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September 29, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-29

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onight: Partly cloudy, low
n mid 50s.
omorrow: Partly sunny
igh in mid 70s.



One hundred five years of editorzalfreedom

September 29, 1995

Vol SV# No. #Ii A , h~ N:.


leaves 2
major 'U
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
James J. Duderstadt, who has served
as the 11th president of the University
since 1988, announced yesterday that he
will retire from his post June 30, 1996.
"I feel like the burden of 37,000 sons
and daughters has been relieved,"
Duderstadt said yesterday in an inter-
view with The Michigan Daily.
"I've completed everything that was
on my original listrThe next challenges
w'zuld take too much time to achieve -
they would require at least another five
to 10 years."
The announcement leaves the Uni-
versity with gaping holes at the top of
the administration. Gilbert R. Whitaker
Jr. left the No. 2 spot of provost at the
beginning of the semester.
Duderstadt said he will remain at the
University as a professor of science and
engineering and that he has no inten-
tions of accepting a presidential post at
another university.
"I've done that gig; I've done that
bit," Duderstadt said. "I have no plans
to do it again."
The University Board of Regents re-
l ased a statement yesterday accepting
Duderstadt's decision "with regret." The
regents will now comprise the search
committee for a new president.
Duderstadt said he is leaving his post
proud of the University's current status.
"The growing diversity of the cam-
pus is important, our academic quality
is higher than it's ever been, and we're
hitting our Campaign for Michigan goal
this year," Duderstadt said. "Looking
around we've completed $1 billion of
renovations on the Ann Arbor campus
- almost everything's been rebuilt."
Harold Shapiro, University president
from 1981-87, said Duderstadt deserved
praise for his accomplishments.
"It takes vision and courage to break
new ground," Shapiro said. "He served
the University very well and I'm very
sorry to see him go."
But Duderstadt said the decision to
leave is not without regrets.
"I would have liked to have achieved
more of an appreciation from the resi-
dents of Michigan for what a great
institution this is," Duderstadt said. "I
wish I could have been more ofa cheer-
leader for the institution. It always oc-

curs to me that the further you go the
more highly regarded we are."
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
Cochran n
plea to Sir
LOS ANGELES - Lead defense
Johnnie Cochran Jr. urged the juror
O.J. Simpson case yesterday to searc
hearts and minds and make a stand
corruption in the criminal justice sys
rejecting the police evidence and ac
Simpson in the murders of his ex-w
Ronald Goldman.
"One of the things that has made this
so great is people's willingness to stand
say, 'That's wrong; I'm not going to be

. . . . ......... .

In his eighth year as the leader of the University,

President JamesJ. Duderstadt is


Duderstadt's lasting a Lawmaker says 'U' should
legacy, Page 3 next close search, Page 4

Why other presidents
stepped down, Page 5

are mied
By Kiran Chaudhri
Daily Staff Reporter
The general consensus was shock;
after that, the reactions to President
James J. Duderstadt's resignation an-
nouncement varied widely.
"I think it's very surprising," said
LSA sophomore Yejide Peters. "Ev-
eryone thought he was going to be here
forever. Maybe it's best for him - he
had to make a personal -decision and
sometimes that comes before business."
Peters also expressed concern over
the search for a new president. "I think
it's going to obviously lead to an up-
heaval. But hopefully, they'll be able to
initiate a smooth transition," she said.
Dan Serota, an LSA sophomore and
the Michigan Student Assembly's chair
for academic affairs, voiced similar con-
cerns. "I hope that the search for the new
president is an open search where stu-
dents are given the time and opportunity
to look at the candidates and give input
to the search committee," Serota said.
Some students viewed Duderstadt's
term very critically, and said they look
forward to a better leader.
"I remember when they were talking
about getting Duderstadt elected -the
TAs wanted us to sign petitions not to
get him elected," said Architecture
graduate student Gerri Little. "They
portrayed him as an 'evil character'
who didn't seem for the people.
"I've seen what he's done.... I would
rather see him spending money on the
quality of education rather than on the
infrastructure. I'm ready for a change
of leadership so that other agendas can
be followed," Little added.
Brian Gorman, a Social Work post-
doctoral student, said Duderstadt "is
not interested in true equality. He is
nothing more than a politically correct
socialist. His resignation did not come
soon enough."
Other students expressed concern
over the status of minority programs at
the University. Duderstadt was known
for his role as pioneer of the Michigan
Mandate, which worked to increase the
number of students and faculty of color.
"It sounded like Duderstadt wanted
the University to become the leader in
affirmative action, and it sounded like it
was his leadership that would head that,"
said LSA senior Abe Bates.
MSA Rep. Fiona Rose, an LSA
sophomore, predicted Duderstadt's res-
ignation will be a loss to students look-
See STUDENTS, Page 2

University President James J. Duderstadt gives a telephone interview yesterday after announcing hisdecision to resign in June.

"1 feel like the burden of 37,000 sones
and daughters, has been relieved"
-James J. Duderstadt
University President

said he and the other board members
were notified of Duderstadt's inten-
tions by a fax yesterday morning.
"This is a surprise," Baker said. "But
the world is full of surprises, and he has
said over the months and years that he
has thought of retiring."
Gov. John Engler said through his
press secretary, John Truscott, that some
Democrats on the board had forced
Duderstadt to leave. Truscott would not
say who the governor's source was.
Truscott also said Engler wants the
power to appoint members to govern-
ing boards at the three state universities
where they are elected - Michigan

State University, Wayne State Univer-
sity and the University of Michigan.
"I think a lot of it was based on person-
alities and (the regents) wanted more
stroking than (Duderstadt) wanted to give
them," Truscott said. "The governor is
aware of some things internally that some
people were trying to get him to leave."
Vice President for University Rela-
tions Walter Harrison, however, said
there was no truth to the claim.
"I think the governor is dead wrong
about why Jim retired - he made a
decision after eight years, that's all,"
Harrison said.
The announcement comes at a vola-

tile time for the University, which cur-
rently has five interim deans and execu-
tive officers.
"This University is so decentralized that
there's no one or two changes even at the
top that are going to disrupt it," said interim
Provost J. Bernard Machen. "It might be
difficult to replace some of the interim
positionswithpermanent people, though."
Machen's own position as interim
provost is now in flux, as a search
committee recently narrowed its candi-
dates to a pool of five.
The provost reports directly to the
president, who must approve the ap-
"No one has made a substantive deci-
sion at this time, and we have to decide
whether (a provost search) worth going
through with," Harrison said. "We have
two choices - one is we can go for-
ward and attempt to find the best per-
son. Two is that we don't go forward
and we allow the president to choose

Other Vacancies
Provost: Gilbert R Whitaker Jr.
retired. Bernard Machen serving
as interim.
Engineering Dean: Peter Banks left
for private business. Glenn Knoll
serving as interim.
Natural Resources and Environment
Dean: Garry Brewer stepped down.
Vice President for Development:
Thomas Kinnear serving as
his own provost."
Machen also said that Duderstadt's
retirement may prolong the search for
"Most of the people who answer di-
rectly to the president are going to want
to wait to make a decision until they
know who they're working for," Machen
said. "We had a provost candidate on

Hakes fiery final
npson jurors

Palestinians, settlers protest
peace accord inMideast

s in the
ch their
tem by
ife and
up and
part of

went to his home on the morning after the murders
of Simpson's ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and
He also asked the predominantly black jury to
recall the testimony ofKathleen Bell and Roderick
Hodge, who said that Fuhrman had told them that
if he didn't have a reason to arrest a black, he
would find one, and that he had expressed hatred
toward interracial couples. Cochran alleged that
the seeds of Fuhrman's hatred toward Simpson
were sown in 1985, when he responded to a
domestic violence call from Nicole Simpson.

HEBRON, West Bank (AP) - As
Israel and the PLO sealed a West
Bank autonomy accord yesterday,
hard-line Israelis marched in Hebron
to accuse their government of trea-
son and anti-Israel protests erupted
in a refugee camp.
Still, most Israelis and Palestinians
appeared indifferent or ambivalent to
the long-awaited accord, which trans-
fers one-third of the West Bank to PLO
leader Yasser Arafat's control after a
gradual withdrawal of Israeli occupa-
tion troops from West Bank towns.
The White Hunse siinino ceremonv.

with a strike call by the Muslim militant
group Hamas. But Palestinians in seven
other West Bank towns did not, indicat-
ing growing support for Arafat.
A survey conducted among Palestin-
ians indicated that while 70 percent are
in favor ofpeace talks, 60 percent doubt
they will lead to a lasting peace with
Israel. The survey had a margin of error
of 3 percent.
Another survey published yesterday
indicated that only 51 percent of Israe-
lis support the new peace agreement,
while 47 percent oppose it. The poll had
a margin of error of 4 nercent.

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