2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 27, 1995
Detroit congressman
sees al white faces,
wants minority pages
Insiders predict effects of Perot's party
MRSA President Flint Walness (left) and Vice President Sam Goodstein confer
during last night's meeting, at which their budget was passed.
Continued from Page 1.
Freeman said. The Students' Party bud-
get amendment allocated no funding to
committees that had not submitted in-
Aernal budgets.
7 The Students' Party alternative bud-
get failed as an amendment last night at
9:30, making way for the assembly to
vote down the compromise budget
amendment less than an hour later.
The compromise budget included
x$13,500 to create a Student Leadership
Financial Aid Fund, which would give
money to "underprivileged" members.
BPC Vice Chair Amy Andriekus,
who was not present at Monday night's
BPC meeting to draft a compromise
budget, said she would resign if the
assembly voted to create such a fund.
LSA Rep. Fiona Rose said she was
"ecstatic" that the executive budget
passed inwits original form.
"What we're discussing here is not a
Michigan Party budget and a Students'
Party budget and a 'golden compro-
mise' in the middle," Rose said. "We
had a compromise from the outset."
John Conyers says he gets upset when
he looks around the Capitol and sees
mostly white faces among the congres-
sional pages.
"Nobody knows of any (blacks) be-
ing appointed in the new class. It's
incredible," the Detroit Democrat said
in an interview this week.
There are 64 pages in this year's
class, which started Sept. 3, and only
one is a minority-an Asian-American
All but a handful are selected by the
majority party - this year the Republi-
Conyers sent a letter to House Speaker
Newt Gingrich last Friday, asking him
to identify the minority pages now serv-
ing members.
"This is something we can correct
very easily by appointing African
American pages," said Conyers, the
ranking member of the 40-member
Congressional Black Caucus. "My sug-
gestion is that we quickly bring some
on board and put this matter behind
In past years, there have been up to
20 minority pages with five to 10 black
pages, according to estimates by former
House officers.
Karen Quinn, the page program co-
ordinator at the Office of the Clerk, did
not return phone messages left yester-
day asking for an accounting of minor-
ity pages.
"I think the fact that they don't want
to release the figures is very telling,
and suggests that they are too embar-
rassed about the situation," Conyers
A spokeswoman for Rep. Donald
Payne (D-N.J.) who heads the Black
Caucus, said the caucus was meeting
today and discussion about the pages is
on the agenda.
House pages are 16-years-old and
help in congressional offices, including
running errands.
Conyers said the experience allows
teens the opportunity to learn about
government and inspires some to gov-
ernment service.
WASHINGTON - Ross Perot's announcement that he _
will create a new political party produced an avalanche of
political speculation yesterday, but two themes emerged across
partisan lines: it would likely boost the re-election prospects
of President Clinton while helping preserve Republican con-
trol of Congress.
In a clear signal of Republican concern, GOP party chair-
man Haley Barbour said: "Democrats who think Ross Perot's
announcement (Monday) night will save them are in for a rude
awakening ... There will be no market for an independent or
third-party presidential candidate in 1996 if we Republicans
keep our word and do what we promised. If we fulfill our Perot
mandate and don't stop short of the goal line (as many people
fear), a Ross Perot party or candidacy will never materialize or will amount to
On the politics of the plan, Democrat pollster Celinda Lake and Republican
pollster Frank Luntz agreed that Perot's proposal, especially if he becomes the
candidate of his own new party, would be far more advantageous to Clinton than
to any GOP challenger.
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Continued from Page :1
full-time curator of Judaica.
Christine McGinley, the Graduate
Library's head of development, said
the University is seeking another 13
donors to complete the endowment by
giving $25,000 each to generate an-
other $350,000.
McGinley added that two donors
have already been found. "(The search)
is going very well," she said.
The new position, to be called Cura-
tor of Judaica, will be an invaluable
help to students researching Jewish
culture and history, McGinley said.
"Expert guidance makes a world of
difference to research and scholarship,"
she said.
McGinley also said the University's
Judaica Collection, comprising over
50,000 volumes, compares favorably
with the finest collections in the coun-
The curator will help guide re-
searchers, faculty and the more than
900 students enrolled in Judaic stud-
ies to navigate the University's col-
lection and find other resources.
The curator position will be filled
through a national search, McGinley
Japanese work to
repair real estate
damages in Hawaii
HONOLULU - It wasn't long ago
that the Japan Airlines flight from To-
kyo to Honolulu was a virtual com-
muter shuttle for cash-rich Japanese
investors shopping for resorts and man-
sions. And residents were holding ral-
lies to protest the flood of Japanese
money into their tropical islands.
Yesterday, the Boeing 747s landing
at Honolulu International Airport were
disgorging somberbankers, accountants
and lawyers assigned the messy task of
cleaning up a disastrous Hawaiian real-
estate binge that has cost Japanese in-
vestors, by one estimate, a staggering
$6 billion.
And local folks are lamenting a dra-
matic Japanese retreat that has sent ho-
tel and luxury home prices plummet-
ing, pushed vacancy rates for prime
office space in downtown Honolulu to
17 percent, and confronted local gov-
ernments with a shrinking property tax
For Hawaii, which fed from the trough
of Japan's economic success in the
1980s, it's payback time. As such, it is
a striking illustration of the interna-
tional implications of the crisis in
Japan's mammoth banking network.
Cbinese smuggling
aphrodisiacs to LA.
LOS ANGELES - Four Chinese
have been charged with trying to
smuggle bear bile, deer testicles and
other purported aphrodisiacs into the
United States from China.
Zhongri Gao, 36, Yongzhe Jin, 34,
Xianglu Jin, 35, and Songyue Li, 35,
were arrested Sept. 6 at Los Angeles
International Airport.
Investigators seized $2 million worth
of bear bile, gall bladders of Asiatic
black bears, musk deer testicles, rhi-
noceros horn pills and tiger bone plas-
ters - all considered aphrodisiacs in
some Asian countries.
The items were hidden in clothing
and luggage.
Asiatic black bears are protected by
international treaty, and the other items
are covered by U.S. or international laws.
The defendants could get five years.
The Michigan Student Assembly is looking for students to serve on campus-
wide committees. Committees are comprised of students, faculty and staff,
and advise various University Departments. Most committees meet about
once a month and require a commitment of one to two years.
Student Legal Services (3) 2 undergrad and 1 Law student
Financial Affairs (2) 1 grad and 1 undergrad
Student Relations (4) grad and undergrad
Research Policies (3) 1 undergrad and 2 grad
Recreational Sports (2) students
Military Officer Education Programs (2) students
University Library Council (1) graduate student (1) undergraduate student
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards (1) student
Distinguished Research Scientist Award (1) student
Faculty Awards (1) student
Civil Liberties Board (3) grad and undergrad
University Relations (4) grad and undergrad
Academic Affairs (1) student
Health Affairs (1) student
Ann Arbor Tenants' Union (2) students
Residency Appeals Board (1) student
Committee for a Multicultural University (4) grad and undergrad
Intercollegiate Athletics (1) student
Michigan League Board (1) student
Interested? Please pick up an application or contact Probir Mehta or
Missy LaForge at the Michigan Student Assembly. 3909 Michigan
Union, 763-3241, to apply. Applications are due no later than
October 6 1995.
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Gadhafi faces clashes
with Muslim
.tants in Libya
TRIPOLI, Libya - Long spared the
bloodshed of Algeria and Egypt, Col.
Moammar Gadhafi is getting a taste of
the Islamic rebellion that has bedeviled
his North African neighbors.
Armed Muslim militants clashed with
police in June and again this month in
Benghazi and other towns in eastern
Libya, diplomats and witnesses said.
The death toll was put as high as 110,
and hundreds were said to be arrested in
an ensuing crackdown.
The government denies any such
uprising, saying the clashes were be-
tween police and drug smugglers. The
diplomats, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, said Libya's strong reac-
tion to the clashes showed the govern-
ment fears a Muslim revolt.
In June, authorities cut off telephone
links for at least a day to Benghazi,
Libya's second-largest city. After the
early September clashes, police set up
roadblocks and prevented people from
leaving or entering the city for 24 hours
as they pursued militants in what diplo-
mats called a "virtual siege."
The size of the opposition is unclear,
and there does not appear to be any
immediate threat to Gadhafi, who has
held power for 26 years by keeping a
tight rein on the military, police and the
intelligence service.
Like militant Muslim movements in
other nations, opponents of Gadhafi's
secular-oriented rule want to establish
an Islamic state, but more specific goals
are not known.
Teachers stage first-
ever shke in Russia
MOSCOW - Tens of thousands of
teachers protesting low salaries, late
paychecks and impoverished class-
rooms staged Russia's first nationwide
school strike yesterday, prompting the
government to cough up $57 million
for promised pay raises.
The one-day walkout was part of a
rising resistance by public employees
to austerity measures that are finally
taming inflation and stabiliziingthe ruble
after nearly four years of erratic free-
market policies.
Teachers are among the most conser-
vative ofunionized professionals in Rus-
sia and many agonized over the decision
on whether to abandon their pupils and
join the strike. Fewer than one-fifth of
them did so, but some schools were shut
down in most of Russia's 89 regions -
with apologies to parents and children
posted at main entrances.
When the academic year opened on
Sept. 1, Trunova's school could not
afford to buy ledgers on which teachers
record attendance.
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PHOTO Jonathanur'e,Editor
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