conclusion to one
of his compositions, the great artist
would probably have fainted in his
chair, and pricked himself to see if
he wasconscious. He would no doubt
have staged an immediate feast for all
hiis fellow composers, and celebrated
the sudden acquisition of tremendous
wealth with suitable rites. Maybe he
would have been inspired to a great
epic composition-the Dollar Sym-
phony-which he would have finished,
and thereby American commercialism
could have achieved another victory.
But Shubert is gone. Not all the
wealth of Croesus or the billions that
America can offer will be able to bring
him back, and the unfinished sym-~
phony is unfinished and will remain
unfinished, because Shubert can
never be resurrected to complete it.
The great heart andtthe vibrating soul
that conceived that great piece of
music have ceased to beat, annd Shu-
bert only lives in the pathos and
heartache of the symphonies he com-
posed. To attempt to complete by a
less sacred hand thistcomposition, that
must needs defy all but the hand of
Shubert himself for completion, is
ridiculous and absurd, and an insult
to the supposed intelligence of the
American people. There are some
things $10,000 can buy, such as a first
rate movie scenario or a slushy pop-
ular piece of musig bUt there a
other things that $10,000 can not buy,
and the master hand of the great
genius S'hubert is one of them. We
might as well try to nickle plate the
pyramids, or whitewash Mt. Blanc, as
to try to complete that which Shubert
himself could not complete. And just
as surely as there will never be an-
other Shubert the Unfinished Sym-
phony will not be ccompleted, and
there will not be another Unfinished
Symphony, 10,000 American dollars to
the contrary notwithstanding.

made honorary president of te a
tional bootleggers chamber of com- 1 GUN EXPERT IDENTIFIES
merce. He certainly ought to come WEAPONS
in under the provisions of the boot- The gun expert employed by the
leggers retirement fund, and without state has said that the weapons of
a doubt the national association of Thayer and Fuller might have killed
liquor smugglers will remember him Sacco and Vanzetti. Later when
adequately in a fiscal way even before questioned he said he knows that
his retirement. - these weapons did not, but this later
It is men like the new director, denial will have no bearing on the
moreover, who prevent enforcement case according to the precedent of
from being a farce, and make it the the Massachusetts courts.
fearful thing it is to the lawless. It * * *


degrees Superlative in quality,
the world-famous
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dozen Plain ends, per doz. $1.00
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- v .

is men like Lowman who will standI
behind their enforcement officers
when they shoot a bootlegger and
tenderly discharge the officers from
the force for undue rigidity. America
can expect a period of very wholesome
enforcement, the first step of which
will be to replace the dangerous
weapons of the enforcement officers
with pea shooters and pop guns in
order to render them harmless.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
ronfidential upon request.
To the Editor:
With the exception of the comment
published in The Daily years ago fol-
lowing Northwestern's defeat of Michi-
gan in football, the Summer Daily this
year has published the best editorials
written by students the Michigan
campus has seen since the spring of
1923 when the unmentionable G. D
Eaton's "Tempest" raged.
The editors of the 1927 Summer
Daily are to be congratulated on the
uniform excellence of the editorial
page. Your comments, as in the case
of the one on Dean Clark, are occas-
ionally unjust, and formed with too
little consideration, but at least they
are sprightly pertinent, and free from1
the lethargic results of an over-use of
the rubber stamp.
Particularly to be commended are
your criticisms of the obsecenities
perpetrated by the czars of the cin-
ema, the mandarins of the motion pic-
ture. The monopolies done away with
by the Sherman Anti-Trust act at least
offered the people 'of the country de-
pendable products, but the monopoly
existing at present in the amusement
field has put on the market entertain-
ment that is cheap, tawdry and dis-
gusting, and has attempted to drive
I away worth while attractions of the
spoken stage.
The Summer Daily's editors, in their
successful efforts to publish a reason-
able and intelligent newspaper, have,
I am sure, received slight encourage-
ment and less praise. The apathy of
the elderly grade-getting, degree-chas-
ing summer student, his or her indiff-
,erence to such campus activities as are
continued during the summer session,
is well known. And the purpose of
this letter is to call to the attention
of these benighted souls the fact that
not all he worth-while things at Mich-
igan are accomplished in the class
.A W.IR.B. '26.

The prisoners when arraigned
showed a marked "Consciousness of
Guilt," the prosecuting attorney
states. The fact thamt they are both
literate and familiar with the courts
of law precludes any possibility of
this "consciousness" being attributed
t: fear, as was so successfully claim-
ed recently in the Sacco-Vauzetti
* * *
At the last, moment a confession
has cleared Thayer and Fuller of all
guilt in the crime. They will be ex-
ecuted for the murder anyway, it was
anounced, because that is the way
that things are done in the Massa-
chusetts courts. The man who con-
fessed will also be executed. This
will remove possible embarrassment.
Several inmates of the Massachu-
setts insane asylum reported seeing
witches recently. The inmates have
been appointed as an impartial com-
mittee by Governor Fuller to investi-
gate and report to Governor Fuller.
It is regarded as certain that the com-
mittee of insane will agree with the
* * *
Massachusetts has decided to set-
tle the crime problem for once and
all be executing immediately all non-
Republicans in the state. Unortho-
dox persons politically constitute a
real menace to society, it is reasoned.
This is how the United States was
started, for instance, by such unor-
thodoxy. The proposal has the com-
plete concurrence of Governor Ful-
ler, and the execution fo all non-Re-
publicans will begin August 10 and
last until it reaches the lower strata
of society, when Governor Fuller will
also feel the axe.
Where is the spirit that staged the
Boston tea party, manned Bunker
Hill, and blocked the road to Con-
Awaiting execution in the Massa-
chusetts state penitentiary.

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If you don't yet know Camel
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from a cigarette. Have a Camel!



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