The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 27, 1995 - 3
JJNCF gets $1M
mm NFL support
The United Negro College Fund has
teamed up with 50 players from the
. National Football League to create a $1
million scholarship fund for histori-
cally black colleges. Students at any of
the nation's more than 100 black col-
leges are eligible for the scholarships.
Next fall, the fund will award a mini-
mum of 100 renewable scholarships of
as much as $5,000 to college juniors.
Students must have at least a 3.0 grade
pointaverage andprovenfinancialneed.
Though this scholarship is affiliated
with the NFL, students do not need to
be athletes.
The 50 football players involved have
each made donations of $10,000, and
the gifts are being matched by the league.
The idea for the scholarship began
when NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue
saw an advertisement for the fund and
contacted its president, William Gray, to
see how the league could help.
Cornell IFC cracks
down on open
Following a crackdown by the Cornell
university police on underage drinking,
the school's Interfraternity Council re-
sponded Monday by imposing new
open-party restrictions.
Cornell IFC President Scott Fintzy
said only students who have invitations
to fraternity parties will now be al-
lowed to attend.
"The IFC is taking a stance that fra-
ternities will be limited to the number
of invitations produced and will only
allow those with invites to enter the
party," Fintzy said.
"The change ... isnot the result of a
new president, a new police chief or a
new judicial administrator," said Susan
Murphy, vice president for student and
academic services. "The reality is on
this campus we've got to figure out how
to protect ourselves," Murphy said.
Currently, there are five alcohol-re-
lated lawsuits involving Cornell, with a
sixth pending. These lawsuits are ap-
proaching$ ill d ifall d
continue "will shut down the system,"
Murphy added.
student tumbles
from goalpost
After the Northwestern University
football team defeated Air Force 30-6
.,.for its first home win in almost two
years on Saturday, about 300 ecstatic
students stormed the field, and about 15
people climbed the North goalpost.
During the post-game celebration,
Northwestern student Wayne Heusel
fell from the crossbar of the goalpost
and landed on his neck. Heusel was
semi-conscious and unresponsive on
the field, said Northwestern University
Police Lt. Darren Davis.
Heusel wastakento Evanston Hospi-
..tal and released a few hours later, a
hospital spokeswoman said.
The people who climbed onto the
North goalpost engaged in a futile at-
tempt to tear it down. Northwestern
" installed goalposts three or four years
ago that were designed not to come
down, said Vice President for Univer-
sity Relations Ken Wildes.
No new security measures will be
taken to prevent people from climbing
goalposts, Wildes said.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Lisa Poris
'U' alum, 19, overcomes challenges, heads to Yale Law
The Yale Daily News
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - At 13, while most
current Yale students were agonizing over the
slobbery logistics of their first kisses, Benjamin
Bolget was entering the University.
Now at 19, the youngest Yale Law student in
recent memory is no Doogie Howser, though. He
has had a long road to New Haven - one filled
with dyslexia, drunk driving, poverty and divorce.
Though Bolger graduated first in his class from
the University, he can only read at a fifth-grade
level - and though he has lived with his single
mother in a house without running water, he has
spent the past five months working just down the
hall from President Clinton.
"Most people would probably look at me and say
I shouldn't be in a hurry," Bolger said. "But I look
at my life and say, 'I'm 19, and what have I
accomplished?' And the answer keeps coming
back - not enough." Bolger has had to combat
considerable adversity, beginning with dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a much broader problem than just
reversing letters to read "saw" as "was." Bolger
describes his own problem as "phonetic." For
instance, he spells "phone" F-O-N.
"It makes sense," he noted, "but that's not how
it works."
Resources for dyslexic kids proved limited in
Bolger's suburban Detroit hometown, so his
mother opted to home-school herson. Mrs. Bolger
had time to devote to her son only because she was
unable to work.
When Bolger was 3, a drunk driver hit him and
his mother at 90 mph. The accident left Mrs.
Bolger permanently disabled with internal inju-
ries. Working was no longer an option.
To make things worse, Bolger said his engi-
neer father was not exactly "active" in finan-
cially supporting him and his mother. A messy
10-year-long divorce left Mrs. Bolger single
and unemployed.
Still, Bolger thrived intellectually as a
homeschooler. He loved being able to study some-
thing for as long as he wanted, notjust until the bell
rang. "I wasn't forced to learn. It was something I
embraced - with excitement," he recalled.
At 13, Bolger felt he had "exhausted the re-
sources" of homeschooling. The University, he
said, was the "next logical step." Since he arrived at
college - and even now at Yale - Mrs. Bolger
spends six or more hours a day helping Ben with his
work. Most of this time is spent reading to him or
taking dictation."I neverthought ofit as asacrifice,"
she explained. "I consider it a joy to be a mentor to
my son."
Mrs. Bolger didn't, however, move in with himn
at college. So as a 13-year-old first-year student,
Bolger had his own apartment.
Although he claims not to have been an "Ani-
mal House"-esque partier, Bolger wasn't as so-
cially inept as one might expect a 13-year-old
college student to be. His friends included many
kids his own age and others of college age.
- Distributed by University Wire
answers to tim1,eless
questions in exhibit
Drum majors
Members of the snare section of the Michigan Marching Band play daily outside Revelli Hall.
Diag still under construction -plans
are to be completed next
By Lenny Feller
Daily Sta"fReporter
Joseph T. Adler was born in 1894 in
Frankfurt, Germany, his family's an-
cestral home since the 13th century.
Adler worked as a book dealer and a
real-estate broker until 1939 when he
was interned in Dachau, a Nazi concen-
tration camp. He spent four months
there among displaced Jewish refugees
before being released thanks to the tire-
less efforts of his family.
Within the year, he emigrated to the
United States, where he worked for a
short time as a tree farmer. His wife
Marie worked in a flower store and
made lampshades.
His true calling, however, was a far
cry from being a real-estate broker, a
book dealer or a tree farmer. For 40
years, Adler's hobby was the collection
of stamps. In the mid-1930s, he traded
that hobby for what would become his
lifelong obsession.
"At first I collected only stamps. Then
I thought, 'Why should you have stamps
when you don't know what stamps mean?'
So I came to Judaica," Adler said.
"I work day and night and night and
day for the collection. It keeps me on
the go. What is the meaning of this?
This I want to find out. And this is the
most important thing," he said.
Adler's collection , part of which is
on display on the seventh floor of the
Graduate Library, spans tens of thou-
sands ofpictures, letters, paintings, post-
cards, book manuscripts, stamps and
artifacts, including a piece of wallpa-
per from Anne Frank's home during the
war and a singular description of
Kri stallnacht, the "night ofglass," a riot
that occurred Nov. 9, 1939, when Ger-
man officers set fire to synagogues,
Jewish businesses and homes.
"This is the only one that has been
found," said Ruth Schnee, Adler's
daughter. "As things were happening,
(Adler) would put it on little pieces of
paper and hide it in pockets, in cups,
anywhere he could because you were
not allowed to record what was happen-
ing. You would be shot."
Kristallnacht and the four months he
spent in Dachau haunt Adler, forcing
him to remember the atrocities on a
daily basis. "This follows me all my
life, since the time I was there," Adler
said. "It's been more than 50 years and
still I can't get over it. I don't want to
talk about it because I have enough
thinking of it every day."
"It stands in my view now as the day
I came out of Dachau. I have the same
Adler believes the emotions of the
Holocaust can never truly be transmit-
ted to the present generation.
"You can't imagine the people they
brought to Auschwitz and Treblinka
and all the camps," Adler said. "You
can't imagine because you have to see.
"It was horrible. They asked people
to dig holes. They put the people in the
holes and killed them. It has no feeling
for you. You say it's horrible and in five
minutes you talk about something else."
Though the emotions of the past can-
not be transmitted to the present, it is
knowledge of the past that Adler be-
lieves to be vital. The collection serves a
dual purpose in Adler's view: a chronicle
of the history of the Jewish people and a
place where answers can be found.
"Everything that has to do with Juda-
ism is in collection," said Adler.
By Eileen Reynolds
For the Daily
As part of an overall campus beauti-
fication effort, the Diag is undergoing a
"refacing" that will continue until early
next spring.
Lead designers Johnson, Johnson, and
Roy have conceptual plans, yet they are
unclear when further construction and
landscaping will begin.
The West Engineering courtyard was
recently redone, including the addition
of an underground sprinkler system.
New sod, trees and shrubs were also
planted in the area, and heavy bark dust
was added to increase drainage.
Promptly after the completion of West
Engineering, the area of the Diag situ-
ated directly in front of the new Randall
Laboratory was redone.
New sod, shrubs and bark dust also
were part of the re-landscaping at
Randall. Supplementary lighting was
installed around the building and walk-
ways were built to increase safety.
The landscaping on campus is con-
ducted and overseen by the University
Landscape and Architect office. Since
the office is University-run, SNRE stu-
dents and faculty will often participate
in landscaping projects.
SNRE Prof. Bob Gracey occasion-
ally gets his students involved in the
planting design of University grounds.
Except for the area on the East side
,of Randall, "things are pretty much
done," said Terry Ramsey an architect
for the University.
Jamie Maier, a laborer on the land-
scaping in front of Randall, said, "We
never know what we're doing from one
week to the next."
Even though there is a major plan for
renovation being considered, things may
be over for now.
West Engineering took three weeks
to complete and the area around Randall
took less than two.
While landscaping may be coming to
a halt, construction is still well under-
The office of construction manage-
ment said the landscaping is ending
because there is a rush to finish con-
struction done before winter sets in.
With the dedication of the new
Randall Laboratory Facility Building
coming up in October, the major reno-
vation on the Diag will be suspended
until early next spring.
Arrest made in murder case
Lxpress yourself
StUhy abroa .
SOUTHFIELD (AP) -Police found
Ken Tranchidajust after midnight Mon-
day, alone in an apartment in an impov-
erished Detroit neighborhood, his wrists
bleeding from apparently self-inflicted
Murder charges against the 42-year-
old man, hunted intensely since he be-
came a suspect in an Oakland Univer-
sity college student's death, were ex-
pected within two days.
"We have reason to believe Ken
Tranchida was directly responsible for
the death of Tina Biggar," Police Chief
Joseph E. Thomas said.
Tranchida had not been charged with
any crime yesterday afternoon. He was
being held on a parole violation, Tho-
mas said.
Tranchida had failed to report to his
parole officer since July 20, state Cor-
rections Department spokesman War-
ren Williams said. He had served time
for breaking.
N There has not been a provost selected from outside the University in more than 30 years. This was incorrectly
reported in yesterday's Daily.
Saloni Raval's name was mispelled in yesterday's Daily.
. . .. .
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
J Hindu Students Council, weekly dis-
cussion, 764-2671Michigan
Union, Pond Rooms A-C, 8 p.m.
O La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D,
7 p.m.
0 Lutheran Campus Ministry, Lord of
Light Lutheran Church, 801 South
Forest, Holden Evening Prayer 7
p.m., Choir 7:30 p.m.
D Muslim Students Association,
meeting, 6656416, Michigan
League, Henderson Room, 7 p.m.
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.
Dl Taekwn~nd~n fClub- heonn~rs and
zine, Chemistry Building, Room
1650, 7 p.m.
Q "FORUM Registration Sessions,"
sponsored by Career Planning and
Placement, 3200 Student Activi-
ties Building, 12:40-1 p.m. and
6:10-6:30 p.m.
Q "Israeli Soldiers in Gaza, Before
and During Palestinian
Autonomy," Israeli Video, spon-
sored by Hillel, Hillel, 1429 Hill
Street, 7 p.m.
Q "Philosophy: Who Needs It?" spon-
sored by U-M Students of Objec-
tivism, Michigan League, 7 p.m.
Q "Practical Training and Employment
for international
Students," sponsored by Interna-
tional Center, International Cen-
Q "Writing a Law School Personal
Statement," sponsored by Ca-
reer Planning and Placement,
Mason Hall, Room 3410, 4:10-
5 p.m.
Q "ZS Associates information Ses-
sion," sponsored by Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Michigan
League, Vandenberg Room, 7-9
0 Campus information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info 76-EVENT or
UM*Events on GOpherBLUE,
and http://www.umich.edu/
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