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October 11, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-11

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onight: Mostly clear, low
the 50s.
omorrow: Mostly sunnyand
arm, high in the 70s.

One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom


October 11, 1995

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sources say
be due
rom Daily Wire Services
HYDER, Ariz. - Investigators fo-
used yesterday on whether sabotage
iat derailed the Amtrak Sunset Limited
ithe Arizona desert, killing one person
nd injuring about 100 others, was anti-
overnment terrorism or the terrible
andiwork of someone with a grudge.
One source close to the investigation
aid authorities were "leaning a little bit
tore toward an inside job, either a
ilroad employee or an employee com-
ined with an outside group." Another
durce cited railroad merger plans and
aid: "Employees could be laid off.
Imployees could be disgruntled."
A manifesto left at the crash site was
ritical of police and federal law en-
rcement. But one government source
aid it differed in style from what inves-
gators have come to expect from tra-
itional, militant, anti-government
roups. A passenger who saw the mani-
sto said it appeared to be "sarcasti-
ally poetic."
As investigators analyzed the mani-
esto and huntgd for other clues to who
aused the crash, President Clinton said
e was "profoundly outraged" by the
abotage and declared: "We will punish
lose who are responsible. We will not
lerate acts of cowardice like this in
ie United States, regardless of the
At the wreckage, in and along the
ides of a rocky, sun bleached ravine 27
'iles east of this small desert town,
orkers backed a van up to the side of
baggage and mail car and appeared to
e unloading it. Others awaited the ar-
val of cranes to remove the car and
thers that had careened off the tracks.
The train, carrying 248 passengers
nd 20 crew members from Miami to
os Angeles, hit tracks just above the
vine on Monday that had been loos-
ned and moved. Its two locomotives
ianaged to cross a trestle over the
avine and stay on the rails. But several
f its cars left the tracks, and three
ppled into the wash.
A sleeping car attendant was killed.
imtrak said 78 other people, including
everal children, were injured, five of
lem critiaily. Many were in cars that
el 30feet into the ravine.
See AMTRAK, Page 8

Machen appointed next provost

By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
Filling the University's vacant No. 2 aca-
demic post, the Board of Regents last night
unanimously confirmed J. Bernard Machen's
appointment as provost and executive vice
president for academic affairs.
Machen, who has served as interim pro-
vost since September, is appointed through
Aug. 31, 1997, or until the next president
chooses a new provost to take Machen's
spot. Machen has said he is not interested in
taking the job permanently.
President James J. Duderstadt recom-
mended Machen for the post Monday after a
faculty committee said it was calling off its
search. School of Health Prof. Kenneth

Regents support unanimously

Warner said the committee ended its search
after it learned of Duderstadt's announce-
ment that he will resign in June. In supporting
Machen, some regents cited a need for stabi 1-
ity in a time of change.
"This will be a difficult time while we are
searching for a new president," Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) told Machen during
the meeting. "I am sure you will do a fine job
and I am looking forward to working with
Baker's support of Machen came in stark
contrast to his June vote against Machen's

appointment as interim provost. Machen was
appointed following Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr.'s
departure from the office.
Baker then criticized Machen for his role
in heading a task force on implementation of
the sexual orientation clause that was added
to Bylaw 14.06, the University's non-dis-
criminatory statement. At the time, Baker
said he had not received answers to questions
he had regarding the committee's recom-
"I asked him a lot of questions and I felt the
answers were inadequate," Baker said in

June. "Any question that a regent asks should
be answered. This was just a reminder that
he does have to answer any regent ques-
But yesterday, all regents supported
Machen as the clear choice for provost at
this time. Duderstadt also expressed his
"(Machen) has earned a deep respect and
the confidence of the deans and faculty of
this institution," Duderstadt said. "The best
way to provide continuity was to ask Dr.
Machen to assume this role as provost.
Thankfully he has accepted and I believe
that he will have a critical role in the admin-
See PROVOST, Page 8

The University
Board of Regents
approved the
appointment of J.
Bernard Machen
as provost

M SA questions
health care plan

Reading the future
Nicoletta Cataford stands on a'sidewalk corner of North State Street singing and reading tarot cards for people, working to
buy her next meal.

)eiat my be out of Dems' reach in'96

By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily StaffReporter
Members of the Michigan Student
Assembly questioned the research and
findings of a possible health care plan
that would be mandatory for most stu-
dents at the assembly's regular meeting
last night.
After details of the plan were pre-
sented, MSA members said the research
was not adequately based on the needs
of University undergraduates.
Stephen L. Beckley, a Colorado con-
sultant hired by the University last year
to draft the plan, told the assembly that
13 percent of the University's graduate
students are uninsured, while many oth-
ers are under-insured.
"I think you can do a lot better than
the status quo," Beckley said, citing
national statistics and data gathered at
other institutions.
Health Issues Commission member
Natalie Pearce asserted that the research
did not prove that the proposed manda-
tory health care plan was needed at the
L niversity.
"The idea that it's necessary for this
University is based on national argu-
ments and Rackham students, which is
not representative of this student popu-
lation," Pearce said.
MSA President Flint Wainess. who
supports the plan, said Beckley's find-
ings were indeed representative and
emphatically told the assembly that
the plan Beckley wrote is not a pro-
posal in its current state.
"We're not presenting a finished
product or even a polished product,"
Wainess said.
"I think it's good; I think it could be
great," Wainess said. "We have five or
six months to make our own plan."
The plan would cost students $250 to
$350 per term, paid twice a year, and
provide year-round coverage. It would
cover pre-existing conditions, up to $1
million in catastrophic care and in-
creased counseling services, Beckley
Beckley said that a mandatory health
care fee is already in place, in the form
ofthe $96.50 per term University Health
Services fee.
Students could waive the plan by
proving they were adequately insured
by another provider. These students
would still be responsible for a $34 fee
per term, paid to UH S for health educa-
MSA currently offers a student health
insurance plan, which Beckley and
Wainess said was inadequate in meet-
ing students' needs.
"You ought to think about canceling
this plan," Beckley told the assembly.
Many assembly members said they
believe the current health care situation
at the University to be gloomy, and that


Mandatory health
insurance plan
The Michigan Student Assembly
heard a plan last night that would
require most students to pay $250
to $350 per term to enroll in a
health care program. Here's how
the money would be spent:
Comprehensive benefits, $94.26
Counseling center, $26.24
Prevention center, $34.00
Primary care, $98.50

Experts analyze Nunn's retirement

ly Ronnie Giassberg
)aiy Stl Reporter
With Sen. Sam Nunn 's retirement announce-
ient Monday, the Democratic Party may now
ace an insurnountable hurdle to reclaiming
ice Senate in 1996.
Nunn's decision makes hi the eighth Demo-
raic senator who will leave office after this
:rm, The Georgia lawmaker has served in the
enate since 1973.
"If the Democrats ever had any aspirations
o take back the Senate, it's gone," said
olilical science Prof. John Kingdon. "It's
ery unLikelI y that the lDemocratic Party can
ake back control of the Senate. I think they
ave a better chance in the House and a
ecent chance. for the presidency, but the
enate is gone for the Democratic Party."
Kate Je rey press secretary for the Demo-
ratic SenatCal Campaign ommittee, dis-
greed wih Kingdon's analysis.,
"If you look at races around the country. we
.ave excellent chances to pick up seats," Jef-
rey sa i d "No one can predict what the elector-
te is going to do, and we have sone really
trong ndil ites."
The comrt e pledged $660,775, the maxi-
aum amount alowed by law, to retain Nunn's

Besides Nunn, Bill Bradley of New Jersey,
James Exon of Nebraska, Howell Heflin of
Alabama, Bennett Johnston of Louisiana,
Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, David Pryor of
Arkansas and Paul Simon of Illinois have an-
nounced plans to retire.
While Kingdon called the Democratic re-
tirements "very signifi-
cant," he said the House
will be a better indicator of
the party's future.
"As far as judging the ,. J
Democrats' future and for-
tunes, I think the House is,
what you would look at,"
he said. "The House hasy
always been a more party-
oriented body, and that's
why I think that's what toN
look at."
As for the party's chances of taking control
of the House, "I think voters in swing districts
would have to become convinced that the Re-
publicans 'wenttoo far,"' Kingdon said."That's
obviously what the Democrats are trying to set
up right now."
Nunn's retirement will make Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Mich.) the ranking member of the Demo-
cratic Party on the Senate Armed Services

Committee if he wins re-election. Levin is the
third-ranking Democrat on the panel, but the
second-ranked Democrat, Exon, is also retir-
"The Senate will miss (Nunn's). talent
and ability to bring people of diverse views
together'" Levin said in a statement. "I have
worked closely and well with him on all
three of my committees during my Senate
years and will miss him personally a great
Kingdon said he expects the Republicans to
retain control of the Senate until at least the
turn of the century.
"There really has been a partisan
reallignment in the South, and so that really
changes the mix for quite a long time," Kingdon
Haley Barbour, chairman of the Republi-
can National Committee, said in a statement
that Nunn's retirement shows the Democratic
Party is dominated by the left.
"Senator Nunn has long been associated
with the effort to move the Democratic
Party to the center," Barbour said. "His
retirement, along with the retirement of other
southern Democrat senators as well as party
switchers, demonstrates that this effort has
failed. Conservative Democrats have found
there is simply no longer room in the party
for their ideas."
See SENATE, Page 2

senators have
announced that
they will not
run again in
t Bill Bradley:
N.J., three
# J. James
Exon: Neb,
three terms
Howell Heflin:
Ala., three'
* Bennett
Johnston: La,
four terms
* Sam Nunn:
Ga., four terms
9 Claiborne
Pell: RI., six
David Pryor:
Ark., three
Paul Simon:
Ill., two terms

they will push for further research into
a new plan, but they stopped short of
endorsing Beckley' srecommendations
as a whole.
"The plan is good in itself," said
Health Issues Commission Chair Gerard
Castefieda. "But I think the research
needs to be augmented, and I hope that
in the next five to six months we'll
come to a good consensus. "
Academic Affairs Commission Chair
Dan Serota said, "This is somewhat of
a generic plan - it needs to be geared
specifically toward our community and
our University."
Some members of the assembly said
they were disappointed at the prospect
of mandatory health care.
"I think it's irresponsible of the Uni-
versity to try to sell this as such a
wonderful program when I don't see
how they justify a need for this on
campus,' said LSA Rep. Olga Savic.
"I just don't think there's enough
students on this campus who would
either benefit or need it," she said.
Campus Governance Chair Probir
Mehta said that if such a plan were to
be considered, it should be voted on by
the entire student body in a ballot pro-
"There has to be a definite plan and it
has to be run by students, because this is
going to affect everyone andtheirpocket
books," Mehta said.
No formal action was taken at the
meeting, which served primarily as a
question-and-answer session.

Bosnia update Bnia balks on cease-fre agreement
+ Bosnian government- Rebel .L.Y...)A54R65.hJ
Croat federation Serb
SCROATIA The Washington Post come a trusted partner in the peace tary considerations would be "foolish"
%CARA Bl Rn nin.... H i neotiations It also nromtted ques- and expressed concern that it could

; tAKjzvvtsosm-rerzegvn
- The Bosnian government last night
refused to silence its guns and begin a
planned cease-fire as scheduled, citing

g . L-'-
tions from these diplomats whether the
United States, which has become
Bosnia's strongest Western backer,

jeopardize a cease-fire.
"It is counterproductive for them to
hold things up in this way. There is an

i[XpiF y

ii I

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